Toms Wills: Addresses in UK wills 1931-1939.

China is an old place, where many people lived
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PAGE 1  

Grantor surname (1931-9):
District (England-Wales):
Browse modern postcodes

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
ABEL of Szemao Yunnan Fu China
ACKERMAN of 27 McGregor-road Shanghai -- China
ALBRECHT of Hankow China
ALLISON of Calle Berlin 1066 Villa Alemana Republic of -- China
ANDERSON of 196 Seymour-road Shanghai -- China
ANDERSON of 40 Leasowe-road Wallasey Cheshire and care of the Lester Trust 2 Canton-road Shanghai -- China
ANDERSON of Pakhoi China
ANDERSON of Shanghai -- China
ANDREWS of Futsing Fukien -- China
ANNAND of care of The Tientsin Land and Investment Company Limited Tientsin -- China
ANTYFAS of Konnaya-street 24 Pristan Harbin Manchuria China
ASHFORD of 96 Sun-avenue Shanghai China
ASHWORTH of 5 Observatory-villas Kowloon Hong Kong -- China
ASPLAND of The British Embassy Peking -- China
ATKINSON of 703 Way-fong House Shanghai -- China
ATKINSON of Shanghai -- China
AUSTIN of 372 Haiphong-road Shanghai -- China
AUSTIN of Black Clauchrie Barrhill Ayrshire and of co Messrs Jardine Matheson and Company Limited Shanghai and Hong Kong China
BACKHOUSE of 16 Peak Mansions The Peak Hong Kong China
BAGLEY of Stanley Prison Hong Kong -- China
BAILLIE of Rose Bank Heywood Lancashire and Shanghai -- China
BAKER of House 2 Lane 310 Yeuping-road Shanghai -- China
BARKER of Hong Kew Police Headquarters Shanghai -- China
BARKUS of Shanghai -- China
BARLOW of Shanghai -- China
BATEMAN of House A 4 Tocopilla -- China
BATLEY of The Chinese Maritime Customs Shanghai China
BAYNE of Imperial Chemical Industries Limited Amoy -- China
BELL of Chiao-tao Honan North -- China
BELL of Kiangsi-road Shanghai -- China
BELL of Shanghai -- China
BERGIN of Kiukiang Kiangsi -- China
BICHARD of Shanghai -- China
BISHOP of The Green Island Cement Companj Limited Kowloon Hong Kong -- China
BLACK of 15 The Peak Victoria Hong Kong -- China
BLANCHETT of Canton China
BLATCHFORD of Shanghai China
BLOOMFIELD of 175 Soochow-road Shanghai -- China
BLOWEY of Shanghai China
BOLE of The China Inland Mission Shanghai China
BOLLARD of 499 The Peak Hong Kong China
BOMPAS of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Hongkong -- China
BONIFACE of Shanghai -- China
BORINEVITCH of 255-1 Rue Admiral Courbet Shanghai -- China
BORROWS of Tientsin North -- China
BOSUSTOW of C Hsien Yang-road litis Huk Tsingtao -- China
BOULTON of Quarry Bay Hong Kong China
BOULTON of The Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Company Limited Quarry Bay Hong -Kong -- China
BOURNE of Lunghwa Civil Assembley Centre -- China
BOWLBY of Sacred Heart Hospital Hangchow Chekiang -- China
BOYCE of The British Embassy Peking -- China
BOYD of Cathay Mansions Shanghai China
BRADY of 910 Route de Zi-Ka-Wei Shanghai -- China
BRAMELD of 508 avenue Haig Shanghai China
BRAMELD of London Mission Siao Chang Hopes North -- China
BRAMELD of London Mission Sias Hopes Chang and of The London Mission Peking and of temporarily of The British Embassy Peking all in North -- China
BRANGWIN of Swatow -- China
BRANSON of 137 Goldhawk-road Shepherds Bush London W12 temporarily of Tientsin North -- China
BREDON of 31 Chuan Pan Hutung Pekin -- China
BRIAULT of 123 Singapore-road Tientsin North -- China
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
BRISTER of 190 Kiukiang-road Shanghai -- China
BROADBENT of Changsha Hunan China
BROOM of care of The Shanghai Power Company Shanghai -- China
BROOMFIELD of The Civic Assembly Centre Weihsien Shantung -- China
BROWN of 111b Hong Kong-road Tientsin -- China
BROWN of Holts Wharf Pootung Shanghai -- China
BROWN of Resident Engineer s House Holt s-wharf Shanghai -- China
BROWNBILL of Shanghai -- China
BROWNRIGG of 175 Soochow-road Shanghai -- China
BRUCE of Butterfield-and-Swire Shanghai -- China
BRUGUIERE of 229 Rue Catinat Saigon French Cochin -- China
BRYANT of the London Missionary Society Tsangchow -- China
BUCHANAN of Shanghai -- China
BUCHANAN of Shanghai -- China
BUCHSTAB of 346 Ward-road Shanghai -- China
BURNETT of The Evangelical Protestant Mission Chefoo North -- China
BURNIE of 492 Avenue Haig Shanghai -- China
BURNS of Cathey Mansions Shanghai -- China
BURROUGHS of the Blind School See Bo Fuchow Fukien Province -- China
BURROUGHS of The House of Peace Chanyang Kutien District Foochow South -- China
BUSBRIDGE of Calle Santo Domingo 328 San Felipe -- China
BYLES of the London Mission Hankow -- China
BYRNE of 4 University-path Hong Kong -- China
CAFFARENA of 569 rue Massenet Shanghai -- China
CAMPBELL of Casilla 2461 Santiago de Chile -- China
CAREY of 64 Denis-apartments Bubbling Well-road Shanghai -- China
CARLEY of Stanley Fort Hong Kong -- China
CARNIE of 11 Ningpo-road Tientsin -- China
CARR of Flat 4 110 Tsoug-chaw-road Shanghai -- China
CASATI of The Chinese Customs Service Shanghai -- China
CATER of 54 Bubbling Well-road Shanghai -- China
CAVE of 44 Kinchow-road Shanghai -- China
CHADWICK of Room 609 The Continental Bank-building 113 Kinkiang-road Shanghai -- China
CHALMERS of Shanghai -- China
CHAN of Honk Kong -- China
CHAN WAN SHIof To Yuen Siu To Yuen Village Fung Wong Kong Honam Canton Kwong Tung Province -- China
CHAN YUET TINGof 227 Wing Lok-street-west Victoria Hongkong -- China
CHANG HSIEN FU of 100 Hsin Kong Lee Yangtszepoo-road Shanghai -- China
CHAO of 29 Gordon-road Shanghai China
CHAPMAN of Hankow China
CHAVES of Las Encinas 3046 Santiago -- China
CHINE KAM FOONC of 12 Liao Yang-road Shanghai -- China
CHING YUNG MING of Tong Yong Tsuicha Wan-Ningpo -- China
CHRISTOPHERSON of 5 Tsung Jen-lane off Race Course-road Tientsin -- China
CHUof 7 Sui Ning New-street Wai Oy West-road Canton China
CHUWAICHING of 78 Foochow-road Shanghai -- China
CHWANG of 185 Nanking-road Shanghai China
CLARKE of 10 Duke-street Hong Kong -- China
CLARKE of 434 Race Course-road Tientsin North China
CLARKE of 48 Szechuen-road Shanghai -- China
CLARKE of Hankow China
COLBECK of 7 Nan Kou Yen West City Peiping 6 -- China
COLEMAN of Central Police Station Hong Kong -- China
COLMAN of 170 Route Magning Shanghai -- China
COMBER of Avenida Constanza 97 Santiago and of Orella 769 Iquique -- China
COMERY of Ash Camp Civil Assembly Centre 63 Great Western-road Shanghai -- China
CONWAY of Shanghai -- China
COOK of 514 Avenue Haig Shanghai -- China
COOK of Vina del Mar 678 Erruzuriz-street Valpariaso -- China
COOPER of Concepcion -- China
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
COOPER of Wesleyan Methodist Mission Lot 30a Ruling Kiangsi China
COPPIN of Macao -- China
CORDON of Shanghai Bank Building Shanghai -- China
CORNISH of Clements Apartments 1363 Rue Lafayette Shanghai -- China
COUYOUMDJIAN of Casilla 2887 Santiago -- China
COXON of London Mission Hankow -- China
CRAWFORD of Hong Kong -- China
CROSS of 689 Rue Ratard Shanghai -- China
CROSTHWAIT of Hong Kong -- China
D'OLIVEIRA of 22 Avenue Victor Emanuel Shanghai -- China
DANG VAN DING of The Inscription Maritime Haiphong Indo -- China
DAVIES of 199 Ford-lane Shanghai -- China
DAVIES of 975 Avenue Foch Shanghai China
DAVIES of Municipal Police Hospital Ward-road Shanghai -- China
DAWSON of Nanchang-Kiangsi -- China
DEE of the Royal Hotel Range-road Shanghai -- China
DICKINSON of Tientsin China
DINGLE of Pekin -- China
DOBBS of Kunming Yunnan Province West -- China
DOVEY of 438 Rue Ratard Shanghai China
DRAKEFORD of 460 Avenue Haig Shanghai -- China
DRUMMOND of 131 Avenue Haig Shanghai -- China
DU DONG of Tan Duong Tonkin Indo -- China
DURIE of the British Legation Peking -- China
DUROSE of Lyemoon Barracks Hong Kong -- China
EARLEY of Pukow Sinyang Railway Wu-I Anhmei -- China
EARNSHAW of 204 Route Ferguson Shanghai China
EASTICK of Rungheela Lavant-road -- China
EDWARDS of Ayenida Bemado O'Higgins 1656 Santiago -- China
ELDER of Huang Ku Tun Mukden Manchuria China
ELLIG of 177 Tunsin-road Shanghai -- China
EMMOTT of Kwang Teh Hospital Tsingchowfu-Shantung -- China
ENGSTROM of 66 Chennan-road 31 Ex British Concession Tientsin -- China
ERRINGTON of Valparaiso -- China
EVANS of 11 Route Ghisi Shanghai -- China
EVANS of 129 Meadows-road Tientsin North -- China
FANCEY of r 1- Carnarvon-buildings Mody-road Kowloon -- China
FENG TIE of Chow Chien Yi Store Houchi Koon-road Changteh Hunan -- China
FETHERSTONHAUGH of Astor House Hotel Tienstin -- China
FINCH of 8 Maping-road Tsingtao North -- China
FISCHBACHER of the China Inland Mission Shanghai -- China
FISCHBACHER of the China Inland Mission Shanghai China
FISCHER of Tientsin -- China
FISHER of 76a Nathan-road Kowloon Hong Kong -- China
FLEMING of Pootung Shanghai -- China
FLOETER of 214 Route Ghizi Shanghai -- China
FOLLEZOU of 596 Rue Lafayette Shanghai -- China
FONG ON LEE of 266 Lai Chi Kok-road Kowloon Hong Kong -- China
FORD of 29 Great Western-road Shanghai -- China
FORSTER of 28 Edinburgh-road and 7a Kiangee-road Shanghai -- China
FORSTER of 28 Edinburgh-road Shanghai China
FORSTER of Nanking China
FOWKES of Woodside Burgh Heath Surrey and of 46 Route de Grouchy Shanghai China
FOWLER of 4 Norte 858 Vina del Mar El Almendral Valparaiso -- China
FRASER of Shanghai -- China
FROST of Shanghai Club Shanghai -- China
FULLER of The Custom House Shanghai -- China
GALLOWAY of 5 de Abril 200 Recreo Valparaiso -- China
GAVIN of 252 Salvador Reyes Antofagasta -- China
GEIGER of Avenida Pedro Montt 1780 Valparaiso -- China
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
GIBBLINC of Police Headquarters Hong Kong -- China
GIBSON of 22 Camarvon-road Kowloon Hong Kong -- China
GILES of The British Consulate General Tientsin China
GILLISON of Griffith John School Hankow -- China
GILLISON of The London Mission Griffith John School Hankow -- China
GODFREY of Shanghai -- China
GRANT of 56 Edinburgh-road Shanghai China
GRATTAN of 8 Yang-terrace Wei Hai-road Shanghai -- China
GRAY of 615 Metropole Hotel Shanghai -- China
GRAY of Woosund Hankow Pilot Association Limited 175 Yuen-Ming-Yuen-road Shanghai -- China
GREENFIELD of Apartment 4c Brookside Apart-ments 433 Avenue Haigh Shanghai -- China
GREENWAY of The English Military Barracks Tientsin China
GRIFFITHS of Shanghai China
GUNDREY of Shanghai -- China
GUTIERREZ of Calle Agua Santa 309 Vina del Mar -- China
HALLETT of 5 Rue Hart Peiping -- China
HAMILTON of 378 Broadway East Shanghai -- China
HAMILTON of Liangshan Szechwan -- China
HARITOMOFF of 766 Rue Lafayette Shanghai -- China
HARRIS of care of Braden Copper Company Sewell Warehouse Rancagua -- China
HARROP of Shanghai -- China
HARTLEY of 350 Pingliang-road Shanghai -- China
HENNINCSEN of Tientsin China
HENRY of Louza Police Station Shanghai -- China
HENRY of Quinta Peregrina San Juan de Pirque Santiago -- China
HETHERINGTON of 4 Kelmscott Gardens Shanghai -- China
HICKLING of 16 Central-road Shanghai -- China
HICKS of Shanghai -- China
HIGGS of Gordon-road Police Station Shanghai China
HILL of Medhurst Apartments Bubbling Well-road Shanghai -- China
HILL of the Victoria Hospital Tientsin North China
HOLDEN of Tientsin North -- China
HOLDER of 107 Douglas-road Tientsin -- China
HOLMBERG of 146 Council-road Tientsin -- China
HOLYOAK of Victoria Honk Kong China
HOO WEI YEN of 50 Hart-road Shanghai -- China
HOOPER of 81 Seymour-road Shanghai China
HORWOOD of Vincente Reyes 157 Recroe Vina Del Mar -- China
HOSSFELD of Calle Agua Santa 379 Vina del Mar -- China
HOVAN of French lndo -- China
HOWELL of Ping Ho Race Course Gate Tientsin -- China
HOYER of 331 Route Cardinal Mercier Shanghai -- China
HUA YU of 202 Route Sayzoong Shanghai -- China
HUDSON of Shanghai -- China
HUMPHREYS of Hong Kong -- China
HUMPHRIES of 865 rue Retard Shanghai -- China
HUMPHRYS of 1 The Bund Shanghai North China
HUTCHINSON of the London Mission Hweian Amoy -- China
HUTCHISON of Shanghai China
HUTTON of 88 Museum-road Shanghai -- China
INGLIS of Hopkins Dumm and Company Limited Shanghai -- China
JACKSON of 220 Snyechen-road Shanghai -- China
JACKSON of 220 Szechen-road Shanghai -- China
JAMES of Embankment Buildings Soochow-road Shanghai -- China
JAQUES of The English Baptist Missionary Society Tai Tuan Fu in the Province of Shansi North -- China
JENSEN of 3 4th Chausban-road Tsingtao -- China
JEWELL of 53 Verdun-terrace Shanghai -- China
JONES of Broadway Mansions Shanghai -- China
JONES of Calle Dickens 77 Cerro la Caral Valparaiso -- China
JONES of Edgbaston-road Smethwick Staffordshire and of 116 Nanking-road Shanghai -- China
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
JONES of Messrs Geddes and Company Hankow -- China
JONES of Shanghai -- China
JONES of Shanghai -- China
JORGENSEN of 1 Kent-road Hong Kong -- China
JOWETT of 72 Nan Ch ang Chieh Peking -- China
KADOORIE of Marble Hall 6 Great Western-road Shanghai -- China
KAROOS of 941 Bubbling Well-road Shanghai -- China
KELLERMANN of 124 Boone-road Shangai China
KENNEDY of Shanghai -- China
KENNETT of 1183 Avenue Foch Shanghai -- China
KIDD of The Peninsular Hotel Kowloon Hong Kong -- China
KONG of Pak Kai Village San Wei District Kwangtung Province -- China
LACEY of 6 Coxs-road Kowloon Hong Kong -- China
LAI YING CHANG of 234 Range-road Shanghai -- China
LAING c/o Carnabe Eckford and Company Chefoo -- China
LANCASTER of 31 Boone-road Shanghai -- China
LAUBN of 6 Hsiao Pao-Jang Hutung Peiping -- China
LAURENCE of Hanchow -- China
LEARMOUTH of Yenching University Peking North -- China
LEAY of Calle Montana 779 Vina-del-Mar -- China
LEE of All Saints Church 24 Racecourse-road Tientsin -- China
LEE of Nanking-road Shanghai -- China
LEECH of 1236 Avenue Joffre Shanghai China
LEEFOO of 1 Essex-crescent Kowloon Tong Hong Kong -- China
LEIGH of the Methodist Mission Ping Kiang Hunan and of Yungchow -- China
LETTINGTON of 211 Tunsin-road Shanghai China
LEVY of Kalee Hotel Shanghai -- China
LEWIS of Vicuna MacKenna 19 Quiilota -- China
LIVINGSTONE of 88 Marlborough-avenue Kingston-upon-Hull and Works Flat Shanghai Dockyards Limited 640 Yangtsze Poo-road Shanghai -- China
LONGFLELD of 1 Duddell-street Hong Kong -- China
LOUGHLIN of Police Headquarters Hong Kong -- China
LUKHMANOFF of 99 Prince Edward-road Hong Kong -- China
LUNGGREN of H.M. Naval Dockyard Hong Kong -- China
LYON of 303 The Peak Hong Kong -- China
MACKAY of care of Pekin Club -- China
MACKIE of 15 Kuei Chia Chang East City Peking China
MACKINNON of Messrs. Mackinnon Mackenzie and Company Mountain View Hong Kong -- China
MAGUIRE of Shanghai -- China
MALASHKIN of Flat 24 Panoff Building ex-Russian Concession Hankow -- China
MALLETT of 302 Calle Bethoven Valparaiso -- China
MANSFIELD of Chung King -- China
MARLEY of The Shanghai Municipal Police Force Shanghai -- China
MARTIN of Health Department Shanghai Municipal Council Shanghai -- China
MATHER of 209 Route Boissezon Shanghai China
MATHIEU of 124 Rue MacMahon Saigon Cochin -- China
MCCARTHY of Hong Kong Golf Club Hong Kong China
McKITTRICK of Shanghai -- China
McOWAN of 1 The Bund Shanghai China
MEECH of the London Mission Peking China
MERRELL of 849 Connaught-road Shanghai -- China
MILTON of 109 rue Massenet Shanghai -- China
MINTY of 882 Bubbling Well-road Shanghai -- China
MIST of Hong Kong -- China
MITCHELL of Hankow China
MITCHELL of Shanghai China
MONK of 120 Jinkee-road Shanghai -- China
MOON of Shanghai China
MOORWOOD of Swatow China
MORGAN of Changsha China
MORGAN of Hongkew Police Station Shanghai -- China
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
MORRISON of care of SS Wanliu Shanghai -- China
MOYLER of Peking Union Medical College South Compound Peking -- China
MUIR of Chin Wang Tao North -- China
MUIR of Shanghai -- China
MUNOZ of Quinta la Gloria Hiialqui -- China
MUNRO of Church of Scotland Mission Moukden -- China
MURRAY of 69 Cambridge-road Tientsin China
NAME of Hankow -- China
NAZER of 47 Tunsin-road Shanghai -- China
NETTLETON of the Church Missionary Society Fukien -- China
NEWELL of 34 Ru De France French Colony Tientsin -- China
NEWSON of 175 Soochow-road Shanghai -- China
NEWTON of Hotel Cecil Hong Kong -- China
NGUYEN of Tonkin Indo -- China
NIELD of Shanghai -- China
NOAKES of 101 Victoria-road Tientsin China
NOBLE of Shanghai -- China
NORMAN of Hsi Machang Nanchang Kaangsi -- China
NORMANDY of La Paz -- China
NORMINGTON of 6 Causeway Hill Hong Kong China
NORRIS of Church of England Mission Pekin -- China
NOTT of Chefoo -- China
O'DWYER of Shanghai China
OELKERS of Shanghai -- China
OLDHAM of Pasaje Matte 81 Departmento 619 Santiago -- China
OLIVER of Casilla 3 Villa Alemana -- China
OLIVER of Shanghai -- China
OLIVER of Shanghai -- China
OSWALD of Foochow -- China
OUANGof 30 Tung Sze Pa Tiao Hutung Pieping China
OUWERKERK of 85 The-drive Mansions Fulham-road London S.W.6 nd of Flat D 2 Victoria Park Mansions Taku-road Tientsin -- China
OVERY of care of William Powell Limited Ice House-street Hong Kong -- China
PAGE of 142 avenue de Grouchy Shanghai -- China
PAGE of 975 Avenue Foch Shanghai China
PARKE of Maymount Crilly Augnaclay county Tyrone and Lanchung Szechwan -- China
PARKER of Tsingtao Shantung North -- China
PARKIN of 51b Kiangse-road Shanghai -- China
PARSONS of 2 Rung Hsien Hutung East City Peiping -- China
PARSONS of Shanghai China
PATTERSON of 605 Embankment-building Shanghai -- China
PAWLOWICZ of Cathay Mansions Hotel Shanghai -- China
PAYNE of Columbia Country Club 301 Great Westerri-road Shanghai -- China
PEMBERTON of 7 Cecil-apartments 195 Route Ghisi Shanghai -- China
PERRIN of 14a Yates-road Shanghai -- China
PERRY of Shanghai China
PETRE of 86 Alcock-road Shanghai -- China
PHILLIPPO of Shanghai -- China
PHILLIPS of 1398 Bubbling Well-road House 4 Shanghai China
PICKERING of Shanghai -- China
PILCHER of Columbia Country Club Shanghai -- China
PILLAGE of Calle San Jose 69 Vina del Mar -- China
POPE of Shanghai China
PRENTICE of 713 Yangtszepoo-road Shanghai -- China
PRESLIN of Royal Army Pay Corps Hong Kong -- China
PRESTON of 137 Peking-road Shanghai -- China
PROLE of Fidel Otaiza No. 7 Providencia Santiago -- China
PROVELEGIO of Shanghai -- China
RAEBURN of Shanghai -- China
RAMSEY of Kialat Swatow -- China
RAMSEY of Swatow -- China
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
RANKIN of 258-16 Rue Maresca Shanghai -- China
RAWLINS of 74b Honor Oak-road Sydenham Kent and of the Shanghai Power Company Shanghai -- China
READ of 1320 Peking-road-west Shanghai -- China
REDGEWELL of 9 Beresford-road -- China
REISS of 182 Bubbling Well-road Shanghai -- China
RENNIE of Shanghai China
RIDGE of The Methodist Missionary Society Hankow -- China
RIELLEY of Shanghai -- China
RITCHIE of Shanghai -- China
ROBERTS of The Central Police Station Hong Kong -- China
ROBERTSON of 204 Seymour-road Shanghai -- China
ROBSON of King Edward Hotel Colony of Hong Kong -- China
ROBY of Pagoda -- China
ROLFE of Cable Anglaise Cap St Jacques Cochin -- China
RONDON of Park Hotel Shanghai -- China
ROSE of Shanghai -- China
ROSS of Pasea Monterrey 78 Vina del Mar -- China
ROSS of Saigon French Indo -- China
ROWE of Liddell Brothers and Company Limited Tientsin -- China
ROWLEY of 77a Ruling Kaingsi -- China
ROZARIO of /Passage 220 House No 3 Route Vallon Shanghai China
ROZARIO of 537 Hart-road Shanghai -- China
ROZARIO of 585 Avenue Foch House No 11 Shanghai China
RUSSELL of Tsingto Shantung North -- China
RUXTON of Kulangsu Amoy -- China
SANTAMARIA of Calle 4 Norte No. 1223 Vinadel Mar Val-paraiso -- China
SARGENT of Foochow -- China
SASSOON of 9 Jinkee-road Shanghai China
SASSOON of Shanghai -- China
SAYLE of Shanghai -- China
SCARLETT of Sweethope Inveresk Musselburgh Midlothian and Chinese Maritime Customs Customs House Shanghai -- China
SCHUCK of 438 Broadway Shanghai -- China
SCOTT of Avenida Francesca 157 Con-cepcion -- China
SEHMSDORF of Plum Blossom Village 12 Canton -- China
SELLARS of 105 The Peak Hong Kong -- China
SHARMAN of Hotel O'Higgins Vina del Mar Valparaiso -- China
SHARROCK of 1 Flat 125 Seymour-road Shanghai -- China
SHAW of Tientsin North -- China
SHAWYER of Hankow China
SHENTON of Watsons Soda Factory Pak Hin Hok Canton China
SHILTON of Shanghai China
SHKOLNIKOV of Harbin Manchuria -- China
SHORT of 132-175 Park-road Shanghai -- China
SHORT of the Admiralty Staff Wei-Hei-Wei -- China
SIEMSSEN of Foochow -- China
SIMMONDS of The Imperial Ballroom Hongkong -- China
SMITH of 30 First Kinkow-road Tsingtao -- China
SMITH of 6 Fung Fai-terrace Happy Valley Hong Kong -- China
SMITH of Estancia San Gregorio Punta Arenas -- China
SMITH of Kailan Mining Administration Linsi North -- China
SMITH of Tongshan -- China
SNOW of The Kailan Mining Administration Tientsin North -- China
SQUIRES of Shanghai -- China
STEWART of 125 Meadows-road Tientsin North -- China
STEWART of Shanghai China
STRANGE of Tientsin China
STRATTON of Tungshan Canton -- China
STRINGER of the Shanghai Waterworks Shanghai China
SUTTON of 2nd Floor Shell House Queehs-road Hong Kong -- China
SWALLOW of 2 Peking-road Shanghai -- China
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
SYMINGTON of Shanghai China
TAN WOO JIN of Amoy Fukien China
TAO of 25 Ching Schih Kai Nankin -- China
TAYLOR of 2247 Calle Limache Vina del Mar Valparaiso -- China
TAYLOR of Avenue Hall-lane 1400 House 3i Avenue-road Shanghai -- China
TAYLOR of The Savoy Hotel Hong Kong China
THIRLWELL of Taikoo Dockyard Hong Kong -- China
THOMAS of 112 Commercial Bank Building 50 Ningpo-road and of Whiteway Building Szuechen-road both in Shanghai China
THOMPSON of 12th Heavy Battery Royal Artillery Hong Kong -- China
THOMPSON of Bropkside Apartments Avenue Haig Shanghai -- China
THOMPSON of Tientsin Hopei China
TIERNEY of 18 Northenden-road Gatley Cheshire and of Maitland and Company Limited 33-34 Szechuen-road Shanghai -- China
TIRELLI of Shanghai China
TONG of 537 Wu Chong-road Shanghai -- China
TOON of 404 Yu Yuen Lu C.A.C Shanghai -- China
TOWNSEND of Shanghai -- China
TRUEMAN of 108 Route Ferguson Shanghai -- China
TRUEMAN of Shanghai -- China
TURNBULL of HM ShipVindictive stationed at Shanghai -- China
TURNER of The Baptist Missionary Society 19 Fumival-street Holborn London and The Baptist Missionary Society Taiyuanfu Shansi North -- China
TURNER of Tientsin -- China
TURNER of Tientsin China
TURRAL of H.M. Consular Service Tihwa -- China
UNJENIN of Hankow -- China
URQUHART of care of British Consulate-General Kunming Yunnan -- China
URSELL of 19 Fung Fai-terrace Happy Valley Hong Kong China
VIVES of 988 Avenida Lyon Santiago -- China
VIVES of Santiago -- China
WAKEMAN of Shanghai China
WALE of Vira de Mar Valparaiso-street 593 Val-paraiso -- China
WALKER of the China Navigation Company Limited Victoria Hong Kong -- China
WALLACE of Shanghai -- China
WALTERS of 105 Wu Wei Loo Moukden Manchukuo -- China
WANG MING of 27 Taku-road Shanghai -- China
WARDELL of 89 Singapore-road Tientsin North -- China
WARNER of 901 Waydoong House Shanghai -- China
WATSON of South Suburb Tsinan -- China
WATT of Mienchow Szechuan -- China
WAY of Tientsin North -- China
WAY of Tientsin North China
WEBB of Cathay Mansions Shanghai China
WEBB of Kowloon Customs House Hong Kong -- China
WEIOMAN of Apartment No. 204 Embankment Building of 400 North Soochow-road Shanghai -- China
WELLS of 567 Thoburn-road Shanghai -- China
WESTRIDGE of Shanghai -- China
WHAMOND of Hankow -- China
WHEEN of Shanghai -- China
WHITEHEAD of 86 Edinburgh-road Shanghai -- China
WHITTLE of 137 Bubbling Well-road Shanghai -- China
WILKINSON of The British Consulate Ningpo -- China
WILLIAMS of 252 Cable Iberia Cerro Castillo Vina del Mar -- China
WILLIAMS of Shanghai -- China
WILLIAMS of Shanghai -- China
WILLIS of 118 Hongkong-road Tientsin -- China
WILLSON of The Chartered Bank of India Australia and China Shanghai -- China
WILSON of 250 Sassoon-road (R.B.L.) Pokfulan Hong Kong -- China
WILSON of Soochow -- China
WILSON of the Chinese Maritime Customs Marine Department Shanghai -- China
WINCH of 7 East Point-terrace Yee Wo-street Hong-kong -- China
WING WONG SING of Mun Lai Village Kwangtung -- China
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
WINTERBOTHAM of Tientsin Chihli North -- China
WODEHOUSE of Tientsin China
WONG KWEI CHEK of Shanghai -- China
WONG KWONC of Hankow -- China
WOOLLEN of 86 Rue de France Tientsin -- China
WORCESTETR of 1187 Rue Lafayette Shanghai -- China
WORSFOLD of His Majestys Naval Yard Hong Kong -- China
WRIGHT of China Inland Mission Shanghai China
YOUNG of Avenida Pedro de Valdivia Concepcion -- China
ZIVKOVIC of Calle Jorge Montt 961 Punta Arenas -- China

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ENGLAND COUNTIES Bedfordshire  Berkshire  Buckinghamshire  Cambridgeshire  Cheshire  Cornwall  County Durham  Cumberland  Derbyshire  Devonshire  Dorsetshire  Essex  Gloucestershire  Hampshire  Herefordshire  Hertfordshire  Huntingdonshire  Isle of Wight  Kent  Lancashire  Leicestershire  Lincolnshire  Middlesex  Norfolk  Northamptonshire  Northumberland  Nottinghamshire  Oxfordshire  Rutlandshire  Shropshire  Somerset  Staffordshire  Suffolk  Surrey  Sussex  Warwickshire  Westmorland  Wiltshire  Worcestershire  Yorkshire 
ENGLAND COUNTIES (MORE) Cheshire  Cheshire (pt 1)  Cheshire (pt 2)  Cornwall (towns)  County Durham  County Durham (pt 1)  County Durham (pt 2)  Derbyshire  Derbyshire (pt 1)  Derbyshire (pt 2)  Devonshire  Devonshire (pt 1)  Devonshire (pt 2)  Essex  Essex (pt 1)  Essex (pt 2)  Essex (pt 3)  Hampshire  Hampshire (pt 1)  Hampshire (pt 2)  Hertfordshire  Hertfordshire (pt 1)  Hertfordshire (pt 2)  Kent  Kent (pt 1)  Kent (pt 2)  Lancashire  Lancashire (pt 1)  Lancashire (pt 2)  Lancashire (pt 3)  Lancashire (pt 4)  Lancashire (pt 5)  Lancashire (pt 6)  Lincolnshire (towns)  Middlesex  Middlesex (pt 1)  Middlesex (pt 2)  Middlesex (pt 3)  Somerset (towns)  Staffordshire  Staffordshire (pt 1)  Staffordshire (pt 2)  Surrey  Surrey (pt 1)  Surrey (pt 2)  Surrey (pt 3)  Sussex (pt 1)  Sussex (pt 2)  Yorkshire  Yorkshire (pt 1)  Yorkshire (pt 2)  Yorkshire (pt 3) 
ENGLAND TOWNS Accrington  Aylesbury  Bath  Bedford  Birkenhead  Birmingham  Blackburn  Blackpool  Blandford  Bodmin  Bournemouth  Bradford  Brighton  Bristol  Buckingham  Burnley  Burton-on-Trent  Bury St Edmunds  Buxton  Cambridge  Canterbury  Carlisle  Chatham  Chelmsford  Cheltenham  Chester  Chichester  Colchester  Coventry  Crewe  Darlington  Deal  Derby  Devonport  Doncaster  Dover  Durham (town)  Eastbourne  Ely  Exeter  Folkestone  Gateshead  Gloucester  Great Yarmouth  Greenpool  Guildford  Halifax  Harrogate  Hartlepool  Hastings  Haverfordwest  Hereford  Holland  Huddersfield  Huntingdon  Ipswich  Kidderminster  Kingston-on-Thames  Kingston-upon-Hull  Lancaster  Leamington Spa  Leeds  Leicester  Lewes  Lichfield  Lincoln  Liverpool  Lowestoft  Macclesfield  Maidstone  Manchester  Margate  Middlesbrough  Monmouth  Newcastle-upon-Tyne  North Shields  Northampton  Norwich  Nottingham  Oldham  Oxford  Penzance  Peterborough  Plymouth  Poole  Portsmouth  Ramsgate  Reading  Ripon  Rochdale  Rochester  Salford  Salisbury  Scarborough  Sheffield  Shrewsbury  South Shields  Southampton  Southsea  St Leonards on sea  Stockton-on-Tees  Stoke-on-Trent  Stratford-on-avon  Sunderland  Taunton  Tonbridge  Torquay  Truro  Tunbridge Wells  Wakefield  Warrington  Warwick  Wells (Somerset)  West Worthing  Weston-super-Mare  Whitby  Wigan  Winchester  Windsor  Wolverhampton  Worcester  Worthing  York 
ENGLAND TOWNS (MORE) Ashton-under-Lyne  Birmingham  Birmingham (pt 1)  Birmingham (pt 2)  Birmingham (pt 3)  Durham  Liverpool  Liverpool (pt 1)  Liverpool (pt 2)  Manchester  Manchester (pt 1)  Manchester (pt 2)  Altrincham (Cheshire)  Hyde (Cheshire)  Northwich (Cheshire)  Runcorn (Cheshire)  Sale (Cheshire)  Stockport (Cheshire)  Wallasey (Cheshire)  Wirral (Cheshire)  Exmouth (Devonshire)  Paignton (Devonshire)  Barking (Essex)  Ilford (Essex)  Leigh-on-sea (Essex)  Romford (Essex)  Southend-on-Sea (Essex)  Westcliff-on-sea (Essex)  Stroud (Gloucestershire)  Hertford (Hertfordshire)  Ashford (Kent)  Beckenham (Kent)  Bromley (Kent)  Dartford (Kent)  Gillingham (Kent)  Gravesend (Kent)  Herne Bay (Kent)  Orpington (Kent)  Plumstead (Kent)  Sevenoaks (Kent)  Sidcup (Kent)  Welling (Kent)  Whitstable (Kent)  Barrow-in-Furness (Lancashire)  Bolton (Lancashire)  Bury (Lancashire)  Chorley (Lancashire)  Darwen (Lancashire)  Morecambe (Lancashire)  Nelson (Lancashire)  Preston (Lancashire)  Prestwich (Lancashire)  Southport (Lancashire)  St Helens (Lancashire)  Grimsby (Lincs)  Gosforth (Northumberland)  Whitley Bay (Northumberland)  Mansfield (Notts)  Newcastle-under-Lyme (Staffs)  Stafford (Staffs)  Bexhill-on-Sea (Sussex)  Bognor Regis (Sussex)  Horsham (Sussex)  Hove (Sussex)  Rugby (Warwickshire)  Halesowen (West Midlands)  Smethwick (West Midlands)  Stourbridge (West Midlands)  Walsall (West Midlands)  West Bromwich (West Midlands)  Bromsgrove (Worcestershire)  Barnsley (Yorks)  Batley (Yorks)  Bingley (Yorks)  Bridlington (Yorks)  Brighouse (Yorks)  Dewsbury (Yorks)  Goole (Yorks)  Keighley (Yorks)  Pontefract (Yorks)  Redcar (Yorks)  Rotherham (Yorks)  Shipley (Yorks)  Skipton (Yorks)  Sowerby Bridge (Yorks)  Todmorden (Yorks) 
LONDON Croydon  London  London (E - pt 2)  London (E- pt 1)  London (EC)  London (N - pt 1)  London (N - pt 2)  London (NW - pt 1)  London (NW - pt 2)  London (other)  London (SE-inner)  London (SE-outer)  London (SW-inner)  London (SW-outer - pt 1)  London (SW-outer - pt 2)  London (SW-outer - pt 3)  London (W - pt 1)  London (W - pt 2)  London (WC) 
WALES COUNTIES Anglesey  Brecknockshire  Cardiganshire  Carmarthenshire  Carnarvonshire  Denbighshire  Flintshire  Glamorganshire  Glamorganshire  Glamorganshire (pt 1)  Glamorganshire (pt 2)  Merionethshire  Monmouthshire  Montgomeryshire  Pembrokeshire  Radnorshire 
WALES TOWNS Aberdare  Bangor  Barry  Bridgend  Builth Wells  Cardiff  Carmarthen  Carnarvon  Llandaff  Merthyr Tydfil  Neath  Penarth  Pontypridd  Port Talbot  Rhondda  St Asaph  Swansea 
SCOTLAND COUNTIES North Britain  Scotland  Scotland (pt 1)  Scotland (pt 2)  Aberdeenshire  Angus-shire  Argyllshire  Ayrshire  Banffshire  Berwickshire  Buteshire  Caithness  Clackmannanshire  Dumbartonshire  Dumfriesshire  Elginshire  Fifeshire  Forfarshire  Invernessshire  Kincardineshire  Kinrossshire  Kirkcudbrightshire  Lanarkshire  Lothian  Midlothian  Morayshire  Nairnshire  Peeblesshire  Perthshire  Renfrewshire  Ross-shire  Roxburghshire  Selkirkshire  Shetland  Stirlingshire  Sutherland  Wigtownshire 
SCOTLAND TOWNS small Scottish town  Aberdeen  Airdrie  Alloa  Angus  Arbroath  Arran  Ayr  Banff  Berwick  Berwick-on-Tweed  Blairgowrie  Brechin  Bridge of Allan  Broughty Ferry  Calston  Cambuslang  Campbeltown  Carnoustie  Coatbridge  Crieff  Dalbeattie  Douglas  Dumbarton  Dumfries  Dunblane  Dundee  Dunfermline  Dunoon  Edinburgh  Elgin  Falkirk  Forfar  Glasgow  Grangemouth  Greenock  Haddington  Hamilton  Hawick  Helensburgh  Inverness  Kelso  Kilbride  Kilmarnock  Kirkcaldy  Kirkcudbright  Lanark  Largs  Lockerbie  Montrose  Nairn  Orkney  Paisley  Peebles  Perth  Prestwick  Rothesay  Rutherglen  Saltcoats  Selkirk  St Andrews  Stevenston  Stirling  Stonehaven  Stranraer  Strathaven  Troon  Uddingston 
BRITAIN ELSEWHERE Britain elsewhere  Guernsey  Isle of Man  Jersey  Gibraltar  Falkland Islands  Channel Islands 
IRELAND & NORTHERN IRELAND COUNTIES County Antrim  County Armagh  County Carlow  County Cavan  County Clare  County Cork  County Derry  County Donegal  County Down  County Dublin  County Fermanagh  County Galway  County Kerry  County Kildare  County Kilkenny  County Kings county  County Leitrim  County Leix  County Limerick  County Longford  County Louth  County Mayo  County Meath  County Monaghan  County Offaly  County Queens county  County Roscommon  County Sligo  County Tipperary  County Tyrone  County Waterford  County Westmeath  County Wexford  County Wicklow 
IRELAND & NORTHERN IRELAND TOWNS Antrim (town)  Armagh (town)  Belfast  Carlow (town)  Cavan (town)  Cork (town)  Donegal (town)  Dublin (town)  Galway (town)  Kilkenny (town)  Leitrim (town)  Leix (town)  Londonderry  Longford (town)  Limerick (town)  Meath (town)  Monaghan (town)  Roscommon (town)  Sligo (town)  Tipperary (town)  Waterford (town)  Westmeath (town)  Wexford (town)  Wicklow (town) 
AFRICA Africa  Central Africa  East Africa  Egypt  Gold Coast Africa  Kenya  Nigeria Africa  North Africa  Northern Africa  Northern Rhodesia  Nyasaland Africa  Portuguese East Africa  Sierra Leone Africa  South Africa  Southern Rhodesia  West Africa 
ASIA Asia  Burma  Ceylon  China  Hong Kong  India  Indonesia  Japan  Malay States  Pakistan  Singapore  Straits Settlements  Turkey 
EUROPE & ATLANTIC ISLANDS Albania  Austria  Balearic Islands  Belgium  Bulgaria  Canary Islands  Cape Verde Islands  Czechoslovakia  Europe (E)  France  Germany  Greece  Hungary  Italy  Luxembourg  Madeira  Malta  Monaco  Netherlands  Poland  Portugal  Romania  Spain  Sweden  Switzerland  USSR  Yugoslavia 
MIDDLE EAST Arabia  Israel  Lebanon  Palestine  Syria  Transjordan 
OCEANIA, PACIFIC AND INDIAN ISLANDS Australia  New Zealand  East Indies  Fiji Islands  Friendly Islands  Mauritius  Philippine Islands  Seychelles Islands  Society Islands  South Pacific 
SCANDINAVIA Denmark  Estonia  Finland  Iceland  Latvia  Norway 
SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA South America  Argentina  Brazil  Buenos Aires (Argentina)  Central America  Chile  Columbia  Mexico 
WEST INDIES AND ATLANTIC Atlantic  West Indies  Bahama Islands  Bermuda Islands  Jamaica  Leeward Islands  Turks and Caicos Islands 
NORTH AMERICA USA  Canada  Alabama (USA)  Alaska (USA)  Arizona (USA)  Arkansas (USA)  California (USA)  Chicago (USA)  Colorado (USA)  Connecticut (USA)  Dallas (USA)  DC (USA)  Delaware (USA)  Detroit (USA)  Florida (USA)  Georgia (USA)  Hawaii (USA)  Idaho (USA)  Illinois (USA)  Indiana (USA)  Indianapolis (USA)  Iowa (USA)  Jersey City (USA)  Kansas (USA)  Kentucky (USA)  Los Angeles (USA)  Louisiana (USA)  Maine (USA)  Maryland (USA)  Massachusetts (USA)  Mexico (USA)  Michigan (USA)  Minnesota (USA)  Mississippi (USA)  Missouri (USA)  Montana (USA)  Nebraska (USA)  Nevada (USA)  New Hampshire (USA)  New Jersey (USA)  New Mexico (USA)  New York (USA)  New York City (USA)  Niagara (USA)  North Carolina (USA)  North Dakota (USA)  Ohio (USA)  Oklahoma (USA)  Oregon (USA)  Pennsylvania (USA)  Philadelphia (USA)  Rhode Island (USA)  Rochester (USA)  San Francisco (USA)  Somerville (USA)  South Carolina (USA)  South Dakota (USA)  St Louis (USA)  Tennessee (USA)  Texas (USA)  Utah (USA)  Vermont (USA)  Virgin Islands (USA)  Virginia (USA)  Washington (USA)  Wisconsin (USA)  Wiscousin (USA)  Wyoming (USA) 
MILITARY Military 

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