Toms Wills: Addresses in UK wills 1931-1939.

Colchester is an old place, where many people lived
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Grantor surname (1931-9):
District (England-Wales):
Browse modern postcodes

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
ABBOTT of 10 Halstead-road Lexden -- Colchester
ABBOTT of 102 Priory-street -- Colchester
ABBOTT of 33 Maldon-road -- Colchester
ADAMS of 108 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
ADAMS of 36 St Pauls-road -- Colchester
ADAMS of 80 Northgate-street -- Colchester
ADAMS of 80 Northgate-street -- Colchester
ADAMS of 83 Winnock-road -- Colchester
ADAMS of 93 Maldon-road -- Colchester
ADAMS of Jonsmede 41 Castle-road -- Colchester
ADAMS of The Cottage Church Lane Lexden -- Colchester
ADAMSON of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
AGER of 35 Victoria-road -- Colchester
AGER of Monmouth 7 Nelson-road Lexdcn -- Colchester
AGER of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
AIR of Fawley Lodge Lexden-road -- Colchester
AIR of Glenview Ackland-avenue -- Colchester
AIREY of 78 North Station-road -- Colchester
AIREY of 78 North Station-road -- Colchester
AIRLIE of 4 Creffield-road -- Colchester
AITKEN of Oakdown Fitzwalter-road -- Colchester
ALBON of Bottles Hall Elmstead -- Colchester
ALDOUS of 20 Dru-road -- Colchester
ALDOUS of Ha Farm Stanway -- Colchester
ALDRIDGE of 2 East Hill -- Colchester
ALDRIDGE of 3 Council House 7 Church-road Thorrington -- Colchester
ALDRIDGE of Duma Lodge New Town-road -- Colchester
ALEXANDER of 10 Nayland-road Mile End -- Colchester
ALEXANDER of 29 St Johns-road -- Colchester
ALEXANDER of 50 Nayland-road -- Colchester
ALLEN of 2 Balkerne-gardens -- Colchester
ALLEN of 29 Wellesley-road -- Colchester
ALLEN of 42 Constantine-road -- Colchester
ALLEN of 69 Military-road -- Colchester
ALLEN of 69 Military-road -- Colchester
ALLEN of Severalis Hospital -- Colchester
ALLESTON of 13 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
ALLISTON of Lexden Heath Post Office Stanway -- Colchester
ALLWRIGHT of 19 Winsley-road -- Colchester
ALLWRIGHT of 6 Wellesley-road -- Colchester
AMBROSE of the Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
AMEY of The Waggon and Horses Hotel -- Colchester
AMOS of 7 Saint Peters-street -- Colchester
ANDERSON of 26 Burlingon-road -- Colchester
ANDERSON of Scheregate House Hotel Stanwell-street -- Colchester
ANDERSON of Welland Fitzwalter-road -- Colchester
ANDREWS of 1 Albert-road Brightlingsea -- Colchester
ANDREWS of 154 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
ANDREWS of 33 St. Johns-road -- Colchester
ANDREWS of Englishes Farm Elmstead Heath -- Colchester
ANSELL of 71 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
ANTHONY of Capel-house Creffield-road -- Colchester
ANTILA of Betsonia Old Heath -- Colchester
APPLEBY of 11 Belle Vue-road -- Colchester
APPLEBY of 18 Castle-road -- Colchester
APPLEBY of 29 Defoe-crescent -- Colchester
APPLEBY of 3 Gray-road -- Colchester
APPLEBY of 49 West Stockwell-street -- Colchester
APPLEBY of Layer de la Haye -- Colchester
APPLETON of 24 Errington-road -- Colchester

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
APPLETON of 59 Drury-road -- Colchester
APPLETON of 59 Drury-road -- Colchester
ARCHER of 10 Essex-street -- Colchester
ARCHER of 33 Shrub End-road -- Colchester
ARDLEY of 22 Golden Noble Hill -- Colchester
ARGENT of 28 Rawstorn-road -- Colchester
ARMOUR of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
ARMSTRONG of Hill Top Great Horkesley -- Colchester
ARNELL of 1 Ktmberley-road -- Colchester
ARNOLD of 11 Shrub End-road -- Colchester
ARNOLD of 13 Charles-street -- Colchester
ARNOLD of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
ARTHEY of 7 Catchpole-road -- Colchester
ASHFORD of 145 Maldon-road -- Colchester
ASHFORD of 5 Nunns-road -- Colchester
ASHLEY of 39 Cromwell-road -- Colchester
ASHLEY of 82 Nayland-road Mile End -- Colchester
ASHTON of 56 Walsingham-road -- Colchester
ASHTON of 56- Walsingham-road -- Colchester
ASHTON of 56v Walsingham-road -- Colchester
ASHTON of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
ASKEW of 16 North Hill -- Colchester
ASKEW of 28 London-road Lexden -- Colchester
ASKEW of The Bungalow Balkeme Hill -- Colchester
ASKEW of The Bungalow Balkerne Hill -- Colchester
ASPINALL of 16 Gladwin-road -- Colchester
ASPLAND of 67 Wimpole-road -- Colchester
ASTEN of Beaconsfield Lodge -- Colchester
ATKINS of 13 St Marys-road -- Colchester
ATKINS of 3 St Pauls-road -- Colchester
ATKINSON of Little Highfields -- Colchester
AUSTIN of 39 Campion-road -- Colchester
AUSTIN of 6 Sheepen-road -- Colchester
AYLING of 15 Hastings-road -- Colchester
AYLMER of 8 Inglis-road -- Colchester
BADMAN of 8 Ash Green Halstead-road -- Colchester
BAILEY of 19 Drury-road -- Colchester
BAILEY of 20 St Helena-road -- Colchester
BAILEY of 228 Maldon-road -- Colchester
BAILEY of 28 Lucas-road -- Colchester
BAILLIE of 44 Roman-road -- Colchester
BAINES of 11 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
BAINES of 84 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
BAINES of The Foul Blackheath -- Colchester
BAKER of 132 Brook-street -- Colchester
BAKER of 23 Vint-crescent -- Colchester
BAKER of 27 Three Crowns-road -- Colchester
BAKER of 3 Church-street North Colchester
BAKER of 4 Roman-road Colchester
BAKER of 41 Roman-road -- Colchester
BAKER of 6 Beverley-road -- Colchester
BAKER of 67 Castle-road -- Colchester
BALAAM of Kathleen Harwich-road -- Colchester
BALDWIN of 17 Drury-road -- Colchester
BALES of 2 Defoe-crescent -- Colchester
BALL of 2 Irvine-road -- Colchester
BALL of 45 Maldon-road -- Colchester
BALLS of 48 Nayland-road Mile End -- Colchester
BALLS of Walravens Abberton near -- Colchester
BANARD of 354 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
BANFIELD of 74 Layer-road -- Colchester
BANFIELD of 74 Layer-road -- Colchester
BANHAM of 6 Nayland-road Mile End -- Colchester
BANHAM of 67-69 North Station-road -- Colchester
BANKS of the Royal Public House Butt-road -- Colchester
BANNISTER of 29 Constantine-road -- Colchester
BANYARD of 50 Winnock-road -- Colchester
BARBER of 10 Williams Walk -- Colchester
BARBER of 11 Dugard-avenue Shrub End -- Colchester
BARBER of 27 Fingringhoe-road Old Heath -- Colchester
BARBER of Hillcrest St Helena-road -- Colchester
BARBOUR of Gosbecks Farm Shrub End -- Colchester
BARDSLEY of 196 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
BARE of 12 Shrub End-road -- Colchester
BAREHAM of 15 Alexandra-road -- Colchester
BAREHAM of 25 Barrington-road -- Colchester
BAREHAM of 29 Cedars-road -- Colchester
BAREHAM of 62 Butt-road -- Colchester
BAREHAM of 62 Butt-road -- Colchester
BAREHAN of 25 Barrington-road -- Colchester
BARHAM of 20 Elmstead-road -- Colchester
BARKER of 14 Lisle-road -- Colchester
BARKER of 155 Butt-road -- Colchester
BARKER of 20 Burlington-road -- Colchester
BARKER of 68 Shrubend-road -- Colchester
BARKER of 98 Mersea-road -- Colchester
BARKER of Elm Bungalow West Bergholt -- Colchester
BARKER of High Chimneys King Harold-road Shrub End -- Colchester
BARKER of Woodcote 60 Heath-road Lexden -- Colchester
BARLING of Cambridge House 36 Elmstead-road -- Colchester
BARNARD of 37 Victoria-road -- Colchester
BARNARD of 5 Albion-street-east Donyland -- Colchester
BARNES of 10 Meyrick-crescent -- Colchester
BARNES of 10 Meyrick-crescent -- Colchester
BARNES of 19 Hamilton-road -- Colchester
BARNES of 25a Golden Noble Hill -- Colchester
BARNES of 3 Salisbury-avenue -- Colchester
BARNES of 30 Golden Noble Hill -- Colchester
BARNES of 33 Stanwell-street -- Colchester
BARNES of 33 Stanwell-street -- Colchester
BARNES of 39 Athelstan-road -- Colchester
BARNES of 73 Butt-road -- Colchester
BARNES of Pen-Slade Chapel-lane West Bergholt -- Colchester
BARNETT of Windyridge Braiswick -- Colchester
BARR of 108 Priory-street -- Colchester
BARRELL of 1 Harwich-road -- Colchester
BARRELL of 181 Harwich-road -- Colchester
BARRELL of 26 Saint Albans-road -- Colchester
BARRELL of 4 Winsley-square -- Colchester
BARRELL of Fampoux St Johns-road -- Colchester
BARRETT of 51 Gladwin-road -- Colchester
BARRETT of 9 Lisle-road -- Colchester
BARRETT of Head-street Rowhedge -- Colchester
BARRITT of 26 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
BARROW of 15 Hamilton-road -- Colchester
BARROW of 15 Hamilton-road -- Colchester
BARTON of 1 Walsingham-road -- Colchester
BARTON of 151 Straight-road Lexden -- Colchester
BARTON of 4 Hamilton-road -- Colchester
BARTON of 8 London-road Lexden -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
BARTON of 85 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
BASKETT of 21 Wellesley-road -- Colchester
BASKETT of 21 Wellesley-road -- Colchester
BASS of 4 Shrives-cottages Colne Engaine -- Colchester
BASS of Buena Vista Abbotts-lane Halstead-road Eight Ash Green Copford -- Colchester
BATELY of Sumner 172 Mile End-road -- Colchester
BATES of 52 Crouch-street -- Colchester
BATHER of 114 North Station-road -- Colchester
BATTELY of 35 Audley-road -- Colchester
BAUGHAN of 261 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
BAWTREE of Crowstone Abbots-road Old Heath -- Colchester
BAXTER of 314 Cowdray-avenue -- Colchester
BAXTER of Auriol 190 Mersea-road -- Colchester
BAYLISS of Roselea 15 Queens-road -- Colchester
BAYNES of 59 Maldon-road -- Colchester
BAZELEY of 17 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
BEADEL of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
BEADLE of 131 Hythe Hill -- Colchester
BEALES of 22 St. Marys-road -- Colchester
BEAN of 45 Dugard-avenue Shrub End -- Colchester
BEAR of 32 Salisbury-avenue -- Colchester
BEARD of 20 Winnock-road -- Colchester
BEARD of 20 Winnock-road -- Colchester
BEARD of 20 Winnock-road -- Colchester
BEARD of 47 Wellesley-road -- Colchester
BEARD of 50 Creffield-road -- Colchester
BEARD of 72 Military-road -- Colchester
BEARD of Schooling 80 Brook-street -- Colchester
BEARDS of 6 Drury-road -- Colchester
BEATSON of 86 East Hill -- Colchester
BEATTIE of Northumbria 22 Cambridge-road -- Colchester
BEATTY of 175 Mile End-road -- Colchester
BEAUCLERK of Brickstable Stanway -- Colchester
BEAUMONT of 21 Straight-road Lexden -- Colchester
BEAUMONT of 84 Defoe-crescent Mile End -- Colchester
BECHER of Beverley-road -- Colchester
BECKETT of 8 Balkeme-lane -- Colchester
BECKETT of 8 Balkerne-lane -- Colchester
BECKWITH of 9 West Stockwell-street -- Colchester
BEDWELL of 112 Fingringhoe-road Old Heath -- Colchester
BEECH of 9 Crispen Court North Hill -- Colchester
BEECHING of Avondene Boxted-road -- Colchester
BEECHING of Avondene Boxted-road -- Colchester
BEECHINOR of 235 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
BEELS of Welholme London-road Copford -- Colchester
BEER of The Salisbury Hotel Butt-road -- Colchester
BEESON of Sunnyside Port-lane -- Colchester
BEESTON of 80 East-hill -- Colchester
BEETON of 14 Manor-road -- Colchester
BEEZLEY of Shrub End -- Colchester
BEHARELL of 22 Irvine-road -- Colchester
BEHR of 22 Creeheld-road -- Colchester
BELL of 8 Lucas-road -- Colchester
BELL of Hospital Arms Crouch-street -- Colchester
BELLCHAMBERS of 21 Winsley-road -- Colchester
BELLOWS of Minehead Turner-road Mile End -- Colchester
BENBOW of St. Helena Nursing Home -- Colchester
BENHAM of Westfields 14 Lexden-road -- Colchester
BENNELL of 27 Priory-street -- Colchester
BENNELL of 63 Hythe Hill -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
BENNETT of 17 Harwich-road Parsons Heath -- Colchester
BENNETT of 3 Kendall-terrace Military-road -- Colchester
BENNETT of 41 Dugard-avenue Shrub End -- Colchester
BENNETT of St. Marys Hospital -- Colchester
BENNEY of 35 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
BENWELL of 9 West Stockwell-street -- Colchester
BENWELL of 9 West Stockwell-street -- Colchester
BERRIMAN of The Downs Parsons Heath -- Colchester
BERRY of 111 Artillery-street -- Colchester
BERRY of 19 Winsley-square -- Colchester
BERRY of 29 Kendall-terrace -- Colchester
BERRY of 29 Speedwell-road Old Heath -- Colchester
BERRY of 36 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
BERRY of Hull House Distillery-lane -- Colchester
BERRY of Myles I.yer Cross-road -- Colchester
BETCHLEY of 29 Papillon-road -- Colchester
BETHELL of 11a High-street -- Colchester
BETTS of 140 Magdalen-street -- Colchester
BIBBY of 30 Papillon-road -- Colchester
BICKERTON of 15 Portland-road -- Colchester
BICKERTON of 15 Portland-road -- Colchester
BIDWELL of 107 Straight-road Lexden -- Colchester
BIGGS of 2 Kendail-terrace Military-road -- Colchester
BINES of 41 Athelstan-road -- Colchester
BIRD of 199 Maldon-road -- Colchester
BIRD of 29 St Johns-street -- Colchester
BIRD of 52 Walsingham-road -- Colchester
BIRD of Home Farm Lexden -- Colchester
BIRD of Homestead Fordham -- Colchester
BIRD of Ivy Cottage Elmstead Heath -- Colchester
BIRD of Vemina Mile End-road -- Colchester
BIRD of Warblington 186 Shrub End-road -- Colchester
BIRD of Warblington Shrub End -- Colchester
BISHOP of Bockingham Hall Copford -- Colchester
BISHOP of Tollgate House Shrub End -- Colchester
BLACK of Le Cateau Barracks -- Colchester
BLACKBURN of 18 Rawstorn-road -- Colchester
BLACKMORE of 28a Lexden-road -- Colchester
BLACKWELL of Brook-road Great Tey -- Colchester
BLACKWELL of Milnthorpe Chappel -- Colchester
BLAIN of Acom Close Messing -- Colchester
BLAIR of 94 Roman-road -- Colchester
BLAKE of 234 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
BLAND of 127 Maldon-road -- Colchester
BLAND of 166 Harwich-road -- Colchester
BLAND of 20 Inglis-road -- Colchester
BLAND of 26 Parsons Heath -- Colchester
BLANDAMER of 6 Orchard-street -- Colchester
BLANKS of 117 Maldon-road -- Colchester
BLATCH of 12 Mersea-road -- Colchester
BLATCH of 17 Mill-street -- Colchester
BLATCH of 88 North Station-road -- Colchester
BLEWITT of Woodlands Straight-road Lexden -- Colchester
BLOICE of Mauwyn Cowdray-avenue -- Colchester
BLOIS of 95 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
BLOMFIELD of 28 St Clare-road -- Colchester
BLOMFIELD of 47 Butt-road -- Colchester
BLOMFIELD of 67 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
BLOOM of 38 St. Johns-road -- Colchester
BLOOMFIELD of 173 Greenstead-road -- Colchester

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
BLOOMFIELD of 21 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
BLOOMFIELD of 53 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
BLOWERS of 1 Boxted-road -- Colchester
BLOWERS of 12 King George-road Pownall-crescent -- Colchester
BLYTH of 203 Maldon-road -- Colchester
BLYTH of 22 St. Albans-road -- Colchester
BLYTH of 24 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
BLYTH of 79 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
BOAR of 41 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
BOAST of 32 Roman-road -- Colchester
BOAST of 32 Roman-road -- Colchester
BOAST of 327 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
BOLDEN of 27 Burlington-road -- Colchester
BOLTON of Sea View East Mersea -- Colchester
BOND of 14 North Hill -- Colchester
BOND of 17 Wilson Marriage-road -- Colchester
BOND of 40 Alderton-road -- Colchester
BOND of Smyths Green Layer-Mamey -- Colchester
BONES of 9 Hamilton-road -- Colchester
BONING of 48 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
BONNELL of 16 St Albans-road -- Colchester
BONNER of 22 Castle-road -- Colchester
BONNER of Royal Eastern Counties Institution East Hill House -- Colchester
BOOME of 32 King Harold-road -- Colchester
BOON of 139 Harwich-road -- Colchester
BOON of 25 Granville-road -- Colchester
BOON of St. Marys Hospital -- Colchester
BOOTH of 17 New Town-road -- Colchester
BOOTH of 17 New Town-road -- Colchester
BOOTH of 3 Fairfax-road -- Colchester
BORLEY of 38 Winsley-road -- Colchester
BORN of 21 Shrub End-road -- Colchester
BORRER of Cliftonville 182 Mile End -- Colchester
BOSHER of 7 Irvine-road -- Colchester
BOTHAM of 2 Drury-road -- Colchester
BOTHAM of 70 Military-road -- Colchester
BOTHAM of 84 Wimpole-road -- Colchester
BOUGHEY of Hay Bam Flatford East Bergholt -- Colchester
BOUSFIELD of Cedar House Nayland -- Colchester
BOUTELL of 14 Church-lane -- Colchester
BOUTELL of 27 Scarletts-road -- Colchester
BOUTTELL of Marshalls 112 Layer-road -- Colchester
BOWDEN of Penrose Plume-avenue Shrub End -- Colchester
BOWDEN of Sparrows East Bergholt -- Colchester
BOWERS of 19 Osborne-street -- Colchester
BOWLES of Suo Marte Wimpole-road -- Colchester
BOYDEN of 140 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
BOYDEN of 4 St. Pauls-road -- Colchester
BOYDEN of Belmont Causton-road -- Colchester
BOYDEN of Belmont Causton-road -- Colchester
BOYDEN of the Bungalow Popesdane -- Colchester
BRACEY of 18 Victoria-road -- Colchester
BRADBURY of 22 Mercers Way -- Colchester
BRADDY of 108 Priory-street -- Colchester
BRADFORD of 108 Lexden-road -- Colchester
BRAITHWATE of 127 Barrack-street -- Colchester
BRANCKER of Copford Hall -- Colchester
BRANCKER of Copford Hall -- Colchester
BRAND of Hall Cottages Peldon -- Colchester
BRANSON of 155 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
BRAUND of 222 Mersea-road -- Colchester
BRAY of Lucerne 43 Castle-road -- Colchester
BRAYBROOKE of High View 206 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
BRAZIER of Chalet 58 Shrub End-road -- Colchester
BRECKNELL of 112 Military-road -- Colchester
BRECKNELL of Number 112 Military-road -- Colchester
BREGAZZI of Staunton Fitzgilbert-road -- Colchester
BRETT of 66 Mersea-road -- Colchester
BRETT of Brierley 19 Harwich-road -- Colchester
BRETTELL of 82 Roman-road -- Colchester
BRICE of East Donyland Rec-tory East Donyland -- Colchester
BRIDGER of 39 Pownall-crescent -- Colchester
BRIDGES of 48 Winnock-road -- Colchester
BRIGHT of 14 Beverley-road -- Colchester
BRIGHT of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
BRIGHTMORE of 154 Mersea-road -- Colchester
BRIGNELL of 8 East Hill -- Colchester
BRITEE of 15 Berechurch-road -- Colchester
BROCK of 26 Inglis-road -- Colchester
BROCK of 28 Lucas-road -- Colchester
BROCK of 4 North-hill -- Colchester
BROCKLEBANK of Westwood Park West Bergholt -- Colchester
BROME of 32 Halstead-road Lexden -- Colchester
BROMLY of 11 Bromley-road -- Colchester
BROMLY of 47 Bromley-road -- Colchester
BROOKS of 18 Vineyard-street -- Colchester
BROOKS of 31 West-street -- Colchester
BROOKS of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
BROOM of 1 Winchester-road -- Colchester
BROOM of 100 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
BROOM of 3 Flat St. Bololphs-street -- Colchester
BROOMAN of 82 London-road Lexden -- Colchester
BROWN of 111 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
BROWN of 14 Drury-road -- Colchester
BROWN of 14 Recreation-road -- Colchester
BROWN of 149a Maldon-road -- Colchester
BROWN of 21 Hamilton-road -- Colchester
BROWN of 216 Maldon-road -- Colchester
BROWN of 254 Cowdray-avenue -- Colchester
BROWN of 29 Dilbridge-road -- Colchester
BROWN of 31 Beche-road -- Colchester
BROWN of 38 Constantine-road -- Colchester
BROWN of 4 Albion-street Rowhedge -- Colchester
BROWN of 41 Scarletts-road -- Colchester
BROWN of 42 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
BROWN of 45 East-street -- Colchester
BROWN of 47 Wimpole-road -- Colchester
BROWN of 62 East-street -- Colchester
BROWN of 77 Maldon-road -- Colchester
BROWN of 8 Bourne-road -- Colchester
BROWN of 9 Honywood-road -- Colchester
BROWN of 94 Lisle-road -- Colchester
BROWN of 94 Lisle-road -- Colchester
BROWN of Sandringham Blackheath -- Colchester
BROWN of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
BROWN of The Lodge Ardleigh -- Colchester
BROWNRIGG of Driftway Boxford -- Colchester
BRUCE of 37 East-street -- Colchester
BRUCE of 59 The Chase Blackheath -- Colchester
BRUCE of 97 Harwich-road -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
BRUCE of Hillcroft 97 Harwich-road -- Colchester
BRUNWIN of 81 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
BRYAN of 1 Winsley-road -- Colchester
BRYANT of 3 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
BRYANT of 4 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
BRYANT of 6 Papillon-road -- Colchester
BUCK of 22 Hamilton-road -- Colchester
BUCK of 24 Irvine-road -- Colchester
BUCK of 70 Constantine-road -- Colchester
BUCK of 70 Constantine-road -- Colchester
BUCK of 70 Constantine-road -- Colchester
BUCK of 75 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
BUCKINGHAM of 12 Essex-street -- Colchester
BUCKINGHAM of 12 Essex-street -- Colchester
BUCKINGHAM of 4 Honywood-road -- Colchester
BUCKINGHAM of 6 Chapel-street -- Colchester
BUCKLE of 105 Straight-road Lexden -- Colchester
BUGG of 49 Wickham-road -- Colchester
BUGG of 54 Wickham-road -- Colchester
BUGG of 63 Victor-road -- Colchester
BULGIN of Colchester
BULL of 33 Victoria-road -- Colchester
BULLEY of 153 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
BULLOCH of Hill House Aldham near -- Colchester
BULLOCK of -- Colchester
BULLOCK of 45 Lexden-road -- Colchester
BULLOCK of 8 Salisbury-avenue -- Colchester
BULLOCK of Danehurst Oxford-road -- Colchester
BULTITUDE of 111 Maldon-road -- Colchester
BULTITUDE of 293 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
BULTITUDE of Egremont 293 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
BUMONT of T8 Halstead-road Lexden -- Colchester
BUMPSTEAD of 7 Priory-street -- Colchester
BUMPSTEAD of 7 Priory-street -- Colchester
BUNTING of 113 North Station-road -- Colchester
BUNYARD of 55 Lexden-road -- Colchester
BURCH of 26 King Stephen-foad -- Colchester
BURCH of 26 King Stephen-road -- Colchester
BURCH of 28 Hythe Hill -- Colchester
BURCH of 28 Hythe Hill -- Colchester
BURCH of 3 Popes-lane -- Colchester
BURCH of Boxted-road -- Colchester
BURCHMORE of Ida Cottage Wivenhoe Cross -- Colchester
BURFIELD of 102 Lisle-road -- Colchester
BURGESS of Stanway Infirmary -- Colchester
BURGOYNE of 40 Claudius-road -- Colchester
BURLEIGH of 10 Victoria-road -- Colchester
BURLEIGH of 9 Victoria-road -- Colchester
BURNETT of Somersby 40 Blackheath Mersea-road -- Colchester
BURNS of 4 Chapel-street -- Colchester
BURRELL of 114 Berechurch-road -- Colchester
BURRELLS of 81 Lisle-road -- Colchester
BURROWS of 63 Smythies-avenue -- Colchester
BURROWS of 7 St. Johns-avenue -- Colchester
BURSTON of 57 High-street -- Colchester
BURSTON of Scveralls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
BURTON of 2 Standard-road -- Colchester
BURTON of 3 Winsley-square -- Colchester
BURTON of Warren-lane Stanway -- Colchester
BUSHELL of Awblem Roman-hill Blackheath -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
BUSKIN of Little Bentley Corner -- Colchester
BUSSEY of 282 Mersea-road -- Colchester
BUSWELL of 32 Military-road -- Colchester
BUSWELL of 36 Military-road -- Colchester
BUTCHER of 2 St Helens-lane -- Colchester
BUTCHER of 20 Cedars-road -- Colchester
BUTCHER of 27 Charles-street -- Colchester
BUTCHER of 50 Castle-road -- Colchester
BUTCHER of 8 Pond Chase Shrub End -- Colchester
BUTCHER of 8 Pond Chase Shrub End -- Colchester
BUTCHER of Downgate Rowhedge -- Colchester
BUTCHER of Glenthorne Ipswich-road -- Colchester
BUTLER of 25 Drury-road -- Colchester
BUTLER of Kingsmead Lexden -- Colchester
BUTLER of Plumbs Farm Boxted Stratford St Mary -- Colchester
BUTLER of the Asiatic Petroleum Company (North China) Limited Victoria-road Tiensin North China and of the Grange West Mersea -- Colchester
BUTT of 6 Irvine-road -- Colchester
BUTT of Abberton Cottage Layer-de-la-Haye -- Colchester
BUTT of Knellerdene Cowdray-avenue -- Colchester
BUTTON of 80 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
BUXTON of 83 Drury-road -- Colchester
BYFORD of Ellesmere 19 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
BYLES of 188 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
BYRNE of 32 Salisbury-avenue -- Colchester
CADE of Spadina 157 Maldon-road -- Colchester
CAHILL of 78 Layer-road -- Colchester
CALLAGHAN of 33 Cowdray-avenue -- Colchester
CALVER of 16 West Stockwell-street -- Colchester
CALVER of 20 Gilberd-road -- Colchester
CALVER of 40 Artillery-street North -- Colchester
CAMPBELL of 1 The Avenue -- Colchester
CANE of East Bergholt -- Colchester
CANHAM of 121 Harwich-road -- Colchester
CANHAM of 301 Harwich-road -- Colchester
CANLER of 100 Military-road -- Colchester
CANLER of Winstree House Stanway -- Colchester
CANNON of 4 Rawstom-road -- Colchester
CANSDALE of 51 Pownall-crescent -- Colchester
CANT of 23 North Station-road -- Colchester
CANT of 7 Alexandra-terrace -- Colchester
CANT of The Mill House Lexden -- Colchester
CANT of The Mill House Lexden -- Colchester
CAPE of Fordington House -- Colchester
CAREY of 19 Pownall-crescent -- Colchester
CAREY of 19 Pownall-crescent -- Colchester
CAREY of Scveralls Hospital -- Colchester
CARLO of 10 Castle-road -- Colchester
CARLO of 64 Lisle-road -- Colchester
CARLO of 80 Greensitead-road -- Colchester
CARLO of Kirkley Whitehall-road -- Colchester
CARMAN of 76 Wimpole-road -- Colchester
CARNIE of Sunnyside Boxted Heath -- Colchester
CARR of 178 Maldon-road -- Colchester
CARR of 178 Maldon-road -- Colchester
CARRINGTON of 167 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
CARRINGTON of 9 H3dhe Quay -- Colchester
CARRINGTON of 9 Hythe Quay -- Colchester
CARROLL of 9 Susscx-road -- Colchester
CARROLL of 9 Sussex-road -- Colchester
CARTER of 28 Drury-road -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
CARTER of 58 Maldon-road -- Colchester
CARTER of 58 Maldon-road -- Colchester
CARTER of 83 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
CARTER of San Remo 4 Elmstead-road -- Colchester
CARTER of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
CASE of 86 Brook-street -- Colchester
CASTAGNOLI of 71 Culver-street -- Colchester
CATCHPOLE of 73 Morant-road -- Colchester
CATER of 201 Magdalen-street -- Colchester
CATER of 21 Recreation-road -- Colchester
CATER of 60 Crouch-street -- Colchester
CATER of 62 East Hill -- Colchester
CATER of 73 Military-road -- Colchester
CEPP of The Lion and Lamb Beerhouse Ipswich- road -- Colchester
CHADBOURNE of Windy Ridge Parsons Heath -- Colchester
CHALLEN of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
CHALMERS of Moat Hall Fordham -- Colchester
CHAMBERLAIN of 202 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
CHAMBERS of 106 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
CHAMBERS of 106 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
CHAMBERS of 60 Creffield-road -- Colchester
CHAMIER of 14 The Avenue -- Colchester
CHANDLER of 34 Gladstone-road -- Colchester
CHANDLER of 68 Morant-road -- Colchester
CHANDLER of 68 Morant-road -- Colchester
CHAPLIN of 1 Three Crowns-road -- Colchester
CHAPLIN of 20 Wimpole-road -- Colchester
CHAPLIN of 38 St Johns-street -- Colchester
CHAPLIN of 4 Nunns-road -- Colchester
CHAPLIN of 49 Kendall-road -- Colchester
CHAPLIN of Hofinsdale Ipswich-road -- Colchester
CHAPMAN of 25 East Hill -- Colchester
CHAPMAN of 27 Kendall-terrace Military-road -- Colchester
CHAPMAN of 43 Wellesley-road -- Colchester
CHAPMAN of 5 Whaley-road -- Colchester
CHAPMAN of Severalls Mental Hospital Mile End -- Colchester
CHARGE of 5 Berryfield Cottages East Bay -- Colchester
CHARLESWORTH of 147 Butt-road -- Colchester
CHARNOCK of 83 Shrub End-road -- Colchester
CHATTEY of 123 Maldon-road -- Colchester
CHATTEY of 123 Maldon-road -- Colchester
CHAWNER of 47 Drury-road -- Colchester
CHEESMAN of 10 The Avenue -- Colchester
CHESHIRE of 1 Meyrick-crescent -- Colchester
CHESHIRE of 168 Maldon-road -- Colchester
CHESNEY of Auchenhove Nelson-road -- Colchester
CHILD of 5 St Leonard's-road -- Colchester
CHILDS of 115 Winnock-road -- Colchester
CHINNERY of 4 Wimpole-road -- Colchester
CHISNALL of 92 Wickham-road -- Colchester
CHOPPING of 47 Victoria-road -- Colchester
CHOPPING of Fairlight Towers Queens-road -- Colchester
CHOPPING of Fairlight Tpwer 2 Queens-road -- Colchester
CHURCH of 187 Mile End-road -- Colchester
CHURCH of White House Victoria-road -- Colchester
CLAMPIN of 144 Layer-road -- Colchester
CLAMPIN of 48 Barrington-road -- Colchester
CLAREY of 149 Harwich-road Parsons Heath -- Colchester
CLARIDCE of 32 Inglis-road -- Colchester
CLARIDGE of St Chads 32 Inglis-road -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
CLARK of 1 Mercers-way -- Colchester
CLARK of 11a High-street -- Colchester
CLARK of 123 Butt-road -- Colchester
CLARK of 289 Straight-road -- Colchester
CLARK of 31 Old Heath -- Colchester
CLARK of 38 Cromwell-road -- Colchester
CLARK of 8 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
CLARK of Chapel-road Langham Moor near -- Colchester
CLARK of Guildhurst Herringston-road -- Colchester
CLARK of Laleham 9 Drury-road -- Colchester
CLARK of The Barracks -- Colchester
CLARKE of 15 King Stephen-road -- Colchester
CLARKE of 19 Catchpool-road -- Colchester
CLARKE of 19 Morant-road -- Colchester
CLARKE of 213 Harwich-road -- Colchester
CLARKE of 237 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
CLARKE of 24 Papillon-road -- Colchester
CLARKE of 28 Rosebeiy-avenue -- Colchester
CLARKE of 30 Straight-road Lexden -- Colchester
CLARKE of 32 Winchester-road -- Colchester
CLARKE of 49 Butt-road -- Colchester
CLARKE of 53 Heath-road Lexden -- Colchester
CLARKE of 55 Scarletts-road -- Colchester
CLARKE of 55 Scarletts-road -- Colchester
CLARKE of 77 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
CLARKE of 8 Audley-road -- Colchester
CLARKE of 83 Lexden Straight-road -- Colchester
CLARKE of Ascot Villa 39 Campion-road -- Colchester
CLARKE of Blackheath Farm 3 Berechurch Hall-road -- Colchester
CLARKE of Miramar Heath-road Leyden -- Colchester
CLARKE of Parsons Heath -- Colchester
CLARKE of Rose Cottage 10 Bromley-road Parsons Heath -- Colchester
CLARY of Claridene Abbots-road Old Heath -- Colchester
CLASS of 9 West-street -- Colchester
CLAVERING of 4 St. Marys-road -- Colchester
CLAYDON of 126 Braiswick -- Colchester
CLAYDON of Heatherbrae Elmstead Heath -- Colchester
CLAYDON of The Royal Eastern Counties Institution -- Colchester
CLAYPOLE of 90 Wickham-road -- Colchester
ClBB of Holm Croft West Mersea -- Colchester
CLEAVE of Station-road Tytree -- Colchester
CLEMENTS of 1 Campion-road -- Colchester
CLEMENTS of 1 Campion-road -- Colchester
CLEMENTS of 1 Campion-road -- Colchester
CLEMENTS of 234 Straight-road Shrub End -- Colchester
CLEMENTS of 72 East-street -- Colchester
CLEMENTSON of Clives Boxted -- Colchester
CLEMENTSON of Clives Boxted -- Colchester
CLENDON of 11 Lexden-road -- Colchester
CLENDON of Holm Oak Lexden-road -- Colchester
CLUBB of 42 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
CLUBB of 86 Bourne-road -- Colchester
COCHRANE of 117 Maldon-road -- Colchester
COCK of Braiswick Stud -- Colchester
COCKER of Emmwill Ipswich-road -- Colchester
COCKER of The Castle Hotel High-street -- Colchester
COCKIN of 108 Maldon-road -- Colchester
COCKRAM of 1 Viaduct Cottage Wakes Colne -- Colchester
COCKRELL of 19 Gascoigne-road -- Colchester
COCKRELL of 60 Winchester-road -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
COCKRELL of 60 Winchester-road -- Colchester
COCKRELL of Copford Brook Cottage London-road Copford -- Colchester
COCKS of Mandeville Blackheath -- Colchester
COCKSEDGE of 108 St. Andrews-avenue -- Colchester
COGAN of 10 Harwich-road -- Colchester
COGAN of 30 East Hill -- Colchester
COLE of 19 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
COLE of 2 Rose-cottages Elmstead Heath -- Colchester
COLE of 25 Wimpole-road -- Colchester
COLE of 70 North Station-road -- Colchester
COLE of Church House Dedham -- Colchester
COLE of Crown-street Dedham -- Colchester
COLE of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
COLE of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
COLE of The Shanty Church-road Fordham -- Colchester
COLE of Veronica 44 Saint Andrews-avenue -- Colchester
COLEBY of Casita Fitzgilbert-road -- Colchester
COLEMAN of the Old Bakery London-road Marks Tey -- Colchester
COLGAN of 30 Layer-road -- Colchester
COLGAN of 30 Layer-road -- Colchester
COLLEER of 5 Spurgeon-street -- Colchester
COLLER of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
COLLIINS of 114 Priory-street -- Colchester
COLLIN of 91 Maldon-road -- Colchester
COLLINGE of Cam Brae Elianore-road -- Colchester
COLLINS of 10 Cambridge-road -- Colchester
COLLINS of 212 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
COLLINS of 212 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
COLLINS of 254 Cowdray-avenue -- Colchester
COLLINS of 4 St Nicholas-square Culver-street -- Colchester
COLLINS of Duke of York Barrack-street -- Colchester
COLLINS of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
COLLMAN of Fairacres Hubert-road -- Colchester
COLLYER of Severalls Asylum -- Colchester
COLLYER of The Vale Dunthorne-road Ipswich-road -- Colchester
COLVIN of Little Catchbells Stan-way -- Colchester
COLVIN of White House Lexden -- Colchester
COMER of 2 Defoe-crescent -- Colchester
CONNOR of 30a Vineyard-street -- Colchester
CONNOR of 3a Vineyard-street -- Colchester
CONROY of Denby Cambridge-road -- Colchester
CONSTABLE of 2 St Pauls-road -- Colchester
CONSTABLE of 78a Maldon-road -- Colchester
COOK of 130 Butt-road -- Colchester
COOK of 14 Popes-lane -- Colchester
COOK of 21 Mile End-road -- Colchester
COOK of 3 Standard-road -- Colchester
COOK of 42 London-road -- Colchester
COOK of 48 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
COOK of 5 Winchester-road -- Colchester
COOK of 80 North Station-road -- Colchester
COOK of 9 Causton-road -- Colchester
COOK of 95 Winnock-road -- Colchester
COOK of 96 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
COOK of Cranleigh 34 Nelson-road Lexden -- Colchester
COOK of Gordon House 26 Wimpole-road -- Colchester
COOK of The Downs Stoke-by-Nayland -- Colchester
COOK of the Grove off Irvine-road -- Colchester
COOKE of 17 Inglis-road -- Colchester
COOKE of 9 Claudius-road -- Colchester

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
COOLE of 18 Shrub Endrioad -- Colchester
COONEY of Severalls Hospital Essex County Asylum -- Colchester
COOPER of 18 Papillon-road -- Colchester
COOPER of 2 Oxford-road -- Colchester
COOPER of 67a South-street -- Colchester
COOPER of Hospital House 11 Hospital-road -- Colchester
COOPER of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
COOPER of The Nurseris Great Horkesley -- Colchester
COOPER of Wick Villas 204 Mersea-road -- Colchester
COOTE of 14 Alexandra-road -- Colchester
COOTE of 7 Alexandra-road -- Colchester
COPE of The Little House Dedham -- Colchester
COPPING of 17 Blackheath -- Colchester
COPPOCK of -20 Crouch-street -- Colchester
COPSEY of 1 Rowhedge-road Old Heath -- Colchester
CORBETT of 117 Winnock-road -- Colchester
CORBETT of 152 Maldon-road -- Colchester
CORDER of 36 Harwich-roud -- Colchester
CORK of 101 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
CORK of 41 Shrub End-road -- Colchester
CORK of Ransoms Cottage Peldon near -- Colchester
CORNICK of 19. Louise-road -- Colchester
CORNISH of 11 Lisle-road -- Colchester
CORNISH of 5 Berryfield-cottages East Bay -- Colchester
CORRINGHAM of The Firs Bakers-lane Braiswick -- Colchester
COTTEE of 48 Maldon-road -- Colchester
COTTEE of 5 Three Crowns-road -- Colchester
COTTIS of 5 Gray-road -- Colchester
COTTIS of 8 Irvine-road -- Colchester
COUCH of 13 Kendall-terrace -- Colchester
COULAHAN of 99 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
COULTHARD of 70 Wimpole-road -- Colchester
COULTHURST of Brierfield 238 Straight-road Shrub End -- Colchester
COUPLAND of 136 Cowdray-avenue -- Colchester
COUSINS of 121 Maldon-road -- Colchester
COUSINS of 83 Mill-road Mile End -- Colchester
COVENEY of 1 St Pauls-road -- Colchester
COVENEY of 106 Maiden-road -- Colchester
COVENEY of 12 Military-road -- Colchester
COVENEY of 335 Harwich-road -- Colchester
COVENEY of 57 Winnock-road -- Colchester
COWX of 26 New Town-road -- Colchester
COX of 12 Honywood-road -- Colchester
COX of 3 Vint-crescent -- Colchester
COX of 94 Goring-road -- Colchester
CRABTREE of 4 Dickenson-villas Maiden-road Tiptree -- Colchester
CRANFIELD of 1 All Saints-avenue -- Colchester
CRANFIELD of 92 Shrub End-road -- Colchester
CRARER of 21 Audley-road -- Colchester
CRASKE of Braiswick Mount -- Colchester
CRASKE of Braiswick Mount Braiswick -- Colchester
CRAWSHAW of 381 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
CREED of 29 Beche-road -- Colchester
CREES of 37 Audley-road -- Colchester
CRICK of 210 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
CRICKMAR of 26 Wickham-road -- Colchester
CRICKMORE of Sl Parsons Heath -- Colchester
CRICKS of the Infirmary -- Colchester
CRIPPS of 87 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
CRIPPS of Houseboat Ellen Spurgeon-street -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
CRIPWELL of 38 Wimpole-road -- Colchester
CRISP of 17 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
CRISP of 17 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
CRISP of Little Wenham Hall -- Colchester
CROOK of 41 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
CROSBY of 241 Lexden-road -- Colchester
CROSBY of 34 St. Pauls-road -- Colchester
CROSLEY of 33 Errington-road -- Colchester
CROSLEY of 33 Errington-road -- Colchester
CROSS of 23 Winsley-terrace Old Heath-road -- Colchester
CROSSMAN of 19 Hythe Station-road -- Colchester
CROSSMAN of Westbury Lexden-road -- Colchester
CROWTHER of Kingswood New Town-road -- Colchester
CROYDEN of 11 Drury-road -- Colchester
CROYDON of 62 Roman-road -- Colchester
CROYDON of 62 Roman-road -- Colchester
CROYDON of 62 Roman-road -- Colchester
CUBITT of The Trellis House Copford Green -- Colchester
CUCKNEY of Cranna Prettygate-road -- Colchester
CUERDON of 29 Brook-street -- Colchester
CULLINAN of Clovelly 225 Maldon-road -- Colchester
CULLINCTON of 38 Meyrick crescent -- Colchester
CULLINGTON of 38 Meyrick-crescent -- Colchester
CULLUM of 2 Pownall-crescent -- Colchester
CULLUM of 5 Morten-road -- Colchester
CUNYNGHAM of Abbey House -- Colchester
CURL of Cambridge Lodge Cambridge-road -- Colchester
CURRELL of 99 Canterburv-road -- Colchester
CURRELL of Lexden -- Colchester
CURRIE of The Marlborough Head St. Batolphs-street -- Colchester
CURRY of 205 Harwich-road -- Colchester
CURRY of 47 Butt-road -- Colchester
CURTIS of 14 Lexden-road -- Colchester
CUTHEW of 12 Claudius-road -- Colchester
CUTTS of 217 St. Johns-road Ipswich-road -- Colchester
DAINES of 98 Hythe Hill -- Colchester
DAINES of 98 Hythe-hill -- Colchester
DALBY of 20 Winsley-road -- Colchester
DALDRY of 19 South-street -- Colchester
DALDY of 158 Maldon-road -- Colchester
DALE of 113 Straight-road Lexden -- Colchester
DALE of 32 Brook-street -- Colchester
DALE of 75 Pownall-crescent -- Colchester
DALGETTY of 21 Gladstone-road -- Colchester
DALTON of 118 Military-road -- Colchester
DAMANT of 60 Roman-road -- Colchester
DAMERELL of 37 Wimpole-street -- Colchester
DANIEL of 17 Church-lane Lexden -- Colchester
DANIELL of 33 Essex-street -- Colchester
DANIELL of 8 East Hill -- Colchester
DANIELL of 8 Salisbury-avenue -- Colchester
DANIELS of 22 Halstead-road -- Colchester
DANSEY of 5 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
DANSEY of Beryldene Ipswich-road -- Colchester
DAVEY of 2 Mill-street -- Colchester
DAVEY of 62a Stanwell-street -- Colchester
DAVEY of The Little Crown Short Wyre-street -- Colchester
DAVID of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
DAVIDGE of 103 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
DAVIDSON of Myland Court Severalls -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
DAVIE of 170b Harwich-road -- Colchester
DAVIES of 33 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
DAVIES of 95 High-street -- Colchester
DAVIS of Cherry Tree Cottage Higham -- Colchester
DAVIS of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
DAWKINS of 20 Studds-lane My land -- Colchester
DAY of 151 Magdalen-road -- Colchester
DAY of 152 Magdalen-street -- Colchester
DAY of 152 Magdalen-street -- Colchester
DAY of 153 Magdalen-street -- Colchester
DAY of 2 Dilbridge-road -- Colchester
DAY of 2 Lexden-road -- Colchester
DAY of 37 Walsingham-roaa -- Colchester
DAY of 48 Barrington-road -- Colchester
DAY of 77 Hythe Hill -- Colchester
DAY of 78 Drury-road -- Colchester
DAY of Hay Tor Braiswick -- Colchester
DAY of Hay Tor Braiswick -- Colchester
DAY of The Cottage Layer-road -- Colchester
DAY of The Turrets Lexden-road -- Colchester
DE LA PRYME of 4 Oxford-road -- Colchester
DEAN of White Lodge -- Colchester
DEANE of 59 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
DEANE of 59 Pownall-crescent -- Colchester
DEANE of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
DEANE of The Willows Braiswick -- Colchester
DEATH of 24 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
DEATH of Wcstonia 63 Lexden-road -- Colchester
DEEKS of 58 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
DEEKS of 58 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
DEELEY of 4 Chapel-road Stanway -- Colchester
DENNARD of 31 Mile End-road -- Colchester
DENNIS of 141 Maldon-road -- Colchester
DENNIS of 325 Straight-road Shrub End -- Colchester
DENNIS of 45 Wellesley-road -- Colchester
DENNY of 14 Causton-road -- Colchester
DENNY of 60 Mile End-road -- Colchester
DENTON of 8 East Stockwell-street -- Colchester
DES BARRES of Eastwell House Lexden-road -- Colchester
DEWES of 6 Richardsonwalk Lexden -- Colchester
DICKSON of Hill-farm Parsons Heath -- Colchester
DIGBY of 15 Queen-street -- Colchester
DIGBY of 23 Wellesley-road -- Colchester
DIGBY of Kings Ford -- Colchester
DIGBY of Kingsford -- Colchester
DIGGENS of 47 East Hill -- Colchester
DINES of 137 Mile End-road -- Colchester
DINES of 14 Hamilton-road -- Colchester
DINES of 51 Constantine-road -- Colchester
DINES of Brick Kiln Farm Ipswich-road -- Colchester
DIPNALL of 5 Nelson-road Lexden -- Colchester
DIXEY of 68 Mersea-road -- Colchester
DOBSON of 2 Boxted-road Mile End -- Colchester
DOBSON of 43 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
DOBSON of The Nook Ingles-road -- Colchester
DOCKER of Gostwycke 4 Cambridge-road -- Colchester
DOCWRA of 1 East Hill -- Colchester
DODD of 18 W eflesley-road -- Colchester
DODSON of 15 Essex-street -- Colchester
DODSON of 204 Maldon-road -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
DOE of 5 Artillery-street -- Colchester
DOE of 7 Papillon-road -- Colchester
DOLLIMORE of 52 Crowhurst-road -- Colchester
DONNELLY of 55 Bourne-road -- Colchester
DOUBLE of 16 Three Crowns-road -- Colchester
DOUBLE of 238 Maldon-road -- Colchester
DOUIE of 34 Inglis-road -- Colchester
DOWNES of 17 Granville-road -- Colchester
DOWNES of 9 Dunthorne-road -- Colchester
DOWNEY of Arosa 54 Blackheath -- Colchester
DOWNING of 14 Elmstead-road -- Colchester
DOWNING of 22 Gladwin-road -- Colchester
DOWNS of 13 School-lane Elmstead Market -- Colchester
DRAKE of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
DREW of 24 Berechurch-road -- Colchester
DREW of 30 Fairhead-road -- Colchester
DREWE of 5 Berechurch Hall-road -- Colchester
DRIVER of 15 Granville-road -- Colchester
DRUCE of 2 Plummer-road Fordham -- Colchester
DRURY of 13 Alexandra-road -- Colchester
DUCK of 129 Straight-road Lexden -- Colchester
DUCKETT of 4 Albert-street -- Colchester
DUGGAN of Holmwood House School Lexden -- Colchester
DUNKLEY of Grasmere Great Bromley -- Colchester
DUNNINGHAM of 38 East Hill -- Colchester
DUPONT of Bakery Cottage Halstead-road Eight Ash Green -- Colchester
DUPRES of Chestnut-grove Copford -- Colchester
DURHAM of Betsonla 306 Old Heath -- Colchester
DURN of 30 Butt-road -- Colchester
DURRANT of 20 Hamilton-road -- Colchester
DURRANT of 47 Audley-road -- Colchester
DURRINGTON of 36 Scarletts-road -- Colchester
DYER of 149 Mill-road Mile End -- Colchester
DYER of 79 North Station-road -- Colchester
DYKE of 8 Alexandra-terrace -- Colchester
EAGLE of 95 Lexden-road -- Colchester
EAGLE of Melrose 168 Mile End-road -- Colchester
EARL of 17 Inglis-road -- Colchester
EARP of Charalis 231 Harwich-road -- Colchester
EARY of 36 Straight-road Lexden -- Colchester
EARY of 36 Straight-road Lexden -- Colchester
EASTAUGH of 7 St Paul?s-road -- Colchester
EASTON of 51 Lexden-road -- Colchester
EASTWOOD of 57 Wimpole-road -- Colchester
EATON of 29 Cambridge-road -- Colchester
EDE of 4 Compton-road -- Colchester
EDE of 4 Compton-road -- Colchester
EDE of 72 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
EDEN of 1 Wellington-street -- Colchester
EDWARDS of 14 King Stephen-road -- Colchester
EDWARDS of 14 King Stephen-road -- Colchester
EDWARDS of 158 Butt-road -- Colchester
EDWARDS of 27 Ireton-road -- Colchester
EDWARDS of 27 Ireton-road -- Colchester
EDWARDS of 30 Cedars-road -- Colchester
EDWARDS of 36 Maldon-road -- Colchester
EDWARDS of 7 Alderton-road -- Colchester
EDWARDS of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
EDWARDS of The Brewers Arms Stanwell-street -- Colchester
ELDRED of 23 Vint-crescent -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
ELDRED of Severails Mental Hospital -- Colchester
ELDRED of The Limes Marks Tey near -- Colchester
ELGAR of 63 Lexden-road -- Colchester
ELIN of Ardleigh Part -- Colchester
ELLENFORD of 100 Mersea-road -- Colchester
ELLENFORD of 9 Hospital-road -- Colchester
ELLINGHAM of Elmside Rowhedge-road -- Colchester
ELLINGHAM of Elmside Rowhedge-road -- Colchester
ELLIOTT of 13 Osbome-street -- Colchester
ELLIS of 24 Creffield-road -- Colchester
ELLIS of 40 Recreation-road -- Colchester
ELLIS of Gables 275 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
ELLISON of 3 Queens-road -- Colchester
ELLISON of The Anchorage Port-lane -- Colchester
ELLISTON of 141 Mile End-road -- Colchester
ELMER of 17 Gilberd-road -- Colchester
ELMER of 7 Gray-road -- Colchester
ELWES of 14 Lexden-road -- Colchester
ELWES of 3 High-street -- Colchester
ELWES of 43 Wellesley-road -- Colchester
EMENEY of The Nest Elmstead Heath -- Colchester
EMENY of 35 Cromwell-road -- Colchester
ENGLISH of Spring Cottage Elmstead Market -- Colchester
EUSTACE of 59 Magdalen-street -- Colchester
EVANS of 12 Smythies-avenue -- Colchester
EVANS of 138 Maldon-road -- Colchester
EVANS of 23 Roman-road -- Colchester
EVANS of 54b Creffield-road -- Colchester
EVANS of Hillside 81 Bromley-road Parsons Heath -- Colchester
EVANS of The Curatage Ardleigh -- Colchester
EVE of 132 Harwich-road -- Colchester
EVERETT of 14 Creffield-road -- Colchester
EVERETT of 28 New Town-road -- Colchester
EVERETT of 6 Savill-road Old Heath -- Colchester
EVERETT of 81 Shrub End-road -- Colchester
EVERITT of 1 Alexandra-terrace -- Colchester
EVERITT of 137 Morant-road -- Colchester
EVERSON of 9 Salisbury-avenue -- Colchester
EVES of Almadene 95 Straight-road Lexden -- Colchester
EWENS of 6 Trafalgar-road Lexden -- Colchester
FACER of 2 Enington-road -- Colchester
FAHIE of 2 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
FAHIE of 2 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
FAIRCLOUCH of 5 Parsons-lane -- Colchester
FAIRHEAD of 39 Victoria-road -- Colchester
FAIRWEATHER of 3 North-hill -- Colchester
FAIRWEATHER of 81 Northgate-street -- Colchester
FARBON of 41 Beche-road -- Colchester
FARLEY of Coseys Cottage Lodge-road Messing -- Colchester
FARMAN of 15 Castle-road -- Colchester
FARRAN of 89 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
FARRAN of 89 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
FARRANCE of 17 Campion-road -- Colchester
FARRANT of 49 Audley-road -- Colchester
FARROW of Oaklands Langham -- Colchester
FARTHING of 65 Mile End -- Colchester
FAVELL of 2 Winsley Bungalows Old Heath-road -- Colchester
FEATHER of 4 Cambridge-road -- Colchester
FELGATE of 176 Cowdray-avenue -- Colchester
FENN of 32c Crouch-street -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
FENN of All Saints Vicarage Shrub End -- Colchester
FENN of Alston Court Nayland -- Colchester
FENNING of 15 Portland-road -- Colchester
FENNING of 217 Maldon-road -- Colchester
FENNING of 55 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
FIELDEN of 20 Inglis-road -- Colchester
FIELDGATE of 6 Shrub End-road -- Colchester
FIELDING of Senior?School Sible Hedihgton -- Colchester
FINCH of 20 Gromwell-road -- Colchester
FINCH of 4 Rebow-street -- Colchester
FINCHAM of 16 Shrubland-road -- Colchester
FINCHAM of 19 Heath-road Lexden -- Colchester
FINCHAM of 9 Gosbecks-road Shrub End -- Colchester
FINN of 14 Winsley-square -- Colchester
FINN of 39 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
FIRMAN of Severells Mental Hospital -- Colchester
FIRMAN of Severells Mental Hospital -- Colchester
FIRMIN of -- Colchester
FIRMIN of 13 Moran-road -- Colchester
FIRMIN of 14 Castle-road -- Colchester
FIRMIN of St Malo Maldon-road -- Colchester
FISHER of 1 Priory Cottages Hardys Green Birch -- Colchester
FISHER of 10 Winnock-terrace Military-road -- Colchester
FISHER of 13 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
FISHER of 16 Winnock-road -- Colchester
FISHER of 200 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
FISHER of 25 Lisle-road -- Colchester
FISHER of 25 Lisle-road -- Colchester
FISHER of 25 Lisle-road -- Colchester
FISHER of 259 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
FISHER of 26 St Pauls-road -- Colchester
FISHER of 46 Bourne-road -- Colchester
FISHER of 5 Ayloffe-road -- Colchester
FISHER of 7 Pond Chase Shrub End -- Colchester
FISHER of 9 Creffield-road -- Colchester
FISHER of 96 Priory-street -- Colchester
FITCH of 7 Recreation-road -- Colchester
FITZGERALD of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
FLACK of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
FLETCHER of 57 Bourne-road -- Colchester
FLETCHER of 7 Belle Vue-road -- Colchester
FLETCHER of 74 Northgate-street -- Colchester
FLETCHER of Cups Hotel High-street -- Colchester
FLORY of St Runwalds Maldon-road -- Colchester
FLOYD of Male Infirmary Popers-lane -- Colchester
FLUX of 16 Meyrick-crescent -- Colchester
FOAKES of Kingthorpe Mersea-road Blackheath -- Colchester
FOAKES of Kingthorpe Mersea-road Blackheath -- Colchester
FODEN of 47 Mersea-road -- Colchester
FODEN of 47 Mersea-road -- Colchester
FOLKARD of 2 Church-street -- Colchester
FOLKARD of The Walnuts Shrub End -- Colchester
FOLKES of 74 Pownall-crescent -- Colchester
FOOKES of 14 Rawstorn-road -- Colchester
FOOKES of 42 Lisle-road -- Colchester
FOOKES of 47 Constantine-road -- Colchester
FOOKES of 47 Constantine-road -- Colchester
FOOKES of 51 Crowhurst-road -- Colchester
FOOT of 171 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
FOOTE of 13 Layer-road -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
FOOTE of 79 North Station-road -- Colchester
FORD of 18 East Hill -- Colchester
FORD of 33 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
FORD of 41 Gladwin-road -- Colchester
FORD of 97 Papillon-road -- Colchester
FORD of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
FORDHAM of 200 Magdalen-street -- Colchester
FORREST of Crouch House Farm Langenhol -- Colchester
FORSTER of Field House Dyers-road Stanway -- Colchester
FORSTER of Field House Dyers-road Stanway -- Colchester
FOSSETT of 53 Irvine-road -- Colchester
FOWLER of West View 6 Berechurch-road -- Colchester
FOWLER of West View Be rechurch-road -- Colchester
FOX of Cherry Tree Farm Ardleigh -- Colchester
FRANCIS of 35 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
FRANCIS of 39 Hythe Hill -- Colchester
FRANCIS of 72 High-street -- Colchester
FRANCIS of 72 High-street -- Colchester
FRANCIS of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
FRANCIS of St Michaels Berechurch -- Colchester
FRANCIS of St. Michaels Berechurch -- Colchester
FRANKLIN of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
FRAREY of 193 Mile End-road -- Colchester
FRAREY of 193 Mile End-road -- Colchester
FRASER of 38 Crockleford-hill -- Colchester
FREDERICK of 4 Honywood-road -- Colchester
FRENCH of 232 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
FRENCH of 232 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
FRENCH of 5 Rawstorn-road -- Colchester
FRIEND of 53 Gladwin-road -- Colchester
FRIEND of 53 Gladwin-road -- Colchester
FRIFP of Woodcocks Spring-lane Lexden -- Colchester
FROST of 13 Head-street -- Colchester
FROST of 17 Harwich-road -- Colchester
FROST of 19 Athelstan-road -- Colchester
FROST of 41 Harwich-road -- Colchester
FROST of 51 Roman-road -- Colchester
FROST of The Poor Law Institution -- Colchester
FROST of Tilney House 54 North-hill -- Colchester
FULCHER of 153 Harwich-road -- Colchester
FULCHER of 153 Harwich-road -- Colchester
FULCHER of 49 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
FULLER of 13 Fairfax-road -- Colchester
FULLER of 92 Maldon-road -- Colchester
FUNNELL of 16 Weston-road -- Colchester
FURNISS of Bank House West Mersea -- Colchester
GADSDON of 27 Queens-road -- Colchester
GAGE of 132 (Butt-road -- Colchester
GAIR of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
GALE of 116 Butt-road -- Colchester
GALE of Rathlyn Queens-road -- Colchester
GALLAFANT of 208 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
GALLANT of 128 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
GALLIFANT of 112 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
GAMBLE of 22 Cowdray-avenue -- Colchester
GAMBLE of The Hollies Elmstead -- Colchester
GAME of 208 St. Andrews-avenue -- Colchester
GAMMER of 19 Barrington-road -- Colchester
GANT of 3 Pond Chase Shrub End -- Colchester
GANT of 32 Constantine-road -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
GARDINER of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
GARDINER of The Furze Folley-road Layer de la Haye -- Colchester
GARDNER of 1 Richardsomwalk Lexden -- Colchester
GARDNER of 4 Turner-road -- Colchester
GARDNER of East House Dedham -- Colchester
GARDNER of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
GARLAND of Langley Bourne-road -- Colchester
GARLING of 85 Northgate-street -- Colchester
GARLING of The Bungalow Straight-road Lexden -- Colchester
GARNHAM of 16 Victor-road -- Colchester
GARRAD of 15 Beche-road -- Colchester
GARRAD of 75 Morant-road -- Colchester
GARRARD of 158 Saint Andrews-avenue -- Colchester
GARRARD of 60 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
GARRETT of 10 Honywood-road -- Colchester
GARRETT of 225 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
GARWOOD of 2 Rawstorn-road -- Colchester
GARWOOD of 20 Creffield-road -- Colchester
GARWOOD of North Hill -- Colchester
GASSON of 18 Castle-road -- Colchester
GAVINE of 30 Winchester-road -- Colchester
GAYFORD of The Gables Tiptree -- Colchester
GEAR of 102 Myland-road -- Colchester
GEARY of 46 All Saints-avenue Shrub. End -- Colchester
GENTRY of 115 Butt-road -- Colchester
GERMAN of 9 Distillery-lane -- Colchester
GIBBONS of 136 Brook-street -- Colchester
GIBLING of 41 Errington-road -- Colchester
GILBERT of 11 Mile End-road -- Colchester
GILBERT of 44 North Station-road -- Colchester
GILES of 54 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
GILES of Queens Head-road Boxted -- Colchester
GILL of 88 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
GIRLING of 20 Hythe-hill -- Colchester
GIRLING of 56 Lisle-road -- Colchester
GIRLING of Holmleigh Great Bentley -- Colchester
GLADSTONE of Herrison Hospital -- Colchester
GLADWELL of 3b Kendall-road -- Colchester
GLANVILLE of 16 Vineyard-street -- Colchester
GLANVILLE of 65 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
GLASSE of 19 Claudius-road -- Colchester
GODFREY of 16 Belle Vue-road -- Colchester
GODFREY of 16 Belle Vue-road -- Colchester
GODFREY of 4 St Albans-road -- Colchester
GODFREY of 5 Kimberley-road -- Colchester
GODFREY of 6 Gladstone-road -- Colchester
GODFREY of 8 Errington-road -- Colchester
GODFREY of 93 Morant-road -- Colchester
GODWIN of Knutsford House Chapel-street -- Colchester
GODWIN of Knutsford House Chapel-street -- Colchester
GOGGIN of Transit Nayland-road Mile End -- Colchester
GOLDSMITH of 31 Athelstan-road -- Colchester
GOLDSMITH of 41 Magdalen-street -- Colchester
GOLDWIN of Serenity Langham -- Colchester
GOMMO of 43 Cowdray-avenue -- Colchester
GOOCH of 90 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
GOODAY of 297 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
GOODCHILD of The Post Office Xopford Green Cop- ford -- Colchester
GOODENOUGH of 4 Standard-road -- Colchester
GOODEY of 34 New Town-road -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
GOODEY of 35 New Town-road -- Colchester
GOODEY of 43 Gladwin-road -- Colchester
GOODEY of Chelsworth New Town-road -- Colchester
GOODING of 27 Culver-street -- Colchester
GOODMAN of The Clarence Trinity-street -- Colchester
GOODRFDGE of 145 Mill-road Mile End -- Colchester
GOODRIDGE of 44 Dunthorne-road -- Colchester
GOODRIDGE of 56 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
GOODRIDGE of Severalls Hall-cottages Mile End -- Colchester
GOODWIN of 25 Claudius-road -- Colchester
GORE of 72 Winnock-road -- Colchester
GOSLING of 2 Church-lane Magdalen-street -- Colchester
GOSLING of 79 Butt-road -- Colchester
GOSLING of Plevna 8 Victoria-road -- Colchester
GOSNELL of 4 Athelstan-road -- Colchester
GOSNEY of Glen Garry Beacon End Stanway -- Colchester
GOVEY of 15 I.T.C. Hyderbad Barracks -- Colchester
GOWEN of 6 Gray-road -- Colchester
GOWEN of 6 Gray-road -- Colchester
GOWING of 3 Butt-road -- Colchester
GOZZARD of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
GRANT of 282 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
GRAVENER of 5 Alexandra-terrace -- Colchester
GRAY of 10 Honywood-road -- Colchester
GRAY of 122 Maldon-road -- Colchester
GRAY of 44 Crouch-street -- Colchester
GRAY of The Leather Bottle Inn Shrub End -- Colchester
GRAYSON of 42 Artillery-street -- Colchester
GREEN of 14 Maidenburgh-street -- Colchester
GREEN of 15 Athelstan-road -- Colchester
GREEN of 15 Athelstan-road -- Colchester
GREEN of 15 Athelstan-road -- Colchester
GREEN of 211 Maldon-road -- Colchester
GREEN of 211 Maldon-road -- Colchester
GREEN of 211 Maldon-road -- Colchester
GREEN of 29 Barrington-road -- Colchester
GREEN of 29 Barrington-road -- Colchester
GREEN of 31 Scarletts-road -- Colchester
GREEN of 32 Nelson-road Lexden -- Colchester
GREEN of 33 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
GREEN of 33 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
GREEN of 33 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
GREEN of 53 Constantine-road -- Colchester
GREEN of 53 Constantine-road -- Colchester
GREEN of 6 Honywood-road -- Colchester
GREEN of 77 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
GREEN of 8 Salisbury-avenue -- Colchester
GREEN of Almshouse Swan-street Boxford -- Colchester
GREEN of Brickfield House Hythe Quay -- Colchester
GREEN of Brickfield House New Quay Hythe -- Colchester
GREEN of Hill House Hythe Hill -- Colchester
GREEN of the East Anglian Sanatorium Nayland -- Colchester
GREENALL of Chaplins Farm Langham Moor -- Colchester
GREENLEAF of Fernlea D'Arcy-road Old Heath -- Colchester
GREENWOLD of i Nine Elms Eleanore-road -- Colchester
GREENWOOD of 1 Rebow-street -- Colchester
GREENWOOD of 113 Butt-road -- Colchester
GREENWOOD of 20 Whitehall-road Old Heath -- Colchester
GREENWOOD of Hillcrest Parsons Heath -- Colchester
GREENWOOD of The Limes Rawstorn-road -- Colchester

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
GREGORY of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
GREGORY of The Woolpack Inn St. Botolphs-street -- Colchester
GRICE of 60 Crouch-street -- Colchester
GRIEVE of 16 Balkerme-gardens -- Colchester
GRIEVE of 293 Straight-road Shrub End -- Colchester
GRIFFIN of 21a Beverley-road -- Colchester
GRIFFIN of 4 London-road Copford -- Colchester
GRIFFITHS of 3 St Albans-road -- Colchester
GRIFFITHS of 3 St Albans-road -- Colchester
GRIGGS of 47 Butt-road -- Colchester
GRIGGS of 52 Mile End-road -- Colchester
GRIMMER of 8 King Stephen-road -- Colchester
GRIMSEY of 24 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
GRIMSEY of 32 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
GRIMSEY of 4 Scarletts-road -- Colchester
GRIMSEY of 56 Gladwin-road -- Colchester
GRIMSEY of 57 Parsons Heath Harwich-road -- Colchester
GRIMSON of 99 Crouch-street -- Colchester
GRIMWADE of West Lodge -- Colchester
GRIMWOOD of 140 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
GRIMWOOD of 140 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
GRIMWOOD of 18 Errington-road -- Colchester
GRIMWOOD of 24 Belle Vue-road -- Colchester
GRIMWOOD of 74 Pownall-crescent -- Colchester
GRIMWOOD of 85 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
GRIPPER of Parsons Hill Lexden -- Colchester
GRIPPER of Parsons Hill Lexden -- Colchester
GROCOTT of Yuri 68 Layer-road -- Colchester
GROVES of Bay Cottage Mile End -- Colchester
GROVES of The Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
GRUBB of Bessbrook Fingrinhoe -- Colchester
GUIVER of The Turrets Lexden Road -- Colchester
GULDEN of 41 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
GUNSTEAD of 35 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
HADLER of 1 Glad win-road -- Colchester
HAILSTONE of 127 Maldon-road -- Colchester
HAINES of 11 Audley-road -- Colchester
HAKINS of 199 Mile End-road -- Colchester
HALE of 37 Errington-road -- Colchester
HALE of 37 Errington-road -- Colchester
HALES of 10 Priory-street -- Colchester
HALES of 27 Mile End-road -- Colchester
HALES of 60 Morant-road -- Colchester
HALES of 63 Stanwell-street -- Colchester
HALES of St Marys Rectory -- Colchester
HALES of the Turretts Lexden-road -- Colchester
HALEY of Gallows Green Aldham -- Colchester
HALL of 21 Spurgeon-street -- Colchester
HALL of 43 Constantine-road -- Colchester
HALL of Little Simons Great Horkesley -- Colchester
HALL of Shawhurst De Vere-road Lexden -- Colchester
HALL of The Stores Winterbome Abbas -- Colchester
HALLETT of 281 Mile End-road -- Colchester
HALLS of 12 Winnock Almshouses -- Colchester
HALLS of 37 Crowhurst-road -- Colchester
HALLS of 51 Ivendall-road -- Colchester
HALLS of 51 Kendall-road -- Colchester
HALLS of 53 Northgate-street -- Colchester
HALSEY of 3 Meyrick-crescent -- Colchester
HAMBLION of 173 Butt-road -- Colchester

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
HAMBLION of 82 Brook-street -- Colchester
HAMMOND of 12 Abbeygate-street -- Colchester
HAMMOND of 146 Mile End-road -- Colchester
HAMMOND of 88 Winnock-road -- Colchester
HAMMOND of Essex Hall -- Colchester
HANCOCK of 77 Butt-road -- Colchester
HANDLEY of 10 Cromwell-road -- Colchester
HANNING of 258 Maldon-road -- Colchester
HANSEN of 11 Honeywood-road -- Colchester
HARDEN of Cumnock Bourne-road -- Colchester
HARDEN of Cumnock Bourne-road -- Colchester
HARDING of 33 Meyrick-crescent -- Colchester
HARDING of 55 Tufnell Way Bergholt-road -- Colchester
HARDWICK of 1 Northgate-street -- Colchester
HARDWICK of 11 Berechurch Hall-road -- Colchester
HARDY of 1 Sussex-road -- Colchester
HARDY of Cherry-garden Great Tey -- Colchester
HARDY of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
HARGREAVES of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
HARLEY of 14 Beverley-road -- Colchester
HARMAN of 52 Braiswick -- Colchester
HARPER of 124 Butt-road -- Colchester
HARPER of 19 New Park-street -- Colchester
HARPER of 228 Old Heath -- Colchester
HARPER of 230 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
HARRINGTON of 20 Rosebety-avenue -- Colchester
HARRIS of 11 Abbeygate-street -- Colchester
HARRIS of 17 King Coel-road Lexden -- Colchester
HARRIS of 17 King Coel-road Lexden -- Colchester
HARRIS of 7 Lexden-road -- Colchester
HARRIS of 70 Winchester-road -- Colchester
HARRIS of 76 Mersea-road -- Colchester
HARRIS of Cherry Tree Cottage Rowhedge -- Colchester
HARRIS of High-street Nayland -- Colchester
HARRIS of Lyndhurst Victoria-road and 122 High-street -- Colchester
HARRISON of 119 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
HARRISON of Olivers Stanway -- Colchester
HARRISON of Pantiles Braiswick -- Colchester
HARRISON of Thorncroft Queens-road -- Colchester
HARRISS of 16 Turner-road Mile End -- Colchester
HART of 1 Albion-grove -- Colchester
HART of 2 Barrington-road -- Colchester
HART of 26 New Town-road -- Colchester
HART of 3 King George-road -- Colchester
HART of Royal Engineers Barracks -- Colchester
HART of The White House 155 Maldon-road -- Colchester
HARTER of Constable Cottage Langham -- Colchester
HARVEY of 1 Audley-road -- Colchester
HARVEY of 1 Audley-road -- Colchester
HARVEY of 3 Rawstom-road -- Colchester
HARVEY of 8 Wick-road Old Heath -- Colchester
HARVEY of 88 Wickham-road -- Colchester
HARVEY of 95 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
HARVEY of Pleasant Plains Boxted-road -- Colchester
HARVEY of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
HARVEY of Stanley Lodge 29 Wellesley-road -- Colchester
HARVEY of Stanley Lodge 29 Wellesley-road -- Colchester
HARVEY of The Manor House Rawstom-road -- Colchester
HARVEY of The Rose and Crown Elmstead Heath -- Colchester
HARVEY of The Rose and Crown Elmstead Heath -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
HASLEWOOD of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
HATFIELD of 22 Military-road -- Colchester
HAVENS of 118 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
HAWARD of 1 East Hill -- Colchester
HAWARD of 259 Mill-road Mile End -- Colchester
HAWES of Rectory-road Aldham -- Colchester
HAWKINS of 65 Mersea-road -- Colchester
HAWKINS of 82 Papillon-road -- Colchester
HAWKINS of 83 Kendall-road -- Colchester
HAWKINS of 87 East Hill -- Colchester
HAWKINS of 91 London-road Lexdon -- Colchester
HAWKINS of the Coach and Horses Public House North Hill -- Colchester
HAY of 120 Collingwood-road Lexden -- Colchester
HAY of Pond Mouse Boxted -- Colchester
HAYCRAFT of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
HAYDON of 1 Drurv-road -- Colchester
HAYDON of 21 Portland-road -- Colchester
HAYDON of the Thatched Cottage Mile End -- Colchester
HAYES of 360 Straight-road Shrub End -- Colchester
HAYES of 360 Straight-road Shrub End -- Colchester
HAYES of Spring Cottage Elmstead -- Colchester
HAYLER of 349 Straight-road Shrub End -- Colchester
HAYLETT of 54 Cambridge-road -- Colchester
HAYTER of 115 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
HAYWARD of 131 Winnock-road -- Colchester
HAYWARD of The Firs Blackheath -- Colchester
HAZELL of 38 Winnock-road -- Colchester
HEAD of 58 Wimpole-road -- Colchester
HEAD of 58 Wimpole-road -- Colchester
HEAD of 58 Wimpole-street -- Colchester
HEALING of 89 East Hill -- Colchester
HEARD of 51 Winchester-road -- Colchester
HEARN of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
HEARSUM of 149a Maldon-road -- Colchester
HEARSUM of 73 Shrub End-road -- Colchester
HEATH of 209 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
HEATH of 22 Halstead-road Lexden -- Colchester
HEATH of The Garage West Bergholt -- Colchester
HEDDLE of 7 Nelson-road Lexden -- Colchester
HEDGCOCK of 64 Balkeme Hill -- Colchester
HELLEN of 14 Parsons Heath -- Colchester
HELLEN of Bemahague Shrub End-road -- Colchester
HELM of The Red House Great Horkesley -- Colchester
HELYER of Newlands Ipswich-road -- Colchester
HENDERSON of 16 Wellesley-road -- Colchester
HENDERSON of Orchard Leigh Langham-road Boxted near -- Colchester
HENNESSY of 4 Standard-road -- Colchester
HEPWORTH of 248 Maldon-road -- Colchester
HERBERT of 12 Winsley-road -- Colchester
HERBERT of 52 Mile End-road -- Colchester
HERRING of Westacre 149 Lexden-road -- Colchester
HESLOP of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
HEWES of 10 Spurgeon-street Hythe Hill -- Colchester
HEWES of 6 Walter s-yard West Stockwell-street -- Colchester
HEWES of 6 Walter s-yard West Stockwell-street -- Colchester
HEWES of 6 Walters-yard West Sitockwell-street -- Colchester
HEWITT of 13 King Coel-road Lexden -- Colchester
HICKINBOTHAM of 52 Wimpole-road -- Colchester
HICKS of 193 Lexden-road -- Colchester
HICKS of 32 Lucas-road -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
HICKS of 60 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
HICKS of Straight-road -- Colchester
HICKS of Sunnyside Layer de la Haye -- Colchester
HICKS of Winterbourne-St. Martin -- Colchester
HIGGINSON of Lakewood Wick-lane Ardleigh -- Colchester
HILDEBRAND of The Mill Farm Higham -- Colchester
HILDRETH of White Walls Queens-road -- Colchester
HILL of 50 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
HILL of The Chalet Sussex-road -- Colchester
HILLE of 16 Wickham-road -- Colchester
HILLIER of 77 East Hill Colchester
HILLS of Wenlock Braiswick -- Colchester
HINDE of Humberstone 6 Audley-road -- Colchester
HINDS of 83 Hythe Hill -- Colchester
HINES of 110 Morant-road -- Colchester
HINMERS of Sheepen Farm -- Colchester
HINSON of 8 Boxted-road Mile End -- Colchester
HOAD of 43 Beche-road -- Colchester
HOBBS of 104 Lexden-road -- Colchester
HOBBS of 4 Mile End -- Colchester
HOBBS of Lexden Rise -- Colchester
HOBLYN of 2 St Glare-drive St Clare-road -- Colchester
HOBROUGH of 10 Saint John's-road -- Colchester
HOBROUGH of 16 Winsley-square Old Heath-road -- Colchester
HOBROUGH of 66 Bourne-road -- Colchester
HODGSON of 17 Shrub End-road -- Colchester
HODGSON of 48 North Hill -- Colchester
HODGSON of Jasmine 10 Blackheath -- Colchester
HODSON of Snaresbrook 58 Braiswick -- Colchester
HODSON of Snaresbrook Bergholt-road -- Colchester
HOGG of Woodhouse Wormingford -- Colchester
HOGGER of 22 Dilbridge-road -- Colchester
HOLLAWAY of 82c East-hill -- Colchester
HOLLELY of 13 Roddam Close Lexdon-road -- Colchester
HOLMES of 8 Shrub End-road -- Colchester
HOLMES of The Military Hospital -- Colchester
HOLMES of The Military Hospital -- Colchester
HOLTON of Byways Braiswick -- Colchester
HONYWILL of 80 East Hill -- Colchester
HOOD of 100 Maldon-road -- Colchester
HOOD of 100 Moldan-road -- Colchester
HOOPER of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
HOPE of 3 Richardsons Walk Lexden -- Colchester
HOPWOOD of 16 Creiffeld-road -- Colchester
HOPWOOD of 42 Winchester-road -- Colchester
HOPWOOD of Trinity Villa Beverley-road -- Colchester
HORLER of 85 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
HORNBY of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
HORNER of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
HORRIGAN of 47 King Stephen-road -- Colchester
HORTON of 12 Wellesley-road -- Colchester
HORTON of 15 St Helena-road -- Colchester
HORTON of 23 Roman-road -- Colchester
HORWOOD of Leighton House 7 Victoria-road -- Colchester
HORWOOD of The Marquis of Granby North Hill -- Colchester
HOSTLER of The Royal Butt-road -- Colchester
HOTTON of 19 North Station-road -- Colchester
HOULDING of 7 Morant-road -- Colchester
HOWARD of 10 London-road Lexden-road Lexden -- Colchester
HOWARD of 102 Mersea-road -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
HOWARD of 11 Winsley-square -- Colchester
HOWARD of 142 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
HOWARD of 165 Mile End-road -- Colchester
HOWARD of 172 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
HOWARD of 26 Morten-road -- Colchester
HOWARD of 29 Scarletts-road -- Colchester
HOWARD of Holmleigh Dedham -- Colchester
HOWARD of Wembley Mersea-road Blackheath -- Colchester
HOWE of 9 Long W yre-street -- Colchester
HOWE of 9 Recreation-road -- Colchester
HOWE of Malveme 295 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
HOWE of Willowtree House Ipswich-road -- Colchester
HOWE of Willowtree House Ipswich-road -- Colchester
HOWELL of 145 Lexden-road -- Colchester
HOWES of The Rectory Stanway -- Colchester
HOWIE of 36 Irvine-road -- Colchester
HOWLETT of 111 Butt-road -- Colchester
HOWLETT of 111 Butt-road -- Colchester
HOWLETT of 4 Recreation-road -- Colchester
HUDSON of Wadham West Mersea -- Colchester
HUGHES of 17 Roman-road -- Colchester
HUGHES of 2 Vint-crescent Lexden-road -- Colchester
HUGHES of 25 Hastings-road Shrub End -- Colchester
HUGHES of 28 Lucas-road -- Colchester
HULL of 231 St John s-road -- Colchester
HULL of Abbey Gate House -- Colchester
HUM of 54 Beche-road -- Colchester
HUM of Rosedale 140 Layer-road -- Colchester
HUM of T18 Maldon-road -- Colchester
HUME of Picketts Fingringhoe -- Colchester
HUMM of 79 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
HUMM of Cedarholme Lexden-road -- Colchester
HUMPHREY of 16 East Bay -- Colchester
HUMPHREY of 20 St Paul s-road -- Colchester
HUMPHREYS of 110 Winchester-road -- Colchester
HUMPHREYS of 110 Winchester-road -- Colchester
HUMPHREYS of 18 Lexden-road -- Colchester
HUNT of 16 Queens-road -- Colchester
HUNT of 22 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
HUNT of 26 Barrington-road -- Colchester
HUNT of 271 Harwich-road -- Colchester
HUNT of 36 Rebow-street -- Colchester
HUNT of 76 Mile End-road -- Colchester
HUNT of Hyde Farmhouse Frampton -- Colchester
HUNTER of 11 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
HUNWICK of 30 Salisbury-avenue -- Colchester
HUNWICKE of 49 Northgate-street -- Colchester
HURLEY of 70 Butt-road -- Colchester
HURLEY of 70 Butt-road -- Colchester
HURNARD of Hill House Lexden -- Colchester
HURRELL of 21 Bromley-road -- Colchester
HURRY of 188 Magdalen-street -- Colchester
HUSKISSON of Alresford Rectory -- Colchester
HUTCHERSON of 22 Capel-road -- Colchester
HUTLEY of 140 Collingwood-road Lexden -- Colchester
HUTLEY of 38 Salisbury-avenue -- Colchester
HUTT of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
HUTTON of 123 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
HUTTON of 60 Military-road -- Colchester
HUTTON of 60 Military-road -- Colchester

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
HUTTON of 62 Victor-road -- Colchester
HUXTABLE of Mhowbury Mile End -- Colchester
HYDE of The Presbytery Stoke-by-Nayland -- Colchester
HYMUS of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
HYNARD of 61 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
HYND of 54 Fairhead-road -- Colchester
INNES of East Anglian Sanatorium Nayland near -- Colchester
IRWIN of The Lindens Lexden-road -- Colchester
IRWIN of The Lindens Lexden-road -- Colchester
ISOM of 27 St. Albans-road -- Colchester
IVES of 3 Oxford-road -- Colchester
IVES of 66 Military-road -- Colchester
JACKSON of 138 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
JACKSON of 209 Harwich-road -- Colchester
JACKSON of 54 Heath-road Lexden -- Colchester
JACKSONKCVO of Cherries -- Colchester
JACOBS of 145 Shrub End-road -- Colchester
JACOBS of 30 Winsley-road -- Colchester
JACOBS of 309 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
JACOBS of Coach and Horses Inn -- Colchester
JACOBS of Heathfields Farm Fordham Heath -- Colchester
JACSON of 40 Creffield-road -- Colchester
JAGOE of St. Albans Guest House Oxford-road and the Artillery Barracks -- Colchester
JAMES of 20 West-street -- Colchester
JAMES of 35 Bridport-road -- Colchester
JANTZEN of 24 Rawstorn-road -- Colchester
JARMAN of 48 Scarletts-road -- Colchester
JARMIN of 105 Crouch-street -- Colchester
JARVIS of 107 Maldon-road -- Colchester
JARVIS of 40 St. Pauls-road -- Colchester
JARVIS of 5 Magdalen Cottages Brook-street -- Colchester
JARVIS of Foughty Mile End-road -- Colchester
JASPER of Richmond Mile End-road -- Colchester
JAY of 1 Shewell-road -- Colchester
JAY of 51 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
JEANES of 1 Higher Charminster -- Colchester
JEFFERSON of Old School House Lexden -- Colchester
JEFFERSON of The Old School House Lexden -- Colchester
JEFFERY of 108 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
JEFFERY of 118 High-street -- Colchester
JENKINS of 47 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
JENKINSON of 37 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
JENNINGS of 116 Magdalen-street -- Colchester
JENNINGS of 135 Maldon-road -- Colchester
JENNINGS of 16 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
JENNINGS of 16 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
JENNINGS of Gippeswyk Mill-road West Mersea -- Colchester
JOHNS of Speedwell King Harold-road -- Colchester
JOHNSON of 1 Crowhurst-road -- Colchester
JOHNSON of 128 Magdalen-street -- Colchester
JOHNSON of 128 Magdalen-street -- Colchester
JOHNSON of 136 North Station-road -- Colchester
JOHNSON of 136 North Station-road -- Colchester
JOHNSON of 177 Butt-road -- Colchester
JOHNSON of 177 Butt-road -- Colchester
JOHNSON of 2 Hospital-road -- Colchester
JOHNSON of 55 King Harold-road Shrub End -- Colchester
JOHNSON of 56 New Park-street -- Colchester
JOHNSON of 6 Halstead-road Lexden -- Colchester
JOHNSON of 8 Creffield-road -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
JOHNSON of Halstead-road Eight Ash Green -- Colchester
JOHNSON of Saxonia Blackheath -- Colchester
JOHNSON of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
JOHNSTON of Ivy Cottage East Bergholt -- Colchester
JOLLIFFE of 15 Braiswick -- Colchester
JOLLY of 39 King Stephen-road -- Colchester
JONES of 1 Harcourt-buildings Temple London and of the Cloisters Maldon-road -- Colchester
JONES of 138 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
JONES of 2 Alexandra-road -- Colchester
JONES of 4 Choats Cottages Eight Ash Green -- Colchester
JONES of 5 Alton-road Roehampton Surrey and of Cavalry Barracks -- Colchester
JONES of Murley Moss Acland-avenue Lexden -- Colchester
JONES of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
JONES of Silver Birches Old Heath-road -- Colchester
JONES of The Fountain Hotel -- Colchester
JONES of The Fountain Hotel -- Colchester
JORDAN of 54 Nayknd-road -- Colchester
JOSLIN of 149 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
JOYCE of 155 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
JOYCE of 32 Causton-road -- Colchester
JOYCE of 4 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
JUDGE of 163 Butt-road -- Colchester
KAY of 14 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
KAY of Crestlands Alresford near -- Colchester
KEDDELL of North wood 82 Lexden-roa3 -- Colchester
KEEBLE of 99 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
KEEBLE of Prospect House Nayland -- Colchester
KEELING of Highfields Elmstead-road -- Colchester
KEEN of 74 Winnock-road -- Colchester
KEENE of Church House Lexden -- Colchester
KEEPING of 64 Albert-street -- Colchester
KEER of 2 Beverley-road -- Colchester
KELLIHER of 7 Claudius-road -- Colchester
KELSALL of 72 Layer-road -- Colchester
KELSEY of 4 Lisle-road -- Colchester
KELSO of 27 Hyde Park-square London and Horkesley Park Nayland -- Colchester
KELSO of 27 Hyde Park-square London and Horkesley Park Nayland -- Colchester
KEMP of 71 Drury-road -- Colchester
KEMP of 83 Winnock-road -- Colchester
KENNEDY of 5 Beverley-road -- Colchester
KENT of 18 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
KENYON of Valley House Stratford St. Mary -- Colchester
KERR of 154 Cowdray-avenue -- Colchester
KETLEY of Westwood Oxford-road -- Colchester
KETTLE of 18 Kendall-terrace Military-road -- Colchester
KETTLE of 29 Gladstone-road -- Colchester
KETTLE of 8 Hamilton-road -- Colchester
KETTLE of Elder Cottages Mile End -- Colchester
KETTLE of Elder Cottages Mile End -- Colchester
KETTLE of Spring-lane Eight Ash Green -- Colchester
KIDDLE of 7 St Clare-road -- Colchester
KIDDLE of 7 St. Clare-road -- Colchester
KIDDY of 12 Errington-road -- Colchester
KIMPTON of 8 Winsley-road -- Colchester
KING of 12 Winsley-square Old Heath-road -- Colchester
KING of 16 Myrtle-grove -- Colchester
KING of 3 Hunts Cottages Great Tey -- Colchester
KING of 34 Recreatiomroad -- Colchester
KING of 51 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
KING of 7 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
KING of Ordnance House Flagstaff-road -- Colchester
KING of Rampart Lodge Berechurch Hall-road -- Colchester
KIRK of 134 Collingwood-road Lexden -- Colchester
KISTRUCK of 48 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
KITCHEN of 72 Mile End-road -- Colchester
KNIGHT of 226 Mersea-road -- Colchester
KNIGHT of 23 Northgate-street -- Colchester
KNIGHT of 270 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
KNIGHT of 4 Castle-road -- Colchester
KNIGHT of Barpatje Halstead-road Lexden -- Colchester
KNIGHT of Rose Villa Buckland Newton -- Colchester
KNIGHT of The Highway Roman-hill Blackheath -- Colchester
KNOPE of 61 Dugard-avenue Shrub End -- Colchester
KNOTT of 196 Mile End-road -- Colchester
LADHAMS of 126 Maldon-road -- Colchester
LAIN of 35 Bourne-road -- Colchester
LAMB of 280 Maldon-road -- Colchester
LAMB of 6 Gladwin-avenue -- Colchester
LAMB of St Kilda St Andrews-avenue -- Colchester
LAMBERT of 174 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
LAMBERT of 22 Wellesley-road -- Colchester
LAMBERT of 30 Mersea-road -- Colchester
LAMBERT of 30 Mersea-road -- Colchester
LAMBERT of 34 Manor-road -- Colchester
LAMBERT of Kersey Croft Brook-street -- Colchester
LAMBERT of The Lord Nelson beerhouse Hythe Hill -- Colchester
LAMONBY of Kentniore SS Victoria-road -- Colchester
LAMPON of Lambarn Croft West Stockwell-street -- Colchester
LAMPON of Sylvester House 5 George-street -- Colchester
LANE of 363 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
LANGLEY of 33 Military-road -- Colchester
LANGLEY of 82 Kehdal-road -- Colchester
LANGLEY of 9 Lucas-roadi -- Colchester
LANGRIDGE of 2 De Vere-road Lexden -- Colchester
LANGRIDGE of 60 West Stockwell-street -- Colchester
LANGSTON of 40 King Stephen-road -- Colchester
LANGTON of 3 Easjt Hill -- Colchester
LARKIN of 171 Butt-road -- Colchester
LARKIN of 56 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
LAST of 21 Errington-road -- Colchester
LATEWARD of 18 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
LAURENCE of Lcxden Manor -- Colchester
LAVER of 3 Saint Clare-drive -- Colchester
LAW of 44 Canwick-grove Old Heath -- Colchester
LAWRENCE of 27 Barrack-street -- Colchester
LAWRENCE of 39 Winchester-road -- Colchester
LAWRENCE of Savill Cottage Old Heath -- Colchester
LAWRIE of Glebe House Stanway -- Colchester
LAWS of 59 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
LAWTON of 10 North Hill -- Colchester
LAYZELL of 1 Locks-lane Leavenheath -- Colchester
LAYZELL of 70 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
LAYZELL of 70 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
LAYZELL of 97 Speedwell-road Old Heath -- Colchester
LAZELL of Beverley Cottage 13 Beverley-road -- Colchester
LE MOTTEE of 95 Maldon-road -- Colchester
LEACH of 19 Butt-road -- Colchester
LEACH of 39 Albert-street -- Colchester
LEATHERDALE of Wardens Cottage Abbots-road Old Heath -- Colchester
LEAVER of Lyncombe Halstead-road -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
LEE of 39 Kinsbolton-road Bedford and Reed Hall -- Colchester
LEE of Fiddlers Cottage Fordham. Heath -- Colchester
LEECH of 198 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
LEGERTON of 36 Morant-road -- Colchester
LEGGE of Elm House Chappell -- Colchester
LEGGETT of 159 North Station-road -- Colchester
LEGGETT of 69 Halstead-road Lexden -- Colchester
LEGGETT of Holland House 159 North Station-road -- Colchester
LENNOCK of 11 Honywood-road -- Colchester
LESLIE of 7 Lexden-court Lexden-road -- Colchester
LESTER of 37 Harwich-road -- Colchester
LETCH of 31 Errington-road -- Colchester
LETT of 49 Artillery-street North -- Colchester
LEVER of 85 Fingringhoe-road Old Heath -- Colchester
LEVERIDGE of 85 Maldon-road -- Colchester
LEVERIDGE of 85 Maldon-road and 3b Short Wyre-street -- Colchester
LEVERIDGE of Chez Nous Mile End-road -- Colchester
LEVETT of 58 Lisle-road -- Colchester
LEWIS of 1 Bottle End Shrub End -- Colchester
LEWIS of 13a Queen-street -- Colchester
LEWIS of 16 St. Johns Green -- Colchester
LEWIS of 170 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
LEWIS of 3 Winsley-road -- Colchester
LEWIS of 38 Heath-road Lexden -- Colchester
LEWIS of Plummers-road Fordham -- Colchester
LEWIS of Sundown Victory-road West Mersea -- Colchester
LEWIS of The Turrets Lexden-road -- Colchester
LEWSEY of 47 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
LIGHT of 208 Maldon-road -- Colchester
LILLEY of 8 Beche-road -- Colchester
LING of 49 Cowdray-avenue -- Colchester
LING of 6 Rowhedge-road Old Heath -- Colchester
LINGARD of 21 Portland-road -- Colchester
LINGLEY of 77 East Hill -- Colchester
LISSIMORE of 21 West Stockwell-street -- Colchester
LIST of 38 Pownall-crescent -- Colchester
LIST of 49 Wimpole-road -- Colchester
LIST of Aurora Straight-road Lexden -- Colchester
LISTER of 22 Gladstone-road -- Colchester
LITTLE of 28 Beche-road -- Colchester
LITTLEBUBY of 6 The Avenue -- Colchester
LITTLEBURY of 6 The Avenue -- Colchester
LITTLEBURY of 84 Roman-road -- Colchester
LITTLEBURY of 84 Roman-road -- Colchester
LITTLEWPOD of 74 Brook street -- Colchester
LLOYD of 23 Parsons Heath -- Colchester
LLOYD of The Homestead Parsons Heath -- Colchester
LOCHORE of Monk Wick Farm -- Colchester
LOCK of 98 Magdalen-street -- Colchester
LOCK of Langham-lane Langham near -- Colchester
LOCKE of 19 Irvine-road -- Colchester
LOCKE of 20 Vineyard-street -- Colchester
LOCKE of Comerways Victoria-road -- Colchester
LOCKE of Tudor Bam Stanway -- Colchester
LOCKHART of Kingwode Hoe -- Colchester
LOE of 7 Richaxdson-walk Lexden -- Colchester
LONDON of The Headgate Hotel -- Colchester
LONG of 121 Butt-road -- Colchester
LONG of 168 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
LONG of 46 Nayland-road Mile End -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
LONG of 46 Nayland-road Mile End -- Colchester
LONG of 66 Butt-road -- Colchester
LONG of Four Corners Church-lane Lexden -- Colchester
LORD of 75 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
LORD of Cowdray House North Station-road -- Colchester
LORD of Cowdray House North Station-road -- Colchester
LOVEGROVE of 36 Cowdray-avenue -- Colchester
LOVELL of 23 Crouch-street -- Colchester
LOVELL of 5 Audley-road -- Colchester
LOYD of 12 Wellesley-road -- Colchester
LOYD of 14 Ireton-road -- Colchester
LOYD of 6 Errington-road -- Colchester
LUCAS of 31 Wimpole-road -- Colchester
LUDBROOK of 43 East-street -- Colchester
LUDBROOK of 57 Blackheath -- Colchester
LUNGLEY of 61 Straight-road -- Colchester
LYON of 21 Middleborough -- Colchester
LYON of 21 Middleborough -- Colchester
LYTHGO of 3 St. Johns Green -- Colchester
MACALLAN of Braemar Mile End-road -- Colchester
MACAULAY of 168 Maldon-road -- Colchester
MACFIE of 21 Fitzwalter-road -- Colchester
MACFIE of Deoban Lexden-road -- Colchester
MACKENZIE of Rockalls Hall Polstead -- Colchester
MACKWOOD of Colombo Ceylon and of The Glebe House Assington -- Colchester
MADGE of The Nest Port-lane -- Colchester
MADGE of The Nest Port-lane -- Colchester
MAGUIRE of 13 Portland-road -- Colchester
MAJOR of 73 Straight-road Lexden -- Colchester
MAJOR of Cantyre Halstead-road Lexden -- Colchester
MALLETT of Langham Moor -- Colchester
MALT of Recreation Hotel Military-road -- Colchester
MANGLES of East House Dedham -- Colchester
MANN of 1 Winnock-road -- Colchester
MANN of 10 Queen-street -- Colchester
MANN of 116 Lexden-road Lexden -- Colchester
MANN of 12 Blackheath -- Colchester
MANN of 13 Long Wyre-street -- Colchester
MANN of 35 Bourne-road -- Colchester
MANN of 52 Lucas-road -- Colchester
MANN of 62 Mill-road Mile End -- Colchester
MANNING of 38 Barrack-street -- Colchester
MANNING of 8 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
MANNING of Rose Cottage Boxted -- Colchester
MANNING of St. Johns Cottage Ipswich-road -- Colchester
MANSLEY of Sipania Higham near -- Colchester
MARCH of 38 Berechurch-road -- Colchester
MARCHANT of 1 Overschool Passage East-street -- Colchester
MARDEN of 1 Victoria-road -- Colchester
MARDLES of 32 South-street -- Colchester
MARJORAM of 65 Crouch-street -- Colchester
MARKHAM of 25 West-street -- Colchester
MARLAR of 134 Maldon-road -- Colchester
MARLAR of 3 Balkeme-gardens -- Colchester
MARRIAGE of Alresford Grange -- Colchester
MARRIOTT of 180 Magdalen-street -- Colchester
MARRIOTT of Narburgh West Mersea -- Colchester
MARSH of 43 Goring-road -- Colchester
MARSH of 59 East-street -- Colchester
MARSH of 76 Irvine-road -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
MARSH of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
MARSHALL of 120 Lexden-road -- Colchester
MARSHALL of 34 Lexden-road -- Colchester
MARSHALL of 34 Lexden-road -- Colchester
MARSHALL of Station House St Botolphs -- Colchester
MARTIN of 132 Mile End-road -- Colchester
MARTIN of 32 St PauPs-road -- Colchester
MARTIN of 4 Mercers Way -- Colchester
MARTIN of 4 Mercers-way -- Colchester
MARTIN of 42 Crowhurst-road -- Colchester
MARTIN of 67 Lisle-road -- Colchester
MARTIN of 7 Kendall-terrace -- Colchester
MARTIN of 71 Dunthorne-road -- Colchester
MARTIN of 78 Wimpole-road -- Colchester
MARTIN of the Glen Glen-avenue Lexden -- Colchester
MARTIN of The Grapes Mersea-road -- Colchester
MARTYR of Threshers Fordham -- Colchester
MARWOOD of 57 North Station-road -- Colchester
MASON of 186 Mersea-road -- Colchester
MASON of 186-Mersea-road -- Colchester
MASON of 201 Maldon-road -- Colchester
MASON of 277 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
MASON of 277 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
MASON of 29 Fingringhoe-road Old Heath -- Colchester
MASON of 30 Meyrick-crescent -- Colchester
MASON of 30 Meyrick-crescent -- Colchester
MASON of 4 Kingsland Cottages Fringringhoe -- Colchester
MASON of 41 Constantine-road -- Colchester
MASON of 51 East-street -- Colchester
MASON of 67 Mile End -- Colchester
MASON of Norfolk-cottage Peldon near -- Colchester
MASON of Riverdale Rowledge-road Old Heath -- Colchester
MATTACKS of 11 Spurgeon-street -- Colchester
MATTHEWS of 23 Meyrick-crescent -- Colchester
MATTHEWS of 39 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
MATTHEWS of Brookside Stratford St Mary -- Colchester
MATTHEWS of Brookside Stratford St Mary -- Colchester
MAUCHLEN of Byways Bakers-lane Braiswick -- Colchester
MAY of Elm Cottage Langenhoe -- Colchester
MAY of Sea View Cottage Abberton -- Colchester
MAY of St Marys Cottage -- Colchester
MAY of St Marys Cottage -- Colchester
MAYCOCK of 58 Canwick-grove Old Heath -- Colchester
MAYERSBACH of Leavenheath Farm -- Colchester
MAYES of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
MAYNARD of 59 Harwich-road -- Colchester
McCRACKEN of 24 Inglis-road -- Colchester
McDONALD of 10 St Julian-grove -- Colchester
MCEACHARN of 21 Park-mansions 141 Knights-bridge London S.W.1 and of Oak Beams Stoke-by-Nayland -- Colchester
McGHEE of 65 Wimpolc-road -- Colchester
MCGOWRAN of 20 Lucas-road -- Colchester
MCLENNAN of 3 Creffield-road -- Colchester
MCMILLAN of 171 Mile End-road -- Colchester
McSWEENEY of 2 The Gardens Manor-road -- Colchester
McSWEENEY of 2 The Gardens Manor-road -- Colchester
MEACHEN of Oakley Blackheath -- Colchester
MEACHEN of Oakley Blackheath -- Colchester
MEADOWS of 41 Mile End-road -- Colchester
MEAR of 70 London-road Stanway -- Colchester
MECKLENBURGH of 4 Barrington-road -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
MEDCALF of The Birches Queens-road and 119 High-street -- Colchester
MEE of 38 Mile End-road -- Colchester
MERCER of 108 Layer-road -- Colchester
MERCER of 13 West Stockwell-street -- Colchester
MERCER of 4 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
MERRETT of Drury Farm Maldon-road -- Colchester
MERRICK of Crescent House Pownall Crescent -- Colchester
MERRY of 5 Irvine-road -- Colchester
MERRY of La Collette 5 Irvine-road and 10 Church-street North -- Colchester
MICHELL of 394 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
MICHELL of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
MIHELL of 46 Elmstead-road -- Colchester
MILES of 15 Butt-road -- Colchester
MILLAR of The Gables 7 East Stockwell-street -- Colchester
MILLBOURN of 79 Wimpole-road -- Colchester
MILLBOURN of 79 Winipole-road -- Colchester
MILLER of 42 Crowhurst-road -- Colchester
MILLER of 88 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
MILLER of Ramblers. Rest Bulmer-lane Groton -- Colchester
MILLIGAN of 117 Butt-road -- Colchester
MILLIKEN of Kennington Myland-road -- Colchester
MILLNS of 21 St Helena-road -- Colchester
MILLS of 116 Maldon-road -- Colchester
MILLS of 16 Cromwell-road -- Colchester
MILLS of 2 Chitts Hill Lexden -- Colchester
MILLS of 2 Studds-lane Mile End -- Colchester
MILLS of 20 Beverley-road -- Colchester
MILLS of 20 Beverley-road -- Colchester
MILLS of 291 Straight-road Shrub End -- Colchester
MILLS of 41 Hythe Hill -- Colchester
MILLS of 86 East Hall -- Colchester
MILLS of St Lawrence 183 Maldon-road -- Colchester
MINTER of 36 Trafalgar-road Lexden -- Colchester
MIRRINGTON of 31 Military-road -- Colchester
MITCHELL of 104 North Station-road -- Colchester
MITCHELL of 45 Constantine-road -- Colchester
MITCHELS of 19 West-street -- Colchester
MITH of 3 High-street -- Colchester
MITHAM of 161 Butt-road -- Colchester
MITHAM of 161 Butt-road -- Colchester
MOIR of Deoban Lexden Hill -- Colchester
MOIR of Deoban Lexden Hill -- Colchester
MOLD of West-street Fenny MOLES William of 47 Granville-road -- Colchester
MOLD of West-street Fenny MOLES William of 47 Granville-road -- Colchester
MONK of 15 Claudius-road -- Colchester
MONK of 15 Claudius-road -- Colchester
MOONEY of The Gate House High-street -- Colchester
MOORBY of The Myrtles Bergholt-road -- Colchester
MOORBY of The Myrtles Braiswick -- Colchester
MOORE of 169 Maldon-road -- Colchester
MOORE of 50 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
MOORE of 84 Wickham-road -- Colchester
MOORE of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
MOORE of The Star Inn Straight-road Lexden -- Colchester
MORECRAFT of 45 Cromwell-road -- Colchester
MORGAN of 14 Mile End-road -- Colchester
MORGAN of 8 Eld-lane -- Colchester
MORGAN of 8 Eld-lane -- Colchester
MORPHEY of 24 Winsley-road -- Colchester
MORPHEY of 24 Winsley-road -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
MORRICE of Clevelands Rowhedge-road -- Colchester
MORRIS of 17 Studds lane Mile End -- Colchester
MORRIS of 173 Maldon-road -- Colchester
MORRIS of 246 Shrub End-road -- Colchester
MORRIS of 246 Shrub End-road -- Colchester
MORRIS of 5 Winsley-road -- Colchester
MORRIS of 55 Mersea-road -- Colchester
MORTIMER of 1JS Alexandra-road -- Colchester
MORTON of Breewood Hall Great Horkesley -- Colchester
MOSELEY of Dak House Lexden Straight-road -- Colchester
MOSS of 186 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
MOSS of 31 St Botolphs-street -- Colchester
MOSS of 49 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
MOSS of 50 Bourne-road -- Colchester
MOTT of -- Colchester
MOTT of 43 Military-road -- Colchester
MOULES of 132 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
MOULTON of High-street East Donyland -- Colchester
MOXON of Bradney 9 Cambridge-road -- Colchester
MUIR of Grasmere Rowhedge-road Old Heath -- Colchester
MULHOLLAND of 31 Salisbury-avenue -- Colchester
MULLETT of 82 Mile End -- Colchester
MULLINER of Rovers Tye Farm Ipswich-road -- Colchester
MULLINS of St. Johns 28 Shrub End-road -- Colchester
MUMFORD of 26 King Harold-road -- Colchester
MUMFORD of 62 Bourne-road -- Colchester
MUMFORD of Achnacone Braiswick -- Colchester
MUNCEY of 92 Mersea-road -- Colchester
MUNSON of 160 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
MUNSON of 269 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
MUNSON of 36 Wellesley-road -- Colchester
MUNSON of 53 Wickham-road -- Colchester
MUNSON of 6 Manor-road -- Colchester
MUNSON of 64 Magdalen-street -- Colchester
MURRAY of 29 Albion-grove -- Colchester
MURTON of 12 Inglis-road -- Colchester
MYATT of Further End Assington -- Colchester
NAGLE of 42 Pownall-crescent -- Colchester
NAME of 298 Mersea-road -- Colchester
NAME of 315 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
NASH of 127 Maldon-road -- Colchester
NASH of 159 Maldon-road -- Colchester
NASH of Corique King Cool-road Lexden -- Colchester
NAYLER of 169 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
NAYLER of 17 Recreation-road -- Colchester
NAYLER of 196 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
NAYLER of 196 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
NAYLER of 2 St Johns-road Ipswich-road -- Colchester
NAYLER of 2 St. Johns-road Ipswich-road -- Colchester
NAYLER of 262 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
NAYLER of 50 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
NAYLER of 66 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
NAYLER of 66 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
NAYLER of Ferndale Greenstead-road -- Colchester
NAYLER of Ferndale Greenstead-road -- Colchester
NAYLOR of 103 Goring-road -- Colchester
NEAL of 14 Popes-lane -- Colchester
NEAL of Hemingford Cowdray-avenue -- Colchester
NEAL of Homefields Elmstead -- Colchester
NEALE of 40 Winchester-road -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
NEALE of 40 Winchester-road -- Colchester
NEALE of 40 Winchester-road -- Colchester
NEEP of 277 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
NEEP of 7 Charles-street -- Colchester
NELHAMS of 23 Abbeygate-street -- Colchester
NELSON of 33 Speedwell-road -- Colchester
NESSLING of 233 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
NEVARD of 100 Mile End -- Colchester
NEVARD of 17 Chapel-street -- Colchester
NEVARD of 292 Mill-road Myland -- Colchester
NEVARD of 4 Smythies-avenue -- Colchester
NEVARD of 56 Straight-road Lexden -- Colchester
NEVARD of 57 Straight-road Lexden -- Colchester
NEVARD of 57 Straight-road Lexden -- Colchester
NEVARD of Rustic Farm Mile End -- Colchester
NEVILL of 4 Gilberd-road -- Colchester
NEW of 70 East-hill -- Colchester
NEWARK of 6 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
NEWARK of 6 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
NEWARK of Kingsley Port-lane -- Colchester
NEWBERY of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
NEWCOMB of Ivy Cottage The Fowe Blackheath -- Colchester
NEWCOMB of Ivy Cottage The Fowe Blackheath -- Colchester
NEWMAN of 21 East Hill -- Colchester
NEWMAN of 211 East Hill -- Colchester
NEWMAN of 37 Lexden-road -- Colchester
NEWMAN of Cliris Albert-road -- Colchester
NEWMAN of Meeanee Barracks -- Colchester
NICE of 234 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
NICE of Halstead-road Eight Ash Green -- Colchester
NICHOLL of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
NICHOLSON of 36 Gladstone-road -- Colchester
NICHOLSON of Fonthill Nelson-road Lexden -- Colchester
NICHOLSON of Fronthill Nelson-road Lexden -- Colchester
NICKERSON of 63 Artillery-street -- Colchester
NIXON of 100 Military-road -- Colchester
NOBLE of 14 Roman-road -- Colchester
NOEL of Gothic House 81 Military-road -- Colchester
NORMAN of 110 Harwich-road -- Colchester
NORMAN of 25 Winchester-road -- Colchester
NORMAN of 7 East Bay -- Colchester
NORMAN of 75 Maldon-road -- Colchester
NORMAN of 79 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
NUNN of 144 Maldon-road -- Colchester
NUNN of 194 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
NUNN of 27 Military-road -- Colchester
NUNN of 27 Military-road -- Colchester
NUNN of 3a Rawstorn-road -- Colchester
NUNN of 42 Berechurch-road -- Colchester
NUNN of 48 Layer-road -- Colchester
NUNN of Glendale Abbotts-road -- Colchester
O'CONNELL of 46 East Stockwell-street -- Colchester
OATENBY of 26 Winchester-road -- Colchester
OFFORD of 61 Mile End-road -- Colchester
OFFORD of 9 Shrub End-road -- Colchester
OLDHAM of 41 Hythe Hill -- Colchester
OLIVER of 57 Lexden-road -- Colchester
OLIVER of 65 Mersea-road -- Colchester
OLLE of 28 Hamilton-road -- Colchester
OLLEY of 126 North Station-road -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
OLLIS of The Nook Halstead-road Aldham -- Colchester
ONN of 48 Lisle-road -- Colchester
ORD of Beverley Lodge Lexden-road -- Colchester
ORME of 2 The Avenue -- Colchester
ORPEN of Sheepen Farm -- Colchester
ORR of Hillside Higham -- Colchester
ORRIN of 23 Claudius-road -- Colchester
OSBORN of 135 Butt-road -- Colchester
OSBORN of 30 Smythies-avenue -- Colchester
OSBORN of 71 Wickham-road -- Colchester
OSBORNE of 206 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
OSBORNE of 27 Alexandra-road -- Colchester
OSBORNE of 45 Mersea-road -- Colchester
OSBORNE of 74 Bourne-road -- Colchester
OSBORNE of 76 Winnock-road -- Colchester
OSBORNE of High View 206 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
OSBOURN of 2 Shrub End-road -- Colchester
OURRANT of 52 Maldon-road -- Colchester
OWEN of 12 the Avenue -- Colchester
OWENS of 24 Stockwell-street -- Colchester
OWERS of 151 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
PAGE of 119 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
PAGE of 119 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
PAGE of 12 Maidenburgh-street -- Colchester
PAGE of 24 Bourne-road -- Colchester
PAGE of 24 Heath-road Lexden -- Colchester
PAGE of 44 Halstead-road Lexden -- Colchester
PAGE of 57 Mersea-road -- Colchester
PAINE of 67 East Hill -- Colchester
PAINTER of Belvedere Chappel -- Colchester
PALLANT of 17 Abbeygate-street -- Colchester
PALMER of 2a Bourne-road -- Colchester
PALMER of 54 Creffield-road Colchester
PALMER of 67 Harsnett-road Colchester
PALMER of Fletchers Lodge Fordham Colchester
PALMER of The Bridge House Lexden -- Colchester
PALMER of Woolpack Hotel St Botolphs-street -- Colchester
PAMPLIN of 8 King Coel-road Lexden -- Colchester
PAPILLON of 26 Creffield-road -- Colchester
PAPILLON of Lexden Manor -- Colchester
PAPWORTH of 10 Colne Bank-avenue -- Colchester
PAPWORTH of 17 Eld-lane Colchester
PARADINE of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
PARDON of The Hollies 2 Cambridge-road -- Colchester
PARISH of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
PARKER of 16 Elmstead-road -- Colchester
PARKER of Creffield Lodge Creffield-road -- Colchester
PARKER of Hill Cottage Great Bromley -- Colchester
PARNELL of 24 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
PARNELL of 25 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
PARRY of Severalis Mental Hospital -- Colchester
PARSLER of 35 Golden Noble-hill -- Colchester
PARSONS of 44 North Station-road -- Colchester
PARSONS of 7 F block Assaye married quarters -- Colchester
PARSONS of 72 Roman-road -- Colchester
PARTNER of 18 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
PARTRIDGE of Bansha 136 Layer-road -- Colchester
PASCOE of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
PASKELL of Cotswold St. Clare-road -- Colchester
PASSFIELD of 3 Langley-green Feering -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
PASSIFUL of 18 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
PASSIFULL of 9 Papillon-road -- Colchester
PATFIELD of 89 Winnock-road -- Colchester
PATTON of Reed Hall Camp -- Colchester
PAULL of 68 and 10 Barrack-street -- Colchester
PAULL of 8 Barrack-street -- Colchester
PAWSEY of 43 Lexden-road -- Colchester
PAWSEY of 68 East-hill -- Colchester
PAXMAN of Deoban 171 Lexden-road -- Colchester
PAYNE of 262 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
PAYNE of 28 Winsley-square -- Colchester
PAYNE of Crockleford Mill Parsons Heath -- Colchester
PEACHEY of 16 Middleborough -- Colchester
PEACHEY of 16 Middlesborough -- Colchester
PEACHEY of 7 Hamilton-road -- Colchester
PEACOCK of 51 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
PEACOCK of 61 Mersea-road -- Colchester
PEACOCK of 62 Stanwell-street -- Colchester
PEACOCK of 64 South-street -- Colchester
PEACOCK of Hill House Boxted -- Colchester
PEADON of 126 Collingwood-road Lexden -- Colchester
PEARCE of 14 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
PEARCE of 14 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
PEARL of Barn Hall Mersea-road -- Colchester
PEARSE of 37 Lexden-road -- Colchester
PEARSON of Ivy dene High-street Rowhedge -- Colchester
PEARSON of The Cloisters Maldon-road -- Colchester
PEATFIELD of Greengates Straight-road Lexden -- Colchester
PECK of 196 Maldon-road -- Colchester
PECK of 196 Maldon-road -- Colchester
PECK of 6 Balkerne-gardens -- Colchester
PECK of 9 Ayloffe-road -- Colchester
PEEK of 110 North Station-road -- Colchester
PEIRCE of May-Cottage Daisy Green Groton -- Colchester
PENNEY of 47 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
PENNING of 6 Shrubland-road -- Colchester
PEPPERCORN of 24 Gladwin-road -- Colchester
PERCIVAL of 291 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
PERCIVAL of Ford-street Aldham -- Colchester
PERCIVAL of Trumpingtons Farm Great Tey -- Colchester
PERCY of 78 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
PERFITT of Woodside Layer-road Kingsford -- Colchester
PERRINS of 21 Mersea-road -- Colchester
PERRY of 56 Hythe Hill -- Colchester
PERRY of 89 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
PERRY of Windermere Mersea-avenue West Mersea -- Colchester
PETERS of 29 East Stockwell-street -- Colchester
PETTITT of 192 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
PETTYFER of The Dolphin Inn Church-street -- Colchester
PHELP of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
PHILBROOK of 2 Wickham-road -- Colchester
PHILLIPS of 100 Kendall-road -- Colchester
PHILLIPS of 253 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
PHILLIPS of 9 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
PHILLIPS of Spring House Lexden -- Colchester
PHILO of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
PHIPPS of 12 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
PICKESS of 17 Lucas-road -- Colchester
PICKESS of 57 Winchester-road -- Colchester
PIGG of 8 Essex Hall-road -- Colchester

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
PIKE of Rhosneigr Port-lane-south -- Colchester
PIKE of Sandcroft 363 Straight-road Shrub End -- Colchester
PINCKARD of 34 Butt-road -- Colchester
PITCHFORD of the Caledonian Inn St Johns Green -- Colchester
PITT of 1 Abbots-road -- Colchester
PITT of 303 Straight-road -- Colchester
PITT of 46 Wickham-road -- Colchester
PITT of Sunbeam Bungalow Mersea-road Blackheath -- Colchester
PITTAWAY of 62 Harwich-road -- Colchester
PITTUCK of 47 Crowhurst-road -- Colchester
PLANE of 74 North Station-road -- Colchester
PLANT of 13 Ireton-road -- Colchester
PLATER of 6 Balkeme-lane -- Colchester
PLUCK of Riverton 20 Audley-road -- Colchester
PLUMMER of 1 Kings-road -- Colchester
POCOCK of 205 Maldon-road -- Colchester
PODD of 8 Beverley-road -- Colchester
POINTING of 38 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
POLAND of The Folley House Layer de la Haye -- Colchester
POLLARD of 34 Winnock-road -- Colchester
POLLEY of 13 Crouch-street -- Colchester
POLLEY of 13 Crouch-street -- Colchester
POLLOCK of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
POOL of 84 Berechurch-road -- Colchester
POOL of 84 Berechurch-road -- Colchester
POOLEY of 82 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
POOLEY of Fairmount 51 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
POPE of 9 The Avenue -- Colchester
PORTER of 102 Military-road -- Colchester
PORTER of 53 Dunthome-road -- Colchester
PORTER of 58 East Hill -- Colchester
PORTER of Chippets Farm Lexden Heath -- Colchester
PORTER of Gate House High-street -- Colchester
PORTWAY of 58 Castle-road -- Colchester
POSNETT of 40 Burlington-road -- Colchester
POTTER of 108 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
POTTER of 11 Salisbury-avenue -- Colchester
POTTER of 14 Wickham-road -- Colchester
POTTER of 14 Wickham-road -- Colchester
POTTER of 23 St. Helena-road -- Colchester
POTTER of 25 New Town-road -- Colchester
POTTER of 31 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
POTTER of 54 Drury-road Colchester
POTTER of 9 Trinity-street Colchester
POTTER of Wayside 23 Saint Helena-road -- Colchester
POTTER of West-street -- Colchester
POULTER of Holly trees High-street -- Colchester
POWELL of 10 St. Leonards-road -- Colchester
POWELL of 22 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
POWELL of 5 Popes-lane -- Colchester
POWELL of 67 Drury-road -- Colchester
POWELL of 99 North Station-road -- Colchester
PRATT of 379 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
PRATT of 46 Priory-street -- Colchester
PREDDY of 2 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
PREDDY of 9 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
PREECE of 3 Brierley-avenue West Mersea -- Colchester
PRESSNELL of 123 Hythe Hill -- Colchester
PRESSNELL of 9 Wimpole-road -- Colchester
PRESTNEY of 10 St John?s-street -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
PRESTNEY of 181 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
PRESTNEY of Court-street Nayland -- Colchester
PRESTNEY of Sunny View Morten-road -- Colchester
PRETTY of 213 Maldon-road -- Colchester
PRIDDLE of 18 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
PRIME of 18 North Hill -- Colchester
PRIOR of 12 Errington-road -- Colchester
PRIOR of 14 Wickham-road -- Colchester
PRIOR of 30 Lucas-road -- Colchester
PRIOR of Beehive Cottage Stanway -- Colchester
PRIOR of Myland House Mile End-road -- Colchester
PRIOR of The Sundial Lexden-road -- Colchester
PRIORI of 132 Brook-street -- Colchester
PRYKE of 272 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
PRYKE of 5 Parsons Heath Harwich-road -- Colchester
PRYKE of 61 Walsingham-road -- Colchester
PRYKE of Blossomwood 272 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
PUDNEY of 118 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
PUDNEY of 16 Berechurch Hall-road -- Colchester
PUDNEY of 41 Vineyard-street -- Colchester
PUDNEY of Swiss Cottage Fordham -- Colchester
PULFORD of Cannock Mill -- Colchester
PULLEN of Near the Common Peldon -- Colchester
PUMFREY of 2 Orchard-road -- Colchester
PURCELL of The Limes 1 Rawstom-road -- Colchester
PURKISS of 10 Papillon-road -- Colchester
PURKISS of 129 London-road Lexden -- Colchester
PURKISS of 5 Bourne-road -- Colchester
PURKISS of Brenda 18 Blackheath -- Colchester
PUXLEY of 6 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
QUINNEY of 1 Claudius-road -- Colchester
QUINNEY of 1 Claudius-road -- Colchester
QUINNEY of 40 Priory-streeit -- Colchester
QUINNEY of 40 Priory-street -- Colchester
QUINTON of the Essex County Hospital -- Colchester
RACE of Dilbridge Hall Ipswich-road -- Colchester
RADLEY of 11 Rawston-road -- Colchester
RAFFLES of the Cups Hotel -- Colchester
RAINBIRD of 161 Maldon-road -- Colchester
RAINER of 56 Straight-road Lexden -- Colchester
RAINER of 88 London-road Lexden -- Colchester
RAINSFORD of 7 Maldon-road -- Colchester
RALLING of Winnock Lodge -- Colchester
RALLING of Winnock Lodge Winnock-road -- Colchester
RALPH of 1 Wickham-road -- Colchester
RAMPLIN of 140 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
RANDALL of Grasslands Melrose-road West Mersea -- Colchester
RANSOME of 125 Maldon-road -- Colchester
RANSON of 1 Maidenburgh-street -- Colchester
RAVEN of 179 Mile Endrroad -- Colchester
RAVEN of 55 Mile End-road -- Colchester
RAVEN of 9 BeacOnsfield-avenue -- Colchester
RAY of 34 Wellesley-road -- Colchester
RAY of 75 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
RAYMOND of 3 Acland-avenue -- Colchester
RAYMOND of 3 Acland-avenue -- Colchester
RAYNER of 41Mile End-road -- Colchester
RAYNER of 66 Wimple-road -- Colchester
READ of 10 Colchester-road Chappel -- Colchester
READ of 46 Margaret-road -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
READ of The Homestead Beech Hill Lexden -- Colchester
REDDING of 19 Roman-road -- Colchester
REDDING of 19 Roman-road -- Colchester
REDING of The Firs Boxiord -- Colchester
REDMORE of 41 Lisle-road -- Colchester
REEVE of 12 Rawstorn-road -- Colchester
REEVE of 3 North Hill -- Colchester
REEVE of 63 Maldon-road -- Colchester
REEVE of 69 Priory-street -- Colchester
REEVES of 15 Albert-street -- Colchester
REEVES of 15 Albert-street -- Colchester
REICHTER of 36 Mile End -- Colchester
REICHTER of Mile End -- Colchester
REINGPACH of 13 Wellesley-road -- Colchester
RENALL of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
REVELL of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
REVENS of 39 Mile End-road -- Colchester
REVENS of 39 Mile-road -- Colchester
RIBBANS of 205 Mile End-road -- Colchester
RICE of 6 Sussex-road -- Colchester
RICE of Great Bromley Lodge -- Colchester
RICE of Great Bromley Lodge -- Colchester
RICE of The Lodge Honywood-road -- Colchester
RICHARDS of 40 and 42a Head-street -- Colchester
RICHARDS of 53 Military-road -- Colchester
RICHARDS of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
RICHARDSON of 2 Creffield-road -- Colchester
RICHARDSON of 40 North Hill -- Colchester
RICHARDSON of 68 Bourne-road -- Colchester
RICHARDSON of 68 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
RICHE of Havana 30 Elmstead-road -- Colchester
RICHER of 158 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
RICHER of 34 Winnock-road -- Colchester
RICHER of 93 Mersea-road -- Colchester
RICHES of 85 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
RICHMOND of Park Comer Saint Clare-road Lexden -- Colchester
RICKWOOD of 38 Wellesley-road -- Colchester
RICKWORD of 38 Wellesley-road -- Colchester
RIDGLEY of 32 Cannon-street -- Colchester
RIDINGS of Burlea 143 Straight-road Lexden -- Colchester
RIDLINGTON of 31 Crowhurst-road -- Colchester
RIGG of 18 Hythe Hill -- Colchester
RIGG of 18 Hythe Hill -- Colchester
RIPLEY of The Essex and Colchester Mental Hospital Severalls -- Colchester
RIPPON of 27 West-street -- Colchester
RIPPON of 3aPriory-street -- Colchester
RITSON of Chase Cottage Kelvedon -- Colchester
ROBBINS of 3 Beverley-road -- Colchester
ROBERTS of 160 Maldon-road -- Colchester
ROBERTS of 214 Maldon-road -- Colchester
ROBERTS of 214 Maldon-road Colchester
ROBERTS of 27 Errington-road -- Colchester
ROBERTSON of 4 Winsley New Bungalows Old Heath-road -- Colchester
ROBINS of Little Orchard 1 West Lodge-road -- Colchester
ROBINS of New House Great Bromley -- Colchester
ROBINSON of 1 Lexden-road -- Colchester
ROBINSON of 1 Lexden-road -- Colchester
ROBINSON of 124 High-street -- Colchester
ROBINSON of 21 Rowhedge-road Old Heath -- Colchester
ROBINSON of 21 Rowhedge-road Old Heath -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
ROBINSON of Hillands Dedham -- Colchester
ROBINSON of Ivy House Great Bentley Green -- Colchester
ROBINSON of Old Heath House Old Heath -- Colchester
ROCHE of 31 Walsingham-road -- Colchester
ROGER of Sunnymede Alexandra-avenue West Mersea near -- Colchester
ROGERS of 106 Hythe Hill -- Colchester
ROGERS of 2 Denmark-street -- Colchester
ROGERS of 21 The-avenue -- Colchester
ROGERS of 21a Queens-road -- Colchester
ROGERS of 38 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
ROGERS of 63 Wimpole-road -- Colchester
ROGERS of Mullery Green Reotory-road Copford -- Colchester
ROGERS of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
ROGERS of The Grapes Mersea-road -- Colchester
ROGERS of The Plough Hotel -- Colchester
ROLPH of 26 Papillon-road -- Colchester
ROODHOUSE of 29 Lisle-road -- Colchester
ROOFE of 4 East Bay -- Colchester
ROOFE of 48 East Hill -- Colchester
ROOKE of Monks Horton -- Colchester
ROSE of 3 Bretts Buildings Magdalen-street -- Colchester
ROSE of 68 Winnock-road -- Colchester
ROUND of Birch Hall -- Colchester
ROUND of Birch Hall -- Colchester
ROUND of Birch Hall Birch -- Colchester
ROUND of The Cross House Layer-de-la-Haye -- Colchester
ROWE of 113 Morant-road -- Colchester
ROWE of 13 Errington-road -- Colchester
ROWE of 16 Wimpole-road -- Colchester
ROWE of 17 Athelstan-road -- Colchester
ROWE of 249 Harwich-road -- Colchester
ROWE of 3 Salisbury-avenue -- Colchester
ROWE of 30 Meyrick-crescent -- Colchester
ROWE of 321 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
ROWE of 33 Bourne-road -- Colchester
ROWE of Balgownie St Andrews-avenue -- Colchester
ROWLAND of Beachy Head Sea View-avenue West Mersea -- Colchester
ROWLAND of Hargraves 27 Athelstan-road -- Colchester
ROWLAND of the Salisbury Hotel Butt-road -- Colchester
RSTON of 57 High-street -- Colchester
RUDD of 56 Lisle-road -- Colchester
RUDD of 56 Lisle-road -- Colchester
RUDDOCK of 65 Bourne-road -- Colchester
RUDKIN of 11 Kendall-road -- Colchester
RUDKIN of 4 Wellesley-road -- Colchester
RUDKIN of The Caravans Layer-de-la-Haye -- Colchester
RUDKIN of The Caravans Layer-de-la-Haye -- Colchester
RUDLIN of 237 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
RUDLIN of 91 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
RUDLING of 23 Butt-road -- Colchester
RUDLING of 23 Butt-road -- Colchester
RUDLING of 23 Butt-road -- Colchester
RUDMAN of Carlton Layer-road -- Colchester
RUDSDALE of 66 Winnock-road -- Colchester
RUFFELL of 274 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
RUFFELL of 79 Mersea-road -- Colchester
RUMBLE of Scarletts Lodge Recreation-road -- Colchester
RUNNACLES of Harwich-road -- Colchester
RUSH of 44 East Stockwell-street -- Colchester
RUSH of Hazel Farm Great Bromley -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
RUSHBROOKE of 45 Goring-road -- Colchester
RUSSELL of 56 Kendall-road -- Colchester
RUSSELL of Denwa Lodge New Town-road -- Colchester
RUSSELL of Denwa Lodge New Town-road -- Colchester
RUSSELL of Kings Ford -- Colchester
RUSSELL of Kings Ford -- Colchester
RUSSELL of Myrtle Grove -- Colchester
RUSTON of Fernbank Victoria-road -- Colchester
RUTT of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
RUTTER of 24 Rosebery-avenue -- Colchester
RYDER of 148 Magdalen-street -- Colchester
RYDER of 74 Wimpole-road -- Colchester
SACCHI of 14 St John?s-street -- Colchester
SACH of 45 Fairfax-road -- Colchester
SACH of 6 Castle-road -- Colchester
SACH of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
SACK of 16 Pownall-crescent -- Colchester
SADGROVE of 11 Wellesley-road -- Colchester
SADLER of 154 Magdalen-street -- Colchester
SADLER of 32 Albert-street -- Colchester
SADLER of 38 Magdalen-street -- Colchester
SADLER of 4 Balkeme-gardens -- Colchester
SADLER of 6 St Marys-road -- Colchester
SADLER of 6 St. Marys-road -- Colchester
SADLER of 68 Winchester-road -- Colchester
SAGE of 70 Nayland-road Mile End -- Colchester
SAGE of Fernhurst 39 Pownall-crescent -- Colchester
SALLOWS of 67 Maidenburgh-street -- Colchester
SALMON of 135 Winnock-road -- Colchester
SALMON of 14 Culver-street -- Colchester
SALMON of 14 Popes-lane -- Colchester
SALMON of 6 Claudius-road -- Colchester
SALMON of 6 Claudius-road -- Colchester
SALMON of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
SALTER of 42 North-hill -- Colchester
SAMS of The Bungalow Park Farm Great Bromley -- Colchester
SAMSON of 39 North Station-road -- Colchester
SANDERS of 108 North Station-road -- Colchester
SANDERS of 108 North Station-road -- Colchester
SANDERS of 9 Claudius-road -- Colchester
SANDISON of Aurora 4 Gladstone-road -- Colchester
SANDLE of 12 Roman-road -- Colchester
SANDS of Madeley Lancaster Gardens Clacton-on-Sea Essex and of 16 High-street -- Colchester
SANSOM of 60 Pownallcrescent -- Colchester
SARGEANT of 10 Capel-road -- Colchester
SARLS of 2 Stanwell-road -- Colchester
SAUNDERS of 1 Belle Vue-road -- Colchester
SAUNDERS of 5 Cannon-street -- Colchester
SAVILL of 9 Beverley-road -- Colchester
SAVILL of the Essex County Nursing Home 1 Beverley-road -- Colchester
SAVILLE of 91 Mersea-road -- Colchester
SAWDY of 31 Wellesley-road -- Colchester
SAWDY of 31 Wellesley-road -- Colchester
SAYER of 1 Winnocks New Almhouses Military-road -- Colchester
SAYER of Mill Farm Higham -- Colchester
SCALES of Harveys Farm Peldon -- Colchester
SCARGILL of 60 Albert-street -- Colchester
SCHAFLE of 35 Salisbury-avenue -- Colchester
SCHHOFIELD of 194 Berg- holt-road -- Colchester
SCHOFIELD of 177 Harwich-road -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
SCHOFIELD of 28 Winsley-square -- Colchester
SCOTJ of School-road Thorrington -- Colchester
SCOTT of 101 Barrack-street -- Colchester
SCOTT of 14 Kendall-road -- Colchester
SCOTT of 15 Crown Bays-road -- Colchester
SCOTT of 3 Shrubland-road -- Colchester
SCOTT of 43 South-street Colchester
SCOTT of 48 Maldon-road -- Colchester
SCOTT of 48 Maldon-road Colchester
SCOTT of 61 Priory-street -- Colchester
SCOTT of 62 Winchester-road -- Colchester
SCOTT of 73 Wimpole-road -- Colchester
SCOTT of 80 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
SCOTT of Denby Cambridge-road -- Colchester
SCRAGG of 23 The Avenue -- Colchester
SCRAGG of The Floral Box Crouch-street -- Colchester
SCRAGG of the Floral Box Crouch-street -- Colchester
SCRIPPS of Heath Cottage 1 Chapel-road West Bergholt -- Colchester
SCRIVENER of 6 Wickham-road -- Colchester
SCRIVENER of Sewards Fitzwalter-road -- Colchester
SEABER of Brambles Coach-road Great Horkesley -- Colchester
SEABORN of 313 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
SEABORN of 39 Fairfax-road -- Colchester
SEABROOK of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
SEADEN of 11 Fingringhoe-road -- Colchester
SEADEN of 11 Fingringhoe-road -- Colchester
SEBBORN of 34 Hamilton-road -- Colchester
SEBBORN of Catherine Cottage Rowhedgfc-road Old Heath -- Colchester
SEBBORN of Ivy House 122 Fingringhoe-road Old Heath -- Colchester
SEBBORN of Thistle Dome Rowhedge-road -- Colchester
SEGALL of 110a High-street -- Colchester
SELBY of 64 North Station-road -- Colchester
SELF of 11 Abbeygate-street -- Colchester
SELLICKS of Cromwell Lodge London-road -- Colchester
SELLICKS of Glenroyd King Harold-road Shrub End near -- Colchester
SERGENT of 12 Gladwin-avenue -- Colchester
SERGENT of 12 Gladwln-avenue -- Colchester
SHAW of 25 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
SHAW of 36 Winsley-road -- Colchester
SHEAD of Stanway Lodge -- Colchester
SHELDRICK of 133 Straight-road Lexden -- Colchester
SHELDRICK of 48 Albert-street -- Colchester
SHEMMING of 37 Crown Bays-road -- Colchester
SHEPHARD of 53 Bourne-road -- Colchester
SHEPHARD of 7 Lexden-road -- Colchester
SHEPHERD of 64 Drury-road -- Colchester
SHEPHERD of 68 Winnock-road -- Colchester
SHEPPARD of Saint Michaels Rectory -- Colchester
SHERMAN of 372 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
SHERMAN of 89 Albert-street -- Colchester
SHILLING of 71 Morant-road -- Colchester
SHILLING of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
SHINKINS of 13 Belle Vue-road -- Colchester
SHINKINS of 2 St Botolphs-street -- Colchester
SHULVER of Sunnyside Elmstead-road -- Colchester
SHUREY of 153 Butt-road -- Colchester
SHYNN of 18 Salisbury-avenue -- Colchester
SIDLE of 85 High-street -- Colchester
SIGGERS of 63 Castle-road -- Colchester
SIMKIN of 63 Nofth-hill -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
SIMMONS of 230 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
SIMONS of 245 Lexden-road Lexden -- Colchester
SIMONS of Merrythought Regent-street Rowhedge -- Colchester
SIMPSON of 12 South-street -- Colchester
SIMPSON of 279 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
SIMPSON of 42 Artillery-street -- Colchester
SIMPSON of 42 Artillery-street -- Colchester
SIMPSON of 8 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
SIMPSON of Elmstead Heath -- Colchester
SINZININEX of 53 Victoria-road -- Colchester
SIZZEY of 6 Nicholas-square Culver-street -- Colchester
SKILTON of Bourne-road -- Colchester
SKINNER of Heathfields Old Heath -- Colchester
SKINNER of The Chantry Great Horkesley -- Colchester
SKIPPER of 15 West-street -- Colchester
SLACK of 29 Victoria-road -- Colchester
SLAUGHTER of 209 Maldon-road -- Colchester
SLAUGHTER of The Chalet Sussex-road -- Colchester
SLYFIELD of Fordham Heath -- Colchester
SMALLWOOD of 28 West-street -- Colchester
SMALLWOOD of Fremington Bourne-road -- Colchester
SMART of The Briars Braiswick -- Colchester
SMEE of 53 West Stockwell-street -- Colchester
SMEE of Brookfield Greenstead-road -- Colchester
SMELLIE of The Bridge House Lexden -- Colchester
SMITH of 1 Mill-street Colchester
SMITH of 1 St Albans-road -- Colchester
SMITH of 10 The Avenue -- Colchester
SMITH of 100 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
SMITH of 11 Lisle-road -- Colchester
SMITH of 11 Rainsborowe-road -- Colchester
SMITH of 12 North Station-road -- Colchester
SMITH of 14 Rainsborowe-road -- Colchester
SMITH of 153 Maldon-road Colchester
SMITH of 18 Straight-road Boxted -- Colchester
SMITH of 182 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
SMITH of 19 Causton-road -- Colchester
SMITH of 19 Winsley-square Old Heath-road -- Colchester
SMITH of 20 Lucas-road -- Colchester
SMITH of 205 Lexden-road -- Colchester
SMITH of 21 Belle Vue-road -- Colchester
SMITH of 22 Hamilton-road -- Colchester
SMITH of 22 Kendall-road Colchester
SMITH of 22 Manor-road -- Colchester
SMITH of 228 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
SMITH of 24 Castle-road Colchester
SMITH of 24a West-street -- Colchester
SMITH of 25 Lexden-road -- Colchester
SMITH of 30 Wellesley-road -- Colchester
SMITH of 31 Maldon-road -- Colchester
SMITH of 33 Fingrinhoe-road Old Heath -- Colchester
SMITH of 4 North Hill Colchester
SMITH of 4 North-hill -- Colchester
SMITH of 40 Wimpole-road -- Colchester
SMITH of 45 Granville-road -- Colchester
SMITH of 47 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
SMITH of 56 Butt-road -- Colchester
SMITH of 59 Bourne-road Colchester
SMITH of 6 Crowhurst-road -- Colchester
SMITH of 6 Mercers-way -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
SMITH of 6 Papillon-road -- Colchester
SMITH of 6 Priory-street -- Colchester
SMITH of 6 The Avenue -- Colchester
SMITH of 60 Dunthorne-road -- Colchester
SMITH of 61 Audley-road -- Colchester
SMITH of 7 Abbots-road Old Heath -- Colchester
SMITH of 7 Artillery-street -- Colchester
SMITH of 7 Artillery-street North -- Colchester
SMITH of 7 Fingringhoe-road Old Heath Colchester
SMITH of 7 Gray-road -- Colchester
SMITH of 72 Nayland-road -- Colchester
SMITH of 84 Winnock-road -- Colchester
SMITH of Chenies West Bergholt -- Colchester
SMITH of Cropping Hall Cottage Wakes Colne -- Colchester
SMITH of Fair Seat Tiptree -- Colchester
SMITH of Orchard Cottage St Johns-road -- Colchester
SMITH of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
SMITH of St Mary's Lodge -- Colchester
SMITH of The Haven Port-lane -- Colchester
SMITH of The Vineyards Copford -- Colchester
SMITHERS of Hillcrest Mersea-road Blackheath -- Colchester
SMITHERS of Kingsley 255 Mersea-road -- Colchester
SMITHIJ of 117 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
SOFTLEY of 43 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
SOFTLEY of 43 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
SORRELL of Bramston House Thorington -- Colchester
SOUTH of 20 St. Peters-street -- Colchester
SOUTH of 24 Saint Peters-street -- Colchester
SOUTH of 44 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
SOUTHERNWOOD of 48 Granville-road -- Colchester
SOUTHGATE of 18 Morten-road -- Colchester
SOUTHGATE of 23 Hythe Hill -- Colchester
SOUTHGATE of 3 Belle Vue-road -- Colchester
SOUTHGATE of Chapel-road Langham -- Colchester
SPACKMAN of 8 Berryfield-cottages East Bay -- Colchester
SPARKE of 118 Layer-road -- Colchester
SPARKS of 1 Cavendish-avenue -- Colchester
SPARROW of 218 Mersea-road -- Colchester
SPARROW of Dar Es Salaam Ipswich-road -- Colchester
SPELMAN of 25 Scarletts-road -- Colchester
SPENCER of 42 Mersea-road -- Colchester
SPENCER of 42 Mersea-road -- Colchester
SPENCER of Adelaide Elmstead-road -- Colchester
SPICER of 27 Maldon-road -- Colchester
SPINKS of 73 Drury-road -- Colchester
SPOONER of Bower of Roses Ipswich-road -- Colchester
SPOONER of Severalls Hospital Mile End -- Colchester
SPRIGGE of Daisy Green Lexden Heath -- Colchester
SPRINGETT of 28 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
SPRINGETT of Eight Ash Green Copford -- Colchester
SPURGEON of 28 Irvine-road -- Colchester
SPURGIN of 25 East-street -- Colchester
SQUELCH of 44 Lucas-road -- Colchester
STALLARD of 7 Cambridge-road -- Colchester
STAMMERS of 128 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
STANFORD of 19 Creffield-road -- Colchester
STANNARD of 17 Winsley-square -- Colchester
STANNARD of 74 Nayland-road Mile End -- Colchester
STANTON of 199 Maldon-road -- Colchester
STARKEY of Elm Croft Boxted -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
STARLING of 43 Drury-road -- Colchester
STARLING of Sydney-cottages Parsons Heath -- Colchester
STEARMAN of 10 James-street -- Colchester
STEDMAN of 41 Athelstan-road -- Colchester
STEDMAN of 85 London-road Lexden -- Colchester
STEED of 20 Alexandra-road -- Colchester
STEED of Trinity-street -- Colchester
STEGGLES of 42 Barrack-street -- Colchester
STENNER of Winston House Stanway-road -- Colchester
STEPHENS of 93 Lexden-road -- Colchester
STEPHENSON of 5 Spring-lane Lexden -- Colchester
STEPHENSON of West House Farm Lexden -- Colchester
STEVENS of 20 Three Crowns-road -- Colchester
STEVENS of 61 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
STEWARD of 19 Scarletts-road -- Colchester
STEWARD of 20 Eimstead-road -- Colchester
STEWARD of 20 Elmstead-road -- Colchester
STEWARD of 92 Berghplt-road -- Colchester
STEWART of 1 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
STEWART of 1 Ireton-road -- Colchester
STEWART of 1 Ireton-road -- Colchester
STEWART of 93 Lexden-road -- Colchester
STEWART of Westwood House West Bergholt -- Colchester
STICKNEY of 253 Maldon-road -- Colchester
STIFF of Glenarm Mersea-road -- Colchester
STILES of 38 Gladwin-road -- Colchester
STOCK of 46 Salisbury-avenue -- Colchester
STODDART of 353 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
STOLLERY of 28 St Pauls-road -- Colchester
STONE of 48 Beche-road -- Colchester
STOREY of 53 Granville-road -- Colchester
STORY of 20 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
STOTT of 52 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
STOW of 23 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
STOW of 48 North Station-road -- Colchester
STRACHAN of The Croft Fingringhoe -- Colchester
STRACHAN of The Croft Fingringhoe -- Colchester
STRAW of 44 Nelson-road Lexden -- Colchester
STRIBLING of 166 Maldon-road -- Colchester
STROHALM of Mill Bungalow Marks Tey -- Colchester
STROWLGER of 7 Essex Hall-road -- Colchester
STROWLGER of the Infirmary Popes-lane -- Colchester
STRUTT of 18 Golden Noble Hill -- Colchester
STRUTT of 255 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
STRUTT of 58 Roman-oroad -- Colchester
STUART of 20 St. Albans-road -- Colchester
STUBBINS of 7 Roman-road -- Colchester
STUDD of 10 Hamilton-road -- Colchester
STUTTLE of 26 Cannon-street -- Colchester
SUCKLING of 31 Albert-street -- Colchester
SUCKLING of 36 Nelson-road Lexden -- Colchester
SUNDERLAND of 38 Walsingham-road -- Colchester
SUTCLIFFE of Grafton House Bult-road -- Colchester
SUTTON of Trevane 172 Shrub End-road -- Colchester
SWIFT of 9 Ireton-road -- Colchester
SYMES of 112 North Station-road -- Colchester
TALBOT of 27 Hythe Hill -- Colchester
TALBOT of 66 Bourne-road -- Colchester
TALL of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
TAPPENDEN of 126 Butt-road -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
TARRANT of East View Villa-road Stanway -- Colchester
TATAM of 10 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
TATAM of 16 West Stockwell-street -- Colchester
TATAM of 2 Mercers Way -- Colchester
TATAM of 2 Mercers-way -- Colchester
TATAM of 20 Bromley-road -- Colchester
TATAM of 56 Rawstorn-road -- Colchester
TATAWI of 3 Parsons Heath -- Colchester
TATUM of Bam Hall Mersea-road -- Colchester
TAUNTON of 60 Creffield-road -- Colchester
TAWELL of 68 Victor-road -- Colchester
TAYLER of 19 Queen-street -- Colchester
TAYLOR of 18 Claudius-road -- Colchester
TAYLOR of 45 Roman-road -- Colchester
TAYLOR of 57 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
TAYLOR of Ferndale 114 Mile End -- Colchester
TAYLOR of the Leather Bottle Shrub End -- Colchester
TAYLOR of The Old Cottage Fordham Heath -- Colchester
TAYLOR of White Horse Yard East-street -- Colchester
TAYLpR of Eaucourt Fordham Heath -- Colchester
TEAT of G Athelstan-road -- Colchester
TEDDER of Manuden Abbotts-road -- Colchester
TESTER of 99 St. JohiLS-road -- Colchester
THEAKSTONE of 73 Mersea-road -- Colchester
THEOBALD of 149 Shrub End-road -- Colchester
THEOBALD of 2 Hamilton-road -- Colchester
THEOBALD of 48 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
THEOBALD of 55 Maldon-road -- Colchester
THEOBALD of 55 Maldon-road -- Colchester
THETFORD of 30 King Harold-road -- Colchester
THIMBLETHORPE of 170 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
THISTLETHWAITE of 12 St. Clare-road -- Colchester
THOMAS of 142 Maldon-road -- Colchester
THOMAS of 150 Maldon-road -- Colchester
THOMAS of Stanmore 47 Mile End-road -- Colchester
THOMAS of The Nutshell 30 St Helena-road -- Colchester
THOMPSON of 53 Victoria-road -- Colchester
THOMPSON of 91 Butt-road -- Colchester
THOMPSON of Stanway -- Colchester
THOMSON of 10 Fitzwalter-road -- Colchester
THORINGTON of 22 Alexandra-road -- Colchester
THORNBERY of 149 Maldon-road -- Colchester
THOROGOOD of 14 St. Clare-road -- Colchester
THOROGOOD of 16 Mill-street -- Colchester
THORP of 64 Balkerne-hill -- Colchester
THORPE of 169 Harwich-road -- Colchester
THORPE of 41 Wimpole-road -- Colchester
THORPE of Boxted House Boxted -- Colchester
THORRINGTON of 133 Winnock-road -- Colchester
THURLOW of Cambria 115 Straight-road Lexden -- Colchester
TIDMAN of North Station-road -- Colchester
TILBURY of Birdland 58 Heath-road Lexden -- Colchester
TILLETT of 24 Manor-road -- Colchester
TIMSON of 14 Balkeme-lane -- Colchester
TINDALL of Glengariff Thorington -- Colchester
TINK of 16 Manor-road -- Colchester
TIPPER of 26 Old Heath -- Colchester
TIPPER of The Hut Leeches-lane Mile End -- Colchester
TODD of 30 Wimpole-road -- Colchester
TODD of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
TOGWELL of 30 St Botolph-street -- Colchester
TOOKE of 34 New Park-street Colchester
TOPSFIELD of 78 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
TOTHAM of 106 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
TOTHAM of 87 Collingwood-road Lexden -- Colchester
TOTMAN of 23 Parsons Heath -- Colchester
TOTMAN of 324 St John-road -- Colchester
TOTMAN of 401 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
TOWNES of 142 Mile End-road -- Colchester
TOWNS of 92 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
TOWNS of TuSca Mill-road Mile End -- Colchester
TOWNSEND of 13 Manor-road -- Colchester
TOWNSEND of 143 Hythe Hill -- Colchester
TRACEY of 101 Harwich-road -- Colchester
TRACEY of 101 Harwich-road -- Colchester
TRACEY of 11 Gladwin-avenue -- Colchester
TRACEY of 29 Winsley-square Old Heath-road -- Colchester
TRACY of 28 Morant-road -- Colchester
TRANTER of The Rectory Myland -- Colchester
TRAYHERN of 7 Audley-road -- Colchester
TRAYLER of 319 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
TRAYLER of Woodburn Cottage Ardleigh-road Dedham -- Colchester
TREDAWAY of Oaklea 82 Straight-road Lexden -- Colchester
TREHERNE of Thornleigh 145 Maldon-road -- Colchester
TREVOR of The George Hotel -- Colchester
TRICKER of 62 Creffield-road -- Colchester
TRICKER of 7 New Cottages Holton St Mary -- Colchester
TRICKER of 7 New Cottages Holton St. Mary -- Colchester
TRIPHOOK of 50 Rawstorn-road -- Colchester
TROWLES of 24 Shrubland-road -- Colchester
TROWLES of 33 Crowhurst-road -- Colchester
TRUEMAN of 25 Sussex-road -- Colchester
TRUSCOTT of 2 St Nicholas-square Culver-street -- Colchester
TUCKER of 3 Port-lane -- Colchester
TUCKER of Allerford Barbrook-lane Tiptree -- Colchester
TUCKER of Stanley Cottage St Leonards-road -- Colchester
TUKE of 257 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
TUKE of 257 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
TULLETT of The Pantiles Straight-road Lexden -- Colchester
TURFF of Norfolk Villa Church Hill Rowhedge East Donyland -- Colchester
TURKENTINE of 2 Alexandra-road -- Colchester
TURKENTINE of 27 Butt-road -- Colchester
TURNER of 134 Old Heath-road Colchester
TURNER of 31 Castle-road -- Colchester
TURNER of 4 Gascoigne-road -- Colchester
TURNER of 4 The Avenue -- Colchester
TURNER of 4 The-avenue -- Colchester
TURNER of 71 Mile End-road -- Colchester
TURNER of 74 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
TURNER of 8a Beverley-road -- Colchester
TURNER of 9 Beverley-road -- Colchester
TURNER of 90 East Hill -- Colchester
TURNER of Abbeygate House -- Colchester
TURNER of Park Cottages Great Bromley near -- Colchester
TURTILL of 1 St. Peters-street -- Colchester
TUSON of the Royal Artillery Mess -- Colchester
TUTT of 16 Papillon-road -- Colchester
TWEED of 67 Heath-road -- Colchester
TWYMAN of 55 Roman-road -- Colchester
TYE of Allandale Fitzgilbert-road -- Colchester

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
UNDERDOWN of 11 Gray-road -- Colchester
UNDERWOOD of The Maltings Aldham -- Colchester
UNWIN of -- Colchester
UPSON of 149 North Station-road -- Colchester
UPSON of 197 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
UPTON of Donard Lodge West Bergholt -- Colchester
URQUHART of 1 The Green Great Bently -- Colchester
UTTING of 5 St. Helens-lane -- Colchester
UTTLEY of 61 Heath-road Lexden -- Colchester
VALE of 3b Kendall-road -- Colchester
VAUGHAN of 343 Straight-road Shrub End -- Colchester
VESSE of 10 Gosbecks-road -- Colchester
VIGKERS of Air Raid Precautions Headquarters Maidenburgh-street -- Colchester
VINCE of 37 Wickham-road -- Colchester
VINCE of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
VINCENT of 60 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
VINT of 5 Lisle-road -- Colchester
WAINWRIGHT of 7 Halstead-road Lexden -- Colchester
WAINWRIGHT of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
WAKELING of 3 Saucelands Cottages Great Tey -- Colchester
WALFORO of 235 Maldon-road -- Colchester
WALKER of 11 St Pauls-road -- Colchester
WALKER of 138 Brook-street -- Colchester
WALKER of The Chase Elmstead -- Colchester
WALLACE of 2a St. Johns-street -- Colchester
WALLIS of 62 Wellesley-road -- Colchester
WALSTOW of 134 Maldon-road -- Colchester
WALTERS of 108 Mile End-road -- Colchester
WALTON of Fern Cottage 41 Harwich-road Parsons Heath -- Colchester
WANDER of 52 Beche-road -- Colchester
WARBURTON of The Cottage 28 Victoria-road -- Colchester
WARBY of 29 Shrub End-road -- Colchester
WARD of 1 Alexandra-road -- Colchester
WARD of 12 Blackheath -- Colchester
WARD of 12 Crouch-street -- Colchester
WARD of 14 Honywood-road -- Colchester
WARD of 17 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
WARD of 178 Butt-road -- Colchester
WARD of 2 Alexandra-road -- Colchester
WARD of 21 Lucas-road -- Colchester
WARNE of 98 Maldon-road -- Colchester
WARNER of 15 Heath-road Lexden -- Colchester
WARNER of 170 Mile End-road -- Colchester
WARNER of 170 Mile End-road -- Colchester
WARNER of 34 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
WARNER of 46 Constantine-road -- Colchester
WARNER of Church-street Stoke-by-Nayland -- Colchester
WARNER of Church-street Stoke-by-Nayland -- Colchester
WARRELL of 8 St Botolphs-street -- Colchester
WARREN of 162 Cowdray-avenue -- Colchester
WARREN of 2 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
WARREN of 95 Shrub End-road -- Colchester
WARREN of Belle Vue West Mersea -- Colchester
WARREN of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
WARWICK of Hawthorne House Blackheath -- Colchester
WASH of 2 Abbeygate-street -- Colchester
WASH of Valetta Blackheath -- Colchester
WASS of Dalkeith London-road Copford -- Colchester
WATCHAM of 89 Wilmock-road -- Colchester
WATERMAN of 21 Osbome-street -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
WATERMAN of 35 Lexden-road -- Colchester
WATERS of 12 Papillon-road -- Colchester
WATERS of 12 Papillon-road -- Colchester
WATLING of 26 Spurgeon-street -- Colchester
WATSON of 39 Beche-road -- Colchester
WATSON of 43 Lisle-road -- Colchester
WATSON of 65 South-street -- Colchester
WATSON of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
WATTS of 119 Cavendish-avenue -- Colchester
WATTS of 119 Cavendish-avenue -- Colchester
WATTS of 119 Cavendish-avenue -- Colchester
WATTS of 13 Fitzwaiter-road -- Colchester
WATTS of 13 Fitzwalter-road -- Colchester
WATTS of 31 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
WATTS of 35 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
WATTS of 62 Military-road -- Colchester
WAYLAND of 25 Manor-road -- Colchester
WAYLAND of Sunnydene 49 Colchester-road Elmstead -- Colchester
WE;LHAM of 104 Maldon-road -- Colchester
WEATHERALL of 36 Beaconsfield-avenue -- Colchester
WEATHERILL of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
WEAVERS of 31 Errington-road -- Colchester
WEBB of 1 St Peters-street -- Colchester
WEBB of 12 Creiheld-road -- Colchester
WEBB of 173 Butt-road -- Colchester
WEBB of 173 Butt-road -- Colchester
WEBB of 25 Athelstan-road -- Colchester
WEBB of 29 Scarletts-road -- Colchester
WEBB of 35 Northgate-street -- Colchester
WEBB of Alitnacealgach -- Colchester
WEBBER of 11 Winnock-square Military-road -- Colchester
WEBBER of 39 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
WEBBER of 39 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
WEBBER of 52 South-street -- Colchester
WEBBER of 52 South-street -- Colchester
WEBBER of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
WEBSTER of 26 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
WEBSTER of 88 East Hill -- Colchester
WEBSTER of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
WEDDELL of Museum-street -- Colchester
WEDDELL of Museum-street -- Colchester
WEDDERBURN of 47 Magdalen-street -- Colchester
WEIR of West Lodge Berechurch -- Colchester
WELHAM of 178 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
WELHAM of 29 Crowhurst-road -- Colchester
WELHAM of 29 Crowhurst-road -- Colchester
WELHAM of Rose Cottage Boxted -- Colchester
WELLBELOVE of Minden 261 Maldon-road -- Colchester
WELLINGTON of Assaye Married Quarters Goojerat Barracks -- Colchester
WELLS of 16 Orchard-road -- Colchester
WELLS of 41 Magden-street -- Colchester
WELLS of 80 Mile End -- Colchester
WENT of 13 Crouch-street -- Colchester
WENT of 319 Harwich-road -- Colchester
WENT of 47 Brook-street -- Colchester
WENT of 8 Sit Johns-road Parsons Heath -- Colchester
WENT of Silvia Cot Mersea-road Blackheath -- Colchester
WENT of The Laurefe St. Johns-road -- Colchester
WENT of Woodlands St Johns-road Parsons Heath -- Colchester
WEST of 12 West-street -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
WEST of The Vicarage Boxted -- Colchester
WESTON of $t Martin?s Lodge 59 West Stock-well-street -- Colchester
WESTROP of 12 Crouch-street -- Colchester
WHAM of The Cross Keys Long Wyre-street -- Colchester
WHEATLEY of 48 Granville-road -- Colchester
WHEATLEY of 9 Granville-road -- Colchester
WHEELER of 2 Papillon-road -- Colchester
WHEELER of Colstan 71 Straight-road Lexden -- Colchester
WHEELER of Hardys Green Birch -- Colchester
WHEELER of Rutlamds Nelson-road Lexden -- Colchester
WHEELER of Rutlands Nelson-road -- Colchester
WHIPPS of 329 Harwich-road Parsons Heath -- Colchester
WHITE of 10 Gladstone-road Colchester
WHITE of 124 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
WHITE of 28 Gladstone-road Colchester
WHITE of 32 Wellesley-road -- Colchester
WHITE of 4 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
WHITE of 45 Balkerne-lane -- Colchester
WHITE of 83 Maldon-road -- Colchester
WHITE of Munaf 68 Mersea-road -- Colchester
WHITE of The Britannia Inn Meyrick-crescent -- Colchester
WHITEHOUSE of 45 Claudius-road -- Colchester
WHITEHOUSE of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
WHITEN of 23 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
WHITFIELD of 34 Meyrick-crescent -- Colchester
WHITFIELD of Beehive Farm Berechurch-road -- Colchester
WHITTEN of 51 Northgate-street -- Colchester
WHITTEN of The Green Cottage Tiptree -- Colchester
WHITTLE of 26 Berechurch-road -- Colchester
WHYBROW of 12 Barrington-road -- Colchester
WHYBROW of The Hall Great Bromley -- Colchester
WHYTE of 29 Salisbury-avenue -- Colchester
WICKENDEN of 39 Mill-street -- Colchester
WICKENDEN of 39 Mill-street -- Colchester
WICKS of 170 Maldon-road -- Colchester
WICKS of 41 Victoria-road -- Colchester
WICKS of 9 Halstead-road -- Colchester
WICKS of Beverley House 18 Lexden-road -- Colchester
WICKS of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
WIGGINS of 10 St. Marys-road -- Colchester
WIGLEY of 41 Meyrick-crescent -- Colchester
WILBY of 139 Magdalen-street -- Colchester
WILBY of 18 Berechurch-road -- Colchester
WILBY of 4 Berechurch-road -- Colchester
WILBY of Repose The Heath Elmstead -- Colchester
WILDE of 29 Ireton-road -- Colchester
WILES of 13 Creffield-road -- Colchester
WILES of 8 Wellesley-road -- Colchester
WILES of 87 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
WILKIN of 98 Lisle-road -- Colchester
WILKINSON of 1 Beverley-road Colchester
WILKINSON of 22 Abbeygate-street Colchester
WILKINSON of The Gate House Fordham Heath -- Colchester
WILLDEN of 128 Maldon-road -- Colchester
WILLIAMS of 101 Bergholt-road -- Colchester
WILLIAMS of 27 Cromwell-road -- Colchester
WILLIAMS of 28 King Harold-road -- Colchester
WILLIAMS of 30 Audley-road -- Colchester
WILLIAMS of 46 London-road Lexden -- Colchester
WILLIAMS of 8 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
WILLIAMS of 9 Roman-road -- Colchester
WILLIAMS of 9 Roman-road -- Colchester
WILLIAMS of Horkesley Park Nayland -- Colchester
WILLIAMS of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
WILLIAMSON of 94 Wickham-road -- Colchester
WILLIAMSON of The Bungalow Chappel -- Colchester
WILLIS of 22 Mill-street -- Colchester
WILLIS of 22 Mill-street -- Colchester
WILLIS of Number 37 Athelstan-road -- Colchester
WILLS of 10 Dilbridge-road -- Colchester
WILLSHER of Lamoima Layer-road -- Colchester
WILLSMORE of 26 Halstead-road -- Colchester
WILLSON of Crestlands Elianore-road -- Colchester
WILLSON of Crestlands Elianore-road -- Colchester
WILSMORE of The Post Office Layer Breton -- Colchester
WILSON of 1 Providence-place Barrack-street -- Colchester
WILSON of 108 Maldon-road -- Colchester
WILSON of 140 St Andrews-avenue -- Colchester
WILSON of 141 Morant-road -- Colchester
WILSON of 16 Cambridge-road -- Colchester
WILSON of 16 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
WILSON of 3 West Lodge-road -- Colchester
WILSON of 32 Scarletts-road -- Colchester
WILSON of 40 Salisbury-avenue -- Colchester
WILSON of 55 Winchester-road -- Colchester
WILSON of Charlcote Mersea-road -- Colchester
WILSON of Doune Cottage Cambridge-road -- Colchester
WILSON of Green Tiles Bakers-lane Braiswick -- Colchester
WILSON of Holmwood Farm Lexden -- Colchester
WILSON of Severalls Hospital -- Colchester
WILSON of The Cottage Great Bentley Green -- Colchester
WINBORN of Windsor Cottage Storrs-Iane Tip-tree -- Colchester
WINCH of Woodland View 101 Straight-road Lexden -- Colchester
WINDSOR of 14 Cromwell-road -- Colchester
WINDSOR of 8 Saint Marys-road -- Colchester
WINK of 8 Port-lane -- Colchester
WINTER of 59 East Hill -- Colchester
WINTER of 84 Winchester-road -- Colchester
WISBEY of 8 Gosbeck-road Shrub End -- Colchester
WISBEY of 8 Gosbecks-road Shrub End -- Colchester
WISBEY of Blue Cross Sheepen-road -- Colchester
WISBEY of St. Albrights Hospital Stanway -- Colchester
WITHERS of 83 Military-road -- Colchester
WITHERS of 83 Military-road -- Colchester
WITTON of 7 Winsley-road -- Colchester
WOOD of 2 Chapel-street -- Colchester
WOOD of 48 Wimpole-road -- Colchester
WOOD of 48 Wimpoleroad -- Colchester
WOOD of the Bungalow the Chase off Bourne-road -- Colchester
WOOD of The Foundry Arms 83 Artillery-street -- Colchester
WOOD of The Red Lion Hotel -- Colchester
WOODCOCK of 22 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
WOODGATE of Leavenheath near Hayling -- Colchester
WOODHAM of 52 Rawstorn-road -- Colchester
WOODHURST of 1 Recreation-road -- Colchester
WOODING of 41 Recreation-road -- Colchester
WOODLEY of 18 West-street -- Colchester
WOODROFFE of 8 Middleborough -- Colchester
WOODS of 35 Errington-road -- Colchester
WOODS of 62 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
WOODS of 8 Rawstorn-road -- Colchester
WOODS of 81 Canterbury-road -- Colchester
WOODS of Poplar-lane North Station-road -- Colchester
WOODS of The Bungalow the Chase Bourne-road -- Colchester
WOODS of The Homestead Harwich-road Parsons Heath -- Colchester
WOODWARD of 13 St Pauls-road -- Colchester
WOODWARD of 45 Nayland-road -- Colchester
WOOLF of Prested Hall Nursing Home Feering -- Colchester
WOOLLER of 5 All Saints-avenue -- Colchester
WOOLNOUGH of 216 Maldon-road -- Colchester
WOOLNOUGH of 216 Maldon-road -- Colchester
WOOTTEN of 260 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
WORKMAN of 254 Straight-road -- Colchester
WORLEY of the Kings Arms Hotel Crouch-street -- Colchester
WORSFOLD of 78 Roman-road -- Colchester
WORSP of 12 Cromwell-road -- Colchester
WORTH of 28 Winsley-square -- Colchester
WRAY of 19 Scarletts-road -- Colchester
WRIDE of 14 Maud-road -- Colchester
WRIGHT of 106 London-road Lexden -- Colchester
WRIGHT of 139 Harwich-road -- Colchester
WRIGHT of 191 Greenstead-road -- Colchester
WRIGHT of 22 Cannon-street -- Colchester
WRIGHT of 226 Maldon-road -- Colchester
WRIGHT of 32 Nelson-road Lexden -- Colchester
WRIGHT of 33 Lexden-road -- Colchester
WRIGHT of 4 West-street -- Colchester
WRIGHT of Stanstead 226 Maldon-road -- Colchester
WRINCH of Momples Hall Elmstead -- Colchester
WYATT of 282 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
WYATT of 53 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
WYATT of Mountain Ash 283 Ipswich-road -- Colchester
WYATT of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
WYBORN of Severalls Hospital Mile End -- Colchester
WYBREW of 139 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
WYNCOLL of 66 North Station-road -- Colchester
WYNCOLL of St Johns-road Parsons Heath -- Colchester
WYNNE of 49 Military-road -- Colchester
WYNNE of 49 Military-road -- Colchester
YARRED of Tymperleys 8 Trinity-street -- Colchester
YONGE of 17 Scarletts-road -- Colchester
YORK of 10 Morant-road -- Colchester
YORK of 190 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
YORK of 65 Harsnett-road -- Colchester
YOUNG of 24 Inglis-road -- Colchester
YOUNG of 27 Old Heath-road -- Colchester
YOUNG of 5 Cambridge-road -- Colchester
YOUNG of Hillcrest Old Heath-road -- Colchester
YOUNG of Laurel Cottage Malting Green-road Layer de la Haye -- Colchester
YOUNG of Severalls Mental Hospital -- Colchester
YOUNGS of 249 Harwich-road -- Colchester
YULE of 38 Granville-road -- Colchester

Choose your district:
ENGLAND COUNTIES Bedfordshire  Berkshire  Buckinghamshire  Cambridgeshire  Cheshire  Cornwall  County Durham  Cumberland  Derbyshire  Devonshire  Dorsetshire  Essex  Gloucestershire  Hampshire  Herefordshire  Hertfordshire  Huntingdonshire  Isle of Wight  Kent  Lancashire  Leicestershire  Lincolnshire  Middlesex  Norfolk  Northamptonshire  Northumberland  Nottinghamshire  Oxfordshire  Rutlandshire  Shropshire  Somerset  Staffordshire  Suffolk  Surrey  Sussex  Warwickshire  Westmorland  Wiltshire  Worcestershire  Yorkshire 
ENGLAND COUNTIES (MORE) Cheshire  Cheshire (pt 1)  Cheshire (pt 2)  Cornwall (towns)  County Durham  County Durham (pt 1)  County Durham (pt 2)  Derbyshire  Derbyshire (pt 1)  Derbyshire (pt 2)  Devonshire  Devonshire (pt 1)  Devonshire (pt 2)  Essex  Essex (pt 1)  Essex (pt 2)  Essex (pt 3)  Hampshire  Hampshire (pt 1)  Hampshire (pt 2)  Hertfordshire  Hertfordshire (pt 1)  Hertfordshire (pt 2)  Kent  Kent (pt 1)  Kent (pt 2)  Lancashire  Lancashire (pt 1)  Lancashire (pt 2)  Lancashire (pt 3)  Lancashire (pt 4)  Lancashire (pt 5)  Lancashire (pt 6)  Lincolnshire (towns)  Middlesex  Middlesex (pt 1)  Middlesex (pt 2)  Middlesex (pt 3)  Somerset (towns)  Staffordshire  Staffordshire (pt 1)  Staffordshire (pt 2)  Surrey  Surrey (pt 1)  Surrey (pt 2)  Surrey (pt 3)  Sussex (pt 1)  Sussex (pt 2)  Yorkshire  Yorkshire (pt 1)  Yorkshire (pt 2)  Yorkshire (pt 3) 
ENGLAND TOWNS Accrington  Aylesbury  Bath  Bedford  Birkenhead  Birmingham  Blackburn  Blackpool  Blandford  Bodmin  Bournemouth  Bradford  Brighton  Bristol  Buckingham  Burnley  Burton-on-Trent  Bury St Edmunds  Buxton  Cambridge  Canterbury  Carlisle  Chatham  Chelmsford  Cheltenham  Chester  Chichester  Colchester  Coventry  Crewe  Darlington  Deal  Derby  Devonport  Doncaster  Dover  Durham (town)  Eastbourne  Ely  Exeter  Folkestone  Gateshead  Gloucester  Great Yarmouth  Greenpool  Guildford  Halifax  Harrogate  Hartlepool  Hastings  Haverfordwest  Hereford  Holland  Huddersfield  Huntingdon  Ipswich  Kidderminster  Kingston-on-Thames  Kingston-upon-Hull  Lancaster  Leamington Spa  Leeds  Leicester  Lewes  Lichfield  Lincoln  Liverpool  Lowestoft  Macclesfield  Maidstone  Manchester  Margate  Middlesbrough  Monmouth  Newcastle-upon-Tyne  North Shields  Northampton  Norwich  Nottingham  Oldham  Oxford  Penzance  Peterborough  Plymouth  Poole  Portsmouth  Ramsgate  Reading  Ripon  Rochdale  Rochester  Salford  Salisbury  Scarborough  Sheffield  Shrewsbury  South Shields  Southampton  Southsea  St Leonards on sea  Stockton-on-Tees  Stoke-on-Trent  Stratford-on-avon  Sunderland  Taunton  Tonbridge  Torquay  Truro  Tunbridge Wells  Wakefield  Warrington  Warwick  Wells (Somerset)  West Worthing  Weston-super-Mare  Whitby  Wigan  Winchester  Windsor  Wolverhampton  Worcester  Worthing  York 
ENGLAND TOWNS (MORE) Ashton-under-Lyne  Birmingham  Birmingham (pt 1)  Birmingham (pt 2)  Birmingham (pt 3)  Durham  Liverpool  Liverpool (pt 1)  Liverpool (pt 2)  Manchester  Manchester (pt 1)  Manchester (pt 2)  Altrincham (Cheshire)  Hyde (Cheshire)  Northwich (Cheshire)  Runcorn (Cheshire)  Sale (Cheshire)  Stockport (Cheshire)  Wallasey (Cheshire)  Wirral (Cheshire)  Exmouth (Devonshire)  Paignton (Devonshire)  Barking (Essex)  Ilford (Essex)  Leigh-on-sea (Essex)  Romford (Essex)  Southend-on-Sea (Essex)  Westcliff-on-sea (Essex)  Stroud (Gloucestershire)  Hertford (Hertfordshire)  Ashford (Kent)  Beckenham (Kent)  Bromley (Kent)  Dartford (Kent)  Gillingham (Kent)  Gravesend (Kent)  Herne Bay (Kent)  Orpington (Kent)  Plumstead (Kent)  Sevenoaks (Kent)  Sidcup (Kent)  Welling (Kent)  Whitstable (Kent)  Barrow-in-Furness (Lancashire)  Bolton (Lancashire)  Bury (Lancashire)  Chorley (Lancashire)  Darwen (Lancashire)  Morecambe (Lancashire)  Nelson (Lancashire)  Preston (Lancashire)  Prestwich (Lancashire)  Southport (Lancashire)  St Helens (Lancashire)  Grimsby (Lincs)  Gosforth (Northumberland)  Whitley Bay (Northumberland)  Mansfield (Notts)  Newcastle-under-Lyme (Staffs)  Stafford (Staffs)  Bexhill-on-Sea (Sussex)  Bognor Regis (Sussex)  Horsham (Sussex)  Hove (Sussex)  Rugby (Warwickshire)  Halesowen (West Midlands)  Smethwick (West Midlands)  Stourbridge (West Midlands)  Walsall (West Midlands)  West Bromwich (West Midlands)  Bromsgrove (Worcestershire)  Barnsley (Yorks)  Batley (Yorks)  Bingley (Yorks)  Bridlington (Yorks)  Brighouse (Yorks)  Dewsbury (Yorks)  Goole (Yorks)  Keighley (Yorks)  Pontefract (Yorks)  Redcar (Yorks)  Rotherham (Yorks)  Shipley (Yorks)  Skipton (Yorks)  Sowerby Bridge (Yorks)  Todmorden (Yorks) 
LONDON Croydon  London  London (E - pt 2)  London (E- pt 1)  London (EC)  London (N - pt 1)  London (N - pt 2)  London (NW - pt 1)  London (NW - pt 2)  London (other)  London (SE-inner)  London (SE-outer)  London (SW-inner)  London (SW-outer - pt 1)  London (SW-outer - pt 2)  London (SW-outer - pt 3)  London (W - pt 1)  London (W - pt 2)  London (WC) 
WALES COUNTIES Anglesey  Brecknockshire  Cardiganshire  Carmarthenshire  Carnarvonshire  Denbighshire  Flintshire  Glamorganshire  Glamorganshire  Glamorganshire (pt 1)  Glamorganshire (pt 2)  Merionethshire  Monmouthshire  Montgomeryshire  Pembrokeshire  Radnorshire 
WALES TOWNS Aberdare  Bangor  Barry  Bridgend  Builth Wells  Cardiff  Carmarthen  Carnarvon  Llandaff  Merthyr Tydfil  Neath  Penarth  Pontypridd  Port Talbot  Rhondda  St Asaph  Swansea 
SCOTLAND COUNTIES North Britain  Scotland  Scotland (pt 1)  Scotland (pt 2)  Aberdeenshire  Angus-shire  Argyllshire  Ayrshire  Banffshire  Berwickshire  Buteshire  Caithness  Clackmannanshire  Dumbartonshire  Dumfriesshire  Elginshire  Fifeshire  Forfarshire  Invernessshire  Kincardineshire  Kinrossshire  Kirkcudbrightshire  Lanarkshire  Lothian  Midlothian  Morayshire  Nairnshire  Peeblesshire  Perthshire  Renfrewshire  Ross-shire  Roxburghshire  Selkirkshire  Shetland  Stirlingshire  Sutherland  Wigtownshire 
SCOTLAND TOWNS small Scottish town  Aberdeen  Airdrie  Alloa  Angus  Arbroath  Arran  Ayr  Banff  Berwick  Berwick-on-Tweed  Blairgowrie  Brechin  Bridge of Allan  Broughty Ferry  Calston  Cambuslang  Campbeltown  Carnoustie  Coatbridge  Crieff  Dalbeattie  Douglas  Dumbarton  Dumfries  Dunblane  Dundee  Dunfermline  Dunoon  Edinburgh  Elgin  Falkirk  Forfar  Glasgow  Grangemouth  Greenock  Haddington  Hamilton  Hawick  Helensburgh  Inverness  Kelso  Kilbride  Kilmarnock  Kirkcaldy  Kirkcudbright  Lanark  Largs  Lockerbie  Montrose  Nairn  Orkney  Paisley  Peebles  Perth  Prestwick  Rothesay  Rutherglen  Saltcoats  Selkirk  St Andrews  Stevenston  Stirling  Stonehaven  Stranraer  Strathaven  Troon  Uddingston 
BRITAIN ELSEWHERE Britain elsewhere  Guernsey  Isle of Man  Jersey  Gibraltar  Falkland Islands  Channel Islands 
IRELAND & NORTHERN IRELAND COUNTIES County Antrim  County Armagh  County Carlow  County Cavan  County Clare  County Cork  County Derry  County Donegal  County Down  County Dublin  County Fermanagh  County Galway  County Kerry  County Kildare  County Kilkenny  County Kings county  County Leitrim  County Leix  County Limerick  County Longford  County Louth  County Mayo  County Meath  County Monaghan  County Offaly  County Queens county  County Roscommon  County Sligo  County Tipperary  County Tyrone  County Waterford  County Westmeath  County Wexford  County Wicklow 
IRELAND & NORTHERN IRELAND TOWNS Antrim (town)  Armagh (town)  Belfast  Carlow (town)  Cavan (town)  Cork (town)  Donegal (town)  Dublin (town)  Galway (town)  Kilkenny (town)  Leitrim (town)  Leix (town)  Londonderry  Longford (town)  Limerick (town)  Meath (town)  Monaghan (town)  Roscommon (town)  Sligo (town)  Tipperary (town)  Waterford (town)  Westmeath (town)  Wexford (town)  Wicklow (town) 
AFRICA Africa  Central Africa  East Africa  Egypt  Gold Coast Africa  Kenya  Nigeria Africa  North Africa  Northern Africa  Northern Rhodesia  Nyasaland Africa  Portuguese East Africa  Sierra Leone Africa  South Africa  Southern Rhodesia  West Africa 
ASIA Asia  Burma  Ceylon  China  Hong Kong  India  Indonesia  Japan  Malay States  Pakistan  Singapore  Straits Settlements  Turkey 
EUROPE & ATLANTIC ISLANDS Albania  Austria  Balearic Islands  Belgium  Bulgaria  Canary Islands  Cape Verde Islands  Czechoslovakia  Europe (E)  France  Germany  Greece  Hungary  Italy  Luxembourg  Madeira  Malta  Monaco  Netherlands  Poland  Portugal  Romania  Spain  Sweden  Switzerland  USSR  Yugoslavia 
MIDDLE EAST Arabia  Israel  Lebanon  Palestine  Syria  Transjordan 
OCEANIA, PACIFIC AND INDIAN ISLANDS Australia  New Zealand  East Indies  Fiji Islands  Friendly Islands  Mauritius  Philippine Islands  Seychelles Islands  Society Islands  South Pacific 
SCANDINAVIA Denmark  Estonia  Finland  Iceland  Latvia  Norway 
SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA South America  Argentina  Brazil  Buenos Aires (Argentina)  Central America  Chile  Columbia  Mexico 
WEST INDIES AND ATLANTIC Atlantic  West Indies  Bahama Islands  Bermuda Islands  Jamaica  Leeward Islands  Turks and Caicos Islands 
NORTH AMERICA USA  Canada  Alabama (USA)  Alaska (USA)  Arizona (USA)  Arkansas (USA)  California (USA)  Chicago (USA)  Colorado (USA)  Connecticut (USA)  Dallas (USA)  DC (USA)  Delaware (USA)  Detroit (USA)  Florida (USA)  Georgia (USA)  Hawaii (USA)  Idaho (USA)  Illinois (USA)  Indiana (USA)  Indianapolis (USA)  Iowa (USA)  Jersey City (USA)  Kansas (USA)  Kentucky (USA)  Los Angeles (USA)  Louisiana (USA)  Maine (USA)  Maryland (USA)  Massachusetts (USA)  Mexico (USA)  Michigan (USA)  Minnesota (USA)  Mississippi (USA)  Missouri (USA)  Montana (USA)  Nebraska (USA)  Nevada (USA)  New Hampshire (USA)  New Jersey (USA)  New Mexico (USA)  New York (USA)  New York City (USA)  Niagara (USA)  North Carolina (USA)  North Dakota (USA)  Ohio (USA)  Oklahoma (USA)  Oregon (USA)  Pennsylvania (USA)  Philadelphia (USA)  Rhode Island (USA)  Rochester (USA)  San Francisco (USA)  Somerville (USA)  South Carolina (USA)  South Dakota (USA)  St Louis (USA)  Tennessee (USA)  Texas (USA)  Utah (USA)  Vermont (USA)  Virgin Islands (USA)  Virginia (USA)  Washington (USA)  Wisconsin (USA)  Wiscousin (USA)  Wyoming (USA) 
MILITARY Military 

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