Toms Wills: Addresses in UK wills 1931-1939.

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Grantor surname (1931-9):
District (England-Wales):
Browse modern postcodes

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
A'COURT of Dundurn Saskatchewan -- Canada
AARON of Wabigoon Ontario -- Canada
AARON of Wabigoon Ontario -- Canada
ACKROYD of 2905 West 8th Avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
ADA of Sylvan Lake Alberta -- Canada
ADAM of 5126 Connaugh-drive Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
ADAM of M A Ranch Gowenlock Saskatchewan -- Canada
ADAMS of 1451 Mackay-street Montreal -- Canada
ADAMS of 24 Tyndall-avenue Toronto -- Canada
ADAMS of 3114 Irma-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
ADAMS of 802 Blanshard-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
ADAMS of Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
ADAMS of Hilton Brighton Northumberland Ontario -- Canada
ADAMS of Montreal -- Canada
ADAMS of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
ADAMSON of R.R.2 Salmon Arm Yale British Columbia -- Canada
ADAMSON of The City of Winnipeg Province of Manito-ba -- Canada
ADAMSON of The Township of Amabel County of Bruce Province of Ontario -- Canada
ADDISON of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
ADDISON of The Military Hospital Calgary Alberta -- Canada
ADDLETON of Hamilton Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
ADDLEY of Maple Island Victoria Harbour Ontario -- Canada
AHIER of 1271 Union-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
AIKMAN of 169 Harbison-avenue Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
AIREY of 570 Grove-avenue Windsor Essex Ontario -- Canada
AKENHEAD of Nanaimo British Columbia -- Canada
ALCOCK of Kinsella Alberta -- Canada
ALDER of Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
ALDOM of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
ALDRIDGE of 707 Eglinton-avenue Toronto -- Canada
ALEXANDER of 75 Cook-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
ALEXANDER of Cobble Hill British Columbia -- Canada
ALEXANDER of Cobble Hill Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
ALEXANDER of Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
ALLAN of 1726 35th Avenue-west Vancouver BC -- Canada
ALLAN of 42 Strathcona-avenue-south Hamilton Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
ALLAN of 428 Elm-avenue West Mount Quebec -- Canada
ALLAN of 6395 Molson-avenue Montreal Quebec -- Canada
ALLAN of 9 Richelieu-place Montreal Quebec -- Canada
ALLAN of Bull River British Columbia -- Canada
ALLAN of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
ALLAN of Wearton County of Bruce Ontario -- Canada
ALLARDICE of Hume Hotel Nelson British Columbia -- Canada
ALLARDICE of Salmon Arm British Columbia -- Canada
ALLEN of Glenshiel Inn Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
ALLEN of King-street Cobourg Ontario -- Canada
ALLEN of Toronto -- Canada
ALLEN of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
ALLIS of 17 Mile-house R.R. No. 2 Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
ALMOND of Hudson Bay Company Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
AMBROSE of Christopher Lake Saskatchewan -- Canada
AMOORE of Park-drive Albert Head British Columbia -- Canada
AMOS of 476 Glidden-avenue Ontario -- Canada
ANCELL of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
ANDERS of the City of Ottawa County of Carleton Ontario -- Canada
ANDERSON of 500 Alexander-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
ANDERSON of Duncan Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
ANDERSON of Salmon Arm British Columbia -- Canada
ANDERSON of Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
ANDERSON of the City of Kelowna British Columbia -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
ANDERSON of The Post Office Tupper Creek British Columbia -- Canada
ANDERSON of Windsor Essex Ontario -- Canada
ANDREWES of Clinton county Lincoln Ontario -- Canada
ANDREWS of 2009 Cameron-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
ANDREWS of 404 Spadina-road Toronto -- Canada
ANDREWS of 8780 Granville-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
ANDREWS of 8780 Granville-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
ANDREWS of 8780 Granville-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
ANDREWS of Sandwick British Columbia -- Canada
ANDREWS of The Village of Enderby District of Yale Province of British Columbia -- Canada
ANDREWS of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
ANGELL of New Denner British Columbia -- Canada
ANGELL of Nokomis Saskatchewan -- Canada
ANGER of 44 Chestnut Park-road Toronto -- Canada
ANGUS of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
APPLETON of Pentidon British Columbia -- Canada
APPLEYARD of Nelson British Columbia -- Canada
APPLEYARD of Orillia County Simcoe Ontario -- Canada
ARCHER of 56 Gifford-street Toronto -- Canada
ARCHER of Campbellford Northumberland Ontario -- Canada
ARIS of Newton Station Surrey British Columbia -- Canada
ARMITAGE of Deseronto Hastings Ontario -- Canada
ARMITAGE of Gariepy Block Jasper-avenue Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
ARMITAGE of Salmon Arm British Columbia -- Canada
ARMSTRONG of 158 Highbourne-road Toronto -- Canada
ARMSTRONG of 332 Moffat-aveuue Verdun Montreal Quebec -- Canada
ARMSTRONG of Maple Hill Beamsville Ontario -- Canada
ARMSTRONG of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
ARMSTRONG of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
ARMYTAGE of North Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
ARMYTAGE of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
ARMYTAGE of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
ARMYTAGE of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
ARNOLD of 506 Lister-block Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
ARROL of Red Ghevron Hospital Toronto Ontario -- Canada
ASH of Carbonear Newfoundland -- Canada
ASH of Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
ASHBURNHAM of Fredericton County of York New Brunswick -- Canada
ASHBY of Canoe Yale British Columbia -- Canada
ASHBY of Croyle of Duncan British Columbia -- Canada
ASHER of Brower district of Cochrane Ontario -- Canada
ASHMORE of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
ASHTON of 309 Delaware-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
ASHTON of Parry Post Office Parry Saskatchewan -- Canada
ASHWORTH of Outremont Montreal -- Canada
ASKWITH of 188 Russell-avenue Ottawa Ontario -- Canada
ASPINALL of 156 Garry-street Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
ASQUITH of 1105 Anderson-street Montreal -- Canada
ASTLEY of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
ASTLEY of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
ATHERTON of Romney Kent Ontario -- Canada
ATKINS of 132 Dallas-road Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
ATKINSON of 105 Kennedy-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
ATKINSON of 123 Delatre-street Woodstock Ontario -- Canada
ATKINSON of St. Johns District of St. Johns Newfoundland -- Canada
ATKINSON of Windsor county Essex Ontario -- Canada
ATTENBOROUGH of Monastery of the Good Shepherd 104 j Sherbrooke-street East Montreal -- Canada
ATTENBOROUGH of Sussex county of Kings New Brunswick -- Canada
ATTEWELL of Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
ATTFIELD of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
ATTRIDGE of R.R. No. 7 London County of Middlesex Province of Ontario -- Canada
ATWELL of 207 Davidson-street Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
AUDEN of London Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
AVERY of 1223 Avenue F North Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
AYLING of Kelowna British Columbia -- Canada
AYRE of St John Newfoundland -- Canada
BADGER of Colonsay Saskatchewan -- Canada
BAILE of 1638 Wilmot-place Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BAILEY of 45 Gould-street Toronto York Province of Ontario -- Canada
BAILEY of 45 Scott-street St. Thomas Ontario -- Canada
BAILEY of 6862 24th-avenue Rosemount Montreal Quebec -- Canada
BAILEY of Caulfield West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BAILEY of Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
BAILEY of London Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
BAILEY of Melfort Saskatchewan -- Canada
BAILEY of the Post Office Manigotogan Manitoba -- Canada
BAILEY of Windsor Essex Ontario -- Canada
BAILLIE of 7540 Champagneur-avenue Outre- mont Montreal Quebec -- Canada
BAIN of 1818 Prince Edward-avenue Niagara Falls Ontario -- Canada
BAIN of Town of Pincher Creek Alberta -- Canada
BAINBRIDGE of 3990 Point Grey-road Vancouver Bristish Columbia -- Canada
BAIRD of Apartment A1 Gleneagles 3940 Cote des Neiges-road Montreal -- Canada
BAIRD of St Johns Newfoundland -- Canada
BAKER of 211 Nile-street Stratford Perth Ontario -- Canada
BAKER of Barkerville Caribou British Columbia -- Canada
BAKER of Douglas British Columbia -- Canada
BAKER of Kettleby Ontario -- Canada
BAKER of Loon Lake Clinton British Columbia -- Canada
BAKER of Saint Stephen Charlotte New Brunswick -- Canada
BAKER of the city of St. Thomas in the county of Elgin Ontario -- Canada
BAKER of Whitby Ontario -- Canada
BALCOMBE of Saseenos Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
BALFOUR of 1335 West Fifteenth-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BALFOUR of 14 Milan Apartments Macmillan-avenue Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
BALFOUR of Salmon Arm British Columbia -- Canada
BALL of 647 Sainte Angell-street Three Rivers Quebec -- Canada
BALL of Ottawa Carleton Ontario -- Canada
BALLANTINE of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BALSHAW of 254 Heath-street West Toronto Ontario -- Canada
BAMFORD of City Hotel Moose Jaw Saskat-chewan -- Canada
BANCROFT of Cochrane Alberta -- Canada
BANFORD of 1321a West Pender-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BANKES of Toronto -- Canada
BANKIER of The City of Hamilton county Went-worth Ontario -- Canada
BANKS of Grand View Hospital Victoria-drive Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BARBER of 4855 St. Lue Quebec -- Canada
BARBER of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
BARBOUR of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
BARDSLEY of the City of London Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
BARKER of 225 Howe-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BARKER of 44 Fitzjohn-avenue Hampstead Middlesex and of 31 Barrington-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
BARKER of 545 Drake-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BARKER of 593 Notre Dame-street Lachine Montreal Quebec -- Canada
BARKER of Chilliwack Westminster British Columbia -- Canada
BARKER of Pickering Ontario -- Canada
BARKER of Port Arthur Ontario -- Canada
BARKER of Rural Route-2 Caledon East Ontario -- Canada
BARKLEY of Ailsa Bank Qualicum Beach Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BARLEE of Benvonlin near Kelowna British Columbia -- Canada
BARLEE of Benvoulin near Kelowna British Columbia -- Canada

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Person living in the areaMore details, including year
BARLEY of Cedar-by-the-Sea Cedar District Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
BARLOW of 1193 Sussex-street Montreal Quebec Province -- Canada
BARLOW of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
BARNARD of Blind Bay British Columbia -- Canada
BARNES of 1554 Pine-avenue West Montreal Quebec -- Canada
BARNES of 922 Granville-street Vancouver B.C -- Canada
BARNES of City of Toronto County of York Ontario -- Canada
BARNES of Toronto Western Hospital Bathurst-street Toronto -- Canada
BARNETT of Golden British Columbia -- Canada
BARNETT of Ottawa Carleton -- Canada
BARNETT of Sherbrooke St. Francis Quebec -- Canada
BARNETT of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BARNEY of Swastika Teck Temiskaming Ontario -- Canada
BARNSTABLE of Janetville Station Toronto -- Canada
BARONSFEATHER of Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
BARR of 1133 Hall-avenue Windsor Ontario -- Canada
BARRACLOUGH of The Village of Glen Williams Halton Ontario -- Canada
BARRACLOUGH of Toronto -- Canada
BARRETT of 2233 Clifton-avenue Montreal Quebec -- Canada
BARRETT of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
BARRETT of Moose Jaw Saskatchewan -- Canada
BARRETT of The Windsor Hotel and of 231 Covestone Buildings 410 St. Nicholas-road Montreal Quebec -- Canada
BARRETT of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
BARROW of Sidney British Columbia -- Canada
BARRY of 110 Clarence-road Kingston Ontario -- Canada
BARRY of 135 Heward-avenue Toronto -- Canada
BARRY of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
BARRY of Westminster Hospital London Ontario -- Canada
BARTHOLOMEW of London Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
BARTHOLOMEW of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
BARTLETT of 171 Bushby-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BARTLEY of The City of Belleville County of Hastings Ontario -- Canada
BARTON of 47 Lee-avenue Toronto County of York Ontario -- Canada
BARTON of Esquimalt British Columbia -- Canada
BARTON of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BASFORD of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
BATE of Vasseaux Lake Oliver British Columbia -- Canada
BATEMAN of Calgany Alberta -- Canada
BATEMAN of Goderich Huron Ontario -- Canada
BATEMAN of the Municipality of Edward Manitoba -- Canada
BATLEY of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
BATTERSBY of Quilchena-avenue Merritt British Columbia -- Canada
BATTERSBY of The Post Office of Goodeve Saskatchewan -- Canada
BATTLE of 578 Dundas-street-west Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
BAUMANN of Manhattan Beach Kelowna British Columbia -- Canada
BAVERSTOCK of St. James Manitoba -- Canada
BAWN of La Salle Quebec -- Canada
BAWTREE of Enderby British Columbia -- Canada
BAYES of Toronto -- Canada
BAYLEY of Cobble Hill British Columbia -- Canada
BAYLEY of Stoney Mountain Manitoba -- Canada
BAYLY of Happy Valley British Columbia -- Canada
BAYLY of Maple Bay Duncan British Columbia -- Canada
BAYLY of Minto British Columbia -- Canada
BEACON of 132 Ogden-street Fort William Thunder Bay Ontario -- Canada
BEADNELL of Quadra Island British Columbia -- Canada
BEARDMORE of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
BEATON of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
BEATTIE of 3483 Stanley-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
BEATTIE of Brantford Brant Ontario -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
BEATTY of 1266 Pine-avenue West Montreal Quebec -- Canada
BEATTY of Toronto county Ontario -- Canada
BECK of 186 Dawlish-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
BECKER of Mount Royal Hotel Montreal Quebec -- Canada
BECKETT of 1386 Nichola-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BECKETT of 2037 Pendrell-street Vancouver British-Colum-bia -- Canada
BECKTON of 2040 Granite-street Oak Bay British Columbia -- Canada
BECKWITH of 3546 Doucher-street (Apartment 12) Montreal Quebec -- Canada
BEECH of 3249 West 87th-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BEECHING of High Trees Uplands Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BEEDHAM of 2196 Argyle-avenue West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BELASCO of 4578 Draper-avenue Montreal Quebec -- Canada
BELCHER of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
BELDAM of 218 Spadina-avenue Chilliwack British Columbia -- Canada
BELDAM of 218 Spadina-avenue. Chilliwack British Columbia -- Canada
BELDAM of Chilliwack British Columbia -- Canada
BELK of 14 Winchester Apartments 960 Jarvis-street Van-couver B.C -- Canada
BELL of 1550 West 26th Avenue and of 1208 Varicouver-block Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BELL of 2183 Beach-drive Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BELL of 33 Lascelles Boulevard Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
BELL of 4113 Victory-street West Burnaby British Columbia -- Canada
BELL of 58 Charles-street West Toronto Canada
BELL of Burlington Halton Ontario -- Canada
BELL of Municipality of West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BELL of TheOld Charming Inn Oak Bay Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BELL of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
BELL of Wakapa Manitoba -- Canada
BELLINGER of 3243 Venables-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BELSEY of Moose Jaw Saskatchewan -- Canada
BELTON of 3891 Carey-street Sevenoaks P.O. Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BENHAM of Tangleflags Saskatchewan -- Canada
BENNETT of 933 Eighth-avenue East Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BENNETT of Faulkner Manitoba -- Canada
BENNETT of Faulkner Manitoba -- Canada
BENNETT of Glen Valley British Columbia -- Canada
BENNETT of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BERDAN of Bayham Elgin Ontario -- Canada
BERREY of Lacombe Alberta -- Canada
BERRIDGE of 4659 Marquette-road Montreal -- Canada
BERRIDGE of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
BERRY of Glen Valley Municipality of Langley British Columbia -- Canada
BERRY of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BEST of 2142 Marne-street Oak Bay British Columbia -- Canada
BEST of Guelph Wellington Ontario -- Canada
BETTON of Majorville Alberta -- Canada
BETTY of 4273 Slocan-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BEVERIDGE of 1528 Monterey-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BEVERIDGE of 5869 Granville-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BICKFORD of 516 Bannerman-avenue Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
BICKNELL of Toronto County of York Province of Ontario -- Canada
BIGG of Hallowall Prince Edward Ontario -- Canada
BIGG of Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
BIGG of Picton Ontario -- Canada
BIGG of Picton Ontario -- Canada
BIGG of Picton Ontario -- Canada
BIGGINS of Stanley Heuron Ontaria -- Canada
BIGGINS of Stanley Huron Ontario -- Canada
BIGILAND of The Post Office Magnolia Alberta -- Canada
BILLINGHAM of 4124 Albert-street Vancouver Heights Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BILLS of Saltcoats Saskatchewan -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
BINNS of St. Catharines Lincolnshire Ontario -- Canada
BIRCH of 520 10th Street-west Calgary Alberta -- Canada
BIRD of 1391 Victoria-avenue Oak Bay Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BIRD of 566 George-road-west Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BIRD of 809 Burdett-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BIRD of Barrie Sinicoe Ontario -- Canada
BIRD of The Ridley Home Prince Rupert British Columbia -- Canada
BIRKENHEAD of 2836 Ash-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BISCOE of 76 Howard-street Toronto Ontario -- Canada
BITHELL of 210 Dorion-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
BITHELL of 759 Dunlop-avenue Outremont near Montreal Quebec -- Canada
BLACK of 104 Madison-avenue Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
BLACK of Dartmouth Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
BLACK of Royal Hotel Mahone Bay Nova Scotia -- Canada
BLACKBIRD of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
BLACKBIRD of Richmond Quebec -- Canada
BLACKBURN of London Ontario -- Canada
BLACKLOCK of Port Rowan Norfolk Ontario -- Canada
BLACKTON of Toronto -- Canada
BLADWORTH of 4948 Connaught-avenue Montreal 29 Quebec -- Canada
BLAIKIE of 17 Oakleigh-place St. Vital Manitoba -- Canada
BLAIKIE of 45 Chestnut Park-road Toronto Ontario -- Canada
BLAIR of 2142 Greenford-avenue Edmonds Burnaby British Columbia -- Canada
BLAIR of Atley Ranch Oliver British Columbia -- Canada
BLAKE of the Settlement of Chauvin Province of Alberta -- Canada
BLAKE of Toronto county of York Ontario -- Canada
BLANCHARD of Toronto county York -- Canada
BLANDFORD of Herring Neck Twillingate Newfoundland -- Canada
BLATCHFORD of Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
BLATHWAYT of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
BLIGHT of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
BLIND of 8672 Hudson-street Vanvouver British Columbia -- Canada
BLOOMFIELD of Broadview Saskatchewan -- Canada
BLOWERS of Keewatin Kensea Ontario -- Canada
BLUES of 48 Woodbury-road Toronto Ontario -- Canada
BLYTHE of Ganges Harbour British Columbia -- Canada
BLYTHE of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BLYTHE of Woodside Metchosin District British Columbia -- Canada
BODEN of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BODKIN of 4754 Frances-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BOGUE of Eastman Quebec -- Canada
BOLD of 276 Cobden-street Sarnia Ontario -- Canada
BOLE of 494 Stradbrook-avenue Winipeg Manitoba > - -- Canada
BOLSTER of Cowicham Station British Columbia -- Canada
BOLTER of 89 Queens-drive Weston York Province Ontario -- Canada
BOMFORD of Cobble Hill British Columbia -- Canada
BOND of Leask Saskatchewan -- Canada
BOND of Nepean County Carleton Ontaria -- Canada
BOND of Rock Island Stanstead St Francis Quebec -- Canada
BOND of Suite E Broadway Court Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
BONE of 330 Poison-avenue Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
BONE of La Tuque Province of Quebec -- Canada
BONNER of St Catherines Ontario -- Canada
BONUS of South Monaghan Northumberland -- Canada
BOOKER of Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
BOOMER of City of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
BOOMER of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
BOOTH of 38 Prospect-street Toronto -- Canada
BOOTH of 38 Prospect-street Toronto -- Canada
BOOTH of 38 Prospect-street Toronto Ontario -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
BOOTH of 38 Prospect-street Toronto Ontario -- Canada
BOOTH of Davidson Saskatchewan -- Canada
BOOTH of Kimberley British Columbia -- Canada
BOOTH of The. Provincial Hospital Essondale Columbia -- Canada
BOOTH of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BOOTHMAN of Coalmont British Columbia -- Canada
BORRADAILE of Ganges Salt Spring Island British Columbia -- Canada
BORRIE of 3350 Uplands-road Uplands Victoria Van-couver Island British Columbia -- Canada
BORUP of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BOSWORTH of Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
BOTEL of 370 Home-street Winnipeg Ontario -- Canada
BOTT of 2531 Sussex-avenue Burnaby British Columbia -- Canada
BOTTELEY of 890 Gilford-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BOTTOMLEY of South River Parry Sound Ontario -- Canada
BOTTOMS of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
BOTTRILL of 14 Henry-street Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
BOULDEN of Windsor county Hants Nova Scotia -- Canada
BOULTER of 1014-8 Street East Calgary Alberta -- Canada
BOURNE of 415 Powell-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BOURTON of Castor Alberta -- Canada
BOUSFIELD of 2470 Lansdowne-road Uplands Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BOUTET of 8 Kensington-palace Kensington London and of Government House Ottawa Ontario -- Canada
BOWDEN of Chilliwack British Columbia -- Canada
BOWDEN of Esquimalt British Columbia -- Canada
BOWDEN of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BOWDLER of 450 Borebank-street Winnipeg -- Canada
BOWEN of 121 Government-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BOWHAY of Simons Valley Alberta -- Canada
BOWKER of Burnaby British Columbia -- Canada
BOWLEY of Cranbrook British Columbia -- Canada
BOWMAN of Secondavenue Maple Creek Swift Current Province of Saskatchewan -- Canada
BOWREY of 18 Teddington Park Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
BOWSER of Pleasant Point Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
BOYCE of 302 Adelaide-street Toronto county York Ontario -- Canada
BOYCE of Craik Saskatchewan -- Canada
BOYD of 261 Belvidere-street Winnipeg St James Manitoba -- Canada
BOYD of 34 Rosedale-road Toronto -- Canada
BOYD of Herring Cove-road Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
BOYD of Lachin Province of Quebec -- Canada
BOYD of Lake Cowichan British Columbia -- Canada
BOYD of Toronto York -- Canada
BOYER of Nelson British Columbia -- Canada
BOYS of Balmoral Hotel Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BRACE of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BRACEWELL of Watrons Saskatchewan -- Canada
BRADBURY of 1223 Victoria-drive Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BRADBURY of 250 Melrose-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
BRADBURY of Hamilton Wentworth -- Canada
BRADBURY of Sedgewick Alberta -- Canada
BRADFORD of 1037 Cloverdale-road Victoria-British Columbia -- Canada
BRADISH of The Royal Bank of Canada North Battleford Saskatchewan -- Canada
BRADLEY of Armstrong British Columbia -- Canada
BRADLEY of The City of Vernon British Columbia -- Canada
BRADSHAW of 7337 de la Roche-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
BRADSHAW of St. Johns Newfoundland -- Canada
BRADSHAW of The City of Regina Saskatchewan -- Canada
BRAGG of Saanich Province of British Columbia -- Canada
BRAGG of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BRAIN of Oakville Halton Ontario -- Canada
BRAMLEY of The Post Office Flaxcombe Sas-katchewan -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
BRANDON of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BRANNEN of 148 Argyl-street Frederickton New Brunswick -- Canada
BRASH of The Post Office of Meacham Province of Saskat-chewan -- Canada
BRAY of 2648 St Catharines-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BRAY of 671 Dufferin-avenue Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
BRAY of Nanaimo British Columbia -- Canada
BRAYFIELD of 71 Gainsborough-road Toronto Ontario -- Canada
BRAYSHAY of Shoal Lake Manitoba -- Canada
BREADMORE of Brookdale Manitoba -- Canada
BREFFIT of 3568 Ontario-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BREND of 1160 King-street East Hamilton Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
BRENT of Carbon Alberta -- Canada
BREWER of 4140 Victoria-road South Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BREWIS of Kelvington Saskatchewan -- Canada
BREWSTER of Ruthilda Saskatchewan -- Canada
BRICE of Parksville Nanaimo British Columbia -- Canada
BRICKNELL of 1613 Belmont-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BRICKWELL of Keeley Saskatchewan -- Canada
BRIDGE of 172 21st-street East Prince Albert Saskatchewan -- Canada
BRIDGE of 22 Hilda-avenue Lawrence Park Toronto county York Ontario -- Canada
BRIDGE of 408 Montreal-street Fort William Ontario -- Canada
BRIDGE of Prince Albert Saskatchewan -- Canada
BRIERLEY of Exeter Huron Ontario -- Canada
BRIGHOUSE of 1490 Matthews-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BRIGHT of 751 Denman-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BRINDLE of Stony Mountain Manitoba -- Canada
BRINKMAN of Tohno British Columbia -- Canada
BRISTER of Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
BROADBENT of Pickering Ontario -- Canada
BROADBRIDGE of Invermay Province of Sas-katchewan -- Canada
BROCKMAN of Silventown British Columbia -- Canada
BRODER of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
BRODIE of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BROMLEY of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BRONSDON of 315 31st Street Saskatoon -- Canada
BROOKFIELD of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
BROOKS of 81 Benson-avenue Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
BROOKS of Dauphin Manitoba -- Canada
BROOKS of Woodstock county of Oxford Ontario -- Canada
BROOKSMITH of Areola Saskatchewan -- Canada
BROOM of 3185 Masson-street Montreal Province of Quebec -- Canada
BROUGH of WyomingLambton Ontario -- Canada
BROUGHALL of Kent British Columbia -- Canada
BROUGHTON of Toronto York -- Canada
BROWN of 189 McIntyre-street-west North Bay Ontario -- Canada
BROWN of 1903 Lansdowne-road Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BROWN of 312 St Clair-averiue-west Toronto Ontario -- Canada
BROWN of 3566 University-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
BROWN of 36 Broadway-north Portage la Prairie Manitoba -- Canada
BROWN of 37 Oswego-street British Columbia -- Canada
BROWN of 76 Walmer-road Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
BROWN of 862 West 17th-avenue Vancouver -- Canada
BROWN of Chatham Kent Ontario -- Canada
BROWN of Coal Creek British Columbia -- Canada
BROWN of Marwayne P0 Alberta -- Canada
BROWN of Montreal Province of Quebec -- Canada
BROWN of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
BROWN of Onoway Alberta -- Canada
BROWN of Prince Rupert British Columbia -- Canada
BROWN of Regina Saskatchewan -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
BROWN of Sherbrooke Quebec -- Canada
BROWN of The City and District of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
BROWN of The University Saskatchewan Saskatoon -- Canada
BROWN of the Vicinity of Cherhill Alberta -- Canada
BROWN of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
BROWN of Victoria British. Columbia -- Canada
BROWNE of 485 Strathcona-avenue Westrhount Quebec -- Canada
BROWNE of The Townsite Kirkland Lake District Temiskaming Ontario -- Canada
BROWNE of Trafalgar Halton Ontario -- Canada
BROWNHILL of The Village of Skead District of Sudbury Ontario -- Canada
BROWNING of Nanaimo District British Columbia -- Canada
BROWSE of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
BROWSE of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
BRUCE of Llwyn-y-Mor Mount Newton Cross Roads Saanichton British Columbia -- Canada
BRUCE of St John s Newfoundland -- Canada
BRYANT of Dilke Saskatchewan -- Canada
BRYANT of Toronto -- Canada
BRYSON of Hillcrest Oakshela Saskatchewan -- Canada
BUCHAN of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
BUCHANAN of 2234 West Second-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BUCHANAN of 288 Emerald-street North Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
BUCHANAN of 34 Monkland-avenue Ottawa Carleton Ontario -- Canada
BUCHANAN of Toronto York -- Canada
BUCK of Cobourg Northumberland Ontario -- Canada
BUCKLEY of 10915-125th Street Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
BUCKLEY of Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
BUELL of 1019 Drummond-court Apartments 1500 Stanley-street Montreal -- Canada
BUELL of 23 Prince Arthur-avenue Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
BUGLASS of Traynor Saskatchewan -- Canada
BULL of 1641 Delorimier-avenue Montreal Quebec -- Canada
BULLEN of 906 St Charles-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BULLER of St. Catherines County Lincoln Ontario -- Canada
BULLOCK of Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
BULLOCK of Steveston British Columbia -- Canada
BULMAN of Burnaby British Columbia -- Canada
BUNKER of Michel East Kootenay British Columbia -- Canada
BURCH of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
BURDEN of Eastport Bonavista Newfoundland -- Canada
BURDETT of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
BURGE of New Westminster British Columbia -- Canada
BURGE of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BURGESS of iWindsor Essex County Ontario -- Canada
BURGESS of Port Credit Peel Ontario -- Canada
BURNE of 8573 llth-avenue West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BURNE of Kelowna British Columbia -- Canada
BURNETT of Sahuna Island British Columbia -- Canada
BURNETT of The Post Office Middlechurch Manitoba -- Canada
BURNS of 2627 Blanchard-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BURNS of Blackfalds Alberta -- Canada
BURNS of Blackfalds Alberta -- Canada
BURNS of Blackfalds Alberta -- Canada
BURNS of Brampton Peel-Ontario -- Canada
BURNS of Toronto county York Ontario -- Canada
BURNS of Woodburn Conservatories Chatham Northumberland Province of New Brunswick -- Canada
BURNUP of 1315 Cardero-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BURRIDGE of 137 Deasc-street Fort William Thunder Bay Ontario -- Canada
BURROWS of 17 Eugenie Apartments Norwood Manitoba -- Canada
BURROWS of Hurontario-street Port Credit Ontario -- Canada
BURSON of 106a Oxford-avenue Montreal Quebec -- Canada
BURT of 177 Markland-street Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
BURT of Burkwell Sea Island British Columbia -- Canada
BURTON of 1867 Barclay-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BURTON of Elkhom Manitoba -- Canada
BURTON of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
BURTON of Victoria B.C -- Canada
BURTON of Wilmer British Columbia -- Canada
BURTONBROOKE of Vancouver Columbia -- Canada
BUSCOMBE of Caulfield British Columbia -- Canada
BUSH of Darlington county Durham Ontario -- Canada
BUSH of Qkotoks Calgary Alberta -- Canada
BUSHBY of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BUTCHER of 145 Rendall-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BUTCHER of Port Sydney Muskoka Ontario -- Canada
BUTCHER of Stephenson Muskoka Ontario -- Canada
BUTCHER of the village of Port Sydney Muskoka Ontario -- Canada
BUTLER of 2531 Orchard-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BUTLER of North Kamloops British Columbia -- Canada
BUTLER of The McLaren Hotel Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
BUTLIN of 36 Marmaduke-street Toronto -- Canada
BUTTERFIELD of Mount Newton Saanich British Columbia -- Canada
BUTTON of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BUXTON of 7362 Laburnum-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
BYRN of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
BYRNE of Milden Saskatchewan -- Canada
BYRNE of Milden Saskatchewan -- Canada
BYRNE of Milden Saskatchewan -- Canada
BYRNE of Milden Saskatchewan -- Canada
BYRNEl of Auldgirth Yale British Columbia -- Canada
BYRON of 7 Forest Hill-road Toronto Ontario -- Canada
BYWATER of 11 Stevens Court Langside-street Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
CADWALLADER of room 3 at 87 King-street Toronto York Province Ontario -- Canada
CADZOW of Qualicum Beach Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
CAKEBREAD of 1761 Grant-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
CALDER of 3525 Ontario-avenue Montreal Quebec -- Canada
CALDER of 3538 Vendome-avenue Notre Dame de Grace Montreal Quebec -- Canada
CALDWELL of 129 Forty Second-avenue-east South Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
CALEY of Lethbridge Alberta -- Canada
CALHOUN of Tappen British Columbia -- Canada
CALIS of Selkirk Manitoba -- Canada
CALVERT of Guelph Wellington Ontario -- Canada
CAMERON of 2403 Georgia-street-east Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
CAMERON of 99-4th-avenue Maison-neuve Montreal Quebec -- Canada
CAMERON of Burnaby -- Canada
CAMERON of Collingwood Ontario -- Canada
CAMERON of Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
CAMERON of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
CAMERON of Wilmer British Columbia -- Canada
CAMPBELL of 124 Rose-street Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
CAMPBELL of 305 Grande-Allee Quebec -- Canada
CAMPBELL of 3855 Cambridge-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
CAMPBELL of Brandon Manitoba -- Canada
CAMPBELL of Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
CAMPBELL of Sovereign Saskatchewan -- Canada
CAMPBELL of Toronto -- Canada
CAMPBELL of Toronto county York Province of Ontario -- Canada
CAMPBELL of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
CAMPBELL of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
CAMPION of 2611 Bellevue-avenue West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
CAMPSALL of 194 Ordnance-street Kingston Frontenge county Ontario -- Canada
CAMSTIN of Lonsdale Apartments Avenue-road Toronto -- Canada

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
CANTELL of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
CARDEN of 244 Brock-avenue Toronto -- Canada
CAREY of 1737 Rockland-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
CARISS of Eriksdale Manitoba -- Canada
CARLISLE of 790 Queen-street West Toronto Ontario -- Canada
CARLISLE of Bennington Falls British Columbia -- Canada
CARLTON of Jarvis-street Toronto Ontario -- Canada
CARLYLE of 3901 5th-street West Calgary Alkerton -- Canada
CARNEGY of 338 Ashdale-avenue Toronto -- Canada
CARPHIN of 86 Chatham-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
CARR of 21 Westby-road Boscombe Bournemouth and-of Colony Farm Cottage Essondale- British Columbia -- Canada
CARR of 413 Queens-road-west in the City of North Van-couver British Columbia -- Canada
CARR of Russell Manitoba -- Canada
CARR of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
CARR of Virden Province of Manitoba -- Canada
CARR of Virden Province of Manitoba -- Canada
CARTER of 1144 Davie-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
CARTER of 1573 Elgin-avenue Weston Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
CARTER of 376 Edmonton-street Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
CARTER of Prince Albert Saskatchewan -- Canada
CARTER of Sydney County Cape Breton Province of Nova Scotia -- Canada
CARTER of Toronto county York -- Canada
CARTWRIGHT of Birtle Manitoba -- Canada
CARVER of 289 Wellington-street Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
CARVER of Wiarton Bruce Ontario -- Canada
CARWIN of Essondale British Columbia -- Canada
CASBOURN of 20 Forty-first-avenue Lachine ija ques Carter Queb ec -- Canada
CASKIE of Galt near Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
CASS of 28 St Anne-street St Anne de Bellevue Quebec Montreal -- Canada
CASS of Como Quebec -- Canada
CASS of the City of Toronto county York Ontario -- Canada
CASSAP of 280 Smith-street Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
CASSELS of Toronto York -- Canada
CASTLE of Kingston Ontario -- Canada
CATOR of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
CAULDWELL of Fort Frances Rainy River Ontario -- Canada
CAULDWELL of Fort Frances Rainy River Ontario -- Canada
CHADWICK of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
CHALICE of Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
CHAMBERS of Montreal -- Canada
CHAMBERS of Montreal -- Canada
CHAMIBERS of 630 Pope-avenue Toronto -- Canada
CHAMP of Hamilton County Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
CHAMPION of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
CHAPMAN of 122 Chestnut-street Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
CHAPMAN of Pembroke Renfrew Ontario -- Canada
CHAPMAN of The Municipality of West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
CHARD of 1279-16th-street West North Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
CHARD of North Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
CHARLESWORTH of 1387 Avenue-road Toronto county York Ontario -- Canada
CHARTERS of Chilco Lake Cabin Redstone British Columbia -- Canada
CHASE of 25 Jennette-street Fort Erie Welland Ontario -- Canada
CHASTEY of Port Arthur Thunder Bay Ontario -- Canada
CHATHAM of Warren Ontario -- Canada
CHILDS of Etobicoke York Ontario -- Canada
CHING of The Sundial Okanagon Centre British Columbia -- Canada
CHINNER of Minnedosa Manitoba -- Canada
CHIPPINDALE of 581 Ashburn-street Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
CHIVERS of 27-21-24 West Municipality of McCreary Manitoba -- Canada
CHOWN of 10 Bathurst-street Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
CHRISTIE of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
CHRISTIE of Verwood Saskatchewan -- Canada
CHUBB of 4375 St Catherine-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
CHURCH of Comox British Columbia -- Canada
CHURCH of the City of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
CLARE of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
CLARE of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
CLARK of 139 High-street LondonOntario -- Canada
CLARK of 326 Wesley-street Nanaimo British Columbia -- Canada
CLARK of 4483 Walden-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
CLARK of 581 Clifton-street Winnipeg -- Canada
CLARK of 704 Waterloo-street London Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
CLARK of London Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
CLARK of Newcastle Northumberland New Brunswick -- Canada
CLARK of North Saanich British Columbia -- Canada
CLARK of Saanich British Columbia -- Canada
CLARK of Tatamagouche Colchester Nova Scotia -- Canada
CLARK of Toronto York -- Canada
CLARK of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
CLARKE of 1019 Sherbrooke-street West Montreal -- Canada
CLARKE of 2816 Dufferin-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
CLARKE of 4 Wellington-road St John New Brunswick -- Canada
CLARKE of 717 16th-street New Westminster British Columbia -- Canada
CLARKE of Caledonia Haldimand Ontario -- Canada
CLARKE of Manitoba -- Canada
CLARKE of New Westminster British Columbia -- Canada
CLARKE of Provincial Airways Kenora Ontario -- Canada
CLARKE of Sullivan Station Surrey British Columbia -- Canada
CLARKE of Sullivan Surrey British Columbia -- Canada
CLARKE of The Post Office Beaverlodge Alberta -- Canada
CLARKE of The Post Office MacGregor Manitoba -- Canada
CLARKE of the Post Office of Nut Mountain Saskatchewan -- Canada
CLARKE of Toronto York -- Canada
CLARKE of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
CLARKE of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
CLARKE of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
CLARKE of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
CLARKE of Yorkton Eastern Assiniboia -- Canada
CLAUPET of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
CLAXTON of Cecil Lake British Columbia -- Canada
CLAXTON of Kamloops British Columbia -- Canada
CLAYTON of 1179 Queens-street Regina Saskatchewan -- Canada
CLAYTON of Circular-road-east St John s Newfoundland -- Canada
CLAYTON of Okanagan Mission British Columbia -- Canada
CLAYTON of Saavich British Columbia -- Canada
CLEAR of 4S7 Kerr-avenue Saanich Victoria British Colombia -- Canada
CLEVELAND of Chateau Apartments Montreal -- Canada
CLIBBORN of 1020 Tattersall-drive Saanich British Columbia -- Canada
CLIFF of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
CLIFT of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
CLOKE of Argyle-street South Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
CLOWES of 929 30th Avenue N.W. Calgary Alberta -- Canada
COATE of 2407 8th Avenue West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
COATES of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
COBB of Fenwick Welland Ontario -- Canada
COBBETT of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
COCHRANE of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
COCHRANE of Tamworth Lennox & Addington Ontario -- Canada
COCKER of 36 Clive-crescent Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
COCKER of 366 Oxford-street London Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
COCKER of Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
COCKRILL of Suite One Melbourne-cdurt Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
COCKS of Waterworks Edmonton -- Canada
COCKSHOTT of 871 Trunk-road Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
COCKSHOTT of Moosomin Saskatchewan -- Canada
COCKSHUTT of 1 Palace-street Brantford Ontario -- Canada
COGGINS of Newton British Columbia -- Canada
COKER of Saskatchewan Hospital North Battleford Saskatchewan -- Canada
COLE of 247 West 63rd-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
COLE of Masonville Saskatchewan -- Canada
COLE of Toronto county York Ontario -- Canada
COLEMAN of 276 Colony-street Winnipeg -- Canada
COLEMAN of Kincardine county Bruce Ontario -- Canada
COLEMAN of Speers Saskatchewan -- Canada
COLEMAN of St Johns St Johns East Newfoundland -- Canada
COLES of 41 Lottridge-street Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
COLLAS of Bank of Montreal Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
COLLETT of Maple View Lome Victoria county province of New Brunswick -- Canada
COLLIER of Fortune Burin District Newfoundland -- Canada
COLLINCS of Berry Creek Hanna Alberta -- Canada
COLLINS of 1537 Graham Boulevard Mount Royal Quebec -- Canada
COLLINS of Vaughan county York Ontario -- Canada
COLLINS of Wentworth Arms Hotel Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
COLLIS of Brunswick House Brunswick-street Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
COLMAN of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
COLWYN of Vancouver British -- Canada
COMBERBACH of 201 Rutland-street St James Manitoba -- Canada
COMER of Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
COMPLIN of London Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
CONEY of 26 Inverness-street Stratford Ontario -- Canada
CONKEY of 1400 West 33rd-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
CONNER of Penticton British Columbia -- Canada
CONNING of 1243 Greene-avenue Westmount -- Canada
COOGAN of 1344 Comox-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
COOK of 2445 West Second-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
COOK of 359 Chalmers-avenue Elmwood Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
COOK of Ottawa Carleton Ontario -- Canada
COOK of Regina Saskatchewan -- Canada
COOK of Weston County York Ontario -- Canada
COOKE of Grantfort Sooke British Columbia -- Canada
COOKMAN of Burton British Columbia -- Canada
COOKSEY of Becton Ontario -- Canada
COOKSEY of Beeton county Simcoe Ontario -- Canada
COOMBER of 151 Sriowdon-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
COOPER of 425 Saint Charles-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
COOPER of 6 Redpath-place Montreal -- Canada
COOPER of Lac Cornu county Argenteuil Quebec -- Canada
COOPER of Ladner British Columbia -- Canada
COOPER of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
COOPER of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
COPELAND of 220 Chester-avenue Mount Royal Quebec -- Canada
COPPOCK of 77 Lily-street Winnipeg Province of Manitoba -- Canada
COPPOCK of Westholme British Columbia -- Canada
COPSEY of Ardill Province of Saskatchewan -- Canada
CORAH of Oshawa Ontario -- Canada
CORDNER of Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
CORDY of Summerland British Columbia -- Canada
CORDY of Summerland in the Province of British Columbia -- Canada
CORFIELD of 31 Main-street Port Dalhousie Ontario -- Canada
CORFIELD of Redgate Cowichan Station Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
CORNWELL of Hamilton county Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
CORSER of Watford Ontario -- Canada
COSSER of Schumacher Tisdale Cochrane Ontario -- Canada
COSSER of Tisdale Cochrane Ontario -- Canada
COTE of Victoriavelle Quebec -- Canada
COUBROUGH of Kelowira British Columbia -- Canada
COULL of 4599 Wilson-avenue Montreal -- Canada
COUPER of 5481 Inverness-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
COUPLAND of Newmarket York Ontario -- Canada
COUPLAND of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
COVERDALE of 813 Cook-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
COWARD of 915 Avenue H North Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
COWARD of Juniata Saskatchewan -- Canada
COWARD of Regina Saskatchewan -- Canada
COX of Hongkong1 China (temporarily of Royal Edward Laurentian Hospital Ste Agathe des Monts Terrebonne Quebec -- Canada
COX of Medicine Hat Alberta -- Canada
COX of The Saskatchewan Mental Hospital North Bettleford Saskatchewan -- Canada
COX of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
COXON of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
COYSH of Dalhousie Restigouche New Brunswick -- Canada
CRABTREE of Cadogan Alberta -- Canada
CRACKLE of Loretto Manitoba -- Canada
CRAFER of 255 Government-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
CRAN of Quamichan Lake Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
CRANE of 302 Bessborough-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
CRANE of Buena Vista Road RR No 1 White Rock British Columbia -- Canada
CRANE of Cochrane Alberta -- Canada
CRANE of Macleod Alberta -- Canada
CRANE of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
CRANER of Tessier Saskatchewan -- Canada
CRASTER of Coom Dale Coldstream British Columbia -- Canada
CRAVEN of Mirror Alberta -- Canada
CRAWFORD of Hamilton Wentworth -- Canada
CRAWFORD of High River Calgary Alberta -- Canada
CRAWFORD of St Johns Newfoundland -- Canada
CRAWFORD of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
CRAWSHAW of Heffley Creek Kamloops British Columbia -- Canada
CREAK of 1515 Bishop-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
CREAK of 257 Bishop-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
CREASE of Pentrelew 1201 Fort-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
CRESSWELL of Cowichan Station Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
CRESSWELL of Gladstone Manitoba -- Canada
CRESSY of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
CRESWELL of Okanagan Landing British Columbia -- Canada
CRICK of The Old Folks Home Middlechurch Winnipeg -- Canada
CRIDDLE of Regina Saskatchewan -- Canada
CRIGHTON of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
CRIPPS of 474 Prince Arthur-street-west Montreal Quebec -- Canada
CRIPPS of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
CRITCHLEY of Hebron Yarmouth Nova Scotia -- Canada
CROMPTON of Digby County of Digby Province of Nova Scotia -- Canada
CRONBACH of Regina Saskatchewan -- Canada
CROOKES of 126 Lipton-street Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
CROOKS of 41 Duggan-avenue Toronto -- Canada
CROOKSHANK of Saint Johns College School Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
CROPLEY of 7 Elm-avenue Toronto -- Canada
CROPPER of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
CROSBY of 1359 Davie-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
CROSBY of Toronto York Oatario -- Canada
CROSS of 3051 Fromme-road North Van-couver British Columbia -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
CROSS of 3564 Peel-street MontrealQuebec -- Canada
CROSS of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
CROSSLEY of Humphrey Parry Sound Ontario -- Canada
CROSSLEY of Village of King City County of York Province of Ontario -- Canada
CROWDY of St Johns Newfoundland -- Canada
CROWHURST of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
CROWTHER of 2042 West Third-avenue Van-couver British Columbia -- Canada
CROWTHER of Etobicoke York Ontario -- Canada
CROYSDALE of Eastford near-Cochrane Northern Ontario -- Canada
CRUSE of 104 Neville Park Boulevard Toronto -- Canada
CRUSE of 182 East-avenue South Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
CUDDIE of Regina Saskatchewan -- Canada
CUFFE of Breton Alberta -- Canada
CULLUM of Victoria British Columbia Canada
CUMMINS of Macleod Alberta -- Canada
CUNLIFFE of 3410 Hingston-avenue Notre Dame de Grace Montreal -- Canada
CUNNINGHAM of County Line British Columbia -- Canada
CUNNINGTON of Hemmingford Quebec -- Canada
CUPPAGE of Bath Ontario -- Canada
CURREY of RR2 Vermilion Alberta -- Canada
CURRY of Mission City Province of British Columbia -- Canada
CURTIS of 2050 Barclay-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
CURTIS of Verdun Montreal -- Canada
CURWEN of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
CUSTANCE of Swift Current Saskatchewan -- Canada
CUTBILL of Hamilton -- Canada
CUTHBERT of Veteran Alberta -- Canada
CUTTLE of 80 East 23rd-street Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
D'AMBRUMENIL of 1746 Parker-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
DABELSTEIN of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
DAGLISH of 2 Crewe-avenue East York Toronto -- Canada
DAILY of Macdonald College Ste Anne de Belle Vue Quebec -- Canada
DALEY of Burnaby British Columbia -- Canada
DALLAS of Rockland-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
DALLAS of Toronto York -- Canada
DALZIEL of 1 Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
DAMAN of Woodstock Carleton New Brunswick -- Canada
DANBY of Hillcroft North Lonsdale British Columbia -- Canada
DANIEL of 119 St James-street West Montreal -- Canada
DARBYSHIRE of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
DAREY of 593 Talbot-street London Ontario -- Canada
DARLINGTON of 4653 East Pender-street Van-couver British Columbia -- Canada
DARLOW of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
DARLOW of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
DARVILL of 128 Dufferin-street St Catherines City Lincoln Ontario -- Canada
DASHWOOD of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
DAVENPORT of Guelph Wellington Ontario -- Canada
DAVEY of 1202 Fort-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
DAVIDGE of Galt Waterloo Ontario -- Canada
DAVIDSON of 9707-105th-street Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
DAVIDSON of Belwood Wellington Ontario -- Canada
DAVIDSON of Granite Bay British Columbia -- Canada
DAVIDSON of Peterborough Ontario -- Canada
DAVIDSON of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
DAVIES of 1881 Springhead-avenue Cote St. Paul Montreal -- Canada
DAVIES of 57 Gordon-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
DAVIES of 58th Street Lacombe Alberta -- Canada
DAVIES of 6142 Vine-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
DAVIES of Burford- Brant Ontario -- Canada
DAVIES of Edmonton Alberta -- Canada

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
DAVIES of Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
DAVIES of The Post Office Okla Humboldt Saskatchewan -- Canada
DAVIS of Etzikon Alberta -- Canada
DAVIS of Kelowna British Columbia -- Canada
DAVIS of Namur County Papineau Quebec -- Canada
DAVIS of Rural Route 2 Sardis Chilliwack British Columbia -- Canada
DAVIS of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
DAVISON of 1075 Gilford-strcet Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
DAVISON of 1435 Drummond-street Montreal -- Canada
DAVISON of Engineers Club King-street Toronto -- Canada
DAWES of 397 Clarke-avenue Westmount Montreal Quebec -- Canada
DAWNEY of Perry Siding British Columbia -- Canada
DAWSON of Verdun Protestant Hospital Montreal Quebec -- Canada
DAWSON of Victoria -- Canada
DAY of 96 Woodington-avenue Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
DAY of Milnes Landing Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
DAY of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
DE PASS of 3418 Park Lafontaine Montreal -- Canada
DEACON of Veteran Alberta -- Canada
DEAN of North Battleford Saskatchewan -- Canada
DEARLOVE of 6 Catherine-street St Johns Newfoundland -- Canada
DEAVIN of 4882 Argyle-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
DENARD of 1485 Joliette-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
DENCHFIELD of 47 Chalsey-road Brockley London SE4 County of York Ontario -- Canada
DENMARK of Burleigh Bishopsteignton Devon-shire and of The Post Office Whitemouth Manitoba -- Canada
DENNIS of Creek Farm Innisfail Alberta -- Canada
DENNY of The Experimental Station Summer-land British Columbia -- Canada
DESBOROUGH of Atlanta county of Kings Nova Scotia -- Canada
DESROCHERS of 559 Clendenan-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
DEVLIN of Perth County of Lanark Province of Ontario -- Canada
DEWAR of Pathlow Saskatchewan -- Canada
DEWAR of Pathlow Saskatchewan -- Canada
DEWAR of The Municipality of Saanich British Columbia -- Canada
DEWDNEY of 3430 Upper Terrace-road Uplands Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
DEWDNEY of Saanich British Columbia -- Canada
DIAMOND of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
DICKENS of Ottawa Ontario -- Canada
DICKIN of Manor Saskatchewan -- Canada
DICKINSON of Coutts Alberta -- Canada
DICKS of 1621 7th-streeit N W Calgary Alberta -- Canada
DIGBY of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
DIGHTON of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
DIKE of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
DILGER of Kamloops British Columbia -- Canada
DILGER of Kamloops British Columbia -- Canada
DILLEY of Tooke Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
DINHAM of 4703 La Salle-boulevard Verdun Montreal -- Canada
DIXON of Dalemead Alberta -- Canada
DIXON of the 4 Canadian Mounted Rifles and of 143 Major-street Toronto -- Canada
DIXON of The Post Office Maughan Alberta -- Canada
DOBIE of Saskatchewan -- Canada
DOBLE of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
DOBREE of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
DOBSON of Briarcrest Saskatchewan -- Canada
DOBSON of Maple Bay Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
DOBSON of Tilney Saskatchewan -- Canada
DODD of 14 Greenaway-avenue Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
DODD of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
DODWELL of 1450 Mathers-avenue West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
DODWELL of Prairie Valley-road West Summerland British Columbia -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
DOMVILLE of Manoir D? Antan Rosemere Montreal Province of Quebec -- Canada
DONACHIE of Port Hope Ontario -- Canada
DONNITHORNE of 4948 Fourth-avenue Rosemount Montreal Quebec -- Canada
DORAM of Chin Alberta -- Canada
DORAN of Niagara Falls Welland Province of Ontario -- Canada
DORMAN of 676 Battery-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
DOUGILL of Lulu Island British Columbia -- Canada
DOUGLAS of 130 Highboume-road Toronto Ontario -- Canada
DOUGLAS of R R 3 Victoria British Column bia -- Canada
DOUGLAS of Saanichton Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
DOUGLAS of Stellarton county Pictou Nova Scotia -- Canada
DOUGLAS of Stellarton Pictou Province of Nova Scotia -- Canada
DOW of 4894 Park-avenue Montreal Quebec -- Canada
DOWDING of 140 Dowlingravenue Toronto -- Canada
DOWELL of 2267 St James-street Montreal -- Canada
DOWLING of 2584 West Eighth-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
DOWNES of Abbotsford British Columbia -- Canada
DOWNIE of Toronto County York County of Ontario -- Canada
DOWNTON of Summerland British Columbia -- Canada
DOWSON of The Township of Vaughan County of York Province of Ontario -- Canada
DOXSEY of Montread Quebec -- Canada
DRAKE of 1601 Belmont-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
DRAKE of 5675 Sherbrooke-street West Montreal -- Canada
DRAKE of Penticton British Columbia -- Canada
DRAKE of Regina Saskatchewan -- Canada
DREW of Kamploops British Columbia -- Canada
DREW of Qualicum Beach British Columbia -- Canada
DREWIN of Hubbards Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
DRIVER of Greenway Saskatchewan -- Canada
DROUGHT of Hull Quebec -- Canada
DRUMMOND of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
DRURY of 242 Glenrose avenue Toronto -- Canada
DUCKWORTH of McDougall Parry Sound Ontario -- Canada
DUDDING of 66 Wellington-street North Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
DUFF of Carbonear District of Carbonear Newfoundland -- Canada
DUFF of Carbonear Newfoundland -- Canada
DUFF of St Johns Newfoundland -- Canada
DUFFIELD of 7 Railway-avenue Moncton New Brunswick -- Canada
DUMAS of Hamilton Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
DUNCAN of o7 Martin-road Toronto -- Canada
DUNELL of Macklin Saskatchewan -- Canada
DUNFORD of 425 Carruthers-avenue Winnipeg -- Canada
DUNN of 77 Arundel-avenue Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
DUNN of West Vancouver Province of British Columbia -- Canada
DUPUIS of Ontario -- Canada
DURDEN of 73 Donald-street Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
DURIE of Fisher-road R.R.2 Langley Prairie British Columbia -- Canada
DYER of Montreal -- Canada
DYNE of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
DYSON of 3838 Selkirk-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
DYSON of 52319th-street E North Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
EACOTiT of 1928 Commercial-drive Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
EAGAR of Wolfville Nova Scotia -- Canada
EAGLAND of Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
EAGLE of 34 King-street Sault St Marie Algoma Ontario -- Canada
EAGLE of 34 King-street Sault St. Marie Algoma Ontario -- Canada
EARL of Sidewood Saskatchewan -- Canada
EASON of Cloverdale British Columbia -- Canada
EATOCK of The City of Regina Province of Saskat-chewan -- Canada
EATON of Regina Saskatchewan -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
ECCLES of Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
EDGAR of 4315 Melrose-avenue Montreal Quebec -- Canada
EDGAR of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
EDMONDS of Drumbeller Alberta -- Canada
EDWARDS of Marwayne Alberta -- Canada
EDWARDS of Sable River Shelbourne Nova Scotia -- Canada
EDWARDS of Savona British Columbia -- Canada
EDWARDS of St. Johns Newfoundland -- Canada
EDWARDS of Toronto county York Ontario -- Canada
EDWARDS of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
EDWARDS of Walkerton Bruce Ontario -- Canada
EGGLESTON of Ancaster county of Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
EGGLETON of Comox British Columbia -- Canada
EGGLETON of Millet Alberta -- Canada
ELDERTON of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
ELGOOD of Brandon Manitoba -- Canada
ELIOT of Grenfell Saskatchewan -- Canada
ELKINGTON of Oak Park Duncan British Columbia -- Canada
ELLIOTT of 639 Gore-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
ELLIOTT of Huntoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
ELLIOTT of North Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
ELLIS of 1768 Argyle-avenue West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
ELLIS of Albion county Peel Ontario -- Canada
ELLIS of Comax British Columbia -- Canada
ELLIS of Delburne Alberta -- Canada
ELLIS of Provincial Home for Incurables Marpole British Columbia -- Canada
ELLIS of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
ELMSLEY of 1 Elmsley-place Toronto Ontario -- Canada
ELPHICKE of Willow Cottage Kelowna British Columbia -- Canada
ELWOOD of Lymburn Alberta -- Canada
EMERY of 2910-28th-avenue East Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
EMMERSON of Edmundston county of Madawaska Now Brunswick -- Canada
EMMERSON of Edmundston County of Madawaska Province of New Brunswick -- Canada
EMSLIE of Trafalgar Halton Ontario -- Canada
ENGLISH of Ancaster Wentworth Otntario -- Canada
ENGLISH of Brockville Leeds County Ontario -- Canada
ENGLISH of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
ENLOW of Nelson Halton Ontario -- Canada
EUSTACE of The Garth Quamechan District of North Cowechan British Columbia -- Canada
EVANS of 145 Cranbrooke-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
EVANS of 2030 Fulton-avenue West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
EVANS of 4183 Sherbrooke-street Westmount Quebec -- Canada
EVANS of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
EVANS of Carman Manitoba -- Canada
EVANS of Hamilton Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
EVANS of Lulu Islcind (Eburne Post Office) Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
EVANS of Petrolia Hillsdale Ontario -- Canada
EVANS of Quebec -- Canada
EVANS of Round Hill county Annapolis -- Canada
EVANS of St. Hilaire Quebec -- Canada
EVANS of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
EVANS of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
EVANS of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
EVERARD of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
EVEREST of Georgina York -- Canada
EVISON of 1787 Haro-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
EYLAND of 608 Westminster-avenue Montreal Quebec -- Canada
EYTON of 1696 West 13th Avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
FAHY of 1201 Bishop-street Montreal -- Canada
FAIRBAIRN of 825 St Mary s-road St Vital Manitoba -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
FAIRBROTHER of 19 Albert-street Tunbridge Wells and of 56 Tisdale South Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
FANNON of 876E Eighteenth-a venue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
FANTHAM of McGill University Montreal Quebec -- Canada
FARMER of 134 Geneva-street St. Catherines Lincoln Ontario -- Canada
FARNELL of Churchville Ontario -- Canada
FARQUHAR of 1199 Victoria-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
FARRAR of Lulu Island British Columbia -- Canada
FARRER of Oak Bay British Columbia -- Canada
FAULDER of Summerland British Columbia -- Canada
FAWCETT of 269 View Royal-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
FAWELL of Tufts Cove Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
FAWKES of Culzean Mayne Island British Columbia -- Canada
FAWKES of Culzear Mayne Island British Columbia -- Canada
FECANS of The Township of Warwick Lambton Ontario -- Canada
FEESEY of 74 Rockwell-avenue Toronto York county Ontario -- Canada
FELTON of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
FENN of Aberdeen-avenue Westmount Quebec -- Canada
FENN of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
FENNER of 2406 West Third-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
FENNING of Vananda British Columbia -- Canada
FENTON of 185 Cumberland-street Toronto-York Ontario -- Canada
FENTON of 23 Newton-avenue Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
FENTON of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
FENWICK of London Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
FERGUSON of 29 Strathallen-boulevard Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
FERGUSON of Crombie Settlement Gordon Victoria New Brunswick -- Canada
FERGUSON of Crombie Settlement Gordon Victoria New Brunswick -- Canada
FERGUSON of Crombie Settlement Gordon Victoria Province New Brunswick -- Canada
FERGUSON of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
FERGUSSON of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
FIDOE of 1523 Rankin-street Fort William Ontario -- Canada
FIELDER of 518 Luci-court Fort William Thunder Bay Ontario -- Canada
FIELDING of 10250 116-street Edmonton Alberto -- Canada
FIERHELLER of Whitchurch York Ontario -- Canada
FILIATRAULT of 224 Portland-avenue Montreal -- Canada
FINCH of 109 Merritt-street Merriton Ontario -- Canada
FINCH of Dufferin Manitoba -- Canada
FINLAY of Leney Saskatchewan -- Canada
FIRTH of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
FISCHER of Saanich British Columbia -- Canada
FISH of 2212 Eighth-street Calgary Alberta -- Canada
FISHER of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
FISHWICK of 623 Homby-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
FISKE of Cloverdale British Columbia -- Canada
FISON of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
FITZPATRICK of Bampfield British Columbia -- Canada
FLEET of Penticton British Columbia -- Canada
FLEMING of Canadian Pacific Recreation Club Montreal Province of Quebec -- Canada
FLINDT of Georgia Hotel Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
FLITCROFT of 2941 Donald-street The Gorge Saanich British Columbia -- Canada
FLOOD of HE Holland Esq Canadian Celanese Limited Drummondville Quebec -- Canada
FLOWER of 18 May flower-avenue Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
FOOKS of Duncan British Columbia -- Canada
FOOTE of 121 Carlton-street Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
FORBES of Battleford Mental Hospital Semans Saskatchewan -- Canada
FORBES of Senlac Saskatchewan -- Canada
FORD of 147 Main-street West Hamilton Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
FORD of Township West Gwillimbury Simcoe Ontario -- Canada
FORD of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
FORDHAM of 1325 Cardero-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
FOREMAN of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
FOREMAN of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
FORRESTER of 1035 Cardero-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
FORSTER of 1126 12th Avenue West Calgary Alberta -- Canada
FORSTER of 1126 12th-avenue West Galgary Alberta Canada
FORSTER of Danitree Enderby British Columbia -- Canada
FORSTER of Napanee county of Lennox and Addington Ontario -- Canada
FORSYTH of Kingston Ontario -- Canada
FORTESCUE of 397 Mountain-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
FORTINGTON of Renfrew county Renfrew Ontario -- Canada
FORTT of Kingston Fontenac Ontario -- Canada
FOSS of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
FOSTER of 1125 Leslie-street Todmorden Toronto -- Canada
FOSTER of The City of Windsor County Essex Ontario -- Canada
FOSTER of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
FOULDS of The City of Montreal County Hochelaga Province of Quebec -- Canada
FOULON of 200 Church-street Toronto Ontario -- Canada
FOWLER of 1 Rosemount-avenue Westmount Montreal Quebec -- Canada
FOWLER of 16 Concord-avenue St Catharine?s Ontario -- Canada
FOWLER of near High School Tisdale Saskatchewan -- Canada
FOX of 5570 Victoria-drive Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
FOX of London Middlesex and of Ontario -- Canada
FOX of London Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
FOX of Nanton Alberta -- Canada
FOX of Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
FOX of The Windermere Hotel Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
FRANCIS of 380 Baker-street Nelson British Columbia -- Canada
FRANCIS of Carstairs Alberta -- Canada
FRANCIS of Coldspring Ranche Proctor British Columbia -- Canada
FRANK of 219 Wellington-street London Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
FRANK of Tuxford Saskatchewan -- Canada
FRANKLYN of Cadboro Bay Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
FRANKS of Port Credit Peel Ontario -- Canada
FRASER of 159 Cook-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
FRASER of 325 South-street Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
FRASER of Edmundston Madawaska New Brunswick -- Canada
FRASER of Ottawa Carleton Ontario -- Canada
FREAKLEY of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
FREARS of Guelph Wellington Ontario -- Canada
FREEMAN of White Valley Coldstream Municipalities British Columbia -- Canada
FRENCH of Barriere River-road Barriere British Columbia -- Canada
FROST of Westport Digby Nova Scotia -- Canada
FROW of 341 Renfrew-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
FRY of 2458 Hazel-street Oak Bay British Columbia -- Canada
FRY of St. Marys Priory 270 Government-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
FRY of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
FRYER of Vernon Yale British Columbia -- Canada
FULLER of 239 Menzies-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
FULLER of 611 Sherbourne-street Toronto York -- Canada
FULLERTON of Port Williams Kings Nova Scotia -- Canada
FULTON of 956 East 54th Avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
FULTON of Chemainus British Columbia -- Canada
FULTON of Minto Wellington Ontario -- Canada
FUNSTON of Hamilton Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
GAGE of 3066 Cassie-avenue Burnaby British Columbia -- Canada
GAHAN of The Post Office Makinak Dauphin Manitoba -- Canada
GALBRAITH of Scarboro York Ontario -- Canada
GALE of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
GALL of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
GALLAGHER of Portland Frontenac Ontario -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
GALLOWAY of Gladstone Manitoba -- Canada
GALLOWAY of Gladstone Manitoba -- Canada
GALT of The James Bay Hotel Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
GAMBLE of 2043 Collingwood-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
GAMBLE of 60 Pleasant Valley-road Armstrong British Columbia -- Canada
GAMBLE of Glenwood Farm Armstrong British Columbia -- Canada
GAMMIDGE of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
GANDERSON of Hunker Creek Dawson City Yukon Territory and of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
GARBUTT of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
GARDINER of Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
GARDNER of Naicam Saskatchewan -- Canada
GARDNER of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
GARLAND of Gaultois Hermitage Newfoundland -- Canada
GARNER of Regina Saskatchewan -- Canada
GARRATT of 247 Mutual-street Toronto -- Canada
GARRATT of King-street Beamsville Ontario -- Canada
GARRETT of Hamilton Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
GARRETT of Oak Bay British Columbia -- Canada
GARRETT of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
GASCOIGNE of 3570 Cote des Neiges-road Montreal Quebec -- Canada
GATES of Pleasant Cove Petries Newfoundland -- Canada
GATES of Stoney Plain Alberta -- Canada
GATES of Y.M.C.A. Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
GAWNE of Myrtle Bank Four-roads Port St Mary Isle of Man and the City of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
GAY of The City of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
GEAREY of the Post Office of Bowsman River Manitoba -- Canada
GEARY of Kingston Ontario -- Canada
GEORGE of Scarborough York -- Canada
GEORGE of Toronto county of York Ontario -- Canada
GEORGE of Wapella Saskatchewan -- Canada
GEORGE of Wapella Sasketchewan -- Canada
GEORGE of West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
GERRISH of North Hatley Quebec -- Canada
GIBB of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
GIBBS of 513 Aqueduct-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
GIBBS of London Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
GIBBS of North Cowichan British Columbia -- Canada
GIBBS of the City of Hamilton Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
GIBSON of 1614 Ross-avenue Winnipeg -- Canada
GIBSON of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
GIBSON of Vandreuil Quebec -- Canada
GIDDINGS of The Post Office of Drayton Valley Alberta -- Canada
GIFFORD of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
GILES of 408 College-avenue Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
GILES of Fredericton York New Brunswick -- Canada
GILES of Miami Manitoba -- Canada
GILHULY of 317 King Edward-street St James Manitoba -- Canada
GILL of Porth Arthur Thunder Bay Ontario -- Canada
GILL of Qualicum Beach British Columbia -- Canada
GILLESPIE of 426 Elm-avenue Westmount Montreal in Quebec -- Canada
GILLESPIE of 426 Elm-avenue Westmount Montreal Quebec -- Canada
GILLESPIE of London Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
GILMOUR of Brockville Leeds Ontario -- Canada
GILMOUR of Mount Royal Hotel Peel-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
GIOLMA of Suite 7 Hampton Court Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
GIST of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
GLASSEY of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
GLEAVE of 12 Alhambra-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
GLEN of New Westminster British Columbia -- Canada
GLEN of West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
GLOSSOP of Mill Bay R M D Cobble Hill Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
GLOVER of Guelph Wellington Ontario -- Canada
GLYDE of 363 Sunset-avenue City of Victoria Province of British Columbia -- Canada
GOARD of 1190 Twelfth-avenue West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
GODDARD of St Genevieve Montreal Quebec -- Canada
GODFREY of Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
GODFREY of Vawn Saskatchewan -- Canada
GOLDING of The Post Office Wainwright Alberta -- Canada
GOLDSMITH of Douro Peterborough Ontario -- Canada
GOODACRE of Wilsons Landing British Columbia -- Canada
GOODALL of 11524 93rd-street Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
GOODALL of Cherhill Alberta -- Canada
GOODALL of Colwood Esquimalt British Columbia -- Canada
GOODBEHERE of 388 St James-street Montreal -- Canada
GOODE of 178 Cote-street Antoine-road Westmount Montreal -- Canada
GOODE of 711 Seigneurs-street Montreal -- Canada
GOODIER of Port Arthur Thunder Bay -- Canada
GOODING of Sydney Mines Cape Breton S S Nova Scotia -- Canada
GOODLAND of Sandy Point St Georges Newfoundland -- Canada
GOODWIN of 1319 Richardson-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
GOODWIN of 305 Dundum-street South Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
GOODWIN of Kingston Frontenac Ontario -- Canada
GOOLD of Brantford county of Brant Ontario -- Canada
GORDON of 172 Huron-street London Ontario -- Canada
GORDON of 21 Duquesne-street Longue Pointe Montreal -- Canada
GORDON of 2636 Moreau-street Montreal -- Canada
GORDON of The Waldron Burdett-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
GORDON of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
GORDONKCB of 4300 Queen Mary- road Montreal Quebec -- Canada
GORE of Bircholme Long Branch York Ontario -- Canada
GORTON of Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
GORTON of Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
GOULD of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
GOULD of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
GOULDING of Canwood Saskatchewan -- Canada
GOVER of 2221 26a-street West Calgary Alberta -- Canada
GOWING of Salmon Arm British Columbia -- Canada
GOWING of Salmon Arm British Columbia -- Canada
GRABHAM of 379 Parkside-drive Toronto -- Canada
GRADWELL of 2841 Blackwood-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
GRADWELL of 754 Hillside-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
GRAHAM of 12 Oakmount-road Toronto York county Ontario -- Canada
GRAHAM of Queenswood Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
GRAHAM of The Post Office Keatley Saskatchewan -- Canada
GRANT of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
GRANT of Toronto Yorks Ontario -- Canada
GRANTHAM of Deschambault county Port-neuf Quebec -- Canada
GRANTHAM of Deschambault county Portneuf Quebec -- Canada
GRASETT of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
GRASSETT of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
GRAY of 1649 Broadview-road Calgary Alberta -- Canada
GRAY of Burnaby British Columbia -- Canada
GRAY of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
GRAY of Mount Lehman British Columbia -- Canada
GRAY of R.R.l Bartonville Ontario -- Canada
GRAY of St. Johns Newfoundland -- Canada
GRAY of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
GREAVES of Brandon Manitoba -- Canada
GREEN of 19 Leighton-street South Porcupine Ontario -- Canada
GREEN of 196 Fort-street Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
GREEN of 2728 20th Avenue Regina Saskatchewan -- Canada
GREEN of 814 Bordon-street Prince Rupert British Columbia -- Canada
GREEN of Duncan British Columbia -- Canada
GREEN of Lake Annis Yarmouth Yarmouth County Nova Scotia -- Canada
GREEN of Parrsboro -- Canada
GREENALL of Lethbridge Alberta -- Canada
GREENHILL of 420 Victoria-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
GREENHILL of The Hamlet of Midnapore Alberta -- Canada
GREENLAND of 438 Beatty-street Verdun Montreal Quebec -- Canada
GREENSTOCK of City of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
GREENSTOCK of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
GREER of 169 Hargrave-street Winnipeg -- Canada
GREETHAM of Trinity Stud Farm Agincourt Ontario -- Canada
GREGORY of Trafalgar Halton Ontario -- Canada
GRENVILLE of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
GRENVILLE of Morrin Alberta -- Canada
GREVELINK of 9 Nelson-square Barrie Ontario -- Canada
GREY of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
GRIBBLE of 239 John-street Belleville Ontario -- Canada
GRIBBLE of Belleville Hastings Ontario -- Canada
GRIEVE of 152 Forest Hill-road Toronto county York Ontario -- Canada
GRIEVE of 3546 Lome-avenue Montreal Quebec -- Canada
GRIEVE of Peterborough Ontario -- Canada
GRIFFIN of 4546 West 8th-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
GRIFFIN of Salmon Arin Sturgeon Valley Saskatchewan -- Canada
GRIFFITH of 706 Cook-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
GRIFFITH of 9620 105th-street Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
GRIFFITH of Melfort Saskatchewan -- Canada
GRIFFITHS of 3223 Quadra-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
GRIFFITHS of Shillington Ontario -- Canada
GRIGG of Sussex Apartment Hotel 1001 Douglas-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
GRIGGS of the City of Windsor Essex Ontario -- Canada
GRIMLEY of Mozart Saskatchewan -- Canada
GRIMSHAW of Kingston -- Canada
GROOME of St. Catherines Lincoln Ontario -- Canada
GROVE of Beaver Bank Nova Scotia -- Canada
GROVES of 625 Hamilton-street New Westminster iBritish Columbia -- Canada
GROVES of Goderich Huron Ontario -- Canada
GROWDER of 91 York-street Toronto Ontario -- Canada
GRUMMETT of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
GRUNDY of 3976 Eton-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
GRUNER of Mount Royal Quebec -- Canada
GRUZELIER of 5894 Monkland-avenue Montreal Quebec -- Canada
GUDEWILL of Baie d Urfe Quebec -- Canada
GUEST of 341 Selby-street Westmount Montreal -- Canada
GUILLOD of Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
GUMLICH of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
GUMLICH of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
GUNDY of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
GUNN of 128 Braemar-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
GUNN of 320 St Georges-street London Ontario -- Canada
GUSH of 2321 Centre-street South Calgary Alberta -- Canada
GUY of Canford British Columbia -- Canada
HADDEN of Belgo Kelwona British Columbia -- Canada
HADDOCK of 1529W4th-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HADOW of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
HADRILL of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
HAGUE of Transcona Province of Manitoba -- Canada
HAIGH of Delia Alberta -- Canada
HAINSBY of The Post Office Paradise Valley Alberta -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
HALES of 2148 Argvle-street Regina South Saskatchewan -- Canada
HALL of 20 Ontario-avenue Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
HALL of 290 Sheldrake Boulevard Toronto York -- Canada
HALL of 3728 West 22nd Avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HALL of 54 Aberdeen-avenue Westmount Montreal Quebec -- Canada
HALL of 88 Rennies Mill-road St. Johns Newfoundland -- Canada
HALL of 93 Harriet-street Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
HALL of Arden of Courtenay Comox British Columbia -- Canada
HALL of Bond Cochrane Ontario -- Canada
HALL of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
HALL of Esquimalt British Columbia -- Canada
HALL of Wectigo Lake Casey Quebec -- Canada
HALLIDAY of Cloverdale New Westminster British Columbia -- Canada
HALLIDAY of Courtenay British Columbia -- Canada
HALLIDAY of Thorold Welland Ontario -- Canada
HALSTEAD of Paris Brant Ontario -- Canada
HAMBLING of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HAMBLY of 3212 Dunbar-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HAMILL of 275 Oakwood-avenue Toronto York -- Canada
HAMILTON of Collingwood Simcoe Ontario -- Canada
HAMMOND of 3225 School-road Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HAMMOND of Port Arthur Ontario -- Canada
HAMPSON of 1501 McGregor-street Montrl Quebec -- Canada
HAMPTON of Galt Waterloo Ontario -- Canada
HAMPTON of Toronto county York Ontario -- Canada
HANCOCK of 307 Chisholm-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
HANDFORD of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HANDLEY of Neepawa Manitoba -- Canada
HANNA of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
HANSEN of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
HANSFORD of Granby Quebec -- Canada
HARBORD of 614 Sixth-avenue New Westminster British Columbia -- Canada
HARCOMBE of 189 Montrose-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
HARCOURT of Welland Ontario -- Canada
HARDIE of Essondale British Columbia -- Canada
HARDING of North York York Ontario -- Canada
HARDISTY of Biggar-place Prince Rupert British Columbia -- Canada
HARDISTY of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
HARDY of 93 Rue St Pierre Quebec City -- Canada
HARDY of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
HARDYMAN of The Anglican School Garden River Ontario -- Canada
HARGREAVES of 33 Pinewood-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
HARGREAVES of Peachland British Columbia -- Canada
HARGREAVES of Sackville Westmorland Brunswick -- Canada
HARGREAVES of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
HARGREAVES of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
HARLAND of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
HARMAN of Salt Spring Island British Columbia -- Canada
HARPER of 410 Sixth-street West Calgary Alberta -- Canada
HARPER of 883 Sherburn-street Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
HARPER of Regina Saskatchewan -- Canada
HARPER of Vancouver Britsh Columbia -- Canada
HARRIES of 1390 Sherbrooke-street West Montreal Quebec -- Canada
HARRIS of 173 Maepherson-avenue Toronto -- Canada
HARRIS of 263 Maclaren-street Ottawa Carleton Ontario -- Canada
HARRIS of 449 Elm-avenue Westmount Quebec -- Canada
HARRIS of 626 Vancouver-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
HARRIS of Lelarid Apartments Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
HARRIS of Montreal Airport Dorval Quebec -- Canada
HARRIS of Oakville Halton Ontario -- Canada

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
HARRIS of Vernon British Columbia Canada
HARRIS of Vernon British Columbia Canada
HARRIS of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
HARRISON of 1005 St Clarens-avenue Toronto -- Canada
HARRISON of 268 Sixth-street-west North Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HARRISON of 643 Chairon-street Montreal -- Canada
HARRISON of 643 Charr on-street Montreal -- Canada
HARRISON of 818 Hillcrest-avenue Mount Royal Calgary Alberta -- Canada
HARRISON of Birtle Manitoba -- Canada
HARRISON of Lots 24-28 Block 4. Mount Pleasant Saskatchewan -- Canada
HARRISON of Minnedosa Manitoba -- Canada
HARRISON of Ottawa Carleton Ontario -- Canada
HARRISON of Section 18 TW P 27 R3 West of 3 Meridian in the Province of Saskatchewan in the Dominion of -- Canada
HARRISON of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
HARRISON of Welland Ontario -- Canada
HARRISON of Woodstock Oxford Ontario -- Canada
HARTELL of Hartell Alberta -- Canada
HARTLEY of 1200 Hampshire-road Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
HARTLEY of 430 St Patrick-street Oak Bay Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
HARTLEY of Hamilton Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
HARTLEY of Oak Bay British Columbia -- Canada
HARVEY of 1 Rural-route Chilliwack British Columbia -- Canada
HARVEY of 94 Kilbarry-road Toronto Ontario -- Canada
HARVEY of Thetis Island Chemainus -- Canada
HARVEY of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
HARVEY of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HASELWOOD of The Post Office Bitterne Lake Alberta -- Canada
HASLAM of 2276 Haywood-avenue West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HASLAM of Lower Sackville Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
HASLAM of Powell River British Columbia -- Canada
HASSALL of Chauvin Alberta -- Canada
HASTINGS of 172 Kee-watin-avenue Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
HATCH of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HATCHER of 613 Rosedale-avenue Fort Rouge Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
HATFEILD of Harfeild Ranch Twin Butte Alta -- Canada
HATFIELD of Parade-street Yarmouth Nova Scotia -- Canada
HATFIELD of Yarmouth Nova Scotia -- Canada
HATFIELD of York Ontaria -- Canada
HAWKES of 2120 4th Avenue North West Calgary Alberta -- Canada
HAWKES of 302 Moss-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
HAWKINS of Crofton British Columbia -- Canada
HAWKINS of Enderby Yale British Columbia -- Canada
HAWKINS of Twillingate Newfoundland -- Canada
HAWKSHAW of Sardis Chilliwack Westminster British Columbia -- Canada
HAWTIN of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
HAY of 4 Gerrard Mansions Gerrard-street Middlesex and of Kelowna British Columbia -- Canada
HAY of 501 Newport-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
HAY of The Post Ofi&ce Kelvington Saskatchewan -- Canada
HAY of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
HAYES of 3875 Rosemont Boulevarde Montreal Quebec -- Canada
HAYES of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
HAYES of White Rock British Columbia -- Canada
HAYHURST of 34 Hannaford-avenue Toronto county of York Ontario -- Canada
HAYMAN of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
HAYNES of 210 Emerson-avenue Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
HAYNES of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
HAYWARD of care of Joseph Kitts Pender-street Vancouver -- Canada
HAYWARD of Hamilton Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
HAYWARD of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
HAZARD of Aldergrove British Columbia -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
HEAD of Albomi British Columbia -- Canada
HEAKES of 39 Heath-street East Toronto Ontario -- Canada
HEALEY of London Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
HEARD of Calgary province of Alberta -- Canada
HEARD of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
HEARSON of 34 John-street St Thomas Ontario -- Canada
HEATH of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
HEATH of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
HEATH of Prince Albert Saskatchewan -- Canada
HEATH of RRI Luxton Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
HEATHCOTE of Harmattan Alberta -- Canada
HEDLEY of the Post Office Woodmore Manitoba -- Canada
HELLYER of Ottawa -- Canada
HELME of 505 Washington Court Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HEMELRYK of Brantford county Brant province of Ontario -- Canada
HEMING of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HEMING of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HEMING of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
HEMING of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
HEMMING of Guysborough county Guysbofough Nova Scotia -- Canada
HEMPSON of 206 London Building Third-avenue Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
HENDERSON of 2865 36th Avenue West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HENDERSON of 367 7th-avenue West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HENDERSON of 42 Strathcona-avenue Hamilton Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
HENDERSON of 54 Madison-avenue Toronto -- Canada
HENDERSON of Chatham New Brunswick -- Canada
HENDERSON of Hamlet Amisk Alberta -- Canada
HENDERSON of Oak Bay Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
HENDERSON of Toronto county York Ontario -- Canada
HENDERSON of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
HENEAGE of Thetis Island Chemainus Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
HENLEY of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HENRY of 1232 Downing-street Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
HENSMAN of 329 Bleecker street Toronto Ontario -- Canada
HENSMAN of 329 Bleecker-street Toronto Ontario -- Canada
HENZELL of Second-avenue West Weyburn Saskatchewan -- Canada
HEPBURN of Winter-place St Johns Newfoundland -- Canada
HERBERT of Georgetown Halton Ontario -- Canada
HERCHMER of Downeys-road Sidney British Columbia -- Canada
HERMAN of 328 Dacre-street Port Arthur -- Canada
HERNE of Prince Rupert British Columbia -- Canada
HERRING of NIagra-on-the-Lake county Lincoln Ontario -- Canada
HERTSLET of 17th Avenue Haney British Columbia -- Canada
HESELTINE of 1513 Elfordstfeet Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
HETHERINCTON of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
HETHERINCTON of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
HETT of Sutton West Ontario -- Canada
HEWARD of 46 Poplar Plains-crescent Toronto Ontario -- Canada
HEWETT of Township (9) Range Two (2) East of the Province of Manitoba -- Canada
HEWGILL of Niagara Falls Welland Ontario -- Canada
HEWISON of Douglas York New Brunswick -- Canada
HEWSON of Langbank Province of Saskatchewan -- Canada
HEY of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
HEYWORTH of Williams Lake British Columbia -- Canada
HIAM of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HICKMAN of The Village of Port Dalhousie Lincoln Ontario -- Canada
HICKMORE of 2460 Napier-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HICKS of Kentville Nova Scotia -- Canada
HICKS of Lynn Valley North Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HICKS of The Village of Gilbert Plains Manitoba -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
HICKS of Village of Gilbert Plains Manitoba -- Canada
HICKSON of 383 Spadina-road Toronto York county Ontario -- Canada
HIDES of Prince Albert Saskatchewan -- Canada
HIGGIN of Prairie Valley Summerland British Columbia -- Canada
HIGGIN of Prairie Valley Summerland British Columbia -- Canada
HIGGINBOTTOM of 2256 St Catherine-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
HIGGINS of Edenholm-road Port Kells Surrey British Columbia -- Canada
HILL of 4673 Eighth-avenue West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HILL of Alberni British Columbia -- Canada
HILL of Burnaby Lake Burnaby British Columbia -- Canada
HILL of Eldon Victoria Ontario -- Canada
HILL of Eldon Victoria Ontario -- Canada
HILL of Hillsborough Albert -New Brunswick Canada
HILL of Longbeach Nelson British Columbia -- Canada
HILL of the city of Hamilton in the county of Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
HILL of Todmorden York Ontario -- Canada
HILL of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
HILL of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HILL of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HILL of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HILLIARD of 1542 North Hampshire-road Oak Bay British Columbia -- Canada
HILLS of The City of Victoria Province of British Columbia -- Canada
HILSTAD of Sylvan Lake Alberta -- Canada
HINCHLIFF of 1417 la-street NW Calgary Alberta -- Canada
HINCKS of 1237 Tattersell-drive Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
HIND of 1310 Jervis-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HINDELL of 1505 15th Street-east Calgary Alberta -- Canada
HINDLE of Kisbey Saskatchewan -- Canada
HINDLE of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
HINE of St Marys Perth Ontario -- Canada
HINTON of 32 Louisa-street St Catherines Ontario -- Canada
HINTORI of 63 iCendal-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
HIPKISS of R No 1 Union Ontario -- Canada
HIRD of Saint Catharine?s Lincoln Ontario -- Canada
HIRD of Vancouver -- Canada
HIRON of 197 Vaughan-street Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
HIRON of Dysart-road Saanich British Columbia -- Canada
HIRST of West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HITCHCOX of 1743 Lee-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
HOBSON of The Post Office Govan Saskatchewan -- Canada
HODDER of St. Johns Newfoundland -- Canada
HODGES of 1558 Harwood-strcet Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HODGES of 2078 City Hall-avenue Montreal Quebec -- Canada
HODGES of Banff Alberta -- Canada
HODGKINSON of 2294 Kingston-avenue Montreal Quebec -- Canada
HODGKINSON of 261 King-street Winnipeg Province of Manitoba -- Canada
HODGSON of Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
HODGSON of Iroquois Falls Cochrane Ontario -- Canada
HODGSON of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
HODGSON of Sawnich British Columbia -- Canada
HODGSON of Sawnich British Columbia -- Canada
HODSMAN of 201-1851 Haro-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HODSON of North Grimsby Lincoln Ontario -- Canada
HODSON of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
HOGG of 14 Mount Edward Apartments Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
HOITT of 44 Homewood-avenue Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
HOLCOMB of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
HOLDEN of 122 St Leonards-avenue Toronto 12 Ontario -- Canada
HOLDEN of 672 Gerrard-street-east Toronto Ontario -- Canada
HOLDSWORTH of 54 Saulter-street Toronto -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
HOLDSWORTH of 54 Saulter-street Toronto -- Canada
HOLESWORTH of Duncan British Columbia -- Canada
HOLLAND of 1236 Lakewood-drive Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HOLLAND of 700 Haywood-avenue North Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HOLLANDS of Queens-college St. Johns Newfoundland -- Canada
HOLLIDAY of Wilhelmina Hotel Mountain-street Montreal -- Canada
HOLLOBON of 193 Greenwood-avenue Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
HOLMAN of 1306 Bidwell-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HOLME of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
HOLMES of Gardner-avenue Langstaff near Toronto Ontario -- Canada
HOLMES of Oak Bay British Columbia -- Canada
HOLMES of Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
HOLMES of Victoria British Columbia Canada
HOLT of 525 Kennedy-street Nanaimo British Columbia -- Canada
HOMES of Truax Saskatchewan -- Canada
HOMEWOOD of 4118 East Pender-street Burnaby British Columbia -- Canada
HONOUR of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
HOOK of Sydney Cape Breton Nova Scotia -- Canada
HOOPER of Miniota Manitoba -- Canada
HOPE of Halifax Halifax City Nova Scotia -- Canada
HOPE of Midnapore Alberta -- Canada
HOPKINS of 98 Heale-avenue Scarboro County of York Ontario -- Canada
HOPKINS of RMD 2 Duncan British Columbia -- Canada
HORA of Kingston Frontenac Ontario -- Canada
HORA of Kingston Frontenac Ontario -- Canada
HORA of Kingston Frontenac Ontario -- Canada
HORN of Wainwright Alberta -- Canada
HORNE of The Vicarage Cabri Saskatchewan -- Canada
HORNER of British Columbia -- Canada
HORROCKS of Oxbow Saskatchewan -- Canada
HORSFLELD of Drumxnondville Quebec -- Canada
HORTON of 1844 Pandora-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
HORTON of Oxford-street Port Coquitlam British Columbia -- Canada
HOSKING of 100 Elma-strect Mimico Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
HOSZOUSKI of Sundre Alberta -- Canada
HOTSON of Duncan Nanaimo British Columbia -- Canada
HOUGH of 226 Silverthorn-avenue Toronto Yorks Ontario -- Canada
HOUGH of Lachine Montreal -- Canada
HOUGHTON of 1875 Douglas-road New Westminster British Columbia -- Canada
HOUGHTON of Crawford Bay British Columbia -- Canada
HOUGHTON of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
HOUNSELL of The Official Departments Victoria Park Niagara Falls Ontario -- Canada
HOUSTON of Aldergrove British Columbia -- Canada
HOVEY of 939 Empress-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
HOWARD of 80 Carlton-hill London NW8 and of 197 Alexandra-boulevarde Toronto -- Canada
HOWARD of 80 Carlton-hill London NW8 and of 92 Ward-street Port Hope Durham Ontario -- Canada
HOWARD of Bluegates Bloxham Banbury Oxfordshire and of St Johns College School Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
HOWAT of 1906 Haro-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HOWE of Gloucester Carleton Ontario -- Canada
HOWE of the Village of Schreiber Thunder Bay -- Canada
HOWELL of Oak Bay British Columbia -- Canada
HOWGATE of 1390 Sherbrooke-street West Montreal -- Canada
HOWSON of London Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
HOYLE of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
HUBAND of 230 Hospital-street Montreal -- Canada
HUBBARD of Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
HUBBARD of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
HUCKLE of Stratford Perth Ontario -- Canada
HUDSON of Glace Bay Cape Breton Nova Scotia -- Canada
HUDSON of River Glade Westmorland New Brunswick -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
HUGEL of care of Elliott Hotel Shuter-street Toronto Ontario -- Canada
HUGHES of 402 Harewood-road Nanaimo British Columbia -- Canada
HUGHES of Abbotsford British Columbia -- Canada
HUGHES of British Columbia -- Canada
HUGHES of Kenora Ontario -- Canada
HUGHES of The Post OfiSce Vivian Province Manitoba -- Canada
HUGHES of Trochu Calgary Province of Alberta -- Canada
HUGHES of Westminster Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
HULLAND of North Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HUNSTON of 230 Rockland-road St John New Brunswick -- Canada
HUNT of 1844 Bellevue-avenue West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HUNT of 427 Church-street Toronto -- Canada
HUNT of Atherley Mara Ontario -- Canada
HUNT of Kamloops British Columbia Canada
HUNT of Kelowna British Columbia Canada
HUNT of MacNabs Island Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
HUNT of Nelson British Columbia -- Canada
HUNT of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
HUNT of Westboro Garleton Ontario -- Canada
HUNTER of 806 Banning-street Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
HUNTER of Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
HUNTER of Toronto county York Ontario -- Canada
HUNTER of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
HUNTLEY of Canuck Saskatchewan -- Canada
HURFORD of Brockville Ontario -- Canada
HURLY of Alix Alberta -- Canada
HURN of 2177 Lincoln-avenue Montreal -- Canada
HURRY of 4586 Sophia-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HURT of Ste. 17 Jessie Apartments 626 Jessie-averiue Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
HUSSEY of 4773 Fleming-street City of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HUTCHINSON of Arthur Wellington Ontario -- Canada
HUTCHISON of 1022 Seventeenth-avenue North-West - Calgary Alberta -- Canada
HUTCHISON of 26 Aberdeen-avenue Westmount Quebec -- Canada
HUTTON of 1218 Nelson-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
HUTTON of 574 Inspector-street Montreal -- Canada
HUTTON of Toronto York -- Canada
IBARTRAM of 53 Aziel-street West Toronto Ontario -- Canada
IGHT of East York York Ontario -- Canada
INCH of 649 Dollard-avenue Outremount Quebec -- Canada
INGHAM of 4450 West 7th Avenue Vancouver British Col-umbia -- Canada
INGLIS of Woodroffe Carleton Ontario -- Canada
INGRAM of The City of Ottawa county Carleton Ontario -- Canada
INNES of Port Credit Toronto Ontario -- Canada
INNES of Port Credit Toronto Ontario -- Canada
INNES of the City of Chatham Province of Ontario -- Canada
INNES of The City of Hamilton county of Went-worth Ontario -- Canada
INNES of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
INSKIP of The Town of Lacombe Province of Alberta -- Canada
IRELAND of West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
IRISH of 1805 20th-avenue Calgary Alberta -- Canada
IRVING of 622 Cook-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
IRWIN of Barons Alberta -- Canada
ISAACS of 7-177 Colony-street Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
JACK of 481 Roslyn-avenue West Mount Quebec -- Canada
JACK of The City of Winni-peg Province of Manitoba -- Canada
JACKLIN of Meadows Manitoba -- Canada
JACKSON of 214 Prescot-avenue Toronto -- Canada
JACKSON of Cowley Alberta -- Canada
JACKSON of Dawson City Alaska Canada
JACKSON of Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
JACKSON of Montreal Province of Quebec -- Canada
JACKSON of Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
JACKSON of St John New Brunswick Canada
JACKSON of Star City Sackatchewan -- Canada
JACKSON of Toronto coimty York Ontario -- Canada
JACKSON of Toronto York -- Canada
JACKSON of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
JAKEWAY of 3906 West 20th-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
JAMES of 1314 Yates-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
JAMES of 2118 Trutch-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
JAMES of 2118 Trutch-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
JAMES of 232 Ferry-road Manitoba -- Canada
JAMES of 3481 Monmouth-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
JAMES of Ailsa Craig Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
JAMES of Grand Falls Newfoundland -- Canada
JAMES of Kitchener-road Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
JAMES of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
JAMES of Peterborough Ontario -- Canada
JAMES of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
JANION of Government-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
JANSON of 182 Arlington-street Toronto county York Ontario -- Canada
JARDINE of Applegarth Sidney British Columbia -- Canada
JARED of Wentworth-avenue Lansing Ontario -- Canada
JARVIS of Bognor Ontario -- Canada
JECKELL of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
JEFFERSON of 218 Queens-avenue New Westminster British Columbia -- Canada
JEFFERY of 395 Queens-road-west North Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
JEFFREYS of St Vital Manitoba -- Canada
JEFFREYS of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
JEMMETT of The Village of Vittoria County of Norfolk -- Canada
JENKINS of Cooksville Ontario -- Canada
JENKINS of Overbrook Ottawa Ontario -- Canada
JENKINSON of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
JERMAN of 176 Province-street Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
JERVIS of 97 Barnsdale-boulevard Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
JERVIS of North Himsworth Parry Sound Ontario -- Canada
JOHNSON of 643 Corydon-avenue Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
JOHNSON of Alameida Saskatchewan -- Canada
JOHNSON of Courtland Middleton Norfolk Ontario -- Canada
JOHNSON of H.M.S. Canada Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
JOHNSON of Isabel-street Neepowa Manitoba -- Canada
JOHNSON of Lethbridge Alberta -- Canada
JOHNSON of Sarnia Lambton Ontario -- Canada
JOHNSON of Wainwright Alberta -- Canada
JOHNSTON of 1552 St Luke-road Windsor Ontario -- Canada
JOHNSTON of Minburn Alberta -- Canada
JOHNSTON of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
JOHNSTON of Palermo Ontario -- Canada
JOHNSTON of View Royal RMD 1 Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
JOLLYE of Binscarth Manitoba -- Canada
JOLLYE of Binscarth Manitoba -- Canada
JONES of 1 Glenmount Park-road Toronto -- Canada
JONES of 117 George-street Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
JONES of 14 Lewis-street East Toronto Ontario -- Canada
JONES of 140 Beach-drive Oak Bay British Columbia -- Canada
JONES of 1466 Mitchell-street Oak Bay British Columbia -- Canada
JONES of 251 Milton-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
JONES of 3230 5th Avenue West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
JONES of 392 Woodland-avenue Verdun Montreal Quebec -- Canada
JONES of 50 Dearbournc-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
JONES of 977 McKay-avenue Windsor Ontario -- Canada
JONES of Brighouse British Columbia -- Canada
JONES of Brockville county Leeds Ontario -- Canada
JONES of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
JONES of East Kildonan Manitoba -- Canada
JONES of Essondale British Columbia -- Canada
JONES of Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
JONES of Hubbards Nova Scotia -- Canada
JONES of Lacombe Alberta -- Canada
JONES of Milner New Westminster British Columbia -- Canada
JONES of Niagara Falls Welland Ontario -- Canada
JONES of Overbury Thetis Island Chemainus British Columbia -- Canada
JONES of Oxbrow Saskatchewan -- Canada
JONES of Rosthern Saskatchewan -- Canada
JONES of Salmon Arm County Yale British Columbia -- Canada
JONES of Seaforth Huron Ontario -- Canada
JONES of Settlement of New Osgoode Saskatchewan -- Canada
JONES of St Catharines Lincoln Ontario -- Canada
JONES of the City and District of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
JONES of The City of Ottawa -- Canada
JONES of The City of Toronto county York Ontario -- Canada
JONES of The Homestead Rosetown Saskatchewan -- Canada
JONES of The School for the Deaf Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
JONES of Tilley Alberta -- Canada
JONES of Two Creeks Manitoba -- Canada
JONES of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
JORDAN of Jarvis Apartments London Ontario -- Canada
JORDAN of Toronto county York Ontario -- Canada
JORDAN of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
JOROlSON of 2009 Westmount-road Calgary Alberta -- Canada
JOSEPH of 777 Burrard-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
JOYCE of Etobicoke York Ontario -- Canada
JOYCE of Waldron Saskatchewan -- Canada
JUDGE of Holland-avenue Saanich British Columbia -- Canada
JVICCOURTIE of Winchester Ontario -- Canada
KAY of 14 Glen view-avenue Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
KAY of Fruitvale British Columbia -- Canada
KAY of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
KAYLL of 1362 Dallas-road Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
KEALY of 166 Medina-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
KEARN of Windsor Essex Ontario -- Canada
KEAY of 4652 Vine-crescent Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
KEDDY of 108 York-street Ontario -- Canada
KEEBLE of Ladner British Columbia -- Canada
KEEPINGS of 1730 Napier-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
KEIGHLEY of 2020 Chesterfield-avenue North Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
KEITES of 1763 Cadieux-street Montreal -- Canada
KEITH of 9858 80th-avenue Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
KELLEHER of Oliver British Columbia -- Canada
KELLEHER of Sault Ste Marie Algoma Ontario -- Canada
KELLEHER of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
KELLER of Kelowna British Columbia -- Canada
KELLETT of City of Windsor county Essex Province of Ontario -- Canada
KELLEY of 1332 Salsbury-drive Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
KELLOW of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
KELLY of Chilliwack British Columbia -- Canada
KELLY of Shediac Westmorland New Brunswick -- Canada
KELLY of Shediac Westmorland New Brunswick -- Canada
KELMAN of Rural Route No 1 Inglewood Ontario -- Canada
KELSALL of 314 Strathmore Lodge Bute- street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
KEMP of 94 Upper Hillsborough-street Charlottetown Queens County Province Prince Edward Island -- Canada
KENDALL of Chalmers St. Elora Wellington Ontario -- Canada
KENDALL of Penticton British Columbia -- Canada
KENDALL of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
KENNEDY of Chateau Apartments Sherbrook-street-west Montreal Quebec -- Canada
KENRICK of Ancaster Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
KERR of 959 Rockland-avenue Outremont Province of Quebec -- Canada
KERR of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
KERRY of 1110 Finlayson-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
KERRY of R R I Loydminster Saskatchewan -- Canada
KERSHAW of -Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
KERSLEY of 10th Battalion (Alberta Regiment) BEF Canadian Contingent -- Canada
KETCHESON of Bellville Hastings Ontario -- Canada
KIBBLER of 720 Granville-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
KIDD of 2244 41st-avenue-west Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
KIDGELL of Cartwright Manitoba -- Canada
KILBY of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
KILLICK of 2737 West 13th-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
KIMBER of Sydney Cape Breton Nova. Scotia -- Canada
KING of 1606 Lincoln-avenue Montreal Quebec -- Canada
KING of 19 Morley Apartments Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
KING of 493 McLeod-street Ottawa Carleton Ontario -- Canada
KING of 5 Mount Edwards Apartments Vancouver-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
KING of 5-585 Ellice-avenuc Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
KING of 63 Follis-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
KING of 836 Avenue C North Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
KING of Burnaby British Columbia -- Canada
KING of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
KINGHAM of the City of Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
KINGHAM of the City of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
KINGSCOTE of Cowichan Bay Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
KINGSTONE of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
KINLOCH of Little Gourdie Kalamalka Lake British Columbia -- Canada
KIPP of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
KIRBY of 8 Dyke-block Fort William Ontario -- Canada
KIRBY of 818-7 Avenue West Calgary Alta -- Canada
KIRBY of Cookshire Quebec -- Canada
KIRBY of Cookshire Quebec -- Canada
KIRBY of St John New Brunswick -- Canada
KIRK of 4399 Earnscliff-avenue Montreal -- Canada
KIRK of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
KIRKBRIDE of Major Saskatchewan -- Canada
KITE of Andover Victoria New Brunswick -- Canada
KITSON of 1736 Lee-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
KLUGH of 109 Gagot-street Kingston Frontenac Ontario -- Canada
KLUGH of Kingston Frontenac Ontario -- Canada
KNAGGS of Woodstock Ontario -- Canada
KNIGHT of St Catharines county Lincoln Ontario -- Canada
KNIGHT of St Johns Newfoundland -- Canada
KNIGHT of York County York -- Canada
KNIGIHT of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
KNIGIHT of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
KNOTT of Toronto County of York Ontario -- Canada
KNOWLES of 2575 West 37th Avenue Vancouver -- Canada
KNOWLES of 2575 West-37th-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
KNOWLES of Central-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
KNOWLES of Hardings Point Westfield Kings New Brunswick -- Canada
KNOWLES of Moose Jaw Saskatchewan -- Canada
KNOWLES of Sandwich East Essex Ontario -- Canada
KNOWLES of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada

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Person living in the areaMore details, including year
KNOX of Kamloops British Columbia -- Canada
KRKFTATFTICK of The Naval and Military Hotel Kensington London and of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
KYLE of 1670 Beach-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
LAING of 1360 Thurlow-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
LAIRD of Westlake Ranch Invermere East Kootenay British Columbia -- Canada
LAKE of Bragg Creek Alberta -- Canada
LAKE of Islington York Ontario -- Canada
LAKE of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
LAKES of Nelson British Columbia -- Canada
LAKEY of The Victoria Nursing Home Victoria B.C -- Canada
LAMB of 77 Florence-street Ottowa Carelton Ontario -- Canada
LAMB of Orangeville Dufferin Ontario -- Canada
LAMB of Punnichy Saskatchewan -- Canada
LAMB of Treherne Manitoba -- Canada
LAMB of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
LAMBE of Meadowvale Peel Ontario -- Canada
LAMBERT of 336 King William-street Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
LANAWAY of 1119 Thurlow-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
LANAWAY of 1119 Thurlow-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
LANCASTER of 10505 St. Hubert-street Ahuntsic Montreal -- Canada
LANCASTER of 51 Church-street Welland Ontario -- Canada
LANCASTER of Davidson Saskatchewan -- Canada
LANCASTER of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
LANDALE of Kelowna Yale British Columbia -- Canada
LANDBURG of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
LANDOR of Ottawa Carleton Ontario -- Canada
LANDOR of the City of London county of Middlesex Province of Ontario -- Canada
LANG of 1651 Broad-street Regina Saskatchewan -- Canada
LANG of Ottawa Carleton Ontario -- Canada
LANGTRY of Duncan British Columbia -- Canada
LANGWORTHY of 1986 West llth-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
LAPINGTON of 24 Hess-street Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
LARKIN of St. Catharines Lincoln Ontario -- Canada
LARTER of the Postal District of- Kyle Saskatchewan -- Canada
LASCELLES of Carman Manitoba -- Canada
LAST of The Post Office Lintlaw Saskatchewan -- Canada
LATCHMORE of 10 Waverley-road Pointe Claire Quebec -- Canada
LATIMER of 4204 Miller-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
LATTEY of Deep Cove Sidney British Columbia -- Canada
LAUTERMAN of Westmount Montreal Quebec -- Canada
LAVIGNE of 4111 Decarie-boulevarde Montreal -- Canada
LAW of 123 John-street North Bay Ontario -- Canada
LAW of 256 Beech-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
LAW of Chilliwack British Columbia -- Canada
LAW of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
LAWLESS of 2540 Retallack-street Regina Saskatchewan -- Canada
LAWLEY of 2271 Queen-street East Toronto Ontario -- Canada
LAWLEY of 71 Fourth-avenue Verdun Quebec -- Canada
LAWN of 90 Uxbridge-avenue Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
LAWRENCE of Pine Lake Alberta -- Canada
LAWRENCE of The Willows Argentine County Quebec -- Canada
LAWRENCE of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
LAWS of 2138 Mathers-avenue-west Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
LAWSON of 71 Triana Las Palmas Grand -- Canada
LAWSON of 86 Oxford-street Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
LAWSON of 876 Broadview-avenue Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
LAWSON of Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
LAWTON of Main-street Ridgetown Kent Ontario -- Canada
LE FEUVRE of 702 Jessie-avenue Winnipeg Eastern Judicial District Province of Manitoba -- Canada
LE FEUVRE of 702 Jessie-avenue Winnipeg Eastern Judicial District Province of Manitoba -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
LE GRESLEY of 2184 Katherine-avenue Shoal Bay Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
LE MESSURIER of St Johns Newfoundland -- Canada
LEA of 1021 Hall-avenue Windsor Ontario -- Canada
LEA of 36 Lawlor-avenue Toronto -- Canada
LEA of Fairbrook Farm Manitou Manitoba -- Canada
LEA of Minnidosa Manitoba -- Canada
LEA of Turtle Mountain Manitoba -- Canada
LEACOCK of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
LEADER of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
LEAKEY of The Cottage Chawleigh Devonshire andof 866 Monterey-avenue Oak Bay Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
LEATHAM of 2104 West 37th Avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
LEATHEM of Ottawa Ontario -- Canada
LEAVER of 62 Moss-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
LEE of 223 East 22nd-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
LEE of Draper Muskoka Ontario -- Canada
LEE of Kamloops British Columbia -- Canada
LEE of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
LEE of Welch-road Keating Victoria Island British Columbia -- Canada
LEES of Edgerton Alberta -- Canada
LEIGH of 113 Ruby-street City of Winnipeg Province of Manitoba -- Canada
LEIGH of 4118 West lOth-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
LEIGH of Annapolis Royal Nova Scotia -- Canada
LEIGH of Windsor Nova Scotia -- Canada
LEIGHTON of 135 Mutual-street Toronto -- Canada
LEPERS of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
LESLIE of 3843 Harvard-avenue Montreal Province Quebec -- Canada
LESLIE of Maplehurst Summit Circle Westmount Quebec -- Canada
LESSLIE of St Porcupine North Ontario -- Canada
LESTRANGE of Fintry Okanagan Lake British Columbia -- Canada
LEVAY of The Hebrew Old Peoples and Sheltering Home Montreal -- Canada
LEVERSON of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
LEVESON of 1040 West 16th-avenue Vancouver -- Canada
LEVIEN of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
LEVIN of 1179 Bleury-street Westmount Montreal Province of Quebec -- Canada
LEVINGE of Hopkins Landing Howe Sound British Columbia -- Canada
LEVINGE of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
LEVINGE of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
LEVY of White Apartments Banff Alberta -- Canada
LEWIN of the Township of Parkhill Middlesex and Ontario -- Canada
LEWIS of 1078 College-street Toronto -- Canada
LEWIS of 11 Alexander-street Toronto Ontario -- Canada
LEWIS of 279 Garry-street Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
LEWIS of Canmore Alberta -- Canada
LEWIS of Kingscourt Apartments 1384 King-street West Toronto Ontario county of York -- Canada
LEWIS of Trail British Columbia -- Canada
LEWIS of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
LEWISON of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
LEY of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
LIDDLE of 2158 7th-avenue East Vancouver1 British Columbia -- Canada
LIGHTFOOT of Whitby Ontario -- Canada
LIGHTWOOD of The Village of West Hill York Ontario -- Canada
LILLIE of Spruce-avenue Oakville Halton Ontario -- Canada
LIMPRIGHT of Saanich British Columbia -- Canada
LINCK of Bannerman Manitoba -- Canada
LINDSAY of 1745 Rockland-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
LINDSAY of Strathroy Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
LINDSAY of Uplands Oak Bay British Columbia -- Canada
LINE of 641 Superior-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
LINGARD of Brandon Hospital for Mental Diseases Brandon Manitoba -- Canada
LINGARD of The Village of Crystal City Manitoba -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
LINSEY of 125 Strathearn-avenue Montreal West -- Canada
LINTON of 59 Roncesvallcs-avenuc Toronto Ontario -- Canada
LINTOTT of the Village of Sidney North Norfolk Manitoba -- Canada
LITTLE of 422 Dallas-road Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
LITTLE of 468 East Eight-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
LIVERSIDGE of Maughan Post Office Alberta -- Canada
LLEWHELLIN of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
LLOYD of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
LLOYD of Seaholm Haig and Woolwich-streets Esquimalt British Columbia -- Canada
LLOYD of St John s Newfoundland -- Canada
LLOYD of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
LOCK of 114 Branston-road Toronto 10 Ontario -- Canada
LOCKINCTON of 1409 Beach-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
LOCKWOOD of 5868 St. Valier-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
LOCKYER of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
LOGGIE of Loggieville Chatham Northumberland New Brunswick -- Canada
LOMAS of Empress Hotel Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
LONG of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
LONG of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
LORD of 1 Osborne-court 817 McClure-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
LORD of Alberni British Columbia -- Canada
LOTT of Enderby British Columbia -- Canada
LOUD of Penticton British Columbia -- Canada
LOUKES of Nanaimo British Columbia -- Canada
LOWANCE of the House of Refuge Strathroy Ontario -- Canada
LOWE of 2456 West Sixth-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
LOWE of Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
LOWE of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
LOWERY of Beaver Mines Alberta -- Canada
LOWNDES of 1605 Wilmot-place Oak Bay Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
LOWTHORPE of Kentville County Kings Nova Scotia -- Canada
LUCAS of 225 Powell-avenue Ottawa -- Canada
LUCAS of Princeton British Columbia -- Canada
LUCAS of Sardis British Columbia -- Canada
LUCAS of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
LUFF of 2498 East 22nd Avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
LUKE of Coronation Alberta -- Canada
LUKE of Ocean Falls British Columbia -- Canada
LUKEY of 5864 Ambroth-road Cadboro Bay Victoria Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
LUMSDEN of 394 Martin-avenue Elmwood Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
LUND of Guelph Wellington Ontario -- Canada
LUNERGAN of 1 Gower-street St John s Newfoundland -- Canada
LUNN of Quesnel British Columbia -- Canada
LUSCOMBE of Hamilton Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
LUXMORE of Timmins Cochrane Ontario -- Canada
LYNCH of Peterborough county Peterborough Ontario -- Canada
LYON of Camp Bay South Pender Island British Columbia -- Canada
LYTLE of Chilliwack British Columbia -- Canada
MACALLUM of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
MACARA of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
MACAULAY of Gibbons Alberta -- Canada
MACBEAN of 431 Cumberland-avenue Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
MACDONALD of Jardine-ville County New Brunswick -- Canada
MACDONALD of Ottawa Ontario -- Canada
MACDONALD of Qurtenay British Columbia -- Canada
MACDONALD of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
MACDONALD of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
MacDONALD of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
MACGACHEN of Lansdowne-road Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
MACGILLIVRAY of Smith s Falls county Lanark Ontario -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
MacIVOR of 1525 Sherbrooke-street West Montreal Quebec -- Canada
MACKENZIE of Henfryn Huron Ontario -- Canada
MACKENZIE of Hotel Vancouver Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
MACKENZIE of Neepawa Manitoba -- Canada
MACKENZIE of The Town of Mount Forest county of Willington province of Ontario -- Canada
MACKEY of Carbonear Newfoundland -- Canada
MACLAREN of 209 Princess-street St. John New Brunswick -- Canada
MACLAURIN of East Templeton Quebec -- Canada
MACLEAN of Oak Bay British Columbia -- Canada
MACLEOD of Cardinal Edwardsburgh Grenville Ontario -- Canada
MACLEOD of R.R.4 Gordon Head Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
MACMILLAN of Teck Temiskaming Ontario -- Canada
MACNAB of Aurora County of York Ontario -- Canada
MADELEY of Qu ?Appelle Saskatchewan -- Canada
MADGWICK of Main-street Mount Dennis Toronto -- Canada
MADGWICK of Ottawa -- Canada
MAFFETT of 104 Belvedere-road Quebec -- Canada
MAHER of Saint John New Brunswick -- Canada
MAJOR of Ottawa Ontario Carleton -- Canada
MANBY of Cluny Alberta -- Canada
MANBY of Stamford Welland Ontario -- Canada
MANN of 157 Balsam-avenue Toronto -- Canada
MANN of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
MANNING of Oak-lane Manitoba -- Canada
MANNING of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
MANNING of Woodstock Oxford Ontario -- Canada
MANSBRIDGE of 5918 Jeanne Mauce-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
MANVILLE of Prince Albert Saskatchewan -- Canada
MAPLETOFT of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
MARGESSON of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
MARLE of Vernon British Columbia -- Canada
MARMONT of 1121 Rochester-road Coquitlam British Columbia -- Canada
MARNIE of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
MARRIOTT of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
MARRIOTT of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
MARSH of Lindsay Victoria Ontario -- Canada
MARSH of Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
MARSH of Welland county Wellend Ontario -- Canada
MARSHALL of 1438 Mountain-street Montreal -- Canada
MARSHALL of 946 West Fourteenth-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
MARSHALL of Fulford Harbour Island-of Salt Spring British Columbia -- Canada
MARSHALL of London Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
MARSHALL of Portsmouth Ontario -- Canada
MARSHALL of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
MARSTON of Basque Ranch Ashcroft British Columbia -- Canada
MARTIN of 11120 97th Street Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
MARTIN of 152 13th Avenue Vest Longueil Montreal -- Canada
MARTIN of 85 Broadview-avenue Toronto -- Canada
MARTIN of Empress Hotel Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
MARTIN of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
MARTIN of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
MARTIN of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
MARTIN of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
MASON of London County Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
MASTER of 1455 West 14th-Avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
MATHIAS of 1590 Haig-street Esquimalt British Columbia -- Canada
MATHIAS of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
MATTHEWS of Cotswold Hardisty Alberta -- Canada
MATTHEWS of Leask Saskatchewan -- Canada
MATTHEWS of Streamstown Alberta -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
MATTHEWS of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
MATTICE of 2087 St. Luke-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
MAXTONE of Tynehead Surrey British Columbia -- Canada
MAXWELL of 1206 Maple-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
MAXWELL of Cowieham Bay British Columbia -- Canada
MAXWELL of Maxwell House Cowichan Bay Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
MAY of 1249 Ridgeway-avenue North Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
MAY of 1544 Bank-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
MAY of 1544 Bank-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
MAY of Sydney Victoria (British Columbia -- Canada
MAY of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
MAYBEE of Thompson Municipality Manitoba -- Canada
MAYER of Saltfleet Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
MAYHEW of Collingwood Ontario -- Canada
MAYOU of Weston York Ontario -- Canada
MCADAM of 1195 Fort-street Victoria. British Columbia -- Canada
McADAM of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
MCBRLDE of 1374 Sherbrook-street-west Montreal province of Quebec -- Canada
McCABE of 3442 llth-avenue West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
McCLEAN of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
McCLELLAN of 361 East Osborne-road North Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
McCONACHY of View Royal Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
McCONOCHIE of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
MCCREA of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
MCCULLOCH of the Post Office Roman Alberta -- Canada
MCDIARMID of 2506 York-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
MCDONALD of 30 Church-street Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
MCDONNELL of Hamilton Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
McGOWN of 4355 Granville-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
McGREER of Bishops University Lennoxville Quebec -- Canada
McKENZIE of Sandbeck Ranch Huxley Alberta -- Canada
McKEOWN of 4575 Seventh-avenue West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
MCKINLAY of Bracebridge Ontario -- Canada
MCLARNON of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
MCLAUGHLIN of Norcross-road Somenos British Columbia -- Canada
MCLEAN of Arlie Centreville Sydney Mines Cape Breton Nova Scotia -- Canada
MCLEAN of Ottawa -- Canada
MCLENNAN of 88 Prince Arthur-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
MCLENNAN of Petersfield Sydney Nova Scotia -- Canada
MclNTOSH of New Glasgow Pictou Nova Scotia -- Canada
MCLNTOSH of New Glasgow Pictou Nova Scotia -- Canada
MclNTYRE of West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
MCMILLAN of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
MCMINN of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
McMULLEN of Coal Creek British Columbia -- Canada
MCMULLEN of The Reserve Mines Cape Breton Nova Scotia -- Canada
MCMULLIN of Oak Bay British Columbia -- Canada
McNAB of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
MCNAUGHTAN of 823 Adderley-street North Vancouver -- Canada
McNAUGHTON of 1087 Carling-avenue Ottawa -- Canada
MEAD of New Westminster Essondale British Columbia -- Canada
MEARES of Seacroft Apartments Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
MEIKLE of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
MEIKLE of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
MEIN of 1135 6th-avenue West Calgary Alberta -- Canada
MELROSE of 1158 Dovercourt-road Toronto Ontario -- Canada
MELTON of 2310 Comwall-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
MELVILL of St Johns Newfoundland -- Canada
MENENDEZ of Oshawa Ontario -- Canada
MENZIES of 23 Biggar-avenue Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
MEREDITH of 1130 Pine-avenue-west Montreal Quebec -- Canada
MEREDITH of North Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
MESSITER of Deep Cove Saanich Union Club Victoria Baynes Lake Hootcnay Waldo British Columbia -- Canada
MESSITER of Deep Cove Saanich Union Club Victoria Baynes Lake Hootenay Waldo all situate in British Columbia -- Canada
MESSITER of Deep Cove Saanich Union Club Victoria Baynes Lake Hootenay Waldo British Columbia -- Canada
METCALFE of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
MGCLEAN of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
MIDDLETON of Malagash Cumberland Nova Scotia -- Canada
MIDGLEY of Moncton New Brunswick -- Canada
MIDGLEY of Myersburg Ontario -- Canada
MIFSUD of 5799 Vine-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
MILES of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
MILLAR of Millarville Alberta -- Canada
MILLAR of Millarville Alberta -- Canada
MILLAR of Orillia Simcoe Ontario -- Canada
MILLAR of Toronto York county Ontario -- Canada
MILLARD of Sardis British -Columbia -- Canada
MILLEN of New Liskeard Ontario -- Canada
MILLER of 6 Parkham-drive Ilford Essex and 47 Sheridan-avenue Toronto -- Canada
MILLER of 746 Dupont-street Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
MILLER of 921 lOth-avenue North Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
MILLER of 941 McClure-street Victoria B.C -- Canada
MILLER of Haileybury Ontario -- Canada
MILLER of Saltcoats Saskatchewan -- Canada
MILLER of Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
MILLER of Sovereign Saskatchewan -- Canada
MILLER of St Johns Hospital Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
MILLER of The Village Bagshaw Alberta -- Canada
MILLER of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
MILLHENCH of 206 Fennell-avenue East Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
MILLMAN of 195 Cosburn-avenue Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
MILLS of Filmans-lane Aldershot East Flamboro county of Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
MILLS of Saaninch British Columbia -- Canada
MILLS of The District of Kelowna British Columbia -- Canada
MILNE of Meadow Bank Metchosen British Columbia -- Canada
MILNE of Paris Brant Ontario -- Canada
MILNE of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
MILNES of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
MILTON of 4328 Girouard-avenue Montreal Quebec -- Canada
MINIFIE of View Royal British Columbia -- Canada
MITCHELL of 1037 Richardson-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
MITCHELL of 112 Brock-street Drummond-ville Quebec -- Canada
MITCHELL of 3577 Peel-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
MITCHELL of 69 Inglis-street Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
MITCHELL of Scapa Alberta -- Canada
MITCHELL of St Vital Manitoba -- Canada
MITCHELL of The City of Toronto county York Ontario -- Canada
MOE of Simcoe County Norfolk Ontario -- Canada
MOEN of Bad Heart Alberta -- Canada
MOHR of Hackett Alberta -- Canada
MOIR of Okanagau Landing near-Vernon British Columbia -- Canada
MOLECEY of Langruth Manitoba -- Canada
MOLONY of Sault Ste Marie Algoma Ontario -- Canada
MOLSON of 1227 Sherbrooke-street West Montreal Quebec -- Canada
MOLSON of Lachute Quebec -- Canada
MOLSON of Upper Drummond-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
MONCRIEFF of 1535 Richardson-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
MONKMAN of 210 St James-street Montreal -- Canada
MONKS of 5631 Woodbury-avenue Montreal Quebec -- Canada
MONRO of 485 Sherbourne-street Toronto Ontario -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
MONRO of Apartment 4 608 Jarvis-street Toronto -- Canada
MONROE of St. Johns Newfoundland -- Canada
MONTGOMERY of 1142 Caledonia-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
MOODY of Merton Lodge Vancouver -- Canada
MOORE of 299 Young-street Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
MOORE of 303 Lillcoe t-street Moose Jaw Saskatchewan -- Canada
MOORE of 526 Harbinger-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
MOORE of 602 Battery-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
MOORE of Lakeport Colbome Ontario -- Canada
MOORE of Ottawa county Carleton -- Canada
MOORE of Port Carling Ontario -- Canada
MOORE of Sandwich South Essex Ontario -- Canada
MOORE of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
MOORE of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
MOORE of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
MORAN of Esquimalt British Columbia -- Canada
MORGAN of 3791 Addington-avenue Montreal Quebec -- Canada
MORGAN of 4 Crockett-street Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
MORGAN of Comptown Quebec Province -- Canada
MORGAN of Delburne Alberta -- Canada
MORGAN of London Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
MORGAN of Loon Lake Saskatchewan -- Canada
MORGAN of Toronto -- Canada
MORGAN of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
MORRIS of 1376 West Broadway Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
MORRIS of 243 Hemming-street Drummondville Quebec -- Canada
MORRIS of Charlottetown County Queens Province of Prince Edward Island -- Canada
MORRIS of Cleichen Alberta -- Canada
MORRIS of Garrington Alberta -- Canada
MORRIS of New Westminster British Columbia -- Canada
MORRIS of Sardis Chilliwack British Columbia -- Canada
MORRIS of The Salvation Army Home 211 11th Avenue East Calgary Province of Alberta -- Canada
MORRIS of Toronto county York Ontario -- Canada
MORRISON of 25 Murray Block Victoria-avenue Fort William Ontario -- Canada
MORRISON of 537 Stiles-street Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
MORRY of St Johns Newfoundland -- Canada
MORSE of 2121 Gerrard-street Toronto 13 Ontario -- Canada
MORSE of Toronto -- Canada
MORT of 1067 Mellville-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
MORTON of 1533 West Pender-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
MORTON of 366 Lake Shore Pointe Claire Quebec -- Canada
MORTON of 430 Seventh-avenue East Calgary Alberta Canada
MORTON of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
MORTON of Mount Royal Montreal -- Canada
MOSELEY of Denman Island British Columbia -- Canada
MOSS of 5981 Cote-street Antoine-road Mont-real -- Canada
MOTHERWELL of Tadanac Trail British Columbia -- Canada
MoTURK of Lachine(District of Montreal -- Canada
MOULDING of near Hanna Alberta -- Canada
MOULGATE of Mayne Island British -- Canada
MOULGATE of Mayne Island British Columbia -- Canada
MOULGATE of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
MOUNTAIN of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
MOUTRAY of North Kamloops County of Yale British Columbia -- Canada
MOWBRAY of 93 Blake-street Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
MOXON of Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
MOYLE of 135 Coxwell-a venue Toronto York -- Canada
MULCASTER of City of Prince Albert Province of Saskat-chewan -- Canada
MULLAN of Killamy Manitoba -- Canada
MULLINS of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
MUNCE of Mount Dennis York Ontario -- Canada
MUNRO of 461 Princess-avenue London Ontario -- Canada
MUNRO of 477 Bayview-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
MUNTON of Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
MURCHISON of Hamilton Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
MURPHY of county Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
MURRAY of 379 York-avenue Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
MURRAY of 54 St Michael-street Quebec -- Canada
MURRAY of 615 Outremont-avenue Outremont Montreal Quebec -- Canada
MURRAY of Brookdale Circular-road St. Johns Newfoundland -- Canada
MURRAY of Toronto York -- Canada
MURRAY of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
MUSSETT of Halifax in the Province of Nova Scotia -- Canada
MUSTO of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
MYER of 520 Lansdownc-avenue Montreal -- Canada
NAINBY of London Middlesex county Ontario -- Canada
NALDER of Kelowna British Columbia Canada
NAME of 4861 Marguerite-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
NASH of 211 Ontario-street St Catherines county Lincoln Ontario -- Canada
NASH of Toronto county York Ontario -- Canada
NATHANSON of 153 Lyndhurst-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
NAUTET of 7061 St. Andre-street Montreal -- Canada
NAYLOR of Salmon Arm Yale British Columbia -- Canada
NEALE of Glenavon Saskatchewan -- Canada
NEALE of Kingston Frontenac Ontario -- Canada
NEEDHAM of Almonte Lanark Ontario -- Canada
NEEDHAM of Kelowna British Columbia -- Canada
NEILL of 1109 Sherbrooke-street West Montreal Quebec -- Canada
NELLES of 561 Roslyn-avenue Westmount Montreal Quebec -- Canada
NELSON of Summerland British Columbia -- Canada
NENTSKY of 1631 Selkirk-avenue Montreal -- Canada
NEWBLE of 1 Hillside-drive Toronto 6 Ontario -- Canada
NEWHALL of Peterborough county Peterborough Ontario -- Canada
NEWLAND of 2174 Kings-avenue West Van-couver British Columbia -- Canada
NEWMAN of Pathlow Postal District Province of Saskatchewan -- Canada
NEWMAN of the Municipality of Burnaby British Columbia -- Canada
NEWTON of Alexis Creek Cariboo District British Columbia -- Canada
NEWTON of Toronto -- Canada
NICHOLL of 2319 Robinson-street Regina Saskatchewan -- Canada
NICHOLLS of Lethbridge Alberta -- Canada
NICHOLLS of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
NICHOLS of Woodyatt Rainy River Ontario -- Canada
NICHOLSON of 70 Cornish-avenue Winnipeg -Manitoba -- Canada
NICHOLSON of The Comfo Rooms Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
NICHOLSON of Toronto York county Ontario -- Canada
NICOLL of 18 Grant-street Toronto -- Canada
NIELD of 3339 West 6th-avenue Vaxxcouver British Columbia -- Canada
NIGHTINGALE of 34 Yarmouth-road Toronto Ontario -- Canada
NILSON of 411 Highfieldrstreet Moncton New Brunswick -- Canada
NISBET of Quebec -- Canada
NIVEN of Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
NIVIN of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
NIXON of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
NOAD of Bamfield British Columbia -- Canada
NOBLE of Kitchener Waterloo Ontario -- Canada
NOBLE of Kitchener Waterloo Ontario -- Canada
NOBLE of London Ontario -- Canada
NORBURY of City Windsor Essex Ontario -- Canada
NORGROVE of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
NORIE of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
NORRIS of 2020 Argyle-avenue West Vancouver Province of British Columbia -- Canada
NORTH of 4224 Inman-avenue Burnaby British Columbia -- Canada
NORTH of Provincial Mental Hospital Ponoka Alberta -- Canada
NORTH of Vancouver Province of British Columbia -- Canada
NORTHCOTT of 851 West 17th-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
NORTON of Dorval Quebec -- Canada
NORWOOD of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
NOTTBECK of Fredericton York New Brunswick -- Canada
NOWAK of 277 Lottridge-street Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
NOWELL of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
NUNN of 624 Durie-street Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
NUTTING of 119 Jones-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
O'DOWD of 9 Celanese Staff-houses Drummondville Quebec -- Canada
OLDFIELD of 228 Westmount-avenue York Ontario -- Canada
OLDFIELD of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
OLIVER of 4807 Kingston-road Birchcliffe Scarboro York Ontario -- Canada
OLIVER of Esquimalt British Columbia -- Canada
OLIVER of Victoria British Cotumbia -- Canada
OMALLEY of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
ORCHARD of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
ORMSBY of Fairmount Hope Township county Durh Ontario Province -- Canada
ORMSTON of 4710 Queen Mary-road Montreal Quebec -- Canada
ORR of Howard Kent Ontario -- Canada
ORRELL of Sydney Mines Cape Breton Nova Scotia -- Canada
OSBORN of The Dummer Twos of Peterboro Peterboro Ontario -- Canada
OSBORNE of 1075 Beach-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
OSBORNE of 494 Lansdowneroad Rockliffe Park Ottawa Ontario -- Canada
OWEN of the City of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
OWEN of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
OWEN of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
OXLAND of The Post Office Delburne Alberta -- Canada
PACKER of Kapuskasing Cochrane Ontario -- Canada
PADDON of North West River Labrador Newfoundland -- Canada
PAGE of 173 Carlton-street Toronto -- Canada
PAGE of 4800 Cafe de Neiges Apartment 5 Montreal Quebec -- Canada
PAGE of Colwood British Columbia -- Canada
PAGE of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
PAGESMITH of 1000 West lOth-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
PALETHORPE of 2627 Clinton-street New Westminster Burnaby British Coliunbia -- Canada
PALIN of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
PALMER of Bracebridge Muskoka Ontario -- Canada
PALMER of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
PALMER of Ottawa Carleton Ontario Canada
PALMER of Ottawa county of Carelton -- Canada
PALMER of Palmerlea Hartland-avenue West Saanich British Columbia -- Canada
PALMER of Picton Prince Edward Ontario -- Canada
PALMER of Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada
PALMER of St Josephs Hospital British Columbia -- Canada
PAM of 1820 McGregor-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
PAM of 1820 McGregor-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
PAPE of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
PARHAM of New Westminster British Columbia -- Canada
PARK of 54 Young-street Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
PARKER of 1104 West Pender-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
PARKER of 2312 Robinson-street Regpa Saskatchewan -- Canada
PARKER of Medicine Hat Alberta -- Canada
PARKER of Moose Jaw Saskatchewan -- Canada
PARKES of 2264 Gordon-avenue Holly burn British Columbia -- Canada
PARKHURST of Lynnmour North Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
PARKIN of 7 Prince Arthur-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
PARKINSON of 1 St. Johns-avenue Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
PARLETT of Montreal -- Canada
PARR of Kildoon Saanichton Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
PARR of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
PARR of Westminster British Columbia -- Canada
PARRY of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
PARSONS of Harbour Grace Newfoundland -- Canada
PARSONS of Qualicum Beach British Columbia -- Canada
PARSONSON of The Westminster Hospital London Ontario -- Canada
PARTINGTON of Toronto County York Ontario -- Canada
PASSMORE of 8622 100 Street-east Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
PATERSON of 320 Wellingdon-avenue Kingston Frontenac Ontario -- Canada
PATERSON of Brantford county Brant Ontario -- Canada
PATERSON of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
PATTERSON of 1438 Mountain-street Montreal -- Canada
PATTERSON of The Staff House Lake St. John Power and Paper Company Dolbeau Quebec -- Canada
PATTISON of 556 Christie-street Toronto Ontario -- Canada
PAULIN of Windsor N6va Scotia -- Canada
PAWSON of Yale-road South Westminster British Columbia -- Canada
PAYNE of Fogo Newfoundland -- Canada
PAYNE of Goatlands McTavish-road North Saanich District Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
PAYNE of Padstow Alberta -- Canada
PAYNE of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
PEACOCK of Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
PEADON of 2448 Gait-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
PEARCE of Mission City Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
PEARCE of Tisdale Cochrane Ontario -- Canada
PEARD of The Anchorage Brentwood Bay Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
PEARSE of Port Alberni British Columbia -- Canada
PEARSON of Minnedosa Manitoba -- Canada
PEARSON of Saanich Municipality British Columbia -- Canada
PEARSON of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
PEASE of Mount Bruno Quebec -- Canada
PEASE of Okanagan Mission British Columbia -- Canada
PECKHAM of Eventide Alberta -- Canada
PEDELTY of 127 Alton-avenue Toronto -- Canada
PEEL of Birtle Manitoba -- Canada
PEEL of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
PEERLESS of Chemainus British Columbia -- Canada
PELLET of Georges Brook Trinity Newfoundland -- Canada
PELLING of Toronto York -- Canada
PELLY of 31 Princess-avenue Chilliwack British Colum-bia -- Canada
PELLY of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
PENHALL of Port Dover Norfolk Ontario -- Canada
PENMAN of Bamberton Tod Inlet British Columbia -- Canada
PENNINGTON of Etobicoke county of York Province of Ontario -- Canada
PENNY of Port Coquitlam New Westminster British Columbia -- Canada
PENWARDEN of 949 Minto-street Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
PEPPER of Bracebridge Ontario -- Canada
PERCEVAL of Priddis Alberta -- Canada
PERFECT of London Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
PERKIN of Esquimalt British Columbia -- Canada
PERKINS of Niagara Falls Welland Ontario -- Canada
PERRAULT of 3488 Marcil-avenue Montreal Quebec -- Canada
PERRETT of Netley Uno G N R Manitoba -- Canada
PERRIN of Ottawa Carleton Ontario -- Canada
PERRY of 479 Sunnyside-avenue Ottawa -- Canada
PERRY of 5 Chelsea-place Montreal -- Canada
PERRY of the City of Toronto York -- Canada
PETERS of Gray Creek British Columbia -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
PETERS of Okanagan Landing British Columbia -- Canada
PETERS of Selma Lodge Selma Park British Columbia -- Canada
PETERSON of Cochrane Temiskauring Ontario -- Canada
PETRIE of 1308 Bernard-road Windsor Ontario -- Canada
PETTENGELL of 379 Lipton-street Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
PHILIPPS of 109 14 Avenue-west Calgary Alberta -- Canada
PHILLIPS of 1095 Sandwich-street Windsor Essex Ontario -- Canada
PHILLIPS of 2346 West 1st Avenue Van-couver British Columbia -- Canada
PHILLIPS of 2840 Robinson-street Regina Saskatchewan -- Canada
PHILLIPS of 2840 Robinson-street Regina Saskatchewan -- Canada
PHILLIPS of 743 Vancouver-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
PHILLIPS of Aklavik North West Territory -- Canada
PHILLIPS of Essondale British Columbia -- Canada
PHILLIPS of Maintoun Glengarry Ontario -- Canada
PHILLIPS of Regina Saskatchewan -- Canada
PHILLIPS of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
PHILLIPS of Trafalgar Halton Ontario -- Canada
PHIPPEN of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
PICKLES of Castor Alberta -- Canada
PIERCE of 5161 Queen Mary-road Montreal -- Canada
PIERCE of Rocabella 806 Quadra-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
PIERCE of Trafalgar-apartments Montreal -- Canada
PIERCY of 549 Granville-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
PIERCY of 549 Granville-street Vcpuver British Columbia -- Canada
PIERS of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
PIKE of Cumsha Milnes Landing Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
PILLANS of Willows Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
PILLING of Ste N Westminster-apartments Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
PINCKNEY of Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
PINCOTT of 15 Parkside-place Montreal Quebec -- Canada
PINDER of 12 Corbould-street Chilliwack British Columbia -- Canada
PINDER of Montreal-Quebec -- Canada
PINSENT of St Johns St Johns East Newfoundland -- Canada
PITE of Leighton-road Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
PITKEATHLEY of Fort Whyte Manitoba -- Canada
PITMAN of 2766 Cassie-avenue Burnaby British Columbia -- Canada
PITT of 3648 Durocher-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
PITT of 871 Granville-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
PLANT of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
PLATT of Briercrest Saskatchewan -- Canada
PLAYER of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
PLUM of 4131 Victoria-drive South Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
PLUMB of ll019123rd-street Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
PLYMSELL of 1301 Topaz-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
POCOCK of City ofCalgary Alberta -- Canada
POCOCK of Emerson Province of Manitoba -- Canada
POCOCK of The Post Office Nipawin Melfort Saskatchevan -- Canada
POCOCK of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
POLLAK of 36 Rochester-avenue Toronto -- Canada
POLLARD of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
POLLITT of Sperling Manitoba -- Canada
PONTING of Ottawa Carleton Ontario -- Canada
POOLE of 260 Vimy-road Kirkfield Park Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
POOLE of Crofton Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
POPE of McTaggart Province of Saskatchewan Dominion of -- Canada
POPE of Windsor county of Essex Ontario -- Canada
POPHAM of Glenshiel Hotel Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
POPPLEWELL of Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
PORRITT of Hespeler Waterloo Ontario -- Canada
PORTER of 105 Ivy-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
PORTER of 245 Poplar Plains-road Toronto -- Canada
PORTER of 6 Tyndall-avenue Toronto -- Canada
PORTER of Keewatin Kenora Ontario -- Canada
PORTER of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
PORTWAY of Oak Bay British Columbia -- Canada
POST of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
POSTLETHWAITE of 644 Spence-street Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
POTTER of 454? Ontario-street Toronto Ontario -- Canada
POTTER of Lancaster-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
POTTER of Ste. E 125 Carlton-street Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
POTTS of 135 Bay-street Apartment 4a Ottawa -- Canada
POTTS of Brighton Northumberland Ontario -- Canada
POWELL of 148 Colony-street Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
POWELL of 148 Colony-street Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
POWELL of 148 Colony-street Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
POWELL of Prince Albert Saskatchewan -- Canada
POWLES of Invermere British Columbia -- Canada
POWLEY of Winfield Kelowna British Columbia -- Canada
POWNALL of 144 Grande-allee Quebec -- Canada
PRATT of 15 Melbourne-street Hamilton Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
PRATT of 531 Younge-street Toronto -- Canada
PRATT of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
PREHN of 222 Somerset-street-west Ottawa -- Canada
PRENTICE of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
PRESCOTT of Roberts Creek British Columbia -- Canada
PREST of Souris Manitoba -- Canada
PRESTON of 1590 Despard-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
PRESTON of 2046 Beach-avenue Vancouver BC -- Canada
PRESTON of Carnduff Saskatchewan -- Canada
PRESTON of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
PRICE of 12228 Eightieth-street Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
PRICE of 17 Humewood-drive Toronto -- Canada
PRICE of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
PRICE of University Area British Columbia -- Canada
PRICE of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
PRICKARD of Oyama British Columbia -- Canada
PRIESTMAN of Fredericton York New Brunswick -- Canada
PRIGG of 1053 Woodbine-avenue city of Toronto county of York province of Ontario -- Canada
PRINCE of Kingston Frontenoc Ontario -- Canada
PRINGLE of 1718 Robson-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
PRIOR of Kandahar Saskatchewan -- Canada
PRONGER of Dryden Kenora Ontario -- Canada
PROSSER of The Custom House Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
PROUD of 3 Langemark-avenue Toronto York-County Ontario -- Canada
PROWSE of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
PRYCE of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
PURCELL of Fairville Lancaster St. John. New Brunswick -- Canada
PURDY of Metchosin British Columbia -- Canada
PURVIS of 1020 Pine-avenue West Montreal Quebec -- Canada
QUAINTON of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
QUIGLEY of 1241 Georgina-street West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
QUINN of Haileybury Temiskaming Ontario -- Canada
RABONE of Mala Seed Farm Duncan Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
RADCLIFF of 250 East 24th-street-North Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
RADFORD of Duncan British Columbia -- Canada
RAFAREL of 194 Glengarry-avenue Windsor Ontario -- Canada
RAINE of Chilliwack Westminster British Columbia -- Canada
RAINFORD of 1290 The Crescent Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
RAITT of Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
RAMSAY of 5161 Pine-crescent Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
RAMSAY of 600 Queen-street Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
RAMSDEN of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
RANKIN of New Glasgow county Pictou Nova Scotia -- Canada
RANKIN of Toronto York -- Canada
RANKIN of Wyebridge Simcoe Ontario -- Canada
RAPER of Bashaw Alberta -- Canada
RASBERRY of Burlington Ontario -- Canada
RATHBUN of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
RAWLINS of 90 Spring Garden-road Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
RAWLINS of Twin Butte Alberta -- Canada
RAWLINSON of the city of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
RAWSPN of 8140 Foucher-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
RAYNER of 421 Avenue T Saskatoon Province of Saskatchewan -- Canada
RAYNER of 845 Fort-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
RAYNER of Wainfleet Welland Ontario -- Canada
READE of 36 Rosser-avenue East Brandon Manitoba -- Canada
READE of Burdocks Cowichan Station Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
READE of Whitewood Saskatchewan -- Canada
REAR of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
REAR of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
REAY of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
REDDING of Turin Alberta -- Canada
REDMAYNE of Oak Bay Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
REDOATE of 4659 9th-avenue West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
REECE of Birch Cliff York Ontario -- Canada
REED of 967 Howe-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
REES of 1475 Mackay-street Apartment 1 Montreal Quebec -- Canada
REES of Davidson Saskatchewan -- Canada
REEVE of Elgin Manitoba -- Canada
REEVE of Port Arthur Thunder Bay Ontario -- Canada
REEVES of Long Branch county York York Province -- Canada
REEVES of Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
REID of 14 Castlemaine Apartments 275 Furbyrstrect Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
REID of 68 Kensington-avenue Kingston Fron-tenoe Ontario -- Canada
REID of 74 Hudson-drive Toronto Ontario -- Canada
REID of Frenchfort Queens County Prince Edward Island -- Canada
REID of Lake District Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
REID of Suite 5 Georgian-court Calgary Alberta -- Canada
REID of The Fort Garry Hotel Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
REID of The Post Of&ce Hoselaw Alberta -- Canada
REID of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
REILLY of 131 Woodington-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
RELF of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
RENDELL of Russell Manitoba -- Canada
RENNISON of Athabasca Alberta -- Canada
RESIDE of Yarmouth county Yarmouth Nova Scotia -- Canada
RESIDE of Yarmouth county YarmouthNova Scotia -- Canada
REYNARD of 22 Willcocks-street Toronto -- Canada
REYNOLDS of 3171 W 26th-avenue Vancouver Columbia -- Canada
REYNOLDS of Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
RHODES of 135 Franklin-street Fort William Ontario -- Canada
RHODES of Barrock Hill Metchosin District Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
RHODES of Cochrane Alberta -- Canada
RHODES of The Maples Nixtaux West Middleton Nova Scotia -- Canada
RICCARD of 1193 Beach-drive Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
RICCARD of 1193 Beach-drive Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
RICE of 3553 St Urbain-street Apartment C Montreal Quebec -- Canada
RICE of 6184 Notre Dame de Grace Montreal Quebec -- Canada
RICE of Maple Bay British Columbia -- Canada
RICHARDS of 202Brock-avenue Toronto -- Canada

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Person living in the areaMore details, including year
RICHARDS of 2376 Seventh-avenue West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
RICHARDS of 848 St Patrick-street Oak Bay Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
RICHARDS of 87 Gilbert-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
RICHARDS of Ottawa Carleton Ontario -- Canada
RICHARDS of South Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
RICHARDSON of 1330 Bond-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
RICHARDSON of 210 Bloor-street-west Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
RICHARDSON of 450 King-street West Kingston Frontenac Ontario -- Canada
RICHARDSON of 6 Grosvenor-road East York York Ontario -- Canada
RICHARDSON of Kings;ton Frontenac Ontario -- Canada
RICHARDSON of South Pender Island British Columbia -- Canada
RICHARDSON of Trinton Picton Nova Scotia -- Canada
RICHARDSON of Viking Alberta -- Canada
RICHARDSON of Windsor county Essex Ontario -- Canada
RICHER of 28 Victor-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
RICHES of The Calgary Golf and Country Club Calgary -- Canada
RICHMOND of Mosside Alberta -- Canada
RIDDELL of 120 Pape-avenue Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
RIDDELL of Penticton British Columbia -- Canada
RIDEWOOD of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
RIDOUT of 739 Woodbine-avenue Toronto -- Canada
RIDOUT of 94 Prince Arthur-avenue Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
RIGBY of The City of Verdun Montreal -- Canada
RIGG of Port Kells British Columbia -- Canada
RIMiMER of Oyama Yale British Columbia -- Canada
RIMMER of The House of Providence Toronto Ontario -- Canada
RITCHIE of 1173 Oxford-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
RITCHIE of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
RITCHIE of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
RITCHIE of Festubert R R No 1 Island Highway Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
RITCHIE of Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
RITCHIE of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
RIVINGTON of Simcoe Norfolk Ontario -- Canada
ROBERT of L Ancrage Cedar Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
ROBERTS of 1230 Sutherland-avenue North Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
ROBERTS of 333 Jarves-street Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
ROBERTS of 61 Grosvenor-street Toronto Ontario -- Canada
ROBERTS of Beaverlodge Alberta -- Canada
ROBERTS of London Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
ROBERTS of London Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
ROBERTS of The Post Office Bresaylor Saskatchewan -- Canada
ROBERTS of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
ROBERTS of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
ROBERTS of Trois-Rivieres Quebec -- Canada
ROBERTSON of Cranbrook British Columbia -- Canada
ROBERTSON of St Johns Newfoundland -- Canada
ROBERTSON of Sydney Cape Breton Nova Scotia -- Canada
ROBERTSON of Toronto -- Canada
ROBERTSON of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
ROBERTSON of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
ROBESON of Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
ROBILEE of Springhill County Cumberland Nova Scotia -- Canada
ROBINS of RRI Royal Oak Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
ROBINSON of 43a Holmes-street Drummondville Quebec -- Canada
ROBINSON of Ancaster Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
ROBINSON of Bear River Annapolis Nova Scotia -- Canada
ROBINSON of Brancepeth Saskatchewan -- Canada
ROBINSON of Carstairs Alberta -- Canada
ROBINSON of Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
ROBINSON of Mill-street Enderby British Columbia -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
ROBINSON of NE25 38 6W 3rd RR 4 Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
ROBINSON of Summerland British Columbia -- Canada
ROBINSON of Swift Current Saskatchewan -- Canada
ROBINSON of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
ROBINSON of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
ROBINSON of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
ROBINSON of Victoria British Cqlumbia -- Canada
ROBINSON of Weldon Saskatchewan -- Canada
ROBSON of 3041 West 37th Avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
ROBSON of Wynndel British Columbia -- Canada
ROCHE of 2049 City Councillors Montreal Quebec -- Canada
ROCHFORD of Walkerville Windsor Ontario -- Canada
ROE of 158 Beech-avenue Toronto -- Canada
ROFPEY of Saskatchewan -- Canada
ROGERS of 7031 Delaroche Montreal -- Canada
ROGERS of 709 Thirty Second-street West Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
ROGERS of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
ROLES of Quebec -- Canada
ROLHEISER of Rudolf Ullman Farm Quinton Saskatchewan -- Canada
ROOKE of Morinville Alberta -- Canada
ROPER of Regina Saskatchewan -- Canada
ROPER of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
ROSCOE of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
ROSE of Toronto county of York Ontario -- Canada
ROSEBLADE of 899 Shaw-street Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
ROSEBOURNE of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
ROSEMERCEY of 3367 Cook-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
ROSS of 3560 Cambie-street apartment 302 Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
ROSS of 455 Johnston-road Rural Route Number 3 New Westminster British Columbia -- Canada
ROSS of 9 Hampton-court Apartments Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
ROSS of Ashburn Lake St John New Brunswick -- Canada
ROSS of Brandonn Manitoba -- Canada
ROSS of North York county York Ontario -- Canada
ROSS of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
ROSS of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
ROTHERY of West River county of Pictou Nova Scotia -- Canada
ROUTLEDGE of Belmere Georgeville Stanstead Quebec -- Canada
ROVA of New Westminster British Columbia -- Canada
ROWBOTTOM of 608 Seventh-avenue Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
ROWE of Rush Lake Saskatchewan -- Canada
ROWELL of Moyie British Columbia -- Canada
ROWLEY of 4796 Earls-road Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
ROWLEY of Oak Bay British Columbia -- Canada
ROWLLINGS of 7150 Oat-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
ROYDS of Chilliwack British Columbia -- Canada
ROYDS of North Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
ROZEN of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
RUCKER of Departure Bay Nanaimb Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
RUDGE of Stop 33 Kingston-road West Hill Scarboro Township Ontario -- Canada
RUDKIN of Warley Duncan Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
RUDOLF of 102 Blythwood-road Toronto York (Ontario -- Canada
RUMP of Ottawa Carleton Ontario -- Canada
RUMSBY of Wellington British Columbia -- Canada
RUNDLE of 184 Femdale-avenue St Boniface Manitoba -- Canada
RUSHTON of Nanaimo British Columbia -- Canada
RUSHWORTH of 6229 D'Aragon-street Ville Emard Montreal Quebec -- Canada
RUSLING of Toronto York -- Canada
RUSSELL of Calgary Province of Alberta -- Canada
RUSSELL of Fort Eric Ontario -- Canada
RUSSELL of Kelowna British Columbia -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
RUSSWURM of Stewart British Columbia -- Canada
RUSTON of 69 Emihe-street Brantford Ontario -- Canada
RUTHERFORD of 612 St Joseph-street Lachine Montreal Quebec -- Canada
RUTHERFORD of 80 Argyle-road Walkerville Ontario -- Canada
RUTHERFORD of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
RUTLAND of The Old Folks Home Middlechurch Manitoba -- Canada
RUTLAND of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
RUTLEDGE of 1007 Pacific-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
RUTLEDGE of Kingston Frontenac Ontario -- Canada
RYALL of Felix Apartments Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
RYAN of St. Johns Newfoundland -- Canada
SADD of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
SADLEIR of The City of St John Province of New Brunswick -- Canada
SAEGERT of King county of York Ontario -- Canada
SAGE of Guernsey Saskatchewan -- Canada
SALLANS of Indian Head Saskatchewan -- Canada
SALT of 424 Ferguson-street Niagara Falls Welland Ontario -- Canada
SALT of 534 7th-street Vernon British Columbia -- Canada
SALTER of 38 Lorraine Apartments Calgary Alberta -- Canada
SALVAGE of 34 Newmarket-road Brighton and 283 York-street Hamilton Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
SANDERS of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
SANDERSON of 160 Rosemount-avenue Toronto -- Canada
SANDERSON of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
SANDFORD of 92 Glenview-avenue Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
SANKEY of 1890 Granville-street Vancouver Columbia -- Canada
SARGEANT of 1066 Queen-street East Sault St. Marie Ontario -- Canada
SATTERTHWAITE of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
SATTERTHWAITE of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
SAUNDERS of 6625 Maple-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
SAUNDERS of Summerland British Columbia -- Canada
SAVAGE of 633 Simcoe-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
SAWYER of Swift Current Saskatchewan -- Canada
SAWYER of Swift Current Saskatchewan -- Canada
SCEANS of St Johns Newfoundland -- Canada
SCHEIBE of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
SCHICK of 3527 Redpath-street Montreal -- Canada
SCHNAUFER of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
SCHOFIELD of 4026 Lacombe-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
SCHOFIELD of St John New Brunswick Canada
SCHOLKOWSKI of Spruce-grove R.R.I.? Alberta -- Canada
SCOBLE of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
SCOLLICK of 3222 First Street NE Calgary Alberta -- Canada
SCOTT of 3481 Redpath-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
SCOTT of 80 St Louis-street Quebec Canada
SCOTT of Forest Hill York Ontario -- Canada
SCOTT of Manville Alberta -- Canada
SCOTT of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
SCOTT of Salmon Arm British Columbia -- Canada
SCOTT of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
SCRINE of Belleville Hastings Ontaria -- Canada
SEABROOK of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
SEALE of 154 Maple-avenue Quebec -- Canada
SEARSON of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
SEED of 525 Twenty Second-avenue East Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
SEED of Winnipeg -- Canada
SELLERS of Vernon British Columbia -- Canada
SELLON of Leanmrgton Essex Ontario -- Canada
SELVEY of City of London Middlesex Province Ontario -- Canada
SENDALL of 1155 Third-avenue NE Moose Jaw Saskatchewan -- Canada
SEON of Winfieid near Kelowna British Columbia -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
SERVICE of Caroline Court Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
SEYMOUR of 1168 Connaught-drive Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
SEYMOUR of 257 Rutland-street St James Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
SHACKLETON of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
SHAKERLEY of Hulme Ranch High River Alberta -- Canada
SHAKESPEAR of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
SHANKS of Watsons Saskatchewan -- Canada
SHANNON of 162 Arlington-street Winnipeg -- Canada
SHARP of 127 Metcalfe-street Ottawa Ontario -- Canada
SHARP of Camox British Columbia -- Canada
SHARP of Ladner British Columbia -- Canada
SHARP of Nokomis Saskatchewan -- Canada
SHARP of Weyburn Sascatchewan -- Canada
SHARPE of Armdale Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
SHARPLES of Meaford Grey Ontario -- Canada
SHARRATT of The Bank of Montreal Montreal Quebec -- Canada
SHAVER of Barrie County of Simcoe Ontario -- Canada
SHAW of 1305 7th Avenue North Saskatoon Province of Saskatchewan -- Canada
SHAW of 271 East Woodstock-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
SHAW of Queen-street Toronto Ontario -- Canada
SHAW of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
SHEARD of 2315 Bloor-street West Toronto Ontario -- Canada
SHEARD of Brampton Peel Ontario -- Canada
SHEARING of 107 Brock-avenue North Montreal West Quebec -- Canada
SHEFFIELD of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
SHEFFIELD of Niagara Ontario -- Canada
SHELDRAKE of Hamilton County of Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
SHELL of 3295 West Thirteenth Avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
SHELLSHEAR of 645 Twenty First-avenue West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
SHEPHERD of 229 Eugenie-street Norwood Manitoba -- Canada
SHEPHERD of 465 Quebec-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
SHERIFF of 189 Alfred-street Brantford Brant Ontario -- Canada
SHIEL of 1243 Thurloe-street Vancouver BC -- Canada
SHIELDS of Brandon Manitoba -- Canada
SHIELDS of Langley British Columbia -- Canada
SHIELDS of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
SHILLAKER of The Post Office Chezacut British Columbia -- Canada
SHIPTON of - Round Hill Annapolis Nova Scotia -- Canada
SHORE of 1246 Richmond-street London Ontario -- Canada
SHORE of Westminster Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
SHOREY of 366 Mayor-street Montreal -- Canada
SHORT of 4402 Laval-avenue Montreal -- Canada
SHORT of 736 Upper Lansdowne-avenue Montreal -- Canada
SHRIMPTON of 27 Parkway-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
SHUTE of Torono Ontario -- Canada
SHUTT of Westlock Alberta -- Canada
SIDDALL of 5741 Harold-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
SIDERFIN of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
SIDNEY of Coleman Temiskaming Ontario -- Canada
SILCOCK of Mimico county York Ontario -- Canada
SILK of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
SILLITOE of 1048 16th Avenue West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
SIM of Wawota Saskatchewan -- Canada
SIME of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
SIMMONS of Regina Saskachewan -- Canada
SIMPER of 861 Cameron-street Regina Saskatchewan -- Canada
SIMPSON of 20 Condover-road Pointe Claire Montreal -- Canada
SIMPSON of 85 Drayton-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
SIMPSON of Hillbank Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
SIMPSON of Marsden Saskatchewan -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
SIMPSON of Oak Bay British Columbia -- Canada
SIMPSON of Port Perry Ontario -- Canada
SIMPSON of Vedder Crossing Sardis Chilliwack British Columbia -- Canada
SIMS of 2046 University-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
SINGLETON of 314 Simcoe-street Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
SINIBALDI of Little Log Cabin Loch Lomond St. John New Brunswick -- Canada
SLADE of 1221 Guy-street Montreal -- Canada
SLADEN of 24 Bushby - street Victoria British Colum-bia -- Canada
SLEE of Herd-road North Courichan British Columbia -- Canada
SLINGSBY of 2187 Oak Bay-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
SLINGSBY of 2187 Oak Bay-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
SLINGSBY of 2187 Oak Bay-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
SMALES of 64 Bernice-crescent York county York Ontario -- Canada
SMALES of Kenaston Province of Saskatchewan -- Canada
SMALLWOOD of 26 Fitzroy-street Charlottetown Queens County Prince Edward Island -- Canada
SMALLWOOD of Moose Jaw Saskatchewan -- Canada
SMEARS of Dallas Manitoba -- Canada
SMEATON of 5926 12th Avenue Rosemount Montreal -- Canada
SMEDLEY of Enderby British Columbia -- Canada
SMILES of Hillmond Saskatchewan -- Canada
SMITH of 1321 Pellissier-street Windsor Essex Ontario -- Canada
SMITH of 1411 Arm-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
SMITH of 1527 Ross-avenue Winnipeg Canada
SMITH of 231 Addington-avenue Apartment 7 Montreal -- Canada
SMITH of 238 Weir-street Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
SMITH of 2629 Wark-street Victoria City British Columbia -- Canada
SMITH of 346 St James-street London Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
SMITH of 3598 Thistle-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
SMITH of 403 Carlton-street Winnipeg -- Canada
SMITH of 430 Dallas-road Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
SMITH of 71 Heath-street West Toronto Ontario -- Canada
SMITH of 83 Oakcrest-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
SMITH of 94 Menick-street Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
SMITH of Anyax British Columbia -- Canada
SMITH of Brantford Brant Ontario -- Canada
SMITH of Byron Gate Eventide Home 2505 Victoria-avenue Regina Saskatchewan -- Canada
SMITH of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
SMITH of Calgary Alberta Canada
SMITH of Charlotteville Norfolk Ontario -- Canada
SMITH of Duck Lake Saskatchewan Canada
SMITH of Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
SMITH of Edmonton Province of Alberta -- Canada
SMITH of Etobicoke York Ontario Canada
SMITH of Haliburton Saanich Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
SMITH of Heaslip Ontario Canada
SMITH of Island Highway Langford Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
SMITH of Langford District Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
SMITH of London Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
SMITH of Mimico York Ontario -- Canada
SMITH of Minnedosa Manitoba -- Canada
SMITH of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
SMITH of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
SMITH of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
SMITH of Oak Bay British Columbia -- Canada
SMITH of Pine Lawn Farm Coinox District Nanaimo British Columbia -- Canada
SMITH of Rural Route Number 5 Tilbury Ontario -- Canada
SMITH of Toronto County of York Ontario -- Canada
SMITH of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
SMITH of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
SMITH of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
SMITH of Vancouver B.C -- Canada
SMITH of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
SMITH of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
SMITH of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
SMITH of Westminster Hospital London Ontario -- Canada
SMITH of Windsor Ontario -- Canada
SMITHWICK of Sardis British Columbia -- Canada
SMURTHWAITE of 271 Bartlett-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
SMYLY of 644 Beach-drive Oak Bay British Columbia -- Canada
SMYTH of 19 Humbercrest Block Toronto -- Canada
SMYTH of Consort Spirit River Alberta -- Canada
SMYTH of Craigmyle Alberta -- Canada
SMYTH of The Pines Davenport Ontario -- Canada
SNAPE of Saint Catherines Ontario -- Canada
SNELL of Salmon Arm British Columbia -- Canada
SNIDER of Kitchener Waterloo Ontario -- Canada
SNYDER of Burnaby Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
SONABEND of 6292 Devimy-avenue Montreal -- Canada
SOPER of Orchard Hill Aylmer-road Hull Quebec -- Canada
SOTHAM of East Kildonan Province of Manitoba -- Canada
SOUTHEY of Punnichy Saskatchewan -- Canada
SOUTHGATE of The Ontario Hospital Toronto Ontario -- Canada
SOUTHWARD of Clairmont Alberta -- Canada
SOWDEN of 766 West 7th-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
SPAIN of Main-street Trail British Columbia -- Canada
SPARGO of 6 Crane-avenue Weston Toronto -- Canada
SPARKS of Burnaby British Columbia -- Canada
SPARKS of Minto Manitoba -- Canada
SPARKS of Taber Alberta -- Canada
SPARSHOTT of Deloro Ontario -- Canada
SPEAKMAN of 97 Snowden-avenue North Toronto -- Canada
SPENCE of 1021 Deal-street Oak Bay British Columbia -- Canada
SPENCE of Michichi Drumkeller Alberta -- Canada
SPENCER of Alberni British Columbia -- Canada
SPlELMAN of 4750 The Boulevard Westmount Montreal Quebec -- Canada
SPRAGG of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
SPRIGGS of 176 East 52 Avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
SPRINGLE of Oka County of Two Mountains Quebec -- Canada
SPROAT of Egmondville Huron Ontario -- Canada
SPROAT of Tuckersmith Huron Ontario -- Canada
SPROSEN of New Glasgow Nova Scotia -- Canada
SPRUCE of 140 Alma-street St Thomas Elgin Ontario -- Canada
SPURGIN of Saanich Municipality British Columbia -- Canada
SQUARES de CARTERET of Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
SQUIRE of Melfort Saskatchewan -- Canada
SQUIRE of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
SREtfCERr of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
STAFFORD of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
STAITE of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
STANFORD of 593 Warsaw-avenue Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
STANHOPE of Duncan British Columbia -- Canada
STANIFORTH of Salmon Arm British Columbia -- Canada
STANWAY of 637 Belmont-a venue Westmount and of Montreal -- Canada
STARBUCK of Wartrous Saskatchewan -- Canada
STARK of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
STARKEY of 3591 University-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
STARKEY of Round Hill Nova Scotia -- Canada
STAVELEY of Saanich Municipality British Columbia -- Canada
STEAR of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
STEARN of Hamilton Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
STEEDMAN of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
STEELE of 69 Shade-street Galt Ontario -- Canada
STEELE of The City of Toronto York Province Ontario -- Canada
STEIL of Irwin Farm Stonewall Rock-wood Manitoba -- Canada
STEPHENS of 1030 Park-boulevard Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
STEPHENS of 1348 Fort-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
STEPHENS of 3458 West 25th-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
STEPHENS of 3475 Jeanne Mance-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
STEPHENS of Glenora Duncan British Columbia -- Canada
STEPHENS of Kelowna British Columbia -- Canada
STEPHENS of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
STEPHENSON of 323 St Pauls-east Montreal -- Canada
STEPHENSON of Perdue Saskatchewan -- Canada
STEPHENSON of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
STEPHENSON of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
STEPNEY of 51 Marlboro-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
STERNBERG of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
STEVENS of 165 Ronan-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
STEVENS of 42 Marchmont-road Toronto York Province of Ontario -- Canada
STEVENS of 5855 Argyle-street South Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
STEVENS of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
STEVENSON of Bowser-avenue North Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
STEVENSON of Mount St. Mary Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
STEVENSON of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
STEVENSON of Westmoiint Montreal Quebec -- Canada
STEVENSON of York Ontario -- Canada
STEWARD of Vernon British Columbia -- Canada
STEWART of 23 Kenneth-avenue Toronto -- Canada
STEWART of Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
STEWART of The Village of Shoal Lake Manitoba -- Canada
STIFF of Niagara-on-the-Lake Lincoln Ontario -- Canada
STILL of Trafalgar Halton Ontario -- Canada
STIRLING of Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
STJOHN of llO Rosslyn-avenue North Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
STOBBART of St Felixde Valois Quebec Province -- Canada
STOCKDALE of 1817 5th Avenue A N Lethbridge Alberta -- Canada
STOCKS of Penticton British Columbia -- Canada
STOKES of 3490 Cedar-crescent Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
STOKES of Bowden Alberta -- Canada
STONE of 718 Hamilton-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
STORY of The City of Owen Sound Grey Ontario -- Canada
STOTESBURY of Barrie Simcoe Ontario -- Canada
STRANG of Exeter Ontario -- Canada
STRANGER of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
STRANGWAYS of Langley British Columbia -- Canada
STRATTON of 51 Belmont-street Toronto -- Canada
STREATFEILD of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
STRICKLAND of Lakefield Peterborough Ontario -- Canada
STRICKLAND of Lakefield Peterborough Ontario -- Canada
STRUTHERS of 280 Bloor-street West Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
STUART of Regina Saskatchewan -- Canada
STUART of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
STUBBS of 160 North Kootenay-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
STUBBS of 4398 East Pender-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
STUBBS of Bashaw Alberta -- Canada
STUBBS of Bashaw Alberta -- Canada
STUBBS of Cadboro Bay Soanich British Columbia -- Canada
STUCKEY of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
STURDEE of St John New Brunswick -- Canada
STUTTARD of Port Albemi British Columbia -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
SUGARS of Kelowna British Columbia -- Canada
SULLIVAN of 207 Harvard-avenue Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
SUNDER of The Town of Woodstock New Brun-wick -- Canada
SUNLEY of Wabamun Alberta -- Canada
SUPPLE of Pembroke Renfrew Ontario -- Canada
SUTHERLAND of Niagara Falls Welland Ontario -- Canada
SUTTIE of St. Georges Newfoundland -- Canada
SUTTON of The Post OflBce Lloydminster Alberta -- Canada
SWAN of 526 Bannatyne-avenue Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
SWAYNE of 88 Charles-street-east Toronto -- Canada
SWEATMAN of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
SWIFT of 239 Princess-avenue Chilliwack -- Canada
SWIFT of Toronto -- Canada
SWINDLEY of 82 Lowell-avenue St Catharines Ontario -- Canada
SWINDLEY of 82 Lowell-avenue St Catharines Ontario -- Canada
SWINDLEY of 82 Lowell-avenue St Catharines Ontario -- Canada
SWINDLEY of 82 Lowell-avenue St Catharines Ontario -- Canada
SWINFORD of Westbourne -- Canada
SYGROVE of 31 Argyle-street Sydney Nova Scotia -- Canada
SYKES of 1606 30th-avenue S.W. Calgary Alberta -- Canada
SYKES of 41 Herkimer-street Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
SYKES of St Rose du Lac Manitoba -- Canada
SYMCOX of Esteven Saskatchewan -- Canada
SYMONDS of The Post Office McAuley Manitoba -- Canada
SYMONS of 21 Elm-street South Timmins Cochrane Ontario -- Canada
SYMS of South Norfolk Manitoba -- Canada
SYMS of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
TAGGART of Cadomin Alberta -- Canada
TAIT of 1043 Pacific-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
TAIT of 11314 126th-street Edmonton Northern Alberta Province of Alberta -- Canada
TAIT of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
TAMPIER of Montreal Quebec Province -- Canada
TAMPLIN of Glenella Manitoba -- Canada
TAMPLIN of Wolfville Nova Scotia -- Canada
TANNER of Qu Appelle Saskatchewan -- Canada
TANNER of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
TANQUERAY of Sylvan Lake Province of Alberta -- Canada
TATE of Lakefield Peterborough Ontario -- Canada
TATE of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
TATTERSALL of Woodhouse Simcoe Norfolk -- Canada
TAUTZ of Langley Apartments Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
TAYLOR of 1291 38th Avenue West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
TAYLOR of 311 26th-street-west North Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
TAYLOR of 3733 Jeaune Manse-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
TAYLOR of 3876 Victoria Drive Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
TAYLOR of 46 Academy-road Wesfcmount Quebec -- Canada
TAYLOR of 634 Saskatchewan-crescent East Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
TAYLOR of Coronation Alberta -- Canada
TAYLOR of Crofton Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
TAYLOR of Kelowna British Columbia -- Canada
TAYLOR of Oaklands Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
TAYLOR of Port Essington British Columbia -- Canada
TAYLOR of Powell River British Columbia -- Canada
TAYLOR of Ridgedale Saskatchewan -- Canada
TAYLOR of Toronto Peel Ontario -- Canada
TAYLOR of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
TAYLORSON of 1231-14th Avenue west Calgary Province of Alberta -- Canada
TAYLOUR of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
TEAGUE of Penhold Alberta -- Canada
TEAGUE of Penhold Alberta -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
TEARE of 219 Adolphus-street Cornwall Stormount Ontario -- Canada
TEMPLEMAN of Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
TEMPLETON of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
TENNANT of 44 Algoma near Bruce Hill Sault Ste Marie Algoma Ontario -- Canada
TENNANT of Algoma near-Bruce Hill Sault Ste Marie Ontario -- Canada
TERRELL of Ivy Cottage 39 Wildlell-road Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
TERRELL of Ivy Cottage 39 Wildlell-road Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
TERRY of 2401 St. Antoine-street Montreal -- Canada
THATCHER of Eramosa Wellington. Ontarid -- Canada
THATCHER of Galena British Columbia -- Canada
THOMAS of 29 Jasper-avenue Mount Royal Quebec -- Canada
THOMAS of 6 Indian Grove Toronto county York Ontario -- Canada
THOMAS of 805 East Dundas-street Toronto -- Canada
THOMAS of 817 Victoria-avenue Montreal Quebec -- Canada
THOMAS of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
THOMAS of Six Portages Gatineau Quebec -- Canada
THOMAS of Westlock Alberta -- Canada
THOMAS of Young-Davidson Mine Elk Lake Ontario -- Canada
THOMPSON of 183 Festubert-street Duncan Nandimo British Columbia -- Canada
THOMPSON of 1839 St. James West-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
THOMPSON of 240 Redfem-avenue Westmount Quebec -- Canada
THOMPSON of 356 Kensington-avenue Westmount Quebec -- Canada
THOMPSON of 478 Clendenan-avenue Toronto -- Canada
THOMPSON of 97 Lawrence-avenue West Toronto Ontario -- Canada
THOMPSON of 99 Gorge-road Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
THOMPSON of McKim Poultry Farm Nelson British Columbia -- Canada
THOMPSON of Montreal South Quebec -- Canada
THOMPSON of St Catharines Lincoln Ontario -- Canada
THOMPSON of Suite 2 1625 Nelson-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
THOMSON of 121 Linden-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
THOMSON of 5830 Alma-road Vancouver -- Canada
THOMSON of North Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
THOMSON of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
THORBURN of Carbon Alberta -- Canada
THORNE of 1646 Beach-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
THORNE of 3259 Wellington-street Verdun Montreal Province of Quebec -- Canada
THORNTON of 1468 Dallas-road Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
THORNTON of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
THORNTON of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
THORSCH of 4123 Western-avenue Montreal -- Canada
THRIFT of Flagstone British Columbia -- Canada
THURBURN of 970 Heywood-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
THWAITES of Marine-avenue St Henry Montreal Quebec -- Canada
TILLOTSON of 5135 Sixth-avenue Rose Moimt Montreal -- Canada
TILLOTSON of 5135 Sixth-avenue Rosemount Montreal Quebec -- Canada
TILSTON of Manitowaning Manitovlin Island Algoma Ontario -- Canada
TIMMINS of 55 Barbara-avenue Toronto county of York Province of Ontario -- Canada
TINLINO of 177 Edgehill-road Westmount Montreal Quebec -- Canada
TINSLEY of Hamilton Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
TISSEMAN of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
TITLEY of Miniota Manitoba -- Canada
TOD of Deep Cove Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
TODD of 12 Bedford-road Toronto Ontario -- Canada
TODD of 944 St. Charles-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
TODD of Picton Prince Edward Ontario -- Canada
TOLSON of Oak Bay British Columbia -- Canada
TOMBLESON of Paris Brant Ontario -- Canada
TOMPKINS of Strathcona Alberta -- Canada
TOMPSON of 131 Morrison-avenue Earlscourt Toronto Ontario -- Canada
TOMPSON of 131 Morrison-avenue Earlscourt Toronto Ontario -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
TOMPSON of Rokeby Saskatchewan -- Canada
TOMS of Burnaby New Westminster British Columbia -- Canada
TOMS of Toronto County of York Ontario -- Canada
TONGE of 3412 Douglas-road New Westminster British Columbia -- Canada
TONGE of Salmon Arm British Columbia -- Canada
TOPPING of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
TORRENS of 144 Grande Allee Quebec -- Canada
TOULSON of 1275 13th Avenue West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
TOWERS of 324 Kenilworth-avenue Toronto -- Canada
TOWGOOD of Oyama Province of British Columbia -- Canada
TOWNSEND of North Battleford Saskatchewan -- Canada
TOWNSEND of Ritz-Carlton Hotel Montreal1 Quebec -- Canada
TOWSON of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
TOWSON of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
TRACEY of Britannia Beach British Columbia -- Canada
TREE of Swansea Yorkshire Ontario -- Canada
TREES of The City of Toronto in the County of York Ontario -- Canada
TREES of Toronto County of York Ontario -- Canada
TREGELLAS of Cobalt Ontario -- Canada
TREGENT of 3692 Osier-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
TRICKS of Arran Saskatchewan -- Canada
TRIGG of 2763 Cadboro Bay-road Oak Bay Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
TRIGGE of P.O. Box 121 Melbourne Quebec -- Canada
TRITES of 2991 West Marine-drive Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
TRIVETT of Suite 2 Clay ton-apartments 86 Young-street Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
TROTT of Chilliwack Westminster British Columbia -- Canada
TRUEMAN of 148 Belgravia-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
TRYON of French Creek Parksville British Columbia -- Canada
TUCKER of Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
TUCKER of Three Hills Alberta -- Canada
TUGGY of Second-avenue Medicine Hat Alberta -- Canada
TUGWELL of 5287 Globert-avemie Montreal Quebec -- Canada
TULLO of 740 Saint Maurice-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
TURBETT of Dickens Post Office Rosser Manitoba -- Canada
TURKINGTON of Chilliwack British Columbia -- Canada
TURNBULL of 125 Pickering-street Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
TURNBULL of 99 Hillcrest-avenue Norwood Winnipeg -- Canada
TURNBULL of Rochfort Bridge Alberta -- Canada
TURNER of 127 Chesnut-avenue Brantford Brant Ontario -- Canada
TURNER of 1548 Albert-street Regina Saskatchewan -- Canada
TURNER of 17 Mountalan-avenue Toronto 6 Ontario -- Canada
TURNER of 325 Wood-avenue Westmount Montreal -- Canada
TURNER of 5161 Pine-crescent Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
TURNER of Cardwell Muskoka Ontario -- Canada
TURNER of Esquesing Halton Ontario -- Canada
TURNER of St Thomas Elgin Ontario -- Canada
TURNHAM of Meota Saskatchewan -- Canada
TURNOR of Invermere British Columbia -- Canada
TURTON of 178 King-street Cobourg Ontario -- Canada
TURTON of 178 King-street Cobourg Ontario -- Canada
TURTON of Brandon Manitoba -- Canada
TURTON of The Municipality of Burnaby British Columbia -- Canada
TUSON of 370 Waiter-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
TUTHILL of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
TWAITES of Medicine Hat Alberta -- Canada
TWAMLEY of Webb Saskatchewan -- Canada
TWOSE of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
UDALE of 212 South May-street Fort William Ontario -- Canada
UNWIN of Oak Bay British Columbia -- Canada
UPPER of Listowel Perth Ontario -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
VALENTINE of 11th Street ancl Esquirnault West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
VALENTINE of West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
VALLANCE of 8739 Osier-street Vancouver British Col-umbia -- Canada
VAN BUSKIRK of Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
VAN STRAUBENZEE of Kingston Frontenac Ontario -- Canada
VANDERHEYDEN of Cherry Point Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
VAREY of Fenelon Victoria Ontario -- Canada
VAUGHAN of ? 2068 Sherbrooke-street West Montreal Quebec -- Canada
VAUGHAN of Toronto -- Canada
VAUGHAN of Verdun near Montreal Quebec -- Canada
VAUX of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
VEITCH of 2692 West 45th-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
VERNER of 2703 West 41 Avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
VERNON of Kaleden British Columbia -- Canada
VERREN of 44 Fox-street Leamington Essex Ontario -- Canada
VICE of Loreburn Saskatchewan -- Canada
VICKERS of 178 Versailles-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
VILLIERS of Cumberland British Columbia -- Canada
VINCENT of 315 King Edward-street St. James Manitoba -- Canada
VINCENT of Earl Grey Saskatchewan -- Canada
VINCENT of Earl Grey Saskatchewan -- Canada
VINCENT of Souris Manitoba -- Canada
VINCENT of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
VIVIAN of Summerland British Columbia -- Canada
VOS of 4732 North Piccadilly Caulfield West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
WADDICOR of 1897 Fifth-avenue West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
WADDINGTON of 3037- Wilson-avenue Burnaby British Columbia -- Canada
WADE of Connamara Island Highway British Columbia -- Canada
WADE of Penticton British Columbia -- Canada
WADMORE of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
WADSWORTH of Okanagan Mission near Kelowna British Columbia -- Canada
WAGSTAFFE of 11 Wellesley-street Hamilton Went-worth Ontario -- Canada
WAINMAN of Seventh-street Brandon Manitoba -- Canada
WAITT of Baldur Manitoba -- Canada
WAKE of Somersett Apart- ments 2095 Lincoln-avenue Montreal Quebec -- Canada
WAKEFIELD of 11 Allan-place Ottawa Carleton Ontario -- Canada
WAKEHAM of Timmins Cochrane Ontario -- Canada
WALDOCK of City of London County Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
WALFORD of 457 Jeffersoo-boulevard Riverside Essex Ontario -- Canada
WALKDEN of White Rock British Columbia -- Canada
WALKER of 1603 Garnet-street Regina Saskatchewan -- Canada
WALKER of 2440 Quadra-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
WALKER of 589 Merton-street Toronto York -- Canada
WALKER of Apartment 502 2837 Yonge-street Toronto -- Canada
WALKER of Duncan British Columbia -- Canada
WALKER of Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
WALKER of Frenchheld Wawota Saskatchewan -- Canada
WALKER of The Angela Hotel Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
WALKER of the Rural Municipality of Portage la Prairie Manitoba -- Canada
WALKER of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
WALKER of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
WALKER of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
WALKLING of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
WALL of Long Pond-road St Johns Newfoundland -- Canada
WALLACE of 137 Coimaught-avenue Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
WALLACE of Keddleston British Columbia -- Canada
WALLACE of The District of Rutland near Kelowna British Columbia -- Canada
WALLACE of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
WALLER of 551 St. George-street London Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
WALLIS of Beaverton Ontario -- Canada

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
WALLIS of Beaverton Ontario -- Canada
WALLIS of Forward Saskatchewan -- Canada
WALMSLEY of Huntsville Mushoka Ontario -- Canada
WALMSLEY of Huntsville Muskoka Ontario -- Canada
WALMSLEY of Newton British Columbia -- Canada
WALSBY of Kamloops British Columbia -- Canada
WALSH of 549 Waterloo-street London Ontario -- Canada
WALTER of Ganges Salt Spring Island British Columbia -- Canada
WALTHAM of 9 Park-road Toronto Ontario -- Canada
WANKLYN of 3940 Cote des Neiges Montreal Quebec -- Canada
WANLESS of Birch Island British Columbia -- Canada
WARBURTON of 1120 Richardson-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
WARD of 215 College-street Toronto Ontario -- Canada
WARD of 4609 Lasalle Boulevard Verdun Quebec -- Canada
WARD of Lennoxville Quebec -- Canada
WARD of The Manitoba Provincial Hospital for Mental Deseases Brandon Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
WARD of the Ranchmans Club Calgary Alberta -- Canada
WARD of Thurlow county of Hastings Ontario -- Canada
WARDLE of Trail British Columbia -- Canada
WARDLEWORTH of 168 Cote St. Antoine-road Westmount Quebec -- Canada
WARDLEWORTH of 168 Cote-street Antoine-road Westmount Quebec -- Canada
WARDROPER of Cowichan Station Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
WARING of 3706 Jeanne Mance-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
WARNER of 544 Simcoe-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
WARNER of Saltfleet Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
WARREN of 213 Chisholm-avenue Toronto -- Canada
WARREN of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
WARRICK of Timmins Ontario -- Canada
WARRING of Post Office of Beaver Mines Alberta -- Canada
WARWICK of Blenheim Kent Ontario -- Canada
WARWICK of Blenheim Ontario -- Canada
WASSON of Truro Colchester Nova Scotia -- Canada
WATERHOUSE of Kingsway Nursing and Rest Home 3540 Kingsway Burnaby British Columbia -- Canada
WATHEN of Mecca Green-street Post Office Lloydminster Saskatchewan -- Canada
WATKINS of Stewart British Columbia -- Canada
WATNEY of North Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
WATSON of 1496 East 22nd-avenue Vancouver British Glumbia -- Canada
WATSON of 239 Harmer-avenue Ottawa Ontario -- Canada
WATSON of 2854 Eton-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
WATSON of 35 Alexander-street Ottawa Ontario -- Canada
WATSON of 4250 Sherbrooke-street West Montreal Quebec -- Canada
WATSON of Niagara Falls Ontario -- Canada
WATSON of No 3 Road Lulu Island British Columbia -- Canada
WATSON of St. Johns Newfoundland -- Canada
WATSON of Thorold Welland Ontario -- Canada
WATSON of Uxbridge-Province of Ontario -- Canada
WATSON of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
WATTIE of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
WATTS of 134 13th Street East North Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
WATTS of Montreal -- Canada
WATTS of North Bank Alberta -- Canada
WATTS of South Slocan British Columbia -- Canada
WATTS of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
WAUGH of 1544 Mackay-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
WAY of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
WEATHERHEAD of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
WEATHERHEAD of Mission British Columbia -- Canada
WEBB of 42 Forden-crescent city of Westmount and of Montreal the Province of Quebec -- Canada
WEBB of Flanagan Hotel Saskatoon -- Canada
WEBB of The Cecil Hotel Calgary Alberta -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
WEBB of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
WEBB of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
WEBBER of Ottawa Carleton Ontario -- Canada
WEBSTER of Montreal -- Canada
WEBSTER of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
WEBSTER of Raymond Province of Alberta -- Canada
WEBSTER of Victoria British Colombia -- Canada
WEBSTER of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
WEDD of Royal Oak British Columbia -- Canada
WEDLEY of 604 Adelaide-street-east Toronto Ontario -- Canada
WEETMAN of William Lake Province of British Columbia -- Canada
WEETMAN of Williams Lake Cariboo British Columbia -- Canada
WEISSENRIEDER of Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
WELBY of Banff Alberta -- Canada
WELD of Chunar Delaware Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
WELLBURN of 2276 East Broadway Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
WELLER of Murray Northumberland Ontario -- Canada
WELLER of Westmount Quebec -- Canada
WELLS of 73 Harcourt-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
WELLS of Etchenim Bridge St Romuald Quebec -- Canada
WELLS of Fifth-Street1 Sidney Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
WELLS of Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
WELLS of Pinner Wood Duncan Vancouver Island British Columbia -- Canada
WELSTEAD of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
WENTWORTH of Okanagan Centre British Columbia -- Canada
WEST of 10 Lorother-avenue Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
WEST of 170 Sorauren-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
WEST of 170 Sorauren-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
WEST of 4537 Beverley-crescent Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
WEST of Dunsmuir-street Prince Rupert British Columbia -- Canada
WEST of Salmon Arm British Columbia -- Canada
WESTHEAD of 305 Menzies-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
WESTLAKE of Taber Alberta -- Canada
WESTON of the city of Toronto in the county of York -- Canada
WESTRUP of Bellevue Alberta -- Canada
WETMORE of Kars Kings New Brunswick -- Canada
WETTON of 88 Linsmore-crescent Toronto Ontario -- Canada
WHALLEY of Toronto York -- Canada
WHEATON of 249 Wildwood-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
WHEELER of Vermilion Alberta -- Canada
WHEELER of Wheelers Farm Ethelwyn via Dewberry Alberta -- Canada
WHETHAM of Regina Saskatchewan -- Canada
WHIPP of Brookfield Colchester County Nova Scotia -- Canada
WHIPP of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
WHISKIN of 3235 W 39-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
WHITAKER of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
WHITE of 102 Albert-street St Catherines Ontario Canada
WHITE of 180 Lisgar-street Ottawa Ontario -- Canada
WHITE of 259 Victoria Park-avenue Toronto County of York Ontario -- Canada
WHITE of 3980 Cote de Neiges-road Montreal Quebec -- Canada
WHITE of 482 Ossington-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
WHITE of 92 Oxford-avenue Montreal Quebec -- Canada
WHITE of Aldergrove British Columbia -- Canada
WHITE of Bridgetown Nova Scotia Canada
WHITE of Brockville Leeds Ontario -- Canada
WHITE of Kingston Krontenac Ontario -- Canada
WHITE of Louth Lincoln Ontario -- Canada
WHITE of Smith Falls Ontario -- Canada
WHITE of St Johns in The Island of Newfoundland -- Canada
WHITE of Viking Alberta -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
WHITEHEAD of 1105 Marine-drive West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
WHITEHEAD of Elmsdale Hants County Nova Scotia -- Canada
WHITEHEAD of Freelton Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
WHITEHEAD of West River-street (Paris Brant Ontario -- Canada
WHITFIELD of 4408 Kensington-avenue Mon-treal -- Canada
WHITFORD of Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
WHITTAKER of 1445 Eleventh-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
WHITTAKER of 1445 Eleventh-avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
WHITTLE of Essondale British Columbia -- Canada
WHITTOME of The Post Office Whittome Saskatchewan -- Canada
WHITWORTH of Elk Point Alberta -- Canada
WHYBROW of Killam Alberta -- Canada
WHYTE of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
WICKHAM of Unionville County York Ontario -- Canada
WIDDOWS of Hamilton Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
WIDDOWSON of Kerrobert Saskatchewan -- Canada
WIGGS of 561 Toronto-street Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
WIGHAM of Toronto York -- Canada
WIGHTMAN of 2172 Lafayette-avenue Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
WIKTOROWICZ of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
WILBY of 11 Red Path-avenue Toronto -- Canada
WILBY of Weston York Ontario -- Canada
WILCOCKS of Montreal Quebec -- Canada
WILCOX of Duchess Alberta -- Canada
WILDING of Pearl-street Tillsonburg Oxford Ontario -- Canada
WILKIE of Middle-street Cardinal Ontario -- Canada
WILKINS of Bethune Parry Sound Ontario -- Canada
WILKINSON of 1189 Roslyn-road Oak Bay Province British Columbia -- Canada
WILKINSON of 138 Stirton-street Hamilton Ontario -- Canada
WILKINSON of Canoe British Columbia -- Canada
WILKINSON of Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
WILKINSON of Hughes Block Moose Jaw Saskatchewan -- Canada
WILKINSON of Millarville Alberta -- Canada
WILKINSON of the Post Office Maidstone Saskat-chewan -- Canada
WILKINSON of The Post Office Maidstone Saskatchewan -- Canada
WILLIAMS of 120 Irvine-avenue Wcstmount Montreal -- Canada
WILLIAMS of 237 Argyle-avenue Ottawa Carleton Ontario -- Canada
WILLIAMS of 2849 Kathleen-avenue Burnaby British Columbia -- Canada
WILLIAMS of 348 Champs de Mars-street Montreal -- Canada
WILLIAMS of 357 Cook-road RRl Eburne British Columbia -- Canada
WILLIAMS of 63 Ninth-street S E Medicine Hat Alberta -- Canada
WILLIAMS of Charlottetown Queens County Prince Edward Island -- Canada
WILLIAMS of Hanthorpe Ranche Winfield on Rural Mail Route Number One Four Vernon British Columbia -- Canada
WILLIAMS of North Cowichan British Columbia -- Canada
WILLIAMS of Rapid City Manitoba -- Canada
WILLIAMS of Saltfleet Wentworth Ontario -- Canada
WILLIAMS of the City of Toronto York -- Canada
WILLIAMS of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
WILLIAMS of Ucluelet British Columbia -- Canada
WILLIAMS of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
WILLIAMS of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
WILLIAMSON of 3245 Travers-avenue West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
WILLIAMSON of 384 Ashdale-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
WILLIAMSON of Clandonald Alberta -- Canada
WILLIAMSON of Elnora Alberta -- Canada
WILLIAMSON of Elnora Alberta -- Canada
WILLIAMSON of Kimgsmere Township and District of Hull Quebec -- Canada
WILLIAMSON of Oak Bay British Columbia -- Canada
WILLIS of 258 16th-avenue east Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
WILLIS of Cochrane Alberta -- Canada
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
WILLIS of White-street R.R. 6 Coburg Ontario -- Canada
WILLOCKS of Galt Waterloo Ontario -- Canada
WILLOUGHBY of 1705 8th-avenue East Vanco uver British Columbia -- Canada
WILLOUGHBY of Royal Oak Saanich British Columbia -- Canada
WILMER of 39 Teresa-street London Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
WILSON of 100 Glendonwynn-road Toronto county York -- Canada
WILSON of 231 Oakwood-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
WILSON of 374 Marqueretta-street Toronto -- Canada
WILSON of 436 Robinson-street Moncton New Brunswick -- Canada
WILSON of 548 Besserer-street Ottawa county Carleton Ontario -- Canada
WILSON of 7 Rowanwood-avenue Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
WILSON of 73 Main-street Picton Ontario -- Canada
WILSON of 752 Twenty-second-avenue east Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
WILSON of 85 Cameron-street Moncton New Bruns-wick -- Canada
WILSON of Box 991 12th Street Vernon British Columbia -- Canada
WILSON of Collingwood Simcoe Ontario -- Canada
WILSON of Courtaulds Houses Cornwall county of Stormont Ontario -- Canada
WILSON of Handsworth Saskatchewan -- Canada
WILSON of Marchant Grove Saskatchewan -- Canada
WILSON of Napanee Lennox and Addington Ontario -- Canada
WILSON of North Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
WILSON of Palace Hotel King-street York Ontario -- Canada
WILSON of Parksville British Columbia -- Canada
WILSON of St Johns Newfoundland -- Canada
WILSON of The City of Vancouver British Col-umbia -- Canada
WILSON of Toronto -- Canada
WILSON of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
WILSON of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
WILTON of 1095 St. Clair-avenue-west Toronto coimty of York -- Canada
WILTSHIRE of Kentville county of Kings Nova Scotia -- Canada
WIMBUSH of Post Office Scapa Alberta -- Canada
WINDER of 3982 31st-avenue West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
WINDMILL of 14 Clarens-square Toronto Ontario -- Canada
WINSOR of Carbonear Newfoundland -- Canada
WINTERBOTTOM of West Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
WINTERMUTE of 39 Bloomingdale-terrace Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
WITHAM of Rosary Hall Toronto Ontario -- Canada
WITHEY of Mount Forest Wellington Ontario -- Canada
WITHINGTON of 53 Dobie-avenue Mount Royal Montreal -- Canada
WlEBB of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
WOLEDGE of Crosfield Alberta -- Canada
WOLFENDEN of 502 Fifth-avenue New Westminster British Columbia -- Canada
WOLFERSTAN of Des Erables-street Montreal -- Canada
WOLLEN of North Battleford Saskatchewan -- Canada
WOOD of 1478 Mountain-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
WOOD of 178 Eglington-avenue-east Toronto -- Canada
WOOD of 40 Park-road Toronto Ontario -- Canada
WOOD of 402 Dallas-road Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
WOOD of Apartment 5 478 Mountain-street Montreal Quebec -- Canada
WOOD of Colwood British Columbia -- Canada
WOOD of Gledhow Saskatchewan -- Canada
WOOD of Port Kells Surrey British Columbia -- Canada
WOOD of Rural Route 7 Edmonton South Alberta -- Canada
WOOD of St Catharines Lincoln Ontario -- Canada
WOOD of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
WOOD of Wellington British Columbia -- Canada
WOOD of Wellington British Columbia -- Canada
WOOD of Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
WOODLAND of Toronto York Ontario -- Canada
WOODNORTH of 56 Fairleigh-avenue Hamilton Ontario -- Canada

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
WOODROW of Moose Jaw Saskatchewan -- Canada
WOODS of 1967 West 8th Avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
WOODS of 311 Granville-mansions Granville-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
WOODS of Island Highway South Duncan British Columbia -- Canada
WOODS of Sandwich British Columbia -- Canada
WOODS of Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
WOODWARD of Congress Apartments 300 River-avenue Winnipeg Manitoba -- Canada
WOODWARD of Stratford county Perth Ontario -- Canada
WOODWARK of Scott Saskatchewan -- Canada
WOOLCOCK of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
WOOLER of Grosvenor Hotel 840 Howe-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
WOOLISON of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
WOOLLEY of 269 Quinn-boulevard Longueuil Quebec -- Canada
WOOTTON of 1153 Homby-street Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
WORKMAN of 1245 Sherbrooke-street West Montreal Quebec -- Canada
WORTH of Nottingham-road Lynn Creek North Vancouver -- Canada
WORTHINGTON of Chilliwack British Columbia -- Canada
WORTHINGTON of Sherkston Ontario -- Canada
WORTHINGTON of Sherkston Riceway Ontario -- Canada
WOVENDEN of Pointe Claire Quebec -- Canada
WRAGGE of 96 Madison-avenue Toronto county York Ontario -- Canada
WREYFORD of Toronto Ontario -- Canada
WRIGHT of 128 Morris-street Halifax Nova Scotia -- Canada
WRIGHT of 19 West 18th Avenue Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
WRIGHT of Harriston Wellington Ontario -- Canada
WRIGHT of James Island Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
WRIGHT of Kerrobert Saskatchewan -- Canada
WRIGHT of Luscar Alta -- Canada
WRIGHT of Summerside Prince County Prince Edward Island -- Canada
WRIGHT of The City of London County of Middlesex Ontario -- Canada
WRIGHT of Whitehills Stock Farm Penhold Alberta -- Canada
WRIGHT of Wright Ranch KLO Bench East Kelowna British Columbia -- Canada
WRINCH of Lambton. Mills Etobicoke York Ontario -- Canada
WYLDE of Guelph Wellington Ontario -- Canada
WYLLIE of 9522-109a Avenue Edmonton Alberta -- Canada
YATES of Coquitlam British Columbia -- Canada
YEATES of Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
YELD of Edgewood British Columbia -- Canada
YERBURGH of Victoria British Columbia -- Canada
YORK of Springbank near Calgary Alberta -- Canada
YOUNG of 2 Hill Top-road Ferndown Dorset-shire and of 39 Stuart-crescent Lansing Ontario -- Canada
YOUNG of 38 Gait-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
YOUNG of 39 Stuart-crescent Lansing Ontario -- Canada
YOUNG of 39 Stuart-crescent Lansing Ontario -- Canada
YOUNG of 522 12th-street Saskatoon Saskatchewan -- Canada
YOUNG of 965 Broad view-avenue Toronto Ontario -- Canada
YOUNG of Calgary Alberta -- Canada
YOUNG of Invermere British Columbia -- Canada
YOUNG of North Vancouver British Columbia -- Canada
YOUNGER of 135 Clandeboye-avenue Westmount Montreal Quebec -- Canada

Choose your district:
ENGLAND COUNTIES Bedfordshire  Berkshire  Buckinghamshire  Cambridgeshire  Cheshire  Cornwall  County Durham  Cumberland  Derbyshire  Devonshire  Dorsetshire  Essex  Gloucestershire  Hampshire  Herefordshire  Hertfordshire  Huntingdonshire  Isle of Wight  Kent  Lancashire  Leicestershire  Lincolnshire  Middlesex  Norfolk  Northamptonshire  Northumberland  Nottinghamshire  Oxfordshire  Rutlandshire  Shropshire  Somerset  Staffordshire  Suffolk  Surrey  Sussex  Warwickshire  Westmorland  Wiltshire  Worcestershire  Yorkshire 
ENGLAND COUNTIES (MORE) Cheshire  Cheshire (pt 1)  Cheshire (pt 2)  Cornwall (towns)  County Durham  County Durham (pt 1)  County Durham (pt 2)  Derbyshire  Derbyshire (pt 1)  Derbyshire (pt 2)  Devonshire  Devonshire (pt 1)  Devonshire (pt 2)  Essex  Essex (pt 1)  Essex (pt 2)  Essex (pt 3)  Hampshire  Hampshire (pt 1)  Hampshire (pt 2)  Hertfordshire  Hertfordshire (pt 1)  Hertfordshire (pt 2)  Kent  Kent (pt 1)  Kent (pt 2)  Lancashire  Lancashire (pt 1)  Lancashire (pt 2)  Lancashire (pt 3)  Lancashire (pt 4)  Lancashire (pt 5)  Lancashire (pt 6)  Lincolnshire (towns)  Middlesex  Middlesex (pt 1)  Middlesex (pt 2)  Middlesex (pt 3)  Somerset (towns)  Staffordshire  Staffordshire (pt 1)  Staffordshire (pt 2)  Surrey  Surrey (pt 1)  Surrey (pt 2)  Surrey (pt 3)  Sussex (pt 1)  Sussex (pt 2)  Yorkshire  Yorkshire (pt 1)  Yorkshire (pt 2)  Yorkshire (pt 3) 
ENGLAND TOWNS Accrington  Aylesbury  Bath  Bedford  Birkenhead  Birmingham  Blackburn  Blackpool  Blandford  Bodmin  Bournemouth  Bradford  Brighton  Bristol  Buckingham  Burnley  Burton-on-Trent  Bury St Edmunds  Buxton  Cambridge  Canterbury  Carlisle  Chatham  Chelmsford  Cheltenham  Chester  Chichester  Colchester  Coventry  Crewe  Darlington  Deal  Derby  Devonport  Doncaster  Dover  Durham (town)  Eastbourne  Ely  Exeter  Folkestone  Gateshead  Gloucester  Great Yarmouth  Greenpool  Guildford  Halifax  Harrogate  Hartlepool  Hastings  Haverfordwest  Hereford  Holland  Huddersfield  Huntingdon  Ipswich  Kidderminster  Kingston-on-Thames  Kingston-upon-Hull  Lancaster  Leamington Spa  Leeds  Leicester  Lewes  Lichfield  Lincoln  Liverpool  Lowestoft  Macclesfield  Maidstone  Manchester  Margate  Middlesbrough  Monmouth  Newcastle-upon-Tyne  North Shields  Northampton  Norwich  Nottingham  Oldham  Oxford  Penzance  Peterborough  Plymouth  Poole  Portsmouth  Ramsgate  Reading  Ripon  Rochdale  Rochester  Salford  Salisbury  Scarborough  Sheffield  Shrewsbury  South Shields  Southampton  Southsea  St Leonards on sea  Stockton-on-Tees  Stoke-on-Trent  Stratford-on-avon  Sunderland  Taunton  Tonbridge  Torquay  Truro  Tunbridge Wells  Wakefield  Warrington  Warwick  Wells (Somerset)  West Worthing  Weston-super-Mare  Whitby  Wigan  Winchester  Windsor  Wolverhampton  Worcester  Worthing  York 
ENGLAND TOWNS (MORE) Ashton-under-Lyne  Birmingham  Birmingham (pt 1)  Birmingham (pt 2)  Birmingham (pt 3)  Durham  Liverpool  Liverpool (pt 1)  Liverpool (pt 2)  Manchester  Manchester (pt 1)  Manchester (pt 2)  Altrincham (Cheshire)  Hyde (Cheshire)  Northwich (Cheshire)  Runcorn (Cheshire)  Sale (Cheshire)  Stockport (Cheshire)  Wallasey (Cheshire)  Wirral (Cheshire)  Exmouth (Devonshire)  Paignton (Devonshire)  Barking (Essex)  Ilford (Essex)  Leigh-on-sea (Essex)  Romford (Essex)  Southend-on-Sea (Essex)  Westcliff-on-sea (Essex)  Stroud (Gloucestershire)  Hertford (Hertfordshire)  Ashford (Kent)  Beckenham (Kent)  Bromley (Kent)  Dartford (Kent)  Gillingham (Kent)  Gravesend (Kent)  Herne Bay (Kent)  Orpington (Kent)  Plumstead (Kent)  Sevenoaks (Kent)  Sidcup (Kent)  Welling (Kent)  Whitstable (Kent)  Barrow-in-Furness (Lancashire)  Bolton (Lancashire)  Bury (Lancashire)  Chorley (Lancashire)  Darwen (Lancashire)  Morecambe (Lancashire)  Nelson (Lancashire)  Preston (Lancashire)  Prestwich (Lancashire)  Southport (Lancashire)  St Helens (Lancashire)  Grimsby (Lincs)  Gosforth (Northumberland)  Whitley Bay (Northumberland)  Mansfield (Notts)  Newcastle-under-Lyme (Staffs)  Stafford (Staffs)  Bexhill-on-Sea (Sussex)  Bognor Regis (Sussex)  Horsham (Sussex)  Hove (Sussex)  Rugby (Warwickshire)  Halesowen (West Midlands)  Smethwick (West Midlands)  Stourbridge (West Midlands)  Walsall (West Midlands)  West Bromwich (West Midlands)  Bromsgrove (Worcestershire)  Barnsley (Yorks)  Batley (Yorks)  Bingley (Yorks)  Bridlington (Yorks)  Brighouse (Yorks)  Dewsbury (Yorks)  Goole (Yorks)  Keighley (Yorks)  Pontefract (Yorks)  Redcar (Yorks)  Rotherham (Yorks)  Shipley (Yorks)  Skipton (Yorks)  Sowerby Bridge (Yorks)  Todmorden (Yorks) 
LONDON Croydon  London  London (E - pt 2)  London (E- pt 1)  London (EC)  London (N - pt 1)  London (N - pt 2)  London (NW - pt 1)  London (NW - pt 2)  London (other)  London (SE-inner)  London (SE-outer)  London (SW-inner)  London (SW-outer - pt 1)  London (SW-outer - pt 2)  London (SW-outer - pt 3)  London (W - pt 1)  London (W - pt 2)  London (WC) 
WALES COUNTIES Anglesey  Brecknockshire  Cardiganshire  Carmarthenshire  Carnarvonshire  Denbighshire  Flintshire  Glamorganshire  Glamorganshire  Glamorganshire (pt 1)  Glamorganshire (pt 2)  Merionethshire  Monmouthshire  Montgomeryshire  Pembrokeshire  Radnorshire 
WALES TOWNS Aberdare  Bangor  Barry  Bridgend  Builth Wells  Cardiff  Carmarthen  Carnarvon  Llandaff  Merthyr Tydfil  Neath  Penarth  Pontypridd  Port Talbot  Rhondda  St Asaph  Swansea 
SCOTLAND COUNTIES North Britain  Scotland  Scotland (pt 1)  Scotland (pt 2)  Aberdeenshire  Angus-shire  Argyllshire  Ayrshire  Banffshire  Berwickshire  Buteshire  Caithness  Clackmannanshire  Dumbartonshire  Dumfriesshire  Elginshire  Fifeshire  Forfarshire  Invernessshire  Kincardineshire  Kinrossshire  Kirkcudbrightshire  Lanarkshire  Lothian  Midlothian  Morayshire  Nairnshire  Peeblesshire  Perthshire  Renfrewshire  Ross-shire  Roxburghshire  Selkirkshire  Shetland  Stirlingshire  Sutherland  Wigtownshire 
SCOTLAND TOWNS small Scottish town  Aberdeen  Airdrie  Alloa  Angus  Arbroath  Arran  Ayr  Banff  Berwick  Berwick-on-Tweed  Blairgowrie  Brechin  Bridge of Allan  Broughty Ferry  Calston  Cambuslang  Campbeltown  Carnoustie  Coatbridge  Crieff  Dalbeattie  Douglas  Dumbarton  Dumfries  Dunblane  Dundee  Dunfermline  Dunoon  Edinburgh  Elgin  Falkirk  Forfar  Glasgow  Grangemouth  Greenock  Haddington  Hamilton  Hawick  Helensburgh  Inverness  Kelso  Kilbride  Kilmarnock  Kirkcaldy  Kirkcudbright  Lanark  Largs  Lockerbie  Montrose  Nairn  Orkney  Paisley  Peebles  Perth  Prestwick  Rothesay  Rutherglen  Saltcoats  Selkirk  St Andrews  Stevenston  Stirling  Stonehaven  Stranraer  Strathaven  Troon  Uddingston 
BRITAIN ELSEWHERE Britain elsewhere  Guernsey  Isle of Man  Jersey  Gibraltar  Falkland Islands  Channel Islands 
IRELAND & NORTHERN IRELAND COUNTIES County Antrim  County Armagh  County Carlow  County Cavan  County Clare  County Cork  County Derry  County Donegal  County Down  County Dublin  County Fermanagh  County Galway  County Kerry  County Kildare  County Kilkenny  County Kings county  County Leitrim  County Leix  County Limerick  County Longford  County Louth  County Mayo  County Meath  County Monaghan  County Offaly  County Queens county  County Roscommon  County Sligo  County Tipperary  County Tyrone  County Waterford  County Westmeath  County Wexford  County Wicklow 
IRELAND & NORTHERN IRELAND TOWNS Antrim (town)  Armagh (town)  Belfast  Carlow (town)  Cavan (town)  Cork (town)  Donegal (town)  Dublin (town)  Galway (town)  Kilkenny (town)  Leitrim (town)  Leix (town)  Londonderry  Longford (town)  Limerick (town)  Meath (town)  Monaghan (town)  Roscommon (town)  Sligo (town)  Tipperary (town)  Waterford (town)  Westmeath (town)  Wexford (town)  Wicklow (town) 
AFRICA Africa  Central Africa  East Africa  Egypt  Gold Coast Africa  Kenya  Nigeria Africa  North Africa  Northern Africa  Northern Rhodesia  Nyasaland Africa  Portuguese East Africa  Sierra Leone Africa  South Africa  Southern Rhodesia  West Africa 
ASIA Asia  Burma  Ceylon  China  Hong Kong  India  Indonesia  Japan  Malay States  Pakistan  Singapore  Straits Settlements  Turkey 
EUROPE & ATLANTIC ISLANDS Albania  Austria  Balearic Islands  Belgium  Bulgaria  Canary Islands  Cape Verde Islands  Czechoslovakia  Europe (E)  France  Germany  Greece  Hungary  Italy  Luxembourg  Madeira  Malta  Monaco  Netherlands  Poland  Portugal  Romania  Spain  Sweden  Switzerland  USSR  Yugoslavia 
MIDDLE EAST Arabia  Israel  Lebanon  Palestine  Syria  Transjordan 
OCEANIA, PACIFIC AND INDIAN ISLANDS Australia  New Zealand  East Indies  Fiji Islands  Friendly Islands  Mauritius  Philippine Islands  Seychelles Islands  Society Islands  South Pacific 
SCANDINAVIA Denmark  Estonia  Finland  Iceland  Latvia  Norway 
SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA South America  Argentina  Brazil  Buenos Aires (Argentina)  Central America  Chile  Columbia  Mexico 
WEST INDIES AND ATLANTIC Atlantic  West Indies  Bahama Islands  Bermuda Islands  Jamaica  Leeward Islands  Turks and Caicos Islands 
NORTH AMERICA USA  Canada  Alabama (USA)  Alaska (USA)  Arizona (USA)  Arkansas (USA)  California (USA)  Chicago (USA)  Colorado (USA)  Connecticut (USA)  Dallas (USA)  DC (USA)  Delaware (USA)  Detroit (USA)  Florida (USA)  Georgia (USA)  Hawaii (USA)  Idaho (USA)  Illinois (USA)  Indiana (USA)  Indianapolis (USA)  Iowa (USA)  Jersey City (USA)  Kansas (USA)  Kentucky (USA)  Los Angeles (USA)  Louisiana (USA)  Maine (USA)  Maryland (USA)  Massachusetts (USA)  Mexico (USA)  Michigan (USA)  Minnesota (USA)  Mississippi (USA)  Missouri (USA)  Montana (USA)  Nebraska (USA)  Nevada (USA)  New Hampshire (USA)  New Jersey (USA)  New Mexico (USA)  New York (USA)  New York City (USA)  Niagara (USA)  North Carolina (USA)  North Dakota (USA)  Ohio (USA)  Oklahoma (USA)  Oregon (USA)  Pennsylvania (USA)  Philadelphia (USA)  Rhode Island (USA)  Rochester (USA)  San Francisco (USA)  Somerville (USA)  South Carolina (USA)  South Dakota (USA)  St Louis (USA)  Tennessee (USA)  Texas (USA)  Utah (USA)  Vermont (USA)  Virgin Islands (USA)  Virginia (USA)  Washington (USA)  Wisconsin (USA)  Wiscousin (USA)  Wyoming (USA) 
MILITARY Military 

(c) Asserted in this presentation by Toms Wills
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