Toms Wills: Addresses in UK wills 1931-1939.

Sidcup (Kent) is an old place, where many people lived
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PAGE 1  

Grantor surname (1931-9):
District (England-Wales):
Browse modern postcodes

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
ABBOTT of 11 Blackfen-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
ADAMS of 413 Blackfen-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
AGUTTER of 2 Sussex-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
ALLCHORN of 13 Haddon-grove -- Sidcup (Kent)
ALLCHORN of 13 Haddon-grove -- Sidcup (Kent)
ALLEHORNE of 13 Blackhorne-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
ALLEN of 2 Hatherley-crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
ALLEN of Belfairs 16 Upperton-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
APPLETON of 17 Braundton-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
ASH of 144 Burnt Oak-lane -- Sidcup (Kent)
ASHFORD of 56 Longlands Park-crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
ASHTON of 65 Norfolk-crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
ATKINSON of 70 Priestlands Park-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
AULT of 11 Willersley-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
AUSTEN of 27 Collindale-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
AUSTEN of 72 Crombie-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
AVIS of 26 Corbylands-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
BAKER of 70 Montrose-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
BALL of 201 Ramillies-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
BAMMANN of 80 Hurst-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
BANKS of 20 Beverley-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
BARBER of 247 Days-lane -- Sidcup (Kent)
BARHAM of 116 Woodside-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
BARKER of 13 Burris-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
BARNES of 32 Clarence-Crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
BARNETT of 66 Frensham-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
BARTHOLOMEW of 96 Birchwood-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
BARTRIP of 58 Rowley-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
BATES of 76 Raeburn-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
BATTEN of 120 Woodside-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
BAULCH of Avavill Blackfen-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
BEASANT of 35 Craybrooke-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
BEASANT of 35 Craybrooke-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
BEAUMONT of 18 Manor-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
BEDFORD of 114 Hurst-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
BEECHAM of 35 Northcote-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
BEER of 59 Longlands Park-crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
BEER of Leighborne 94 Halfway-street-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
BELAND of 13 Norfolk-crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
BELL of 5 Maple-crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
BENTLEY of 409 Blackfen-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
BENTLEY of 42 Shuttle-close -- Sidcup (Kent)
BETTS of 161 Sidcup-hill -- Sidcup (Kent)
BIRMINGHAM of 139 Blackfen-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
BLAXLAND of 1 BexleyTane -- Sidcup (Kent)
BLOOMFIELD of 17 Chatsworth-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
BLUNTACH of 26 Orchard-rise-west -- Sidcup (Kent)
BOGIE of 6 Sycamore-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
BOOKER of Albany Lodge Foots Cray -- Sidcup (Kent)
BOOTH of 37 Elmcroft-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
BOWDEN of 103 Ridgeway-west -- Sidcup (Kent)
BOWDIGE of 118 Norfolk-crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
BRACKENBOROUGH of 10 Beech-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
BRADLEY of 18 Durham-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
BRAESKE of 48 Footscray-lane -- Sidcup (Kent)
BRAISHER of 141 Ramillies-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
BRASNETT of 9 Orchard-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
BRASNETT of 9 Orchard-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
BREWSTER of 84 Corbylands-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
BRICK of 165 Days-lane -- Sidcup (Kent)
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
BRIGDEN of 14 Longlands Park-crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
BROMHEAD of 13 Wellington-parade Blackfen -- Sidcup (Kent)
BROWN of 170 Old Farm-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
BROWN of 190 Blackfen-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
BROWN of Belgrave 2 Manor-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
BUDD of 19 Bexley-lane -- Sidcup (Kent)
BUIST of 3 Croft-way -- Sidcup (Kent)
BULL of Canowen 8 Hatherley-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
BULLED of Cromer Woodside-creiscent -- Sidcup (Kent)
BUNN of 51 Faraday-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
BURCH of Burchcote 53 Suffolk-road Foots Cray -- Sidcup (Kent)
BURNARD of 20 Wren-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
BURNELL of 17 Orchard-rise West -- Sidcup (Kent)
BUSHELL of 31 County Gate -- Sidcup (Kent)
BUTCHER of The Cottage Halfway-street -- Sidcup (Kent)
BUTTIFANT of 72 Canterbury-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
CAMPBELL of 87 Ellison-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
CANNON of 8 Burleigh-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
CARTER of 2a Raeburn-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
CAST of 45 Stafford-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
CHALLONS of 8 Old Farm-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
CHALLONS of Ailsa 6 Old Farm-road East -- Sidcup (Kent)
CHAMBERLAINE of 64 Harborough-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
CHARD of 14 The Drive -- Sidcup (Kent)
CHEESMAN of 166 Sherwood Park-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
CHENEY of 95 Willersley-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
CHESTERMAN of 10 St Johns-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
CHILD of 133 Walton-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
CHILDS of 23 Old Farm-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
CHILDS of 23 Old Farm-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
CLARE of 5 Annandale-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
CLARK of 58 Annandale-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
CLARK of 8 Overmead -- Sidcup (Kent)
CLARKE of 21 Sidcup Hill Gardens -- Sidcup (Kent)
CLARKE of 46 Elmcroft-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
CLARKE of 68 York-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
CLAUGHTON of Brantingham 71 Sidcup-hill -- Sidcup (Kent)
COATH of 10 Park Hill-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
COLEBROOK of 72 Station-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
COLEMAN of 221 Old Farm-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
COLEMAN of 41 Days-lane -- Sidcup (Kent)
COLEMAN of Eversley Church-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
COOK of 63 Wincham-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
COOMBER of Enmore 26 Hatherley-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
COOPER of 159 Halfway-street -- Sidcup (Kent)
COOPER of Restormel 12 Craybrooke-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
COULTER of 67 Marlborough Park-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
COVILL of 2 Northcote-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
COVINGTON of 61 Lewis-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
CRAMP of 149 Burnt Oak-lane -- Sidcup (Kent)
CRANER of 48 Orchard-rise East -- Sidcup (Kent)
CRAWSHAW of Woodside 244 Main-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
CROFT of 96 Harland-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
CROSBY of 195 Maidstone-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
CROSS of 6 Warwick-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
CROUCH of 78 Foots Cray-lane -- Sidcup (Kent)
CROUCH of 78 Footscray-lane -- Sidcup (Kent)
CROWHURST of 123 Birkbeck-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
CROWHURST of 20Birkbeck-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
CULL of 290 Blackfen-road -- Sidcup (Kent)

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
CULL of 290 Blackfin-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
CULLEY of 1 Nelson-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
CULLEY of 1 Woods-cottages Nelson-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
CUSSENS of 202 Ramillies-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
D'ALTON of 128 Longlands-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
DALE of 25 Rectory-lane -- Sidcup (Kent)
DALTON of 34 Lincoln-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
DANIELS of 284 Bexley-lane -- Sidcup (Kent)
DAVIDSON of 29 Priestlands Park-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
DAVIES of 104 Forts Cray-lane -- Sidcup (Kent)
DAVIES of 186 Longlands-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
DAVIES of 4 Orchard-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
DAVIES of 63 Annandale-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
DAVIES of Shirley 54 Station-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
DAVIES of Thornton Dene -- Sidcup (Kent)
DAVIS of 87 Orchard Rise West -- Sidcup (Kent)
DEWS of 363 Old Farm-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
DIAPER of 371 Blackfen-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
DICKINSON of Lammermoor The Drive -- Sidcup (Kent)
DIMOND of 262 Halfway-street -- Sidcup (Kent)
DOBBS of 137 Wellington-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
DOWLING of Cray View 33 Church-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
DOWN of 69 Station-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
DOYLE of 179 Harcourt-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
DRURY of 251 Hurst-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
DUFF of 42 Portland-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
DUFFY of 4 Willersley-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
DUMBARTON of 17 Hamilton-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
DURNO of 41 The Oval -- Sidcup (Kent)
DURRANT of 60 Ridgeway West -- Sidcup (Kent)
DYNE of 96 Rowley-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
EASTOE of 24 Onslow-drive Albany Park -- Sidcup (Kent)
EDWARDS of 179 Old Farm-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
ELLIOTT of Glenhurst 22 Christchurch-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
ELLIOTT of Opawa 12 Church-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
ELLIS of 17 W7ingfield-place -- Sidcup (Kent)
ELLIS of 196 Rowley-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
ELMER of 328 Burnt Oak-lane -- Sidcup (Kent)
ENGLAND of 59 Orchard Rise East -- Sidcup (Kent)
EVANS of 4 The Crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
EVANS of 700 Rochester Way -- Sidcup (Kent)
EVANS of 700 Rochester-way -- Sidcup (Kent)
FASSAM of 86a High-street -- Sidcup (Kent)
FENN of 25 Lansdowne-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
FENTON of 51 Birchwood-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
FERGUSON of 174 Main-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
FERGUSON of 428 Rochester Way -- Sidcup (Kent)
FERRIER of 211 Hurst-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
FISHER of 9 Lamorbey-close -- Sidcup (Kent)
FISHER of The Manor House -- Sidcup (Kent)
FLETCHER of 31 Penshurst-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
FLETCHER of 53 Sidcup Hill -- Sidcup (Kent)
FLETCHER of care of Lloyds Bank Limited High-street -- Sidcup (Kent)
FLEWERS of 56 Little Birches -- Sidcup (Kent)
FLOWER of 224 Sherwood Park-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
FORD of 25 Lincoln-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
FORSTER of 91 Birchwood-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
FOSTER of 152 Longlands-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
FOSTER of 34 Longlands Park-crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
FOTHERINGHAM of 117 Old Farm-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
FREETH of 249 Days-lane -- Sidcup (Kent)
FRENCH of 216 Burnt Oak-lane -- Sidcup (Kent)
FRENCH of 216 Burnt Oak-lane -- Sidcup (Kent)
FRENCH of 3 Willersley Close -- Sidcup (Kent)
FRITH of 138 Rowley-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
FROST of 25 Blackfen-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
FRY of 10 Overmead -- Sidcup (Kent)
GAFFEY of 9 Queenswood-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
GARDNER of 24 St Johns-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
GARNER of 62 Braundton-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
GAUVAIN of Dalmally 9 The Drive -- Sidcup (Kent)
GIBBS of 120 Orchard-rise-west -- Sidcup (Kent)
GIBBS of 124 Walton-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
GILBERTSON of Waverley 10 Priestlands Park-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
GLANFIELD of 115 Sherwood Park-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
GODDARD of 26 Old Farm-road West -- Sidcup (Kent)
GOODALL of 13 Longlands-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
GOODALL of Gosfield 13 Longiands-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
GOODWIN of 215 Days-lane -- Sidcup (Kent)
GORING of 7 Annandale-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
GOSLING of 18 Old Farm-road West -- Sidcup (Kent)
GRAESSLE of Wayside 2 Sandhurst-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
GRAHAM of 4 Hatherley-crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
GRAY of 16 Old Farm-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
GREENAWAY of Brantingham Sidcup Hill -- Sidcup (Kent)
GRIFFIN of 137 Main-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
GROUNDWATER of 222 Halfway-street -- Sidcup (Kent)
GROUNDWATER of 3 Barton-road North Cray-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
HALL of 9 Harefield-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
HALL of 97 Birkbeck-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
HALL of lCf Jubilee-road Foots Cray -- Sidcup (Kent)
HAMBLOCK of 120 Ridgeway West -- Sidcup (Kent)
HAMILTON of 31 Lansdowne-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
HAMMOND of Gidan Fulani 51 Sidcup Hill -- Sidcup (Kent)
HANCOCK of 47 Marlborough Park-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
HANN of 71 Ridgeway-west -- Sidcup (Kent)
HARAGAN of 58 Sherwood Park-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
HARDACRE of 35 Chalk Pit-avenue St Pauls Cray -- Sidcup (Kent)
HARDING of 698 Rochester Way -- Sidcup (Kent)
HARPER of 39 Burnt Oak-lane -- Sidcup (Kent)
HARRIS of 3 Birchwood-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
HARRISON of Holmwood The Park -- Sidcup (Kent)
HART of 164 Hurst-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
HARTLEY of 22 Hamilton-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
HASLEM of 37 St Johns-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
HAWES of 91 Sidcup-hili -- Sidcup (Kent)
HAWKES of 7 Farwell-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
HAYES of Minerva 226 Main-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
HEDGECOCK of 72 Norfolk-crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
HENDERSON of 12 Clarence-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
HENDEY of 10 Blackfen-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
HENDRA of 15 St Johns-parade -- Sidcup (Kent)
HENLEY of Gunten 30 Christchurch-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
HERBERT of Denham 180 Longlands-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
HERWEGH of 23 Hatherley-crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
HILLEARD of 87 Days-lane -- Sidcup (Kent)
HILLYARD of 19 Old Farm-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
HINE of 54 Walton-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
HINTON of 27 Collindale-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
HIPWELL of The Cottage 1 Orchard-road -- Sidcup (Kent)

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
HOARE of 13 Beech-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
HODDER of 34 Craybrooke-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
HOGAN of 163 Hurst-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
HOLDEN of 140 Longlands-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
HOLLISTER of 28 Corbylands-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
HOLNESS of 35 Leechcroft-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
HOLTON of 223 Burnt Oak-lane -- Sidcup (Kent)
HOOKER of 43 Harland-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
HUBBARD of 13 Nelson-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
HUBBARD of 6 Church-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
HUGHES of 28 Meadow-view -- Sidcup (Kent)
HUGHES of 74 Crombie-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
HUGHES of 74 Crombie-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
HULL of 8 Willersley-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
HUMPHREY of 738 Rochestar Way -- Sidcup (Kent)
HUNT of 7a St Johns-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
HUNTER of 1 Woodbine-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
HUNTLEY of 261 Halfway-street -- Sidcup (Kent)
HUTCHINGS of 175 Halfway-street -- Sidcup (Kent)
JACKSON of 145 Longlands-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
JACKSON of 145 Longlands-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
JACKSON of 145 Longlands-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
JACKSON of 33 Maple-crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
JAMES of 4 The Grove North Cray -- Sidcup (Kent)
JAY of 120 Harcourt-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
JEFFERIES of 92 Walton-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
JEFFERY of 6 Sunnyside Upper Ruxley -- Sidcup (Kent)
JEFFREYS of 55 Braundton-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
JENKINS of 439 Blackfen-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
JENNINGS of 174 Old Farm-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
JOHNSON of 23 Canterbury avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
JONES of 17 Braundton-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
JONES of 173 Blackfen-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
JOSEPH of 1 Manor-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
JOSLAND of 14 St Johns-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
KANIS of 19 St Johns-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
KEMP of 150 Woodside-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
KENWAY of 39 Faraday-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
KERSLAKE of 221 Sherwood Park-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
KERSLAKE of 221 Sherwood Park-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
KIMBER of 51 Gloucester-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
KING of 11 Cambridge -- Sidcup (Kent)
KING of 176 Burnt Oak-lane -- Sidcup (Kent)
KING of 24 Longlands Park-crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
KING of 696 Rochester Way -- Sidcup (Kent)
KING of 9 Sussex-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
KINGHAM of 89 Berwickcrescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
KINGSHOTT of 6 Cambridge-road Longlands -- Sidcup (Kent)
KIRCHER of 5 St Margarets-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
KIRCHER of 5 St Margarets-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
KIRTLAND of 41 Rectory-lane -- Sidcup (Kent)
KNIGHT of 162 Hurst-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
KNIGHT of 77 Sidcup Hill -- Sidcup (Kent)
LAIN of 60 Telford-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
LAKE of 15 Little Birches -- Sidcup (Kent)
LAMBERT of Rosedale 31 Longlands-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
LANE of 9 Somerhill-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
LANGFORD of 22 Burns-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
LATHEY of 273 Old Farm-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
LAWRENCE of 125 Old Farm-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
LAWRENCE of 238 Sherwood Park-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
LAWRENCE of 30 Sidcup Hill-gardens -- Sidcup (Kent)
LE SAGE of 185 Norfolk-crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
LEE of Bridlington Church-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
LEWIS of 45 Long Meadow-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
LIGHTWING of 83 Harcourt-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
LIGHTWING of 83 Harcourt-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
LINTORN of 11 Wellington-parade Blackfen-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
LIZIUS of 329 Halfway-street -- Sidcup (Kent)
LLOYD of Fernbrook Blackfen-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
LONG of 11 Kimberley-drive -- Sidcup (Kent)
LOVELESS of 12 Hatherley-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
LUMLEY of 379 Old Farm-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
MALONEY of Station House -- Sidcup (Kent)
MANN of 29 Norfolk-crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
MANNING of 5 Braundton-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
MARKWICK of 15 Canterbury-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
MARRIOTT of 22 Park Hill-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
MARRIOTT of 77 Wren-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
MARSH of 76 Priestlands Park-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
MARSHALL of 223 Sherwood Park-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
MARSHALL of 424 Rochester Way -- Sidcup (Kent)
MARSLAND of 23 Carlton-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
MARTIN of 17 Warwick-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
MARTIN of 21 Old Farm-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
MATHER of 6 Carlton-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
MATTHEWS of 51 Harland-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
MAY of 5 Clarence-crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
MAY of 8 Norfolk-crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
MAYES of 21 St Margarets-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
McLAUGHLIN of 96 Ramillies-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
McLEOD of 1 Arlington Close -- Sidcup (Kent)
McWILLIAM of 109 Harcourt-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
MEADE of Westgate Knoll-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
MERCER of 69 Corbylands-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
METCALF of Lyndhurst 24 Crescent-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
METCALFE of 31 Woodlands-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
MILGATE of 100 Burns-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
MILLER of 8 Queenswood-road Blackfen -- Sidcup (Kent)
MILLROY of 180 Days-lane -- Sidcup (Kent)
MILLS of Cutty Sark 2 Burns-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
MITCHELL of 16 Curran-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
MONEY of 44 Hurst-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
MORDEN of 210 Halfway-street -- Sidcup (Kent)
MORGAN of 20 Beverley-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
MORGAN of 3 Parkhill-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
MORING of 26 Westbrookroad -- Sidcup (Kent)
MORLEY of 95 Orchard-rise West -- Sidcup (Kent)
MORRIS of 3 Glebe Cottages Ruxley -- Sidcup (Kent)
MOSS of 29 Cedar-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
MURGATROYD of The Red House Granville-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
MURLESS of Norton 29 Church-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
MURRAY of 25 Harcourt-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
NASH of 49 Hurst-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
NEEDHAM of Crombie Lodge Hatherley-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
NETHERCLIFT of Lamorbey Childrens Home -- Sidcup (Kent)
NEWBERRY of 8 Raeburn-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
NICHOLSON of The Limes 182 Longlands-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
NIVISION of 756 Rochester-way -- Sidcup (Kent)
NORCOTT of 17 Clarence-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
NORMAN of 43 Crombie-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
NORRIS of Avonlea 1 York-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
NOWLAN of 4 Old Farm-road East -- Sidcup (Kent)
ORR of 149 Faraday-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
OSBORNE of 39 Harland-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
OWEN of 20 Durham-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
OWEN of 20 Durham-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
PACKHAM of 97 Blackfen-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
PACKMAN of St Kilda 181 Longlands-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
PALLANT of 184 Ramillies-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
PALMER of 205 Longlands-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
PALMER of 64 Birkbeck-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
PALMER of 81 Ramillies-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
PARISH of Restormel 12 Craybrooke-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
PARKER of 106 Halfway-street -- Sidcup (Kent)
PARKER of 12 Sycamore-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
PARKER of 30 Gordon-road Blackfen -- Sidcup (Kent)
PARKER of 54 Harland-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
PARKES of 107 Willersley-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
PARKINSON of 3 Lyndon-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
PAYNE of 9 Somerhill-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
PEARCE of 47 Pinewood-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
PEARSON of 9 Merrilees-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
PENNY of 48 Craybrooke-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
PERKINS of 13 Station-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
PETTY of 8 Stanhope-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
PIERCE of 56 York-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
PILGRIM of 141a Station-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
PINDER of 35 Kimberley-drive -- Sidcup (Kent)
PINKS of 3 Penshurst-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
PLEDGE of 22 Queenswood-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
PLUCKNETT of 29 Windsor-road Foots Cray -- Sidcup (Kent)
POLGLASS of 147 Longlands-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
POWER of Lamorbey Park -- Sidcup (Kent)
PRESSNELL of 7 Cherrydown-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
PRESTON of 117 Willesley-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
PRITCHARD of Glenwood 51 Christchurch-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
RAKE of 143 Sidcup-hill -- Sidcup (Kent)
RAUCH of 207 Old Farm-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
RAWLINGS of 27 Brooklands-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
RAYMOND of 60 Longlands Park-crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
READ of 43 Station-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
REED of 268 Burnt Oak-lane -- Sidcup (Kent)
REYNOLDS of 87 Burnt Oak-lane -- Sidcup (Kent)
RICHARD of 144 Hurst-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
RILEY of 12 Braundton-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
ROADNIGHT of 88 Station-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
ROWN of Alloa 68 Station-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
RUDOLF of 77 Norfolk-crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
RUEGG of 3 Longlands Park-crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
RUMBLE of 17 Chatsworth-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
RUNCIMAN of 67 Darp-lane -- Sidcup (Kent)
RUSHMER of 11 Sherwood Park-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
RUSSELL of 37 Chaucer-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
RUSSELL of 75 Harborough-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
SALMON of 26 Haddon-grove -- Sidcup (Kent)
SAMUEL of Glenwood The Park -- Sidcup (Kent)
SANDERS of 5 Orchard-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
SAVAGE of 17 Fern-grove -- Sidcup (Kent)
SAVAGE of The Stores Cray-road Foots Cray -- Sidcup (Kent)
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
SCOTT of 101 Walton-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
SCOTT of 47 Chester-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
SEABROOK of 31 Ridgeway East -- Sidcup (Kent)
SEARCH of 20 Norfolk-crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
SHAND of 23 Church-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
SHARLAND of 5 Stafford-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
SHEPHERD of 67 Hurst-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
SHEPPARD of 1 Craybrooke-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
SHERLOCK of 25 St Margaret-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
SHORTEN of 9 Willersley-close -- Sidcup (Kent)
SIBLEY of 86 Berwick-crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
SIMM of 1 Kimberley-drive -- Sidcup (Kent)
SIMMONDS of 4 Elm-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
SIMMONS of 5 Selbome-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
SIMON of 21 Manor-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
SIMPSON of 152 Blackfen-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
SINITSKY of 20 The Oval -- Sidcup (Kent)
SMALLEY of 1 Sidcup Hill-gardens -- Sidcup (Kent)
SMART of 6 Dene-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
SMITH of 18 Merrilees-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
SMITH of 34 Little-birches -- Sidcup (Kent)
SMITH of 46 Oaklands-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
SMITH of The Mount Carlton-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
SNOW of 885 Sidcup-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
SPARHAM of 300 Westwood-lane Woodman Parade -- Sidcup (Kent)
SPARROW of 11 Boundary-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
SPEECHLY of 143 Days-lane -- Sidcup (Kent)
SPICER of 48 Rosebery-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
SPURGIN of Ennerdale Elm-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
STANYON of 8 Lincoln-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
STARK of 40 Collindale-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
STEEL of 57 Ridgeway West -- Sidcup (Kent)
STEERS of 41 Woodside-crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
STEWART of 16 Northcote-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
STEWART of 5 Gloucester-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
STILL of 48 York-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
STRINGER of 26 Ronaldstone-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
STUCKEY of 201 Longlands-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
STYLES of 100 Hurst-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
SWAIN of 9 Chaucer-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
SYKES of 18 St Johns-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
SYMES of 58 Woodlands-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
SYMMONS of 70 Marlborough Park-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
TAYLOR of 893 Rochester-way -- Sidcup (Kent)
TAYLOR of Arundel 100 Walton-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
TEALE of 138 Harcourt-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
THOM of 30 Durham-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
THOMAS of Toynbee Maidstone-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
TOLLEY of 21 Granville-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
TOMS of 66 Walton-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
TREMLETT of 48 Montrose-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
TREMLETT of 48 Montrose-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
TRUE of 34 Crombie-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
TURNER of Corodale 9 Elm-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
TYRRELL of 67 Oaklands-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
VIDLER of 203 Faraday-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
VINTEN of 137 Blackfen-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
WALKER of 3 Clarence-crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
WALKER of 9 Hatherley-crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
WALL of 32 Sycamore-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
WALLER of 59 Oaklands-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
WARREN of 51 Blackfen-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
WARREN of 56 Rowley-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
WATERS of 42 Selbome-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
WATLING of 62 Pinewood-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
WATSON of 17 Cedar-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
WEBB of 14 Bedford-road Longlands -- Sidcup (Kent)
WEBB of 22 Bedford-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
WEBB of The Rosary 63 Queenswood-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
WEBSTER of 207 Maidstone-road Ruxley -- Sidcup (Kent)
WEEDON of 6 Brooklands-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
WHITE of 26 Woodlands-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
WHITFIELD of 29 Harborough-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
WIBERG of 18 Maple-crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
WIBERG of 18 Maple-crescent Blackfen -- Sidcup (Kent)
WIGG of 915 Rochester-way -- Sidcup (Kent)
WILBOURN of 42 Ashcroft-crescent -- Sidcup (Kent)
WILDBORE of Belgrave 2 Manor-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
WILKINSON of 91 Orchard-rise West -- Sidcup (Kent)
WILLATS of 10 Rutland-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
WILLIAMS of 11 Ridgeway-east -- Sidcup (Kent)
WILLIAMS of 5 Church-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
WILLIAMS of 59 Hurst-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
WILLIAMSON of Lilac Cottage Halfway-street -- Sidcup (Kent)
WILLIS of 4 Brookend -- Sidcup (Kent)
WILLIS of 4 Brookend-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
WILLMORE of 4 Portland-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
WILSON of 24 Marechal Niel-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
WILSON of 34 Orchard Rise East -- Sidcup (Kent)
WILSON of 75 Old Farm-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
WINN of Caenby Lansdown-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
WINTER of 194 Ramillies-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
WISDOM of 59 Lewis-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
WISE of Ringwood The Green -- Sidcup (Kent)
WOOD of 21 Sandhurst-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
WOOD of 6 Royal-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
WOOD of Campana High View-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
WOON of 4 Anhandale-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
WORTHINGTON of 137 Halfway-street -- Sidcup (Kent)
WRIGHT of 120 Sherwood Park-avenue -- Sidcup (Kent)
WRIGHT of 7 Hamilton-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
WYMER of Dumfin 34 Stanhope-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
YATES of 24 Chaucer-road -- Sidcup (Kent)
YOUNG of Greycott High View-road -- Sidcup (Kent)

Choose your district:
ENGLAND COUNTIES Bedfordshire  Berkshire  Buckinghamshire  Cambridgeshire  Cheshire  Cornwall  County Durham  Cumberland  Derbyshire  Devonshire  Dorsetshire  Essex  Gloucestershire  Hampshire  Herefordshire  Hertfordshire  Huntingdonshire  Isle of Wight  Kent  Lancashire  Leicestershire  Lincolnshire  Middlesex  Norfolk  Northamptonshire  Northumberland  Nottinghamshire  Oxfordshire  Rutlandshire  Shropshire  Somerset  Staffordshire  Suffolk  Surrey  Sussex  Warwickshire  Westmorland  Wiltshire  Worcestershire  Yorkshire 
ENGLAND COUNTIES (MORE) Cheshire  Cheshire (pt 1)  Cheshire (pt 2)  Cornwall (towns)  County Durham  County Durham (pt 1)  County Durham (pt 2)  Derbyshire  Derbyshire (pt 1)  Derbyshire (pt 2)  Devonshire  Devonshire (pt 1)  Devonshire (pt 2)  Essex  Essex (pt 1)  Essex (pt 2)  Essex (pt 3)  Hampshire  Hampshire (pt 1)  Hampshire (pt 2)  Hertfordshire  Hertfordshire (pt 1)  Hertfordshire (pt 2)  Kent  Kent (pt 1)  Kent (pt 2)  Lancashire  Lancashire (pt 1)  Lancashire (pt 2)  Lancashire (pt 3)  Lancashire (pt 4)  Lancashire (pt 5)  Lancashire (pt 6)  Lincolnshire (towns)  Middlesex  Middlesex (pt 1)  Middlesex (pt 2)  Middlesex (pt 3)  Somerset (towns)  Staffordshire  Staffordshire (pt 1)  Staffordshire (pt 2)  Surrey  Surrey (pt 1)  Surrey (pt 2)  Surrey (pt 3)  Sussex (pt 1)  Sussex (pt 2)  Yorkshire  Yorkshire (pt 1)  Yorkshire (pt 2)  Yorkshire (pt 3) 
ENGLAND TOWNS Accrington  Aylesbury  Bath  Bedford  Birkenhead  Birmingham  Blackburn  Blackpool  Blandford  Bodmin  Bournemouth  Bradford  Brighton  Bristol  Buckingham  Burnley  Burton-on-Trent  Bury St Edmunds  Buxton  Cambridge  Canterbury  Carlisle  Chatham  Chelmsford  Cheltenham  Chester  Chichester  Colchester  Coventry  Crewe  Darlington  Deal  Derby  Devonport  Doncaster  Dover  Durham (town)  Eastbourne  Ely  Exeter  Folkestone  Gateshead  Gloucester  Great Yarmouth  Greenpool  Guildford  Halifax  Harrogate  Hartlepool  Hastings  Haverfordwest  Hereford  Holland  Huddersfield  Huntingdon  Ipswich  Kidderminster  Kingston-on-Thames  Kingston-upon-Hull  Lancaster  Leamington Spa  Leeds  Leicester  Lewes  Lichfield  Lincoln  Liverpool  Lowestoft  Macclesfield  Maidstone  Manchester  Margate  Middlesbrough  Monmouth  Newcastle-upon-Tyne  North Shields  Northampton  Norwich  Nottingham  Oldham  Oxford  Penzance  Peterborough  Plymouth  Poole  Portsmouth  Ramsgate  Reading  Ripon  Rochdale  Rochester  Salford  Salisbury  Scarborough  Sheffield  Shrewsbury  South Shields  Southampton  Southsea  St Leonards on sea  Stockton-on-Tees  Stoke-on-Trent  Stratford-on-avon  Sunderland  Taunton  Tonbridge  Torquay  Truro  Tunbridge Wells  Wakefield  Warrington  Warwick  Wells (Somerset)  West Worthing  Weston-super-Mare  Whitby  Wigan  Winchester  Windsor  Wolverhampton  Worcester  Worthing  York 
ENGLAND TOWNS (MORE) Ashton-under-Lyne  Birmingham  Birmingham (pt 1)  Birmingham (pt 2)  Birmingham (pt 3)  Durham  Liverpool  Liverpool (pt 1)  Liverpool (pt 2)  Manchester  Manchester (pt 1)  Manchester (pt 2)  Altrincham (Cheshire)  Hyde (Cheshire)  Northwich (Cheshire)  Runcorn (Cheshire)  Sale (Cheshire)  Stockport (Cheshire)  Wallasey (Cheshire)  Wirral (Cheshire)  Exmouth (Devonshire)  Paignton (Devonshire)  Barking (Essex)  Ilford (Essex)  Leigh-on-sea (Essex)  Romford (Essex)  Southend-on-Sea (Essex)  Westcliff-on-sea (Essex)  Stroud (Gloucestershire)  Hertford (Hertfordshire)  Ashford (Kent)  Beckenham (Kent)  Bromley (Kent)  Dartford (Kent)  Gillingham (Kent)  Gravesend (Kent)  Herne Bay (Kent)  Orpington (Kent)  Plumstead (Kent)  Sevenoaks (Kent)  Sidcup (Kent)  Welling (Kent)  Whitstable (Kent)  Barrow-in-Furness (Lancashire)  Bolton (Lancashire)  Bury (Lancashire)  Chorley (Lancashire)  Darwen (Lancashire)  Morecambe (Lancashire)  Nelson (Lancashire)  Preston (Lancashire)  Prestwich (Lancashire)  Southport (Lancashire)  St Helens (Lancashire)  Grimsby (Lincs)  Gosforth (Northumberland)  Whitley Bay (Northumberland)  Mansfield (Notts)  Newcastle-under-Lyme (Staffs)  Stafford (Staffs)  Bexhill-on-Sea (Sussex)  Bognor Regis (Sussex)  Horsham (Sussex)  Hove (Sussex)  Rugby (Warwickshire)  Halesowen (West Midlands)  Smethwick (West Midlands)  Stourbridge (West Midlands)  Walsall (West Midlands)  West Bromwich (West Midlands)  Bromsgrove (Worcestershire)  Barnsley (Yorks)  Batley (Yorks)  Bingley (Yorks)  Bridlington (Yorks)  Brighouse (Yorks)  Dewsbury (Yorks)  Goole (Yorks)  Keighley (Yorks)  Pontefract (Yorks)  Redcar (Yorks)  Rotherham (Yorks)  Shipley (Yorks)  Skipton (Yorks)  Sowerby Bridge (Yorks)  Todmorden (Yorks) 
LONDON Croydon  London  London (E - pt 2)  London (E- pt 1)  London (EC)  London (N - pt 1)  London (N - pt 2)  London (NW - pt 1)  London (NW - pt 2)  London (other)  London (SE-inner)  London (SE-outer)  London (SW-inner)  London (SW-outer - pt 1)  London (SW-outer - pt 2)  London (SW-outer - pt 3)  London (W - pt 1)  London (W - pt 2)  London (WC) 
WALES COUNTIES Anglesey  Brecknockshire  Cardiganshire  Carmarthenshire  Carnarvonshire  Denbighshire  Flintshire  Glamorganshire  Glamorganshire  Glamorganshire (pt 1)  Glamorganshire (pt 2)  Merionethshire  Monmouthshire  Montgomeryshire  Pembrokeshire  Radnorshire 
WALES TOWNS Aberdare  Bangor  Barry  Bridgend  Builth Wells  Cardiff  Carmarthen  Carnarvon  Llandaff  Merthyr Tydfil  Neath  Penarth  Pontypridd  Port Talbot  Rhondda  St Asaph  Swansea 
SCOTLAND COUNTIES North Britain  Scotland  Scotland (pt 1)  Scotland (pt 2)  Aberdeenshire  Angus-shire  Argyllshire  Ayrshire  Banffshire  Berwickshire  Buteshire  Caithness  Clackmannanshire  Dumbartonshire  Dumfriesshire  Elginshire  Fifeshire  Forfarshire  Invernessshire  Kincardineshire  Kinrossshire  Kirkcudbrightshire  Lanarkshire  Lothian  Midlothian  Morayshire  Nairnshire  Peeblesshire  Perthshire  Renfrewshire  Ross-shire  Roxburghshire  Selkirkshire  Shetland  Stirlingshire  Sutherland  Wigtownshire 
SCOTLAND TOWNS small Scottish town  Aberdeen  Airdrie  Alloa  Angus  Arbroath  Arran  Ayr  Banff  Berwick  Berwick-on-Tweed  Blairgowrie  Brechin  Bridge of Allan  Broughty Ferry  Calston  Cambuslang  Campbeltown  Carnoustie  Coatbridge  Crieff  Dalbeattie  Douglas  Dumbarton  Dumfries  Dunblane  Dundee  Dunfermline  Dunoon  Edinburgh  Elgin  Falkirk  Forfar  Glasgow  Grangemouth  Greenock  Haddington  Hamilton  Hawick  Helensburgh  Inverness  Kelso  Kilbride  Kilmarnock  Kirkcaldy  Kirkcudbright  Lanark  Largs  Lockerbie  Montrose  Nairn  Orkney  Paisley  Peebles  Perth  Prestwick  Rothesay  Rutherglen  Saltcoats  Selkirk  St Andrews  Stevenston  Stirling  Stonehaven  Stranraer  Strathaven  Troon  Uddingston 
BRITAIN ELSEWHERE Britain elsewhere  Guernsey  Isle of Man  Jersey  Gibraltar  Falkland Islands  Channel Islands 
IRELAND & NORTHERN IRELAND COUNTIES County Antrim  County Armagh  County Carlow  County Cavan  County Clare  County Cork  County Derry  County Donegal  County Down  County Dublin  County Fermanagh  County Galway  County Kerry  County Kildare  County Kilkenny  County Kings county  County Leitrim  County Leix  County Limerick  County Longford  County Louth  County Mayo  County Meath  County Monaghan  County Offaly  County Queens county  County Roscommon  County Sligo  County Tipperary  County Tyrone  County Waterford  County Westmeath  County Wexford  County Wicklow 
IRELAND & NORTHERN IRELAND TOWNS Antrim (town)  Armagh (town)  Belfast  Carlow (town)  Cavan (town)  Cork (town)  Donegal (town)  Dublin (town)  Galway (town)  Kilkenny (town)  Leitrim (town)  Leix (town)  Londonderry  Longford (town)  Limerick (town)  Meath (town)  Monaghan (town)  Roscommon (town)  Sligo (town)  Tipperary (town)  Waterford (town)  Westmeath (town)  Wexford (town)  Wicklow (town) 
AFRICA Africa  Central Africa  East Africa  Egypt  Gold Coast Africa  Kenya  Nigeria Africa  North Africa  Northern Africa  Northern Rhodesia  Nyasaland Africa  Portuguese East Africa  Sierra Leone Africa  South Africa  Southern Rhodesia  West Africa 
ASIA Asia  Burma  Ceylon  China  Hong Kong  India  Indonesia  Japan  Malay States  Pakistan  Singapore  Straits Settlements  Turkey 
EUROPE & ATLANTIC ISLANDS Albania  Austria  Balearic Islands  Belgium  Bulgaria  Canary Islands  Cape Verde Islands  Czechoslovakia  Europe (E)  France  Germany  Greece  Hungary  Italy  Luxembourg  Madeira  Malta  Monaco  Netherlands  Poland  Portugal  Romania  Spain  Sweden  Switzerland  USSR  Yugoslavia 
MIDDLE EAST Arabia  Israel  Lebanon  Palestine  Syria  Transjordan 
OCEANIA, PACIFIC AND INDIAN ISLANDS Australia  New Zealand  East Indies  Fiji Islands  Friendly Islands  Mauritius  Philippine Islands  Seychelles Islands  Society Islands  South Pacific 
SCANDINAVIA Denmark  Estonia  Finland  Iceland  Latvia  Norway 
SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA South America  Argentina  Brazil  Buenos Aires (Argentina)  Central America  Chile  Columbia  Mexico 
WEST INDIES AND ATLANTIC Atlantic  West Indies  Bahama Islands  Bermuda Islands  Jamaica  Leeward Islands  Turks and Caicos Islands 
NORTH AMERICA USA  Canada  Alabama (USA)  Alaska (USA)  Arizona (USA)  Arkansas (USA)  California (USA)  Chicago (USA)  Colorado (USA)  Connecticut (USA)  Dallas (USA)  DC (USA)  Delaware (USA)  Detroit (USA)  Florida (USA)  Georgia (USA)  Hawaii (USA)  Idaho (USA)  Illinois (USA)  Indiana (USA)  Indianapolis (USA)  Iowa (USA)  Jersey City (USA)  Kansas (USA)  Kentucky (USA)  Los Angeles (USA)  Louisiana (USA)  Maine (USA)  Maryland (USA)  Massachusetts (USA)  Mexico (USA)  Michigan (USA)  Minnesota (USA)  Mississippi (USA)  Missouri (USA)  Montana (USA)  Nebraska (USA)  Nevada (USA)  New Hampshire (USA)  New Jersey (USA)  New Mexico (USA)  New York (USA)  New York City (USA)  Niagara (USA)  North Carolina (USA)  North Dakota (USA)  Ohio (USA)  Oklahoma (USA)  Oregon (USA)  Pennsylvania (USA)  Philadelphia (USA)  Rhode Island (USA)  Rochester (USA)  San Francisco (USA)  Somerville (USA)  South Carolina (USA)  South Dakota (USA)  St Louis (USA)  Tennessee (USA)  Texas (USA)  Utah (USA)  Vermont (USA)  Virgin Islands (USA)  Virginia (USA)  Washington (USA)  Wisconsin (USA)  Wiscousin (USA)  Wyoming (USA) 
MILITARY Military 

(c) Asserted in this presentation by Toms Wills
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