Toms Wills: Addresses in UK wills 1931-1939.

Redcar (Yorks) is an old place, where many people lived
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PAGE 1  

Grantor surname (1931-9):
District (England-Wales):
Browse modern postcodes

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
AGAR of Granville House Granville-terrace -- Redcar (Yorks)
AISBETT of 9 Cleveland-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
ALEXANDER of 3 Walnut-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
ALLAN of 63 Greenland-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
ALLCOCK of 46 Ings-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
ALLEN of 37 Wilton-avenue Dormanstown -- Redcar (Yorks)
ALLISON of 32 Thames-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
ANDERSON of 62 Lumley-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
ANDERSON of Normanby House 106 Coatham-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
ANDREW of The Zetland Hotel High-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
ATKINSON of 33 Henry-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
AWLAM of 9 Newcomen-terrace -- Redcar (Yorks)
BAINBRIDGE of 1 Walnut-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
BAINBRIDGE of 29 St Johns-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
BAKER of 5 -The Cottages Dormanstown -- Redcar (Yorks)
BARKER of Pierremont 57 Greenlands-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
BARKER of Pierremont 57 Greenlands-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
BARNES of 1 Westbourne-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
BARNETT of 23 Borough-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
BARRATT of 5 Priory-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
BATE of Dalston 31 Wardman-crescent -- Redcar (Yorks)
BEADLE of 2 Canterbury-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
BEAN of 2 Arundel-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
BELL of 8 Atholl-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
BELL of Thordis Redcar-lane -- Redcar (Yorks)
BENNEWITH of 49 Sycamore-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
BENNIE of 118 Corporation-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
BENNISON of 58 Boulby-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
BLENKIRON of 109 Laburnum-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
BLOCKSIDGE of 12 Windsor-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
BOAGEY of 38 Henry-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
BOOTHBY of 23 Muriel-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
BRADLEY of 45 Charles-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
BRENNAN of 34 Arthur-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
BRIGGS of 10 Holder-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
BRODIE of 7 Grove-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
BROWN of 115 Laburnum-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
BROWN of 17 High-street Coatham -- Redcar (Yorks)
BROWN of 2 Warrenby-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
BROWN of 58 Chester-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
BROWN of 71 Brooksbank-avenue -- Redcar (Yorks)
BROWN of 83 Laburnum-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
BULL of 56 Alfred-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
BURFORD of 26 Canterbury-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
BURNS of 24 Queen-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
BUTTERFIELD of 37 Gosforth-avenue -- Redcar (Yorks)
CAISLAW of 4 Wells-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
CARR of 27 Easson-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
CARR of 36 Brooksbank-avenue -- Redcar (Yorks)
CARTWRIGHT of 1 Orchard-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
CASTLING of 163 High-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
CATCHPOLE of 10 Derwent-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
CATCHPOLE of 106 High-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
CHAMBERS of 28 Brooksbank-avenue -- Redcar (Yorks)
CHAMBERS of 354 Laburnum-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
CHAMBERS of Southolme 3 Windsor-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
CHANCE of 153 High-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
CHAPMAN of 1 Gosforth-avenue -- Redcar (Yorks)
CHAPMAN of 86 Westfield Way Dormanstown -- Redcar (Yorks)
CHAPMAN of 86 Westfield Way Dormanstown -- Redcar (Yorks)
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
CHEESBROUGH of 95 Ings-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
CHILDS of Wilton Village Wilton -- Redcar (Yorks)
CLARK of 67 High-street Coatham -- Redcar (Yorks)
CLARK of Anchorage 1 St Margarets-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
CLARKE of 21 Wardman-crescent -- Redcar (Yorks)
CLARKE of 39 Easson-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
COMBES of Alston Kirkleatham-lane -- Redcar (Yorks)
COOKE of 40 Red Lion-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
COOMBES of Alston Kirkleatham-lane -- Redcar (Yorks)
COOPER of 126 High-street Coatham -- Redcar (Yorks)
COOPER of 18 Granville-terrace -- Redcar (Yorks)
COOPER of 5 Arthur-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
COOPER of 97 Westfield Way Dormanstown -- Redcar (Yorks)
CORDELL of 29 Chestnut-avenue -- Redcar (Yorks)
CORNFORTH of 71 Coatham High-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
COULSON of 5 Blenheim-terrace Coatham -- Redcar (Yorks)
COUPLAND of 3 North-terrace -- Redcar (Yorks)
COWEN of 4 Trafalgar-terrace -- Redcar (Yorks)
CROFT of 7 Lobster-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
CROSSLEY of 314 Laburnum-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
CURRAH of 106 High-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
DAGG of 23 Ings-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
DARCY of 51 Ings-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
DARCY of 65 Aske-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
DAVIES of 200 Coatham-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
DAVIES of 31 Red Lion-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
DAVIES of 40 Newcomen-terrace -- Redcar (Yorks)
DAVIES of 44 Zetland-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
DAVISON of 1 Aske-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
DAWSON of 111 Lord-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
DAWSON of 133 Queen-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
DAWSON of 2 Brooksbank-avenue -- Redcar (Yorks)
DERMONT of 10 Milbank-terraee -- Redcar (Yorks)
DICKENSON of 53 Kirkleatham-lane -- Redcar (Yorks)
DICKSON of 45 Stanley-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
DIXON of 19 Henry-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
DOBSON of 11 St Margarets Grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
DOTCHIN of 35 Hanson-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
DOUTHWAITE of 22 France-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
DUCHARS of 10 Hospital-cottages Kirkleatham -- Redcar (Yorks)
DUNTHORNE of 133 Queen-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
DYE of 81 Dale-street New Marske -- Redcar (Yorks)
EDWARDS of 43 Hawthorn-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
EEET of 113 Redcar-lane -- Redcar (Yorks)
ELLIOTT of 21 Victoria-avenue -- Redcar (Yorks)
ELLIOTT of 52 Charlotte-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
ELLIOTT of 89 Station-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
ELLIOTT of 89 Station-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
ENGLEDOW of 3 St Peters-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
ENGLISH of 6 Teale-street Warrenby -- Redcar (Yorks)
EVANS of 1 Elton-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
EVANS of 10 Lime-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
FAIRCLOUGH of Toorak 44 Cypress-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
FARMERY of 352 Laburnum-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
FERGUSON of 137 Queen-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
FERGUSON of 5 Bath Villas -- Redcar (Yorks)
FERGUSON of 5 Bath-villas -- Redcar (Yorks)
FINDLAY of 138 Corporation-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
FISHBURN of 8 Olliver-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
FLETCHER of Zetland Club -- Redcar (Yorks)
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
FORSTER of 9 Granville-terrace -- Redcar (Yorks)
FORSTER of Horsleyhope Greenlands-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
GALLOWAY of 33 Lilac-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
GARGETT of 41 Stanley-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
GARN of 6 Herschell-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
GARSIDE of 2 Wells-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
GIBBON of 19 Chester-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
GIBBS of 7 George-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
GIBSON of 127 Oak-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
GILL of 7 Westbourne-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
GILL of 8 Borough-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
GIRLING of 76 Corporation-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
GOLDING of 192 Coatham-road Coatham -- Redcar (Yorks)
GOLDSBROUGH of 13 Cleveland-place Dormanstown -- Redcar (Yorks)
GOODWIN of 81 Ings-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
GRANGE of 57 Muriel-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
GRASSHAM of 16 Forth-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
GRAY of 3 Trafalgar-terrace Coatham -- Redcar (Yorks)
GREENWELL of 30 Hawthorne-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
HALL of 56 Coaltham-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
HARDING of Grant Villa Clifford-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
HARDY of 45 Lilac-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
HARLAND of 32 Henry-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
HARPER of 10 France-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
HARRINGTON of 4 Gosforth-avenue -- Redcar (Yorks)
HARRIS of 11 Henry-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
HARTGROVE of 8 Lord-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
HAUXWELL of 41 Borough-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
HAYTER of 120 High-street West Coatham -- Redcar (Yorks)
HEAD of 74 Ings-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
HEAD of 74 Ings-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
HEARSE of 32 Britannia-place Dormanstown -- Redcar (Yorks)
HEATHCOCK of 7 Fleming-street Coatham -- Redcar (Yorks)
HEATLEY of 14 Cliff-terrace Marske-by-the-Sea -- Redcar (Yorks)
HENDERSON of 113 Queen-street Coatham -- Redcar (Yorks)
HEY of 24 Granville-terrace -- Redcar (Yorks)
HILL of 1 St Thomas-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
HILLARY of 91 Thames-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
HINDE of 39 Coatham-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
HOBSON of 205 Redcar-lane -- Redcar (Yorks)
HODGSON of Marah Cottage Warrenby-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
HOGARTH of 74 Park-avenue -- Redcar (Yorks)
HOGG of 72 Corporation-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
HOLMES of 4 The Crescent -- Redcar (Yorks)
HORN of 115 Queen-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
HUDSON of 10 Corporation-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
HUDSON of 15 Zetland-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
HUSBAND of 14 Wilton-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
INGLEY of 15a The Crescent -- Redcar (Yorks)
JACKSON of 151 Redcar-lane -- Redcar (Yorks)
JARVIS of 49 Westfield-avenue -- Redcar (Yorks)
JENKIN of 6 St Vincent-terrace Coatham -- Redcar (Yorks)
JOHNSON of 21 Lilac-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
JOHNSON of 39 Turner-street Coatham -- Redcar (Yorks)
JOHNSON of 58 Ings-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
JOHNSON of 68 Canterbury-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
JONES of 15 Cleveland-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
JONES of 63 High-street West -- Redcar (Yorks)
JOY of 15 Borough-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
KEEL of 70 Westfield-avenue -- Redcar (Yorks)
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
KELLEY of 58 Charles-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
KING of 29 Cedar-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
KITCHENER of 40 Charles-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
KITCHING of 1 Clarendon-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
KOCH of 111 High-street Coatham -- Redcar (Yorks)
LANDYMORE of 13 Ramsay-road Dormanstown -- Redcar (Yorks)
LANGFORD of 15 Arthur-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
LANGHAM of 15 George-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
LARMOUTH of 156 Corporation-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
LIGHTFOOT of 7 York-terrace Coatham -- Redcar (Yorks)
LILLEY of 43 Corporation-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
LINFORD of 98 High-street Coatham -- Redcar (Yorks)
LISHMAN of 68 Greenlands-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
LORD of 21 Granville-terrace -- Redcar (Yorks)
LOWE of 43 Walnut-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
MACDONALD of 23 Whitby-crescent -- Redcar (Yorks)
MACKINLAY of The Green House Coatham -- Redcar (Yorks)
MACKINLAY of The Green House Coatham -- Redcar (Yorks)
MAHAN of 83 Canterbury-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
MANSHIP of 28 Alfred-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
MARSHALL of 34 Gosforth-avenue -- Redcar (Yorks)
MARSHALL of 6 Tees-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
MARTIN of 69 Redcar-lane -- Redcar (Yorks)
MAYALL of 72 Lumley-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
McBRIDE of 10 Marina-avenue -- Redcar (Yorks)
McCABE of 5 Wilton-avenue Dormanstown -- Redcar (Yorks)
McCABE of 71 Tyne-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
McDERMOTT of 6 Stanley-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
McLANDSBOROUGH of 110 Coatham-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
MERRYWEATHER of 1 Henry-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
METCALF of 37 Queen-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
MILLIGAN of Fewston 12 Lilac-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
MINNIKIN of 27 Richmond-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
MITCHELL of 35 Windsor-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
MOORE of 46 Alfred-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
MORETON of 42 Warwick-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
MORGAN of 52 Coast-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
MORLEY of 52 Lord-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
MORRIS of 182 Coatham-road Coatham -- Redcar (Yorks)
MULHOLLAND of 2 Turner-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
MULLIS of 7 Bridge-road Coatham -- Redcar (Yorks)
NELSON of 75 Queen-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
O'CONNOR of 7 Hill-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
OWSTON of 4 Lobster-road Coatham -- Redcar (Yorks)
PALLISER of 11 West Dyke-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
PALLISER of 9 West Dyke-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
PALLISER of 9 West Dyke-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
PALLISTER of 11 York-terrace -- Redcar (Yorks)
PALLISTER of 8 York-terrace -- Redcar (Yorks)
PARKINSON of 20 Kettleness-avenue -- Redcar (Yorks)
PATTERSON of 12 Canterbury-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
PEARSE of 30 Granville-terrace -- Redcar (Yorks)
PEARSON of 14 Laurel-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
PERCIVAL of Farncomb Sandy-lane Coatham -- Redcar (Yorks)
PETRIE of 1 The Hollies -- Redcar (Yorks)
PEVERLEY of 6 The Cottages Kirkleatham -- Redcar (Yorks)
PHELPS of 14 Soppet-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
PHILLIPS of 4 St Thomas-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
PHILLIPSON of 66 Queen-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
PICKERING of 6 Trafalgar-terrace Coatham -- Redcar (Yorks)
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
PORTER of 1 St Peters-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
PORTER of 13 Walnut-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
POWER of 170 Corporation-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
PRICE of 3 Cleveland-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
PRICE of 46 Alfred-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
RAILTON of Abbeville The Crescent -- Redcar (Yorks)
RAILTON of The Haven 25 St Margarets-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
RAW of 25 Yeoman-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
RAW of 47 Ripon-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
RAW of 8 Fleming-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
RAYBOULD of 16 Tweed-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
REYNER of 72 Queen-street Coatham -- Redcar (Yorks)
RICHARDSON of 77 Oak-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
RICHELL of 23 Wardman-crescent -- Redcar (Yorks)
RIDSDALE of 14 Newcomen-terrace -- Redcar (Yorks)
RIDSDALE of 24 Chester-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
RILEY of 31 Forth-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
RILEY of 51 Canterbury-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
ROBERTS of 20 Conway-roid -- Redcar (Yorks)
ROBERTSON of 111 Oak-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
ROBINSON of 10 Lord-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
ROBINSON of 14 Turner-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
ROBINSON of 16 Ings-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
ROBINSON of 65 Ings-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
ROBINSON of Oulton Coatham-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
ROBINSON of Oulton Coatham-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
ROEBUCK of Progress House High-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
ROSE of 19 Queen-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
ROWLAND of 4 Victory-terrace -- Redcar (Yorks)
ROWLAND of 4 Victory-terrace Coatham -- Redcar (Yorks)
ROWLANDS of 6 Hawthorn-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
RUSSELL of 13 Conway-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
RYDER of 12 Oak-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
SANDERS of 36 Newcomen-terrace -- Redcar (Yorks)
SAUNDERS of 77 Broadway East Dormanstown -- Redcar (Yorks)
SCOTT of 1 The Poplars -- Redcar (Yorks)
SCOTT of 36 Coast-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
SCOTT of 90 Lord-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
SCOTT of the Royal Standard Hotel -- Redcar (Yorks)
SHARPE of The Gardens Upleatham -- Redcar (Yorks)
SHAW of 32 Coatham-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
SHAW of 59 Lime-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
SHERLOCK of 27 Westfield-avenue -- Redcar (Yorks)
SIDEBOTHAM of 47 Thomas-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
SIGSWORTH of 32 Coast-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
SKEEN of 1 Grove-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
SKINNER of 42 Raby-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
SLADDEN of 46 Queen-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
SMITH of 1 Malcolm-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
SMITH of 131 Oak-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
SMITH of 32 Corporation-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
SMITH of 32 Corporation-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
SMITH of 39 High-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
SMITH of 8 Brooksbank-avenue -- Redcar (Yorks)
SMURTHWAITE of 9 Nelson-terrace -- Redcar (Yorks)
SOTHERAN of 8 Soppett-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
SOUTHORN of 118 Corporation-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
SOWERBY of St Aubyns Coatham-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
SPENCE of 6 Lothian-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
SPENCE of Mizpah Cottage Regent-street -- Redcar (Yorks)

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
SPENSLEY of 5 Hampton-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
STANGROOM of 9 Ings-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
STEEL of 32 Gosforth-avenue -- Redcar (Yorks)
STEWART of 48 Costa-street South Bank -- Redcar (Yorks)
STEWART of Morley House 22 Coast-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
STONES of 9 Oak-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
STORROW of 4 Elliott-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
STORRY of 173 Redcar-lane -- Redcar (Yorks)
STRICKLAND of 43 Hampton-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
SULLEY of 226 Coatham-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
SWALES of 19 Park-avenue -- Redcar (Yorks)
SWALWELL of 8 Herschell-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
TATE of 17 Chestnut-avenue -- Redcar (Yorks)
TATE of 40 Corporation-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
TAYLOR of 20 Coast-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
TAYLOR of 26 Redcar-lane -- Redcar (Yorks)
TAYLOR of 78 Muriel-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
TENNET of 11 Arthur-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
THOMPSON of 14 High-street Coatham -- Redcar (Yorks)
THOMPSON of 33 Fitzwilliam-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
THOMPSON of High View 7 Esplanade -- Redcar (Yorks)
THORNTON of 10 Lilac-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
TOWERS of 94 Westfield-avenue -- Redcar (Yorks)
UNDERWOOD of Clydeholme Coatham-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
WALKER of 11 Granville-terrace -- Redcar (Yorks)
WALKER of 18 South-avenue Dormanstown -- Redcar (Yorks)
WALKER of 18 Station-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
WALKER of 23 St Johns-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
WALKER of 36 Lime-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
WALL of 115 Ings-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
WARD of 11 Hornleigh-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
WARD of 32 Thames-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
WARD of 33 Ings-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
WARIN of 11 Gordon-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
WATSON of 136 High-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
WATSON of 15 Coatham-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
WATSON of 15 Coatham-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
WATSON of 24 Zetland-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
WATSON of 55 Park-avenue -- Redcar (Yorks)
WESTGARTH of 14 Granville-terrace -- Redcar (Yorks)
WHILE of 8 Grinkle-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
WHITE of 160 Laburnum-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
WHITE of 38 Red Lion-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
WHITE of 86 Westfield-way Dormanstown -- Redcar (Yorks)
WHITFIELD of 16 Priory-grove -- Redcar (Yorks)
WILES of 23 Charlotte-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
WILKINSON of 254 Laburnum-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
WILKINSON of 4 South-terrace -- Redcar (Yorks)
WILKINSON of 4 Winchester-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
WILKINSON of 8 Scott-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
WILLEY of 21 Turner-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
WILLIAMS of 3 Victory-terrace Coatham -- Redcar (Yorks)
WILLIAMS of 38 Henry-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
WILLIAMS of 79 Sandringham-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
WILLIS of 76 West Dyke-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
WILSON of 16 Cypress-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
WILSON of 46a Queen-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
WOOD of 24 Muriel-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
WOOD of 28 Greenlands-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
WOOD of 59 Muriel-street -- Redcar (Yorks)

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
WOOD of 7 West-terrace -- Redcar (Yorks)
WOOD of 71 High-street -- Redcar (Yorks)
WRAITH of Rosedale 18 Coast-road -- Redcar (Yorks)
WRANGHAM of 57 Thrush-road -- Redcar (Yorks)

Choose your district:
ENGLAND COUNTIES Bedfordshire  Berkshire  Buckinghamshire  Cambridgeshire  Cheshire  Cornwall  County Durham  Cumberland  Derbyshire  Devonshire  Dorsetshire  Essex  Gloucestershire  Hampshire  Herefordshire  Hertfordshire  Huntingdonshire  Isle of Wight  Kent  Lancashire  Leicestershire  Lincolnshire  Middlesex  Norfolk  Northamptonshire  Northumberland  Nottinghamshire  Oxfordshire  Rutlandshire  Shropshire  Somerset  Staffordshire  Suffolk  Surrey  Sussex  Warwickshire  Westmorland  Wiltshire  Worcestershire  Yorkshire 
ENGLAND COUNTIES (MORE) Cheshire  Cheshire (pt 1)  Cheshire (pt 2)  Cornwall (towns)  County Durham  County Durham (pt 1)  County Durham (pt 2)  Derbyshire  Derbyshire (pt 1)  Derbyshire (pt 2)  Devonshire  Devonshire (pt 1)  Devonshire (pt 2)  Essex  Essex (pt 1)  Essex (pt 2)  Essex (pt 3)  Hampshire  Hampshire (pt 1)  Hampshire (pt 2)  Hertfordshire  Hertfordshire (pt 1)  Hertfordshire (pt 2)  Kent  Kent (pt 1)  Kent (pt 2)  Lancashire  Lancashire (pt 1)  Lancashire (pt 2)  Lancashire (pt 3)  Lancashire (pt 4)  Lancashire (pt 5)  Lancashire (pt 6)  Lincolnshire (towns)  Middlesex  Middlesex (pt 1)  Middlesex (pt 2)  Middlesex (pt 3)  Somerset (towns)  Staffordshire  Staffordshire (pt 1)  Staffordshire (pt 2)  Surrey  Surrey (pt 1)  Surrey (pt 2)  Surrey (pt 3)  Sussex (pt 1)  Sussex (pt 2)  Yorkshire  Yorkshire (pt 1)  Yorkshire (pt 2)  Yorkshire (pt 3) 
ENGLAND TOWNS Accrington  Aylesbury  Bath  Bedford  Birkenhead  Birmingham  Blackburn  Blackpool  Blandford  Bodmin  Bournemouth  Bradford  Brighton  Bristol  Buckingham  Burnley  Burton-on-Trent  Bury St Edmunds  Buxton  Cambridge  Canterbury  Carlisle  Chatham  Chelmsford  Cheltenham  Chester  Chichester  Colchester  Coventry  Crewe  Darlington  Deal  Derby  Devonport  Doncaster  Dover  Durham (town)  Eastbourne  Ely  Exeter  Folkestone  Gateshead  Gloucester  Great Yarmouth  Greenpool  Guildford  Halifax  Harrogate  Hartlepool  Hastings  Haverfordwest  Hereford  Holland  Huddersfield  Huntingdon  Ipswich  Kidderminster  Kingston-on-Thames  Kingston-upon-Hull  Lancaster  Leamington Spa  Leeds  Leicester  Lewes  Lichfield  Lincoln  Liverpool  Lowestoft  Macclesfield  Maidstone  Manchester  Margate  Middlesbrough  Monmouth  Newcastle-upon-Tyne  North Shields  Northampton  Norwich  Nottingham  Oldham  Oxford  Penzance  Peterborough  Plymouth  Poole  Portsmouth  Ramsgate  Reading  Ripon  Rochdale  Rochester  Salford  Salisbury  Scarborough  Sheffield  Shrewsbury  South Shields  Southampton  Southsea  St Leonards on sea  Stockton-on-Tees  Stoke-on-Trent  Stratford-on-avon  Sunderland  Taunton  Tonbridge  Torquay  Truro  Tunbridge Wells  Wakefield  Warrington  Warwick  Wells (Somerset)  West Worthing  Weston-super-Mare  Whitby  Wigan  Winchester  Windsor  Wolverhampton  Worcester  Worthing  York 
ENGLAND TOWNS (MORE) Ashton-under-Lyne  Birmingham  Birmingham (pt 1)  Birmingham (pt 2)  Birmingham (pt 3)  Durham  Liverpool  Liverpool (pt 1)  Liverpool (pt 2)  Manchester  Manchester (pt 1)  Manchester (pt 2)  Altrincham (Cheshire)  Hyde (Cheshire)  Northwich (Cheshire)  Runcorn (Cheshire)  Sale (Cheshire)  Stockport (Cheshire)  Wallasey (Cheshire)  Wirral (Cheshire)  Exmouth (Devonshire)  Paignton (Devonshire)  Barking (Essex)  Ilford (Essex)  Leigh-on-sea (Essex)  Romford (Essex)  Southend-on-Sea (Essex)  Westcliff-on-sea (Essex)  Stroud (Gloucestershire)  Hertford (Hertfordshire)  Ashford (Kent)  Beckenham (Kent)  Bromley (Kent)  Dartford (Kent)  Gillingham (Kent)  Gravesend (Kent)  Herne Bay (Kent)  Orpington (Kent)  Plumstead (Kent)  Sevenoaks (Kent)  Sidcup (Kent)  Welling (Kent)  Whitstable (Kent)  Barrow-in-Furness (Lancashire)  Bolton (Lancashire)  Bury (Lancashire)  Chorley (Lancashire)  Darwen (Lancashire)  Morecambe (Lancashire)  Nelson (Lancashire)  Preston (Lancashire)  Prestwich (Lancashire)  Southport (Lancashire)  St Helens (Lancashire)  Grimsby (Lincs)  Gosforth (Northumberland)  Whitley Bay (Northumberland)  Mansfield (Notts)  Newcastle-under-Lyme (Staffs)  Stafford (Staffs)  Bexhill-on-Sea (Sussex)  Bognor Regis (Sussex)  Horsham (Sussex)  Hove (Sussex)  Rugby (Warwickshire)  Halesowen (West Midlands)  Smethwick (West Midlands)  Stourbridge (West Midlands)  Walsall (West Midlands)  West Bromwich (West Midlands)  Bromsgrove (Worcestershire)  Barnsley (Yorks)  Batley (Yorks)  Bingley (Yorks)  Bridlington (Yorks)  Brighouse (Yorks)  Dewsbury (Yorks)  Goole (Yorks)  Keighley (Yorks)  Pontefract (Yorks)  Redcar (Yorks)  Rotherham (Yorks)  Shipley (Yorks)  Skipton (Yorks)  Sowerby Bridge (Yorks)  Todmorden (Yorks) 
LONDON Croydon  London  London (E - pt 2)  London (E- pt 1)  London (EC)  London (N - pt 1)  London (N - pt 2)  London (NW - pt 1)  London (NW - pt 2)  London (other)  London (SE-inner)  London (SE-outer)  London (SW-inner)  London (SW-outer - pt 1)  London (SW-outer - pt 2)  London (SW-outer - pt 3)  London (W - pt 1)  London (W - pt 2)  London (WC) 
WALES COUNTIES Anglesey  Brecknockshire  Cardiganshire  Carmarthenshire  Carnarvonshire  Denbighshire  Flintshire  Glamorganshire  Glamorganshire  Glamorganshire (pt 1)  Glamorganshire (pt 2)  Merionethshire  Monmouthshire  Montgomeryshire  Pembrokeshire  Radnorshire 
WALES TOWNS Aberdare  Bangor  Barry  Bridgend  Builth Wells  Cardiff  Carmarthen  Carnarvon  Llandaff  Merthyr Tydfil  Neath  Penarth  Pontypridd  Port Talbot  Rhondda  St Asaph  Swansea 
SCOTLAND COUNTIES North Britain  Scotland  Scotland (pt 1)  Scotland (pt 2)  Aberdeenshire  Angus-shire  Argyllshire  Ayrshire  Banffshire  Berwickshire  Buteshire  Caithness  Clackmannanshire  Dumbartonshire  Dumfriesshire  Elginshire  Fifeshire  Forfarshire  Invernessshire  Kincardineshire  Kinrossshire  Kirkcudbrightshire  Lanarkshire  Lothian  Midlothian  Morayshire  Nairnshire  Peeblesshire  Perthshire  Renfrewshire  Ross-shire  Roxburghshire  Selkirkshire  Shetland  Stirlingshire  Sutherland  Wigtownshire 
SCOTLAND TOWNS small Scottish town  Aberdeen  Airdrie  Alloa  Angus  Arbroath  Arran  Ayr  Banff  Berwick  Berwick-on-Tweed  Blairgowrie  Brechin  Bridge of Allan  Broughty Ferry  Calston  Cambuslang  Campbeltown  Carnoustie  Coatbridge  Crieff  Dalbeattie  Douglas  Dumbarton  Dumfries  Dunblane  Dundee  Dunfermline  Dunoon  Edinburgh  Elgin  Falkirk  Forfar  Glasgow  Grangemouth  Greenock  Haddington  Hamilton  Hawick  Helensburgh  Inverness  Kelso  Kilbride  Kilmarnock  Kirkcaldy  Kirkcudbright  Lanark  Largs  Lockerbie  Montrose  Nairn  Orkney  Paisley  Peebles  Perth  Prestwick  Rothesay  Rutherglen  Saltcoats  Selkirk  St Andrews  Stevenston  Stirling  Stonehaven  Stranraer  Strathaven  Troon  Uddingston 
BRITAIN ELSEWHERE Britain elsewhere  Guernsey  Isle of Man  Jersey  Gibraltar  Falkland Islands  Channel Islands 
IRELAND & NORTHERN IRELAND COUNTIES County Antrim  County Armagh  County Carlow  County Cavan  County Clare  County Cork  County Derry  County Donegal  County Down  County Dublin  County Fermanagh  County Galway  County Kerry  County Kildare  County Kilkenny  County Kings county  County Leitrim  County Leix  County Limerick  County Longford  County Louth  County Mayo  County Meath  County Monaghan  County Offaly  County Queens county  County Roscommon  County Sligo  County Tipperary  County Tyrone  County Waterford  County Westmeath  County Wexford  County Wicklow 
IRELAND & NORTHERN IRELAND TOWNS Antrim (town)  Armagh (town)  Belfast  Carlow (town)  Cavan (town)  Cork (town)  Donegal (town)  Dublin (town)  Galway (town)  Kilkenny (town)  Leitrim (town)  Leix (town)  Londonderry  Longford (town)  Limerick (town)  Meath (town)  Monaghan (town)  Roscommon (town)  Sligo (town)  Tipperary (town)  Waterford (town)  Westmeath (town)  Wexford (town)  Wicklow (town) 
AFRICA Africa  Central Africa  East Africa  Egypt  Gold Coast Africa  Kenya  Nigeria Africa  North Africa  Northern Africa  Northern Rhodesia  Nyasaland Africa  Portuguese East Africa  Sierra Leone Africa  South Africa  Southern Rhodesia  West Africa 
ASIA Asia  Burma  Ceylon  China  Hong Kong  India  Indonesia  Japan  Malay States  Pakistan  Singapore  Straits Settlements  Turkey 
EUROPE & ATLANTIC ISLANDS Albania  Austria  Balearic Islands  Belgium  Bulgaria  Canary Islands  Cape Verde Islands  Czechoslovakia  Europe (E)  France  Germany  Greece  Hungary  Italy  Luxembourg  Madeira  Malta  Monaco  Netherlands  Poland  Portugal  Romania  Spain  Sweden  Switzerland  USSR  Yugoslavia 
MIDDLE EAST Arabia  Israel  Lebanon  Palestine  Syria  Transjordan 
OCEANIA, PACIFIC AND INDIAN ISLANDS Australia  New Zealand  East Indies  Fiji Islands  Friendly Islands  Mauritius  Philippine Islands  Seychelles Islands  Society Islands  South Pacific 
SCANDINAVIA Denmark  Estonia  Finland  Iceland  Latvia  Norway 
SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA South America  Argentina  Brazil  Buenos Aires (Argentina)  Central America  Chile  Columbia  Mexico 
WEST INDIES AND ATLANTIC Atlantic  West Indies  Bahama Islands  Bermuda Islands  Jamaica  Leeward Islands  Turks and Caicos Islands 
NORTH AMERICA USA  Canada  Alabama (USA)  Alaska (USA)  Arizona (USA)  Arkansas (USA)  California (USA)  Chicago (USA)  Colorado (USA)  Connecticut (USA)  Dallas (USA)  DC (USA)  Delaware (USA)  Detroit (USA)  Florida (USA)  Georgia (USA)  Hawaii (USA)  Idaho (USA)  Illinois (USA)  Indiana (USA)  Indianapolis (USA)  Iowa (USA)  Jersey City (USA)  Kansas (USA)  Kentucky (USA)  Los Angeles (USA)  Louisiana (USA)  Maine (USA)  Maryland (USA)  Massachusetts (USA)  Mexico (USA)  Michigan (USA)  Minnesota (USA)  Mississippi (USA)  Missouri (USA)  Montana (USA)  Nebraska (USA)  Nevada (USA)  New Hampshire (USA)  New Jersey (USA)  New Mexico (USA)  New York (USA)  New York City (USA)  Niagara (USA)  North Carolina (USA)  North Dakota (USA)  Ohio (USA)  Oklahoma (USA)  Oregon (USA)  Pennsylvania (USA)  Philadelphia (USA)  Rhode Island (USA)  Rochester (USA)  San Francisco (USA)  Somerville (USA)  South Carolina (USA)  South Dakota (USA)  St Louis (USA)  Tennessee (USA)  Texas (USA)  Utah (USA)  Vermont (USA)  Virgin Islands (USA)  Virginia (USA)  Washington (USA)  Wisconsin (USA)  Wiscousin (USA)  Wyoming (USA) 
MILITARY Military 

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