Toms Wills: Addresses in UK wills 1931-1939.

County Cork is an old place, where many people lived
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Grantor surname (1931-9):
District (England-Wales):
Browse modern postcodes

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
ABBOTT of The Rectory Fermoy -- Cork
ABBOTT of the Rectory Fermoy county -- Cork
ACHESON of 15 St Patricks Hill -- Cork
ACTON of Lower O Connell-street Kinsale county -- Cork
ADAMS of 15 South-terrace -- Cork
ADAMS of Belgrove Queenstown county -- Cork
ADAMS of Weir View North Mall -- Cork
AHEARN of 17 East Beach Cobb -- Cork
AHERN of 6 Roches-terrace Cobh county -- Cork
AHERN of Ballinspittal -- Cork
AHERN of Ballintotas Midleton -- Cork
AHERN of Ballyhooly South Mallow -- County Cork
AHERN of Castlemartyr -- County Cork
AHERN of Corkbeg-terrace Whitegate -- Cork
AHERN of Heatherside Buttevant county -- Cork
AHERN of Soho Ville Shanakiel -- County Cork
AHERN of Whitegate county -- Cork
AHERNE of 41 Evergreen-buildings -- Cork
AHERNE of Woodview Ballintemple -- Cork
ALDWORTH of 2 Woodland View Crosshaven -- County Cork
ALEXANDER of 10 Kingston College Mitchelstown county -- Cork
ALLEN of 4 Knocklawn Ballyhooly-road -- Cork
ALLEN of 5 Minerva-terrace College-road -- Cork
ALLEN of Luska Ballintemple Cork -- County Cork
ALLEN of Merville Cobh county -- Cork
ALLEN of Tourmore Skibbereen -- County Cork
AMBROSE of Bishopstown county -- Cork
ANDREWS of Homeville Sundays Well -- Cork
ANDREWS of Sidwell House Sundays Well -- Cork
APPELBE of Castletown Kinneagh Enniskean county -- Cork
APPELBE of The Farm Curravarahane Bandon -- County Cork
ARNOPP of 17 Fisher-street Kinsale county -- Cork
ASHE of Ashleigh Bungalow Upper Strand Youghal county -- Cork
ASHE of Ashton Killinardrish -- Cork
ASHE of the Provincial Bank of Ireland Limited Kanturk county -- Cork
ATKINS of 6 Adelaide-place St Lukes -- Cork
ATKINS of Brookpark Dunmanway county -- Cork
ATKINS of Hibernian Chambers Oliver Plunket-street -- Cork
ATKINS of The Cottage Dunmanway -- County Cork
ATKINS of The Horne Military-road -- Cork
ATTERIDGE of Glenbrook Ballylangley Bandon county -- Cork
AYLMER of Castle View Rushbrook county -- Cork
BABINGTON of The Shrubbery Monkstown -- Cork
BABINGTON of The Shrubbery Monkstown county -- Cork
BABINGTON of The Shrubbery Monkstown county -- Cork
BABTIE of The Hermitage Rushbrooke -- Cork
BAKER of Heathfield Weavers Point Crosshaven Cork
BAKER of Rearahinagh -- County Cork
BAKER of Rockmahon Blackrock county -- Cork
BAKER of Rpsemount Montenotte -- Cork
BARRETT of 2 Willmount Gardiners Hill -- Cork
BARRETT of 33 Lower Main-street Mallow -- County Cork
BARRETT of 33 Main-street Mallow county -- Cork
BARRETT of Charleville -- County Cork
BARRETT of Corrough Dromina Charleville -- Cork
BARRETT of Marble Hill Newberry Mallow -- County Cork
BARRETT of Mullaghmore Collomane Bantry county -- Cork
BARRETT of Ring Clonakilty -- Cork
BARRETT of Ringlee Rushbrooke county -- Cork
BARRY of 4 Bellevue-terrace Monkstown county -- Cork
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
BARRY of 5 Canning-place Passage West -- County Cork
BARRY of 67 Main-street Midleton county -- Cork
BARRY of 9 Walkers-row Fermoy -- County Cork
BARRY of Ballinahown Fermoy county -- Cork
BARRY of Ballybrowney Rathcormac county -- Cork
BARRY of Ballyellis Buttevant -- County Cork
BARRY of Bridge House Rathcormac county -- Cork
BARRY of Coolbane Freemount -- Cork
BARRY of Corner House Kilieagh county -- Cork
BARRY of Currabeha county -- Cork
BARRY of Egmont House Kanturk county -- Cork
BARRY of Glounathnan Ban try -- County Cork
BARRY of Greenville Carrigtwohill county -- Cork
BARRY of Knockbrack Kilworth county -- Cork
BARRY of Main-street Midleton -- Cork
BARRY of Main-street Midleton -- County Cork
BARRY of the Bridge House Rathcormac county -- Cork
BARRY of The Cork Mental Home -- Cork
BARRY of Trellis Cottage Rushbrooke county -- Cork
BARTER of 2 Westmere Western-road -- Cork
BARTER of St Ann?s Hill -- Cork
BARTON of Castletownshend county -- Cork
BATEMAN of 11 Anglesea-street -- Cork
BATEMAN of 26 Mill-street Clonakilty -- County Cork
BATEMAN of Beechfield Fermoy county -- Cork
BATEMAN of Clooncorban Rossmore Ballineen -- County Cork
BATEMAN of Kilronan West Dunmanway -- Cork
BATEMAN of Meelin House Bandon county -- Cork
BATEMAN of the Hill Clonakilty county -- Cork
BATEMAN of The Square Rosscarbery county -- Cork
BATTEN of Knockane Berrings county -- Cork
BAYLOR of Ballygriffin Cottage Killavullen -- Cork
BAYLOR of Derryvillane Rockmills -- Cork
BEADON of Ballintemple House Ballintemple -- Cork
BEALE of Adelaide-place -- Cork
BEAMISH of Bellevue Cobh -- Cork
BEAMISH of Courtmacslierry -- Cork
BEAMISH of Harehill Bandon -- County Cork
BEAMISH of Kilmaloda Ballinascarthy county -- Cork
BEAMISH of Lahana House Drimoleague county -- Cork
BEAMISH of Lehanaght House Drimoleague county -- Cork
BEAMISH of Millview Caherlarig Clonakilty county -- Cork
BEARE of Ardnagreena Ballincollig -- County Cork
BEARE of Boyle-street Bandon -- County Cork
BECHER of Killetra Mallow county -- Cork
BECHER of Killetra Mallow county -- Cork
BEECHINOR of Hettyville Farrangalway Kinsale -- County Cork
BELLAMY of 25 Grand Parade -- Cork
BENNETT of 1 Royal-terrace Kingstown county Dublin and of The Lodge Kilworth -- Cork
BENNETT of Barrys Hall Timoleague -- County Cork
BENNETT of Shannonvale Clonakilty -- County Cork
BERRY of Brooklodge House Glanmire -- Cork
BERRY of The Deanery Cloyne -- County Cork
BEVAN of Roseville Summercove Kinsale county -- Cork
BEVAN of Roseville Summercove Kinsale county -- Cork
BEVAN of Shannon-street Bandon -- County Cork
BINCHY of Charleville county -- Cork
BINCHY of Gortskagh Charleville county -- Cork
BINCHY of Knights Lodge Charleville county -- Cork
BIRD of Curraghmount Buttevant -- County Cork
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
BLACKHAM of South Abbey Youghal county -- Cork
BLACKWOOD of Rosemount Youghal -- County Cork
BLAKE of 27 Marlboro-street -- Cork
BLAKE of Coppal Douglas-road county -- Cork
BLAKE of Rosemount Sundays Well -- Cork
BLEAZBY of Ballinacurra House near Kinsale -- County Cork
BODDIE of Whitegate Midleton -- County Cork
BOLSTER of 25 Summer Hill South -- Cork
BOLSTER of Dromore Mallow -- County Cork
BOLSTER of Glenlohane Kanturk county -- Cork
BOLSTER of Ravenswood Fermoy -- County Cork
BOLSTER of Rossa Doneraile -- County Cork
BOLSTER of Springville Kanturk -- Cork
BOLSTER of Springville Kanturk county -- Cork
BOLTON of College View Sundays Well county -- Cork
BOURKE of Ileclash Fermoy -- County Cork
BOWEN of Killany Kinsale -- County Cork
BOWEN of Killany Kinsale county -- Cork
BOWEN of Rock-cottage Whitepoint Cobh -- County Cork
BOWLES of Dungourney House Dungoumey Midleton county -- Cork
BOYD of Leitra Drimoleague county -- Cork
BRADFIELD of Oarriganear Skibbereen -- County Cork
BREEN of Greenfield House Kanturk -- County Cork
BREEN of Percival-street Kanturk -- Cork
BRENNAN of 2 Westbourne-villas Western-road -- Cork
BRENNAN of Hogans-row Kinsale county -- Cork
BRENNAN of Main-street Dunmanway -- Cork
BRENNAN of Main-street Dunmanway county -- Cork
BRICKLEY of Station House Youghal county -- Cork
BRODERICK of 31 Douglas-street -- Cork
BRODERICK of Coolnahilla Liscarroll county -- Cork
BRODERICK of Knockeen Freemount -- County Cork
BRODERICK of Patrick St Fermoy county -- Cork
BRODERICK of Patrick-street Fermoy -- County Cork
BROE of Keale Derinagree Banteer county -- Cork
BROMFIELD of 8 Model Cottages off Blarney-street -- Cork
BROMFIELD of 8 Model-cottages Blarney-street -- Cork
BROOKES of Park Holme Youghal -- County Cork
BROOKS of Oldenburg Cobh -- Cork
BROPHY of Lislevane Timoleague county -- Cork
BROWNE of 70 & 71 Blarney-street -- Cork
BROWNE of Lisduggan Lombardstown county -- Cork
BROWNE of Lombardstown -- County Cork
BROWNE of Main-street Buttevant -- County Cork
BROWNE of Midleton -- Cork
BROWNE of Mitchelstown county -- Cork
BROWNE of Union Hall Skibbereen county -- Cork
BRUCE of Shannon Lodge St Anns Hill -- County Cork
BRYAN of 15 South View Ballinlough-road -- Cork
BRYAN of Cramers Court Belgooly Kinsale -- County Cork
BRYAN of Killeagh Belgooly Kinsale county -- Cork
BRYAN of the Miles Clonakilty county -- Cork
BUCHAN of Gilmont Menloe Gardens-! Blaekrock Cork -- Cork
BUCKLEY of 3 Georges Quay -- Cork
BUCKLEY of Annakisha Castletownroche county -- Cork
BUCKLEY of Bilberry Midleton county -- Cork
BUCKLEY of Linaro College-road county -- Cork
BUCKLEY of Park View Kilbrogan Bandon county -- Cork
BUCKLEY of Park View Kilbrogan Bandon county -- Cork
BUCKLEY of South Main-street Youghal -- County Cork
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
BUCKNALL of Creagh Castle Doneraile -- County Cork
BULL of Ciittadella Blaekrock-road Cork Cork
BULLEN of Upland Fermoy -- Cork
BURCHILL of Kilbeg Bandon -- County Cork
BURDON of The Laurels Buttevant -- County Cork
BURGESS of Baltydaniel Mallow -- County Cork
BURKE of 65 North-street Skibbereen county -- Cork
BURKE of Ballhesty Carrignavar -- County Cork
BURKE of Ballinghanna Clonakilty county -- Cork
BURKE of Barryroe Timoleague county -- Cork
BURROWES of Carriglee 29 Sundays Well-road -- Cork
BUSTEED of Ballea House Carrigaline county -- Cork
BUTLER of Castlemartyr Cork
BUTLER of Elmford Menloe-garden Blackrock -- County Cork
BUTTIMER of Caher Ballineen -- Cork
BYRNE of Magoold Drifscy county -- Cork
CAGNEY of 53 South Mall Cork and of The Hydro St Anns Hill county -- Cork
CAGNEY of The Hydro St Ann?s Hill -- Cork
CAHILL of Blossomgrove county -- Cork
CALLAGHAN of 40 South Mall -- Cork
CALLANAN of 2 Eldred-terrace Douglas-road county -- Cork
CALLANAN of Ringaskiddy -- County Cork
CAMIER of Enaughter Goleen county -- Cork
CAREW of Vine Park Curraglass -- County Cork
CAREY of Baltimore -- Cork
CAREY of Castletownshend -- Cork
CAREY of Cork-road Midleton -- County Cork
CAREY of Meeting House-lane Youghal and of Massy town Macroom both in -- Cork
CARMODY of 15 Dyke-parade -- Cork
CARMODY of Pallastown Kinsale -- Cork
CARNEGIE of Walton Court Belgooly near Kinsale -- County Cork
CARR of 7 The Mall Cobh -- County Cork
CARROLL of Ross Cottage Charleville -- County Cork
CARROLL of St Anns Hill -- Cork
CASEY of Baldwin-street Mitchelstown -- County Cork
CASEY of Mitchelstown county -- Cork
CASHMAN of Coole Whites Cross -- County Cork
CASHMAN of Fanisk Killeagh county -- Cork
CEAREN of Youghal -- Cork
CHAMBERS of 2 Kings-terrace Cobh -- Cork
CHAPMAN of Mahon Lodge Blackrock county -- Cork
CHAYTOR of Kilshannig House Mallow county -- Cork
CHIDDICK of Clonakilty -- Cork
CHIDDICK of Western-road Clonakilty -- Cork
CHILLINCWORTH of Woodville Rochestown county -- Cork
CHILLINGWORTH of Herne Hill Myrtleville Crosshaven -- County Cork
CHUTE of Red Steps Crosshaven county -- Cork
CLANCHY of Belfort Charleville -- County Cork
CLANCY of Kildorrery -- County Cork
CLAPHAM of 7 Menloe-gardens Blackrock -- County Cork
CLARK of Vincents View 4 Mardyke-walk -- Cork
CLARKE of 1 Kimberley-villas St Lukes -- Cork
CLARKE of Beechfield Fermoy county -- Cork
CLARKE of Castlelyons Rectory Fermoy county -- Cork
CLARKE of Montfields Town Rochestown county -- Cork
CLARKE of Trabolgan Whitegate county -- Cork
CLEAR of North Main-street Bandon -- Cork
CLEARY of Aghatubridmore Leap county -- Cork
CLEARY of Maclemtain-street Fermoy -- County Cork
CLEESQN of Glounthaune county -- Cork
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
CLIFFORD of 10 Seminary Villas Farrenferris county -- Cork
CLIFFORD of Cloghooe county -- Cork
COAKLEY of Ahiohill Enniskeane -- County Cork
COAKLEY of Poplar Cottage Enniskeane county -- Cork
COAKLEY of Watergrasshill -- County Cork
COATES of Avondale Main-street Middleton county -- Cork
COATES of Roseneath Rushbrooke county -- Cork
COATES of The Rock Midleton -- Cork
COFFEY of St Mary s-road Midleton county -- Cork
COGAN of Manning Glanworth county -- Cork
COGAN of Midleton -- County Cork
COGHLAN of Ballygarvan House Carrigaline -- County Cork
COGHLAN of Shanagraigue Carrigaline -- County Cork
COGHLAN of The Hydro St Annes Hill -- County Cork
COLEMAN of 10 Shamrock-terrace Blarney county -- Cork
COLEMAN of 2 Rosehill-terrace Cobh county -- Cork
COLEMAN of Ballintostig Whitegate -- County Cork
COLEMAN of Barrack-street Kinsall county -- Cork
COLEMAN of Buttevant -- County Cork
COLEMAN of Buttevant county -- Cork
COLEMAN of Buttevant county -- Cork
COLEMAN of Summer Cove Kinsale county -- Cork
COLLINS of 38 St Marys-road Midleton -- County Cork
COLLINS of Bellevue Douglas county -- Cork
COLLINS of Lower Aghada county -- Cork
COLLINS of Mount Grange Douglas county -- Cork
COLLINS of Skibbereen county -- Cork
COLLINS of the Maples Frankfield county -- Cork
COLLINS of Watergate-street Bardon -- County Cork
COLLOCK of 3 Bellevue Park Military-road -- Cork
COLMAN of 2 Rosehill-terrace Queenstown -- Cork
COLTHURST of The Castle Blarney -- Cork
CONDON of 23 Shandon-street -- Cork
CONDON of Chapel-square Fermoy -- Cork
CONNAL of Ferville Mallow county -- Cork
CONNELL of Becher-street Mallow county -- Cork
CONNELL of the Cork Mental Hospital Lee-road county -- Cork
CONNER of 8 Alta-terrace Monkstown county -- Cork
CONNER of Manch House Manch Ballmeen -- County Cork
CONNOLLY of Glenlough Ardfoyle Ballintemple Blackrock -- County Cork
CONNOLLY of Railway-street Dunmanway county -- Cork
CONNORS of Churchtown Mallow county -- Cork
CONROY of 2 Seaview Queenstown -- Cork
CONWAY of Douglas-road county -- Cork
CONWAY of Golden-grove Douglas-road -- County Cork
CONYERS of Springfield Cottage Castlemartyr county -- Cork
COOKE of 1 Clifton-terrace Summerhill county -- Cork
COOPER of 8 Victoria-lerrace Glenbrook -- Cork
COOPER of The Rectory Leap county -- Cork
COPITHORNE of Aughaville Bantry county -- Cork
COPITHORNE of Llittle Island -- Cork
COPITHORNE of Meadow Strand Skibbereen county -- Cork
CORBETT of Mallow -- County Cork
CORCORAN of Ballinakill Kanturk county -- Cork
CORCORAN of Kilvoultra Clondrohid Macroom -- County Cork
CORKERY of MacCurtain-street otherwise Gurteenroe-street Macroom -- County Cork
CORR of Rockgrove Little Island -- County Cork
COTTER of 119 Patrick-street -- Cork
COTTER of 14 MacCurtainstreet -- Cork
COTTER of 8 Sidney-place -- Cork

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Person living in the areaMore details, including year
COTTER of Ballytresna Little Islands -- Cork
COTTER of Church-road Blackrock -- Cork
COTTER of Kilmore Ballingeary county -- Cork
COTTER of Main-street Bantry -- County Cork
COUGHLAN of Balteen Schull county -- Cork
COUNIHAN of 7 Redemption-road Farranferris county -- Cork
COWHY of Churchtown House Churchtown Mallow county -- Cork
COWIE of St Anns Hill Hydro -- County Cork
COX of 3 Grandview-terrace Victoria-road -- Cork
CRAIG of Helenville The Strand Youghal -- County Cork
CREACH of Corrin Ville Fermoy county -- Cork
CREAGH of Creagh Castle Doneraile county -- Cork
CREAMER of Kilnagloy Ballincolling county -- Cork
CREAN of Knockglass House Upper-road Crosshaven -- County Cork
CREED of Main-street Macroom county -- Cork
CREEDON of Ballyfireen Grenagh county -- Cork
CREEDON of Clondrohid Macroom county -- Cork
CREMEN of Alcantara Western-road -- County Cork
CROFTS of Churchtown House Churchtown Mallow -- County Cork
CRONIN of 4 Fort-villas Cobh -- County Cork
CRONIN of Kilmoney Carrigaline -- County Cork
CRONIN of Main-street Carrigaline -- County Cork
CRONIN of New-street Bantry county -- Cork
CRONIN of New-street Newmarket county -- Cork
CRONIN of Oakhurst Queenstown county -- Cork
CRONIN of Raheen Kanturk county -- Cork
CRONIN of Strand-street Kanturk -- County Cork
CRONIN of The Grand Hotel Westland-row Dublin and Islandbrack Boherbee county -- Cork
CRONIN of The Square Bantry -- County Cork
CRONIN of The Square Bantry county -- Cork
CROOKE of Aghavrin House Coachford -- County Cork
CROSBIE of Carrigdew Blackrock -- Cork
CROWLEY of 25 Parnell-place -- Cork
CROWLEY of Castlecar Kanturk county -- Cork
CROWLEY of Dunmanway -- County Cork
CROWLEY of Dunmanway -- County Cork
CROWLEY of Dunmanway -- County Cork
CROWLEY of Dunmanway county -- Cork
CROWLEY of Homeville Clonakilty -- County Cork
CROWLEY of Lota Glammire county Cork and 38-40 Marlboro-street and The Arch Winthrop-street -- Cork
CROWLEY of Lota Glanmire county -- Cork
CROWLEY of Mawbeg Bandon county -- Cork
CROWLEY of Oldcourt Rochestown -- County Cork
CROWLEY of Rock Cottage Ringaskiddy -- County Cork
CROWLEY of The Square Bantry county -- Cork
CROWLEY of Upton House Upton -- Cork
CULHANE of Ballinostig Whitegate county -- Cork
CULLINAN of Main-street Midieton county -- Cork
CULLINAN of The Square Bantry county -- Cork
CULLINANE of Western-place Clonakilty county -- Cork
CUMING of Vuettdraglas-road -- Cork
CUNNEEN of Myrtleville Highfield-avenue College-road -- Cork
CUNNINGHAM of Branfield Youghal county -- Cork
CURRAN of 3 South Abbey Youghal -- County Cork
CURRAN of Railway Villa Macroom county -- Cork
CURRAN of South Abbey Youghal county -- Cork
CURTIN of 9 Mount View-terrace Saint Lukes Cork -- County Cork
CURTIN of Fernhurst College-road Cork -- County Cork
CURTIN of Kilmore House Bandon county -- Cork
CURTIN of Tooreelagrenna Rockchapel county -- Cork
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
CURTIN of York Villa Glasheen-road -- County Cork
CURTIS of Woodbank Queenstown (Cobb) county -- Cork
CUSACK of Lower Cork-street Mitchelstown county -- Cork
CUSACK of Ring Ville Queenstown -- County Cork
CUSSEN of Pearsons Bridge Bantry county -- Cork
CUSSEN of Shanakiel House Sundays Well -- County Cork
DALY of 106 Sundays Well-road -- Cork
DALY of 30 Harbour-row Cobh county -- Cork
DALY of 5 Annville Ballinlough-road -- Cork
DALY of Blackthorn Cottage Whitegate county -- Cork
DALY of Dalymount Shanakiel county -- Cork
DANIELS of Avonmore Fermoy county -- Cork
DAUNT of Dromderrig Kinsale county -- Cork
DAUNT of Dromderrig Kinsale county -- Cork
DAUNT of Dromderry Kinsale -- Cork
DAUNT of Lower Aghada Rostellan -- County Cork
DAVIDSON of Glenavon Rushbrooke -- County Cork
DAVITT of Two Pot House Mallow county -- Cork
DAVOREN of Green Cottage Glenbrook Passage West -- County Cork
DAWSON of Snugboro Sundays Well -- Cork
DAWSON of South Main-street Bandon -- County Cork
DEANE of Ballycommane Durrus county -- Cork
DEASY of Cullinagh Courtmaesherry -- Cork
DEASY of Ringabella Carrigaline county -- Cork
DEE of Mantogucs Marino Villa Carrigloc Cobh county -- Cork
DENNEHY of 35 Gould-street -- Cork
DENNEHY of Gloutaue Mallow county -- Cork
DENNIS of Angelico Wilton-road -- Cork
DESMOND of 16 Frenchs-villas -- Cork
DILLON of Brumana Rushbrooke -- County Cork
DILLON of Fair Hill -- Cork
DINAN of 1 St Christophersrdrive Montenotte -- Cork
DINAN of Killinardrish county -- Cork
DIXON of Mountford Lodge Fermoy county -- Cork
DOBBIN of Knockrea Blackrock-road -- Cork
DOHERTY of Raheen Tullylease Charleville county -- Cork
DOHERTY of St Peters Rectory Western-road -- Cork
DOLAN of Newmarket county -- Cork
DONEGAN of Ballinla Freemount Charleville -- County Cork
DONELAN of Townshend-street_ Skibbereen -- Cork
DONERAILE of Doneraile Court Doneraile -- County Cork
DONOVAN of Crohane Kinsale county -- Cork
DORMAN of Fisher-street Kin sale -- Cork
DOUGLAS of the Incorporated Home for Protestant Incurables -- Cork
DOWDALL of Carrigdev Blackrock -- County Cork
DOWLING of Pieview Blackrock -- County Cork
DOWNING of Bellevue House Queenstown county -- Cork
DOWNING of the Gables Queenstown county -- Cork
DOYLE of 3 North Mall -- Cork
DOYLE of Burgess Killeagh -- County Cork
DOYLE of Drumcora Blackrock county -- Cork
DOYLE of Perryville Kinsale -- Cork
DRAPER of Scart Bantry -- County Cork
DRENNAN of Laurelville Crosshaven county -- Cork
DRENNAN of Laurelville Crosshaven county -- Cork
DRING of Ballyre Upper Strand Youghal -- County Cork
DRISCOLL of 17 Harbour-view Cobh county -- Cork
DRISCOLL of Rossard Ballydehob county -- Cork
DRISCOLL of Woodfield Clonakilty county -- Cork
DUDLEY of Dursey Island Garnish Bamtry county -- Cork
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
DUHIC of Ballinrostig Whitegate county -- Cork
DUHIG of Ballinrostig Whitegate county -- Cork
DUKE of 10 Dyke Parade -- Cork
DUKE of 10 Dyke-parade -- Cork
DURKAN of Castle View Bridge-street Mallow -- County Cork
DWYER of Maryville Kilworth -- County Cork
DWYER of Schull -- County Cork
DYAS of St Michaels Rectory Blackrock -- County Cork
EDWARDS of Clareville Ennis-road Limerick county -- Cork
EEDY of Barrack Hill Clonakilty -- Cork
EGAN of North Fever Hospital -- Cork
ELMES of Culgreine Baffin temple county -- Cork
ELWOOD of Mill House Kilcully -- Cork
EMERSON of Ballymodan Rectory Bandon county -- Cork
ENGLISH of hmiscurrig Western-road -- Cork
ENNIS of Bearforest Mallow county -- Cork
ENRIGHT of Shanbally Monkstown county -- Cork
EVANS of 3 Adelaide-terrace Summerhill -- Cork
EVANS of 5 Langford-place -- Cork
EVANS of Arbutus Lodge Old Blackrock Road -- County Cork
EVANS of Ballyoran Fermoy county -- Cork
FAHY of Desertmore Ovens county -- Cork
FAIRBROTHER of Cullen Rectory Ballinhassig -- County Cork
FARMER of New-street Buttevant county -- Cork
FARRER of 2 Fort-villas Queenstown county -- Cork
FAWCETT of Killrogan Hill Ban don -- Cork
FEENEY of Coolmohan Kilworth county -- Cork
FEHILY of Lisheen Church Cross Skibbereen -- Cork
FELL of Ballendinisk -- County Cork
FENTON of Frankfield House Frankfield -- Cork
FERGUSON of 2 South Abbey Youghal -- County Cork
FERGUSON of Airbill Schull -- County Cork
FERGUSON of Sunnyside Monksitown -- Cork
FIELD of Lodge Aherla -- County Cork
FITZGERALD of 5 Margaret-street -- Cork
FITZGERALD of 70 Dominick-street -- Cork
FITZGERALD of Bridge-street Skibbreen county -- Cork
FITZGERALD of Main-street and of Collins-terrace both in Kinsale -- County Cork
FITZGERALD of Main-street Macroom county -- Cork
FITZGERALD of Millhouse Glanworth county -- Cork
FITZGERALD of Murragh Enniskeane county -- Cork
FITZGERALD of Railway View Monard county -- Cork
FITZGIBBON of Cork-road Midleton -- Cork
FITZGIBBON of Derreen House Coachford county -- Cork
FITZGIBBON of Innislinga Abbey Dripsey -- County Cork
FITZMAHONY of The Rock Midleton county -- Cork
FITZMAURICE of The Wigwam Ballincollig county -- Cork
FLANNERY of Castlemartyr county -- Cork
FLEMING of The College Youghal county -- Cork
FLEWETT of the Palace -- Cork
FLYNN of Main-street Kilworth -- County Cork
FLYNN of Spikel Conna -- County Cork
FOLEY of 1 Ardeevin St Lukes -- Cork
FOLEY of Ballinamona Doneraile county -- Cork
FOLEY of Castlelands Buttevant county -- Cork
FOLEY of Ceeholme -- Cork
FOLEY of Charlemont Monkstown county -- Cork
FOLEY of RosKvan Ballintemple -- Cork
FOOTT of 4 Laurel Villas Mardyke -- Cork
FORBES of Ballycobton county -- Cork
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
FORBES of The College Mitchelstown county -- Cork
FORD of North Main-street Bandon county -- Cork
FORDE of 2 Fort Villas Queenstown -- County Cork
FORDE of 3 Elm Bank Douglas-road -- Cork
FORDE of 4 Long Quay Kinsale county -- Cork
FORDE of Ballygeany Ballycotton -- Cork
FORDE of Ivy Lodge Bandon -- County Cork
FORDE of Lynwood Cobh -- County Cork
FORREST of Killeens Blarney county -- Cork
FORREST of Mill-road Midleton county -- Cork
FOSTER of 3 College View Terrace Western-road -- Cork
FRITCHLEY of Glenlohane Kanturk county -- Cork
FULLER of 1 Carrigside College-road Cork -- Cork
FULLER of Union Hall Leap -- County Cork
GABBETT of Carewswood Castlemartyr -- County Cork
GALLAGHER of Farran Ardfield Clonakilty county -- Cork
GARDE of Billericay Midleton -- County Cork
GARDINER of 7 Sydneyville Bellevue Park -- Cork
GASH of Abbeyview Carrigaline -- County Cork
GASH of Ballindeenisk Kinsale -- Cork
GASH of Scant Belgooly Kinsale -- County Cork
GATES of Oldcastle Kildorrery -- Cork
GAYNOR of St Vincents Sundays Well -- Cork
GEARY of St Michaels Blackrock -- Cork
GIBBONS of 11 Landscape-terrace Glasheen-road and 41 and 42 Blarney-street -- Cork
GIBBONS of 4 Harbour-view-terrace Suminerhill -- Cork
GIBBONS of Church-road Temple-brady Crosshaven county -- Cork
GIBSON of Currabinny county -- Cork
GILBERT of Ravenscourt Blackrock -- County Cork
GILDEA of Monagurra Shanagarry Midleton county -- Cork
GLANCY of Broomley Minane Bridge county -- Cork
GLEESON of 3 Gordon-terrace Richmond Hill -- Cork
GLEESON of 4 Church-street Youghal -- County Cork
GLOAG of Shanbally Monkstown county -- Cork
GODSIL of Bengour East county -- Cork
GODSIL of Bengour East Newcestown -- County Cork
GOFF of Columbine Cottage Youghal county -- Cork
GOGHLAN of Ballygarvan Carrigaline -- Cork
GOLDEN of 1 Langford-row -- Cork
GOLDING of The Rectory Coachford -- County Cork
GOOD of Ardbrack Kinsale county -- Cork
GOOD of Avonmore Queenstown county -- Cork
GOOD of Coolculitha Innishannon -- County Cork
GOOD of Coolcullitha Innishannon -- County Cork
GOOD of Coolkirky Villa Riverstick county -- Cork
GOOD of Kemegarah House Bandon county -- Cork
GOOD of Moneens Templemartin Bandon county -- Cork
GOOD of Pearse-street Kinsale county -- Cork
GOOD of Springside Highfield-avenue -- Cork
GOODALL of Verdon House Summerhill county -- Cork
GOOLD of 9 Alta-terrace Monkstown county -- Cork
GOOLD of 9 Alton-terrace Monkstown county -- Cork
GOOLD of Castlemore Crookstown -- Cork
GOOLD of Raleigh House Macroom -- County Cork
GOONEY of Shanbally Monkstown -- Cork
GORDON of Sheerwater Monkstown -- County Cork
GORGES of Tallyho Castletownshend -- Cork
GORMLEY of Pier House Crosshaven -- Cork
GORRELL of Skibbereen county -- Cork
GRADY of Haulbowline Cork Harbour -- Cork
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
GRAHAM of Hollymount Lee-road -- Cork
GRAHAM of Hollymount Lee-road -- Cork
GREANY of Fair View Mallow -- County Cork
GREAVES of 2 Wellesley-terrace Wellington-road -- Cork
GREEN of 2 Rockview Mentenotte -- Cork
GREEN of 4 Brighton-villas Youghal -- County Cork
GREHAN of Cloumeen Banteer county -- Cork
GRIFFIN of 1 Woodhill Villa Tivoli county -- Cork
GRIFFIN of Landscape-terrace Mallow -- County Cork
GRIFFIN of The Hydro St Anns Hill -- Cork
GUBBINS of Hermitage Glanmire county -- Cork
GUBBINS of Hill House Ballyvolane county -- Cork
GUINEY of Knocknanaugh Commons Kingswilliamstown Newmarket county -- Cork
GUY of Inglenook Sundays Well -- Cork
HADDEN of St Edmunds Coolkelure county -- Cork
HADEN of St Enda s College-road -- Cork
HAGARTY of Mellin House Bandon county -- Cork
HALES of Killeens Fountainstown county -- Cork
HALL of 2 Clifton-villas Montenotte -- Cork
HALL of Ballinahina Carrignavar -- Cork
HALL of Lake View Blackrock county -- Cork
HALL of Lakeview I31ackrock county -- Cork
HALLINAN of Avoncore Midleton -- County Cork
HALLORAN of Knockmanagh Newmarket -- County Cork
HALNAN of 2 Hillsboro-place Old Blackrock-road -- Cork
HALNAN of Glanmire county -- Cork
HALNAN of Harbour View Kilbrittain -- County Cork
HAMILTON of Oliver Plunkett Hill Fermoy -- County Cork
HAMM of 2 Cedar-grove Glasheen-road -- Cork
HANLEY of Clifton Fermoy -- County Cork
HANNIGAN of Altamira Liscarroll county -- Cork
HANRAHAN of 2 Bellevue Villas Tivoli -- Cork
HARDING of Ballincollig county -- Cork
HARNESS of Zeebruge Model Farm-road -- Cork
HARNETT of 6 Sorrento Villas Old Blackrock-road -- Cork
HARRINGTON of 2 Vincent View Mardyke county -- Cork
HARRINGTON of Lee View Middle Glanmire-road -- Cork
HARRINGTON of Lota Park Glanmire county -- Cork
HARRINGTON of Redmaye Boreenmanna-road -- County Cork
HARRIS of 2 Adelaide-terrace Summer Hill -- Cork
HARRIS of 50 Gardiners Hill -- Cork
HARRISON of Castle Harrison Charleville county -- Cork
HART of Lotabeg Tivoli -- Cork
HART of Westmere Western-road -- Cork
HARTE of Inchydoney Island Clonakilty -- County Cork
HARTE of Stenton Monkstown -- Cork
HARTLAND of Lough Nurseries county -- Cork
HARTNETT of Jamesbrooke Ballincurra Midleton county -- Cork
HARTY of 7 Sheares-street -- Cork
HARTY of Lucyville Wellington-road -- Cork
HARTY of the Mental Hospital -- Cork
HARVEY of Ardcrin Monkstown -- Cork
HARVEY of Inniscarrig Western-road -- Cork
HARVEY of Riverview House Passage West -- Cork
HAUGHTON of 5 Smithgrove-terrace -- Cork
HAUGHTON of Eversleigh Montenotte county -- Cork
HAWE of 13 Harbour Hill Queenstown -- Cork
HAWKER of Lower Reenmeen Glengariff -- Cork
HAWKES of The Lodge Bishopstown -- Cork
HAWKES of The Lodge Bishopstown county -- Cork
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
HAWKINS of Ardmanagh Glenbrook -- County Cork
HAWKINS of Camden Lodge Crosshaven -- County Cork
HAWKINS of Whitegate county -- Cork
HAWKINS of Whitegate County -- Cork
HAY of The Elms Queenstown -- County Cork
HAYES of 11 North Mall -- Cork
HAYES of Castlewhite county -- Cork
HAYES of Kilbeg Leap county -- Cork
HAYES of Shannonvale Clonakilty county -- Cork
HAYNES of 3 Beaumont-place Ballintemple county -- Cork
HAYNES of 8 Sunmounit Military-road -- Cork
HAYNES of Horsehill Ballinadee county -- Cork
HAYNES of Kelbrogan Hill Bandon county -- Cork
HAYNES of Mullendunney Kinsale -- County Cork
HAYNES of Mullendunney Kinsale -- County Cork
HAYNES of Mullendunny Kinsale -- County Cork
HEALY of Gurraneredmond Donoughmore -- County Cork
HEALY of Hawthorne-terrace Cobh -- County Cork
HEALY of High-street Newmarket -- Cork
HEALY of Rock Lodge Midleton -- County Cork
HEALY of The Nook Ballyclough Mallow -- County Cork
HEALY of Wilmount House Cobh county -- Cork
HEARD of Ballintubber Lodge Carrigtwohill -- County Cork
HEARD of Pallastown Cork and of Spray-field Castlepark Kinsale -- County Cork
HEASLIP of Bellair Douglas-road -- Cork
HEENAN of 3 The Park Cobh county -- Cork
HEFFERNAN of 14 John Redmond-street -- Cork
HEGARTY of Killivallig Carrignavar -- County Cork
HEGARTY of Leap -- County Cork
HEGCART of Marble Hill Mallow county -- Cork
HEGGART of Knocknamona Newberry Mallow county -- Cork
HELEN of Clonakilty county -- Cork
HENDLEY of Mount Rivers Fermoy county -- Cork
HENNESSY of 6 York-terrace Summerhill -- Cork
HENNESSY of 61 Grand Parade -- Cork
HENNESSY of 7 Carlisle-terrace Sunday s Well-road county -- Cork
HENNESSY of Oceanville The Strand Youghal -- County Cork
HENNIS of Ardmore Crosshaven county -- Cork
HERLIHY of 4 North Mall -- Cork
HEWSON of Gannavilla Youghal -- Cork
HEWSON of Knockmoume Conna -- County Cork
HICKEY of 12 Roseneath Villas Military-road -- Cork
HICKS of Garthlea Douglas-road county -- Cork
HIGGINS of 2 Spangle Hill Commons-road -- Cork
HIGGINS of 2 Wellington-place Sundays Well county -- Cork
HIGGINS of 5 Walkers-row Fermoy -- County Cork
HIGGINS of Clark-road Little Island county -- Cork
HIGGS of Lower Reenmeen Glengarriff -- Cork
HILL of Clonakilty county -- Cork
HILL of Eastern Villa Currabinny Crosshaven -- County Cork
HILL of Glenatore Curriglass county -- Cork
HILL of Munster and Leinster Bank House Kinsale -- County Cork
HILLIARD of Amnlree Old Blackrock-road -- Cork
HISHON of Dromina -- Cork
HITCHMOUCH of West View Military-road -- Cork
HOBBS of 39 McCurtain-street Fermoy county -- Cork
HOBSON of The Cottage Castletownshend county -- Cork
HODDER of Emerald Hill Crosshaven county -- Cork
HODGES of Hill House Cobh county -- Cork
HODGES of Hill House Queenstown county -- Cork
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
HODNETT of Nelson House Youghal -- County Cork
HODNETT of Youghal county -- Cork
HOLLAND of Castle-street Dunmanway -- Cork
HOLLAND of Highfield West College-road -- Cork
HOLLAND of The Hollies Cobh (Queenstown) county -- Cork
HOLLAND of The Hollies Cobh -- County Cork
HOLLAND of West End Castletownbere -- County Cork
HOLMES of Carrigmore county -- Cork
HORGAN of Castle Cottage Killinardish -- Cork
HORGAN of Glenview Cork Hill Bandon -- County Cork
HORGAN of Glenview Cork Hill Bandon county -- Cork
HORGAN of the Bungalow Ballinhassig county -- Cork
HORGAN of The Square Macroom county -- Cork
HORNIBROOK of 6 Maryville Southern-road -- Cork
HOSFORD of Ashgrove Gortagoulane Togher -- County Cork
HOSFORD of Elm Bank Glandore county -- Cork
HOSFORD of North Main-street Bandon -- County Cork
HOSFORD of Sleaveen Inneshannon -- County Cork
HOSFORD of Stillview Bandon county -- Cork
HOWE of 6 Buxton Hill Sundays Well -- Cork
HOWE of Glouniverane House Howes Strand Kilbrittain county -- Cork
HOWELL of Lindville Blackrock-road Cork -- County Cork
HUDSON of 36 Barrock-street Clonakilty -- County Cork
HUMPHREYS of Ashton Cove county -- Cork
HUMPHREYS of Broomfield Midleton -- County Cork
HUMPHREYS of Glenavon Rushbrooke -- County Cork
HUMPHRIES of Sidney Ville Bellevue Park -- Cork
HUNT of 6 Frenche s Quay -- Cork
HUNT of Arundale Croaghta Park Glasheen-road Cork -- County Cork
HUNT of Danesfort Mallow county -- Cork
HUNT of Danesfort Malton county -- Cork
HUNT of Gurtyowen Foormore county -- Cork
HUNTER of Thomond Hotel Oliver Plunket-street -- Cork
HURLEY of Bay Villa Youghal county -- Cork
HUTCHINS of Reendesert House Bahtry -- County Cork
HUTCHINS of Reendesert House Bantry -- County Cork
HUTTON of 57 Greenhill-road Moseley Blrnv ingham of 2 Lansdowne Terrace -- Cork
HYNES of Argideen Blackrock county -- Cork
IRWIN of Killanully Rectory Carrigaline county -- Cork
JACK of 11 Toureen-terrace Passage West county -- Cork
JACOB of Rosenheim Blackrock-road -- County Cork
JAGOE of Schull county -- Cork
JEFFERS of 16 Barrack-street -- Cork
JEFFERS of 5 Landscape-terrace Glasheen-road -- County Cork
JEFFERYES of 3 The Crescent Gardiners Hill -- Cork
JENNINGS of Clontaff Union Hall county -- Cork
JESTIN of 1 Wellington-terrace Grattan Hill -- Cork
JOHNSON of Rath Lee Sundays Well county -- Cork
JONES of Annabella-terrace Mallow -- County Cork
JONES of Annabella-terrace Mallow county -- Cork
JONES of Doneraile -- Cork
JONES of Drombeg Glandore -- County Cork
JONES of Verbena Cottage Middle-road Crosshaven county -- Cork
JULIAN of Ditchley Little Island -- Cork
KAVANAGH of Main-street Buttevant -- Cork
KAYE of Ballinascarthy Clonakilty county -- Cork
KEANE of 9 Westbourne-place Queenstown -- County Cork
KEATING of Kilmagoura Newtownshandrum Charleville county -- Cork
KEHOE of 3 Charlemont-terrace Wellington-road Cork -- County Cork
KEILY of Coolroe Banteer -- County Cork
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
KELLEHER of 35 Mary-street -- Cork
KELLEHER of 6 Carrigfern College-road Cork -- County Cork
KELLEHER of 66 Sundays Well-road -- Cork
KELLEHER of Beechmount Carrigrohare -- Cork
KELLEHER of Buxton-place Sundayswell -- Cork
KELLEHER of Coolyduff Inniscarra county -- Cork
KELLEHER of Deelish Aghima -- County Cork
KELLEHER of Inchigeela -- Cork
KELLEHER of Mushal Coachford county -- Cork
KELLER of Strand-street Kanturk -- Cork
KELLETT of No 3 Donelan-terrace Cobh -- County Cork
KELLY of 14 Grand Parade -- Cork
KELLY of 2 Hawthorn-terrace Cobh -- County Cork
KELLY of 26 Richmond Hill -- Cork
KELLY of Ardgroom Cork
KEMP of 2 Ethelville Western-road -- Cork
KENEALLY of Knocknanagh Kiskeam county -- Cork
KENEFICK of 48 Barrack-street -- Cork
KENIRY of Tallow-street Youghal county -- Cork
KENNEDY of 1 Park Owen Quaker-road -- Cork
KENNEDY of 18 Newtown Cobh county -- Cork
KENNEDY of 8 Dunedin Connaught-avenue -- Cork
KENNEDY of Fermoy county -- Cork
KENNEDY of Hollymount Buston Hill Sundays Well -- Cork
KENNEFICK of Crosshaven county -- Cork
KENNY of 3 Richmond Hill -- Cork
KENT of Ballyhampshire Castlelyons -- Cork
KEOHANE of Inglenook Schull county -- Cork
KIELY of Ballinraha Blarney -- Cork
KILBRIDE of Averard Ivnockrea Park -- Cork
KILKEARY of 1 Maymount Friars-walk county -- Cork
KINAHAN of the Manor Glenville Fermoy county -- Cork
KING of Fairy Hill-place Monkstown county -- Cork
KING of Richmount Bandon -- County Cork
KING of Richmount Bandon -- County Cork
KINGSTON of Beechgrove Tawnics Clonakilty -- Cork
KINGSTON of Blackrock-terrace Ban try county -- Cork
KINGSTON of Kilbarry Dunmanway county -- Cork
KINGSTON of Kippaghs Ballyvourney county -- Cork
KINGSTON of Prospect House Dunmanway -- Cork
KINGSTON of Wellfield Clonakilty -- County Cork
KINGSTON of Wellfield Kilgarriff Colonakilty county -- Cork
KINIRY of Rupera Watergrasshill county -- Cork
KINNEARS of 2 The Crescent Cobh county -- Cork
KIRBY of Bally Macsimon Castlelyons county -- Cork
KIRBY of Ballymacsimon Castlelyons -- County Cork
KIRKPATRICK of 2 Fort Villas Queenstown -- County Cork
KIRWAN of Katevilles St Lukes -- Cork
LAMBKIN of 3 Westbourne-terrace Crosshaven -- County Cork
LANE of 112 Main-street Mallow -- County Cork
LANE of 127 Lower Glanmire-road -- Cork
LANE of Glountanefinane -- County Cork
LANKESTER of Hope Cottage Ballintemple county -- Cork
LEAHY of 22 Victoria-terrace Glenbrook -- County Cork
LEAHY of Avondale Mallow -- County Cork
LEAHY of Avondale Mallow -- County Cork
LEE of 29 Palace View Western-road Cork -- Cork
LEE of Devonshire-square Bandon county -- Cork
LEHANE of Castletreasure county -- Cork
LEHANE of Crossmahon Lissarda county -- Cork

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Person living in the areaMore details, including year
LENAHAN of Main-street Buttevant county -- Cork
LENAHAN of Main-street Buttevant county -- Cork
LENIHAM of Main-street Buttevant county -- Cork
LEONARD of Mitchelstown county -- Cork
LESLIE of 24 Southern-road -- Cork
LESLIE of Ballynoe Rushbrooke -- Cork
LESTER of 31 Prosperity-square -- Cork
LEVIS of 1 Alta-terrace Monkstown county -- Cork
LEVIS of 1 Myrtle-villas Cork-road Skibbereen county -- Cork
LEVIS of Firgrove Ballineen -- Cork
LEVIS of Main-street Bantry -- County Cork
LEVIS of The Lodge Bandon -- Cork
LEVIS of The Lodge Bandon -- Cork
LEWIS of 10 Mount View-terrace St Lukes -- Cork
LEYCESTER of Ennismore -- Cork
LINCOLN of The Gardens Mitchelstown county -- Cork
LINDSAY of Bridestown Kil- , dinan Fermoy -- Cork
LINDSEY of MacCurtain-street Fermoy county -- Cork
LINEHAN of 1 St Catherines-place off Gerald Griffin-street -- Cork
LINEHAN of Rossacon Newmarket -- County Cork
LOANE of 3 Beaumont-place Ballintemple -- Cork
LOCK of Hollybrook Skibbereen -- Cork
LOCK of Hollybrook Skibbereen -- County Cork
LOCK of Hollybrook Skibbereen -- County Cork
LOCKE of Fartha Kinsale county -- Cork
LOMBARD of O Neill-Crowley Quay Fermoy county -- Cork
LONERGAN of Scart Kildorrery county -- Cork
LONG of 58 Main-street Mallow -- County Cork
LONG of Dromore Mallow -- County Cork
LONGFIELD of Grange Erin Douglas county -- Cork
LONGFIELD of Longueville Mallow -- Cork
LONGFIELD of Waterloo Mallow -- County Cork
LONGFIELD of Waterloo Mallow county -- Cork
LONGFIELD of Waterloo Mallow county -- Cork
LOONEY of 1 Sydney Park Wellington-road Cork county -- Cork
LORD of Kilbrogan Rectory Bandon county -- Cork
LORDON of 19 Newtown near Queenstown county -- Cork
LOVE of Austinleigh Douglas-road -- Cork
LOVE of Garrynageragh Ballinamona Mallow county -- Cork
LOVE of the Home for Protestant Incurables Military-road -- Cork
LOVE of Vernonmount Frankfield county -- Cork
LOWRY of Baffin willin Mitchelstown -- Cork
LUCAS of Maryville Kihvorth -- Cork
LUCAS of Maryville Kilworth -- Cork
LUCAS of Maryville Kilworth -- County Cork
LUCAS of Prospect Crosshaven -- County Cork
LUCEY of Curravreeda Bandon -- Cork
LUCEY of Sandy Hill Macroom county -- Cork
LYNCH of Kingwilliamstown -- Cork
LYNCH of Nevilles-terrace Massytown Macroom county -- Cork
LYNCH of Tubrid Minane Bridge -- Cork
LYNEHAM of Derrynatubrid Boherbue county -- Cork
LYONS of River View Blackrock county -- Cork
LYONS of Ross Hill Cobh -- Cork
LYONS of Rosshill Cobh -- Cork
LYSAGHT of Cork-road Fermoy -- Cork
LYSAGHT of Hazelwood Mallow -- County Cork
MACARDLE of The Rock Midleton -- County Cork
MACCARTHY of 3 Norwood Villas Rushbrooke county -- Cork
MacCARTHY of 38 Sovereign-street Clonakilty -- County Cork
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
MACDONALD of Britfieldstown House Minane Bridge Carrigaline county -- Cork
MACKAY of Bellview Mallow -- County Cork
MACKENZIE of Hotel Metropole MacCurtain-street -- Cork
MACKEY of Factory Hill Little Island -- County Cork
MACKEY of Factory Hill Little Island county -- Cork
MACMULLEN of Neptune Lodge Glenbrooke -- County Cork
MacMULLEN of Oriel House Ballincollig -- Cork
MACMULLEN of Oriel House Ballincollig county -- Cork
MACNAMARA of 1 Longville Youghal county -- Cork
MACSWEENEY of 5 Highfield-avenue -- Cork
MACSWEENY of Loretto Convent Youghal county -- Cork
MADDEN of 9 Southern-road -- Cork
MADDEN of Grange Buttevant county -- Cork
MADDEN of Leeholme Sundays Well -- County Cork
MADDEN of The Rectory Castlehaven Skibbereen county -- Cork
MADIGAN of Kanturk county -- Cork
MAGAHY of South Main-street Bandon county -- Cork
MAGILL of Churchtown House Beaufort county Kerry and Castle Hyde Fermoy county -- Cork
MAGUIRE of 3 McDonagh-terrace Fermoy -- County Cork
MAHAGAN of 7 Auburn Villas Magazine-road -- Cork
MAHER of 7 Vernon View South Douglas-road -- Cork
MAHONEY of 21 Dyke-parade -- Cork
MAHONY of 35 Lisheen-row Mallow -- County Cork
MAHONY of Cape Clear -- County Cork
MAHONY of Kilbeg Leap -- Cork
MAHONY of Letter Lower Kilcrohane county -- Cork
MAHONY of Strand-street Kanturk -- County Cork
MANDERS of The Laurels Blackrock -- County Cork
MANDEVILLE of New-road Kilworth county -- Cork
MANSERGH of Glenanore Castletownroche -- County Cork
MANSERGH of Rock Lodge Ballyhooly -- Cork
MANSERGH of Rock Lodge Ballyhooly -- County Cork
MANSFIELD of 12 Boyces-street -- Cork
MARK of 4 Park Villas Victoria-road -- Cork
MART of 14 Ashburton Hill St Lukes -- Cork
MARTIN of 12 West Beach Cobh county -- Cork
MARTIN of Castlejane Glanmire county -- Cork
MARTIN of Castleview Rushbrooke county -- Cork
MARTIN of Sunnyside Ballintemple -- County Cork
MARTIN of Westlands Rushbrooke Cobh -- Cork
MASON of 1 Franconia Evergreen-road -- Cork
MASSEY of Upper Clifton Mayfield -- Cork
MATTHEWS of Lower Bluepool Kanturk county -- Cork
MAUND of 1 Belgrave-place Wellington-road -- Cork
MAYE of Como Lodge Upper Strand Youghal -- County Cork
MAYNARD of Sundays Well -- Cork
MAYNE of 16 Main-street Skibbereen county -- Cork
MAYNE of Holmkliffe Lee-road county -- Cork
MAYNE of Holmkliffe Sundays Well -- Cork
McAULIFFE of 41 Oliver Plunkett Hill Fermoy -- County Cork
McBRIDE of River-street Cloyne -- County Cork
MCCARTHY of 2 Egerton Villas St Lukes county -- Cork
MCCARTHY of 27 South Mall -- Cork
MCCARTHY of 38 Sovereign-street Clonakilty -- County Cork
MCCARTHY of 5 St Johns-terrace Upper John-street -- Cork
MCCARTHY of 6 West View Cobh -- County Cork
MCCARTHY of Ballyishead Skibbereen county -- Cork
MCCARTHY of Glencurragh Skibbereen county -- Cork
McCARTHY of Main-street Charleville -- County Cork
MCCARTHY of Mount Prospect Cullen Millstreet -- Cork
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
MCCARTHY of Mount St Marys Union Hall -- County Cork
MCCARTHY of Mount St Marys Union Hall -- County Cork
MCCARTHY of Rathcoole Banteer county -- Cork
McDANIEL of Kinsale county -- Cork
MCDONALD of Dromreagh Durrus Bantry county -- Cork
McKECHNIE of East Lodge Glenbrook -- County Cork
McKENNA of 13 Frankfield-terrace Summer-hill South Cork -- County Cork
McKENNA of 99 North Circular-road Dublin and of Killecna Creagh county -- Cork
McKENNA of The Cottage Montenotte -- Cork
McKIERNAN of Charleville -- County Cork
MclNTOSH of Harbour Hill Queenstown -- Cork
McSWEENEY of Rathroe Clonbanin Cross Banteer -- Cork
MEADE of Baffintober Baffinhassig county -- Cork
MEADE of Ballymartle Ballinhassig -- County Cork
MEADE of Castleview Castlelyons county -- Cork
MEADE of Midleton -- Cork
MEADE of Shronepookeen Milford Charleville county -- Cork
MEAGHER of Ashton Park Blackrock-road -- County Cork
MEAGHER of Ballinwillin House Mitchelstown -- County Cork
MEAGHER of Kings-square Mitchelstown -- County Cork
MeCARTHY of Charles-street Midleton -- Cork
MERRICK of 3 Femhurst-avenue -- Cork
MILLAR of Old Barrack-road Bantry county -- Cork
MILLS of Glengarriffe -- Cork
MILLS of Kilbrogan Hill Bandon -- County Cork
MILLS of Kilbrogan Hill Bandon county -- Cork
MINHEAR of River View St Lukes Cork county -- Cork
MLLERD of Symrna Cottage Dononghmore -- Cork
MOCKLER of Ardeen Blackrock county -- Cork
MOLONEY of Woodland View College-road -- Cork
MOLONY of Greenfield-Kanturk -- Cork
MOONEY of Kenlis Woollahra Park Douglas-road -- Cork
MOORE of 16 Ashburton Gardiners Hill -- Cork
MOORE of the Incurable Home Military-road -- Cork
MOORE of Towerville Blackrock county -- Cork
MORAN of Ashgrove Church Bay-road Crosshaven -- Cork
MORGAN of Fairyfield Summercove Kinsale county -- Cork
MORLEY of Strand-street-passage West -- Cork
MORPHY of Brook Lodge Mallow -- County Cork
MORRIS of St Anns Hill Hydro Blarney -- County Cork
MORRISSEY of Emmet-place Youghal -- Cork
MORROGH of co James Morrogh National Bank Limited Fermoy county -- Cork
MORROGH of Coolgreina Rushbrooke county -- Cork
MORROGH of Mount Grange Douglas county -- Cork
MORROGH of The Glen Cobh county -- Cork
MORTON of Ballyhea Charleville county -- Cork
MOYLAN of Ballydaheen Mallow -- County Cork
MOYNIHAN of 1 Belmont Youghal county -- Cork
MOYNIHAN of El-oro Ballintemple county -- Cork
MQRROCH of The Munster and Leinster Bank Limited Queenstown -- Cork
MULCAHY of Boherbue county -- Cork
MULCAHY of Courtstown Little Island -- Cork
MULCAHY of The Square Passage West -- Cork
MULCAHY of The Star Hotel Passage West -- County Cork
MULDOON of Ceprano Victoria-road -- Cork
MULLANE of Allowdale Kanturk -- Cork
MULLINS of 1 Victoria-terrace Glenbrook county -- Cork
MULLINS of Windmill-road -- Cork
MURCHIE of Dromrahan Mallow -- Cork
MURNANE of Reendonegan Bantry -- Cork
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
MURPHY of 11 Golden Villas Commons-road -- Cork
MURPHY of 15 Cork-street Kinsale county -- Cork
MURPHY of 15 Cork-street Kinsale county -- Cork
MURPHY of 2 Cedar-grove Glasheln-road -- Cork
MURPHY of 24 Parnell-place -- Cork
MURPHY of 27 O Connell-crescent Turners Cross -- Cork
MURPHY of 6 Frankfield-terrace -- Cork
MURPHY of 62 Thomas Davis-street -- Cork
MURPHY of 67a York-street Blackpool -- County Cork
MURPHY of 7 Camden-place -- Cork
MURPHY of 8 Ennismore Villas Magazine-road -- Cork
MURPHY of 99 Patrick-street -- Cork
MURPHY of 99 Patrick-street -- Cork
MURPHY of Barrys-terrace Glanmire -- County Cork
MURPHY of Carrigmore Montcnottc -- Cork
MURPHY of Chapel-street Cloyne county -- Cork
MURPHY of Church-street Kanturk -- Cork
MURPHY of Clanricarde Blackrock-road -- Cork
MURPHY of Cloyne county -- Cork
MURPHY of Coolmona Donoughmore county -- Cork
MURPHY of Coppeen county -- Cork
MURPHY of Coppeen county -- Cork
MURPHY of Copsfield Newmarket county -- Cork
MURPHY of Currabig Douglas county -- Cork
MURPHY of Inchera Little Island county -- Cork
MURPHY of Kealkie Bantry county -- Cork
MURPHY of Kilbrogan-street Bandon county -- Cork
MURPHY of Lee View Villa Garravagh Inniscarra -- County Cork
MURPHY of Main-street Doneraile -- County Cork
MURPHY of Newmarket -- County Cork
MURPHY of Park View Old Blackrock-road Cork county -- Cork
MURPHY of Ringskiddy -- County Cork
MURPHY of Sea View Hotel Ballycotton county -- Cork
MURPHY of Shamrock Lawn Blackrock-road county -- Cork
MURPHY of St Patricks-place Bandon -- County Cork
MURPHY of Teernahilan Castletown Bere county -- Cork
MURPHY of the Presbytery St Georges Quay -- Cork
MURPHY of The Quay Bantry -- County Cork
MURPHY of The Rock Midleton -- Cork
MURPHY of The Square Macroon county -- Cork
MURPHY of The Square Passage West -- Cork
MURPHY of Victoria Hotel Macroom county -- Cork
MURRAY of 2 Roberts Ville Tower-street -- Cork
MURRAY of 6 Fernhurst-avenue -- Cork
MURRAY of 8 Victoria-terrace Glenbrook -- Cork
MURRAY of Dundanion Blackrockcounty -- Cork
MURRAY of Emmet-place Youghal -- County Cork
MURRAY of North Main-street Youghal county -- Cork
MURRAY of The County Home Middleton county -- Cork
NAGLE of Byblox Doneraile county -- Cork
NAGLE of Liskelly House Buttevant -- County Cork
NAGLE of Lismrroll county -- Cork
NAGLE of Sovereign-street Clonakilty county -- Cork
NANCE of Donemark Falls Bantry county -- Cork
NASH of 26 South Mall -- Cork
NASH of 4 Beausite Rushbrooke -- Cork
NASH of Knockrobin Kinsale -- Cork
NASON of The Rectory Rathcormac county -- Cork
NAYLER of Trellis Rushbrooke Cobh -- County Cork
NEENAN of Liscreagh Mill-street county -- Cork
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
NEIL of Skibbereen county -- Cork
NELIGAN of 22 Lansdowne-road Dublin and the Great Southern Railway Companys Hotel -- Cork
NEVINS of East Ferry House Ballinacurra Midleton -- Cork
NEWENHAM of Sheerwater Monkstown county -- Cork
NICHOLSON of Fernbank Queenstown county -- Cork
NICHOLSON of Loshiar Lower Glanmuire-road -- Cork
NICOLLS of St Olan?s Coachford -- Cork
NICOLLS of Teengay -- Cork
NICOLLS of Teergay county -- Cork
NISBETT of Scilly-terrace Kinsale county -- Cork
NOBLE of Tullagreena Fermoy county -- Cork
NOLAN of Springmount Sundays Well -- County Cork
NOONAN of Shronepaokeen Milford Charleville -- Cork
NOTTER of Crook Raven -- Cork
NUNAN of Island-dahill Clonbannin Banteer -- Cork
O'BRIEN of 5-Knocklawn Ballyhooley-road -- Cork
O'BRIEN of Arundel Convent-road Blackrock county -- Cork
O'BRIEN of Cairn Lodge Fermoy -- County Cork
O'BRIEN of Castle-road Bandon -- Cork
O'BRIEN of Late Post Office Castletownroche county -- Cork
O'BRIEN of Mitchelstown county -- Cork
O'BRIEN of Mount Eagle Mitchelstown county -- Cork
O'BRIEN of Pearse-square Youghal county -- Cork
O'CALLACHAN of Ard-ra-Carrig Mallow -- Cork
O'CALLACHAN of Luska Ballintemple -- Cork
O'CALLAGHAN of Glengarriff-road Newtown Bantry -- County Cork
O'CALLAGHAN of Golden-grove Douglas-road -- County Cork
O'CONNELL of 11 Patrick-street Fermoy -- County Cork
O'CONNELL of 7 Park View Victoria-road -- Cork
O'CONNELL of Pollavone Ballincollig county -- Cork
O'CONNOR of Church-street Kanturk -- County Cork
O'CONNOR of Maulyclickeen Bokerboy county -- Cork
O'CONOR of 66 South Mall and of 3 Ashton-lawn Blackrock-road both in Cork -- Cork
O'DOHERTY of Carrigcastle Newmarket county -- Cork
O'DONNELL of Bawnmore Dillons Cross -- Cork
O'DONOGHUE of Arderrow Ballyvolane county -- Cork
O'DONOGHUE of Ballynona House Midleton county -- Cork
O'DONOGHUE of Killinardrish -- Cork
O'DONOGHUE of Youghal county -- Cork
O'DONOVAN of 11 Lower O Connell-street Kinsale county -- Cork
O'DONOVAN of 2 Melville-terrace Military-road -- Cork
O'DONOVAN of 22 Abbey-street -- Cork
O'DONOVAN of 26 Wellington-road -- Cork
O'DONOVAN of Carrigfadda Rosscarbery -- County Cork
O'DONOVAN of Clash Ardfield Clonakilty county -- Cork
O'DRISCOLL of 76 Sundays Well -- Cork
O'DRISCOLL of 89 South Main-street -- Cork
O'DRISCOLL of 89 South Main-street -- Cork
O'DRISCOLL of Ballincolly Dublin Hill county -- Cork
O'DRISCOLL of Bridge-street Bandon county -- Cork
O'DRISCOLL of Carhoona Cape Clear -- County Cork
O'DRISCOLL of Delacour Villa Dooniskey Lissarda county -- Cork
O'DRISCOLL of Glengariff-road Bantry county -- Cork
O'DRISCOLL of Hollyhill Aghadown county -- Cork
O'DWYER of Ballinagree Macroom county -- Cork
O'DWYER of Thomas-street Michelstown county -- Cork
O'GlRADY of Carrigeen Hall Curraglass -- Cork
O'GORMAN of 5 Pic-du-Jer Ballinlough-road -- County Cork
O'GRADY of 2 Alta-terrace Monkstown county -- Cork
O'HALLORAN of 15 Westview Cobb county -- Cork
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
O'HANLON of 6 Park-villas Victoria-road -- Cork
O'HARA of 43 North Main-street -- Cork
O'KEEFE of Rose Lodge Ringaskiddy county -- Cork
O'KEEFFE of 1 Brendan Ville Glasheen-road -- County Cork
O'KEEFFE of 1 Summerhill-terrace Wellington-road -- Cork
O'KEEFFE of 6 Annmount Friars-walk -- Cork
O'KEEFFE of Ardcaoim Rockborough-avenue Blackrock road county -- Cork
O'KEEFFE of Ballyanihan otherwise Ballyanahan Rockmills Mallow -- County Cork
O'KEEFFE of Fairy Lawn Western-road -- Cork
O'KEEFFE of Garryhesta Ovens -- County Cork
O'KEEFFE of Hill-road Whitegate -- County Cork
O'KEEFFE of Kilcrea Aherla county -- Cork
O'KEEFFE of Killetra Dromagh Bantees county -- Cork
O'KELLY of Sunview South Douglas-road -- Cork
O'LEARY of 14 Suttons Buildings -- Cork
O'LEARY of 6 Roman-street -- Cork
O'LEARY of 9 Minerva-terrace College-road -- Cork
O'LEARY of Ballinspittal Kinsalg county -- Cork
O'LEARY of Ballymore Cobh county -- Cork
O'LEARY of Castle-avenue Blackrock -- County Cork
O'LEARY of Castle-road Blackrock county -- Cork
O'LEARY of Castleishen House Charleville county -- Cork
O'LEARY of Castleishon House Charleville -- Cork
O'LEARY of Greenane House Kanturk county -- Cork
O'LEARY of Millstreet county -- Cork
O'LEARY of Percival-street Kanturlc -- County Cork
O'LEARY of Reenydonegan Bantry county -- Cork
O'LEARY of St Annes-hill Tower Blarney -- County Cork
O'LEARY of Teemaspidoga Inchigeela Macroom -- County Cork
O'LOUGHLIN of Lower Cork-street Mitchelstown county -- Cork
O'MAHONY of 22 North Mall -- Cork
O'MAHONY of 23 and 24 West Beach Cobh county -- Cork
O'MAHONY of 23 Henry-street -- Cork
O'MAHONY of 3 Woodview Douglas-road -- Cork
O'MAHONY of Ballynoe county -- Cork
O'MAHONY of CrookstownHouse Crookstown -- County Cork
O'MAHONY of Dunmahon Douglas-road -- Cork
O'MAHONY of Knockpogue Fair Hill county -- Cork
O'MAHONY of Parkmore Templemartin county -- Cork
O'MEARA of Annabella House Mallow county -- Cork
O'MEARA of Skibbereen county -- Cork
O'NEILL of 3 St Marys-terrace Midleton county -- Cork
O'NEILL of Farlihanes Rossmore Ballineen county -- Cork
O'NEILL of Western-road Clonakilty -- County Cork
O'REGAN of 51 Grand Parade -- Cork
O'REGAN of Killabraher Charleville county -- Cork
O'REGAN of Monkstown -- County Cork
O'RIORDAN of Church View Buttavent -- Cork
O'RIORDAN of Knockrea Park Douglas-road -- Cork
O'ROURKE of Castlemartyr Cork
O'SHAUGHNESSY of 8 Ardfoile-place Ballintemple county -- Cork
O'SHEA of Dundullerick Carrigtwohill county -- Cork
O'SULLIVAN of 1 Eglinton-place Western-road -- Cork
O'SULLIVAN of 13 The Crescent Cobh county -- Cork
O'SULLIVAN of 20 South Mall -- Cork
O'SULLIVAN of 71 South Main-street -- Cork
O'SULLIVAN of Aideen Ville Highfield-avenue county -- Cork
O'SULLIVAN of Clondrohid -- County Cork
O'SULLIVAN of Dun Muire St Clare s-avenue -- Cork
O'SULLIVAN of Feltrim county -- Cork
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
O'SULLIVAN of Kippagh Home Kinsale county -- Cork
O'SULLIVAN of Moneyvolihane county -- Cork
O'SULLIVAN of Skibbereen -- Cork
O'SULLIVAN of Sunville-place the Square Bantry county -- Cork
O'SULLIVAN of the Rectory Millstreet county -- Cork
O'SULLIVAN of the Retreat Clonakiety county -- Cork
OAKLEY of 31 Thomas Davis-street -- Cork
OAKLEY of 4 The Park Cobh -- County Cork
OAKSHOTT of The Shrubberies Monkstown -- County Cork
OBRIEN of Ladysbridge -- Cork
OBRIEN of North Main-street Youghal -- Cork
OCALLACHAN of Fornought Donoughmore -- Cork
OCALLACHAN of Glounanarrig -- Cork
OCONNELL of Boherhue Banteer -- Cork
OCONNELL of Bridgemount Dunmanway -- Cork
OCONNELL of Maglin Bridge Ballincollig -- Cork
OCONNOR of Ballyhubbo -- Cork
OCONNOR of Knockcahill -- Cork
ODRISCOLL of 55 Pearse-street Clonakilty -- Cork
OGILVIE of Currabinny -- Cork
OKEEFFE of Mount Keeffe Newmarket -- Cork
OMAHONY of East Green Dunmanway -- Cork
OMULLANE of Town View Mallow -- Cork
ONEILL of Bere Island -- Cork
ONEILL of Carrigdhoun Fermoy -- Cork
ORPEN of Cuilin Crosshaven -- County Cork
ORPIN of Strand House Yonghal county -- Cork
ORR of Scilly House Kinsale -- County Cork
OSULLIVAN of Ballyvongane -- Cork
OXEARY of Keameens Inchigeela -- Cork
PARKER of Carrigeen Conna -- County Cork
PARKER of The Lodge Carrigrohane county -- Cork
PARKER of William-street Yonghal county -- Cork
PARRY of Templehill Carrigrohane county -- Cork
PATCHETT of Oak Grove Coachford county -- Cork
PATERSON of Gurtharda Highfield-avenue College-road -- Cork
PATTERSON of 1 St Marys Villas Western-road -- Cork
PAYNE of Passage West -- County Cork
PAYNE of Upton House Upton -- Cork
PEARD of 51 South Mall -- Cork
PEARSON of Glencairn Blackrock-road -- Cork
PEEDE of West Douglas county -- Cork
PENNEFATHER of Glen wood Kil- worth -- Cork
PENNEFATHER of Glenwood Kilworth -- County Cork
PENNEFATHER of Weston Fermoy -- County Cork
PERDUE of Drinagh Rectory Dunmanway -- Cork
PERROTT of Beechfield Mallow county -- Cork
PERROTT of Cottage St Anns Hill county -- Cork
PERROTT of the Cottage St Anns Hill county -- Cork
PERROTT of Uplands Fennoy county -- Cork
PERRY of 4 Woburn-place -- Cork
PHAIR of The Rectory Church Cross -- Cork
PHIPPS of Mansfield Passage West -- Cork
PIGOTT of 10 Westview Cobh -- Cork
PINCKNEY of 25 Grattan Hill -- Cork
PINCKNEY of 25 Grattan Hill -- Cork
POMEROY of Willowbrook Millstreet county -- Cork
POPHAM of 5 Fisher-street Kinsale -- Cork
POPHAM of 5 Fisher-street Kinsale county -- Cork
POPHAM of 8 Laurel Hurst College-road -- Cork
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
POPHAM of the Home for Protestant Incurables Military-road -- Cork
POWELL of Riversdale Dunmanway -- Cork
POWER of 5 York-terrace -- Cork
POWER of Ballybraher Ballyeotton county -- Cork
POWER of Bantry -- Cork
POWER of Bijou Cottage Cobh county -- Cork
POWER of Clockgate Youghal -- Cork
POWER of Conna -- County Cork
POWER of Kilkinnihan East Castletownbere county -- Cork
POWER of Ringmahon Blackrock -- County Cork
PRATT of 14 Long Quay Kinsale county -- Cork
PRATT of Beechmount Carrigrohane -- Cork
PRATT of Pembroke Passage West county -- Cork
PRENDERGAST of 5 Ferncliffe Villas Military-road -- Cork
PRENDERGAST of Catherine-street Youghal -- County Cork
PRENDERGAST of St Anns Hill Hydro Blarney -- County Cork
PRICE of Cotil Rushbrooke -- Cork
PRICE of Cotil Rushbrooke county -- Cork
PRIESTLEY of 7 Lucia-place Passage West county -- Cork
PRINGLE of Corkbeg Whitegate county -- Cork
PRIOR of Carrigane Ovens -- County Cork
PULVERTAFT of Ballintemple county -- Cork
PURCELL of Macroom county -- Cork
PYNE of Clonmoyle Coachford -- Cork
PYNE of Cottage Coachford county -- Cork
QUILL of 2 Wandesford-street -- Cork
QUINLAN of Castletownrocke -- Cork
QUINN of Annfield Kinsale county -- Cork
RAFFERTY of the Mercy Hospital -- Cork
REEVES of Castlekevin Mallow county -- Cork
REGAN of 4 Hawthorn-terrace Cobh -- Cork
REGAN of Slievemore Sherkin Island Baltimore -- County Cork
REID of Monteville Sundays Well-road -- Cork
REYNOLDS of Howardsgrove Castletownroche county -- Cork
REYNOLDS of Main-street Macroom -- County Cork
REYNOLDS of Summerlea Douglas -- County Cork
REYNOLDS of the National Bank Mallow county -- Cork
RICE of 2 Hillside-terrace Fermoy county -- Cork
RICE of 23 Annmount-terrace Friars Walk -- Cork
RICE of Rathmacullig Ballygarvan -- County Cork
RICHARDSON of Eglin Blackrock county -- Cork
RIORDAN of 3 Harbour View Summer Hill -- Cork
RIORDAN of 6 Eglingiton-place Western-road -- Cork
RIORDAN of 9 Anglesea-street -- Cork
RIORDAN of Frankfield Villas -- Cork
RIORDAN of Ivanhoe Upper Strand Youghal county -- Cork
RIORDAN of Lee-road county -- Cork
RIORDAN of Monard Whites Cross county -- Cork
ROBERTS of Lough Ine House Skibbereen county -- Cork
ROBERTS of Mount Rivers Carrigalvie -- County Cork
ROBERTS of New-road Bandon -- County Cork
ROBINSON of Almorah Cobh county -- Cork
ROBSON of 2 Landscape-terrace Glasheen-road -- Cork
ROCH of Carlton-place Youghal county -- Cork
ROCHE of 3 St James s-place Fermoy county -- Cork
ROCHE of 46 Harrisons-place Charleville -- County Cork
ROCHE of 6 Smithgrove-terrace St Lukes -- Cork
ROCHE of 7 Alta-terrace Monkstown -- Cork
ROCHE of Liscarroll Mallow -- County Cork
ROCHE of The Hydro St Anns-hill -- County Cork

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
RONAN of Carrig-rhu Cobh -- Cork
RONAYNE of Castle Redmond Midleton -- County Cork
RONAYNE of South Abbey Youghal -- Cork
RONAYNE of Youghal -- Cork
ROSS of Ballycotton -- County Cork
ROSS of Leeholme Carrigrohane -- County Cork
ROSS of Leeholme Fernhurst-avenue -- Cork
ROSS of Rock Castle Kilmacsimon Bandon -- Cork
ROSS of Rock Castle Kilmacsimon Bandon -- Cork
ROSS of Rowny Glen Rosscarbery -- Cork
ROSS of Tweedmount Blarney county -- Cork
ROSS of Woodview Innishannon -- County Cork
ROWLAND of Ballinacurra House Midleton -- County Cork
RYALL of 10 South Main-street Youghal -- County Cork
RYAN of Cork Mental Hospital county -- Cork
RYAN of Glenally Youghal county -- Cork
RYAN of Marino Villa Carrigaloe county -- Cork
RYAN of RoUayns Count county -- Cork
SANDERS of 20 Sunday s Well-road -- Cork
SANDIFORD of Horsehead Passage West county -- Cork
SANDIFORD of Rest Haven Harbour View Kil-brittain -- County Cork
SANTRY of The Elms Douglas-road county -- Cork
SARSFIELD of Doughcloyne -- Cork
SAYERS of 1 Redcliff Western-road -- Cork
SAYERS of 1 Redcliffe Western-road -- Cork
SCALLY of Nohoval near Kinsale county -- Cork
SCANLON of 6 Bloomfield-terrace Western-road -- Cork
SCANNELL of College View Midleton county -- Cork
SCOTT of 13 Charlemont-terrace St Lukes -- Cork
SCOTT of Shielmartin Menloe-gardens Blackrock -- County Cork
SCOTT of The Rectory Douglas county -- Cork
SCULLY of The Grove Rushbrooke -- Cork
SCULLY of The Grove Rushbrooke county -- Cork
SEARLS of Ballydaheen Mallow -- County Cork
SEIGNE of The Logs St Ann s Hill county -- Cork
SHANACHAN of CHapel-lane Youghal county -- Cork
SHANAHAN of Ballyrichard Midleton -- County Cork
SHANNON of West End Castletownbere -- County Cork
SHANNON of West End Castletownbere -- County Cork
SHEAHAN of Drinagh Castlecor Kanturk -- County Cork
SHEAHAN of Moume Abbey Mallow -- County Cork
SHEATH of The Home for Protestant Incurables Military-road -- Cork
SHEEDY of Fair view Cork county -- Cork
SHEEHAN of Carndonagh Cobh -- County Cork
SHEEHAN of Kingsland Ballinhassig county -- Cork
SHEEHAN of Marino -street Bantry county -- Cork
SHEEHAN of Marino-street Bantry -- County Cork
SHEEHAN of Rose Hill Sundays Well -- Cork
SHEEHAN of West End Mallow county -- Cork
SHEEHY of Doctor Osbournes Home Lindville Blackrock county -- Cork
SHEFFIELD of 9 Patricks Hill -- Cork
SHEPHERD of Kilbrack Doneraile county -- Cork
SHERLOCK of Ashton Rushbrooke -- County Cork
SHERLOCK of Roundhill House Bandon -- Cork
SHERLOCK of Roundhill House Bandon -- County Cork
SHERLOCK of South Main-street Bandon county -- Cork
SHERRARD of Maryborough Douglas -- Cork
SHERRARD of Maryborough Douglas -- County Cork
SHORTEN of Arusnagreena St Francis-avenue College-road -- Cork
SHORTEN of Ballingeary -- County Cork
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
SHORTEN of Garrettstown Ballinspittle Kinsale -- County Cork
SHORTEN of Keelnacronagh Enniskeane -- Cork
SHORTEN of Kilnacrinagh House Enniskeane -- Cork
SHORTEN of Millfield Rosscarberry -- County Cork
SHORTEN of Shannon-street Bandon county -- Cork
SIMMONS of Ardri Blackrock -- County Cork
SIMMS of 2 Sydenham-terrace Monkstown -- County Cork
SIMPSON of The Square Skibbereen county -- Cork
SINCLAIR of 6 Waterloo-terrace -- Cork
SMIDDY of Bay View-terrace Youghal -- Cork
SMITH of 2 Clonard Blackrock-road county -- Cork
SMITH of 2 Toureen-terrace Passage-West -- County Cork
SMITH of Lombardstown House Lombardstown Mallow county -- Cork
SMITH of North Main-street Bandon county -- Cork
SMYTH of 16 Charlemont-terrace -- Cork
SMYTH of Rathcoursey House Ballinacurra -- County Cork
SOMERVILLE of Drishane House Castletownshelid -- County Cork
SOMERVILLE of Malmaison Castle Townshend -- County Cork
SOMERVILLE of The Point House Castletownshend county -- Cork
SPENCE of Dripsey Mills Dripsey -- Cork
SPENCE of Rocklodge Coachford county -- Cork
SPILLER of 39 Sovereign-street and The Wayside both in Clonakilty county -- Cork
SPINKS of 24 Capwell-road -- Cork
SPOTTISWOODE of Glenburn Glan-niore -- Cork
STACK of Ballinahoun Fermoy county -- Cork
STACK of Ballinahown Fermoy -- County Cork
STACPOOLE of Ardavilling Cloyne -- County Cork
STANLEY of Ballinacourta county -- Cork
STANLEY of Carhue Bandon county -- Cork
STANLEY of Myrtle Lodge Kinsale -- County Cork
STANLEY of Scart House Kinsale -- County Cork
STANLEY of The County Home Douglas-road county -- Cork
STARKEY of Woodville Ballyhooly county -- Cork
STEEPE of Mallow -- County Cork
STERN of Kilbrack Doneraile -- County Cork
STOCKDALE of 5 Orelia-terrace Cobh county -- Cork
STOKER of Bellevue Lodge Tivoli -- Cork
STONEY of Currabinny Crosshaven county -- Cork
STOUT of Rerrin Bere Island -- Cork
STOYTE of Green Hill Kinsale county -- Cork
STRANGE of East Ferry House Ballinacurra near Midleton county -- Cork
STRITCH of Glandore Villas Blackrock -- Cork
STRONGE of the National Bank Limited Cork -- Cork
SULLIVAN of Breffin Blackrock -- County Cork
SULLIVAN of Eyeries -- Cork
SULLIVAN of Glanmire House -- County Cork
SULLIVAN of Greenane Kanturk county -- Cork
SULLIVAN of Lyddys-tcrrace Glengarriff-road Bantry county -- Cork
SWAIN of Bantry -- Cork
SWANTON of Bantry -- Cork
SWANTON of Mardyke House Skibbereen -- Cork
SWANTON of the Arcade Skibbereen county -- Cork
SWEENEY of 98 Street Skibbereen county -- Cork
SWEENEY of Upper-square Clonakilty -- Cork
TAIT of Buckstown Rostellan Middleton county -- Cork
TANGNEY of Mill-street -- County Cork
TATTAN of Dooneen Lemlara Carrigtwohill county -- Cork
TATTAN of Middleton -- County Cork
TAYLER of Riverview-terrace Passage West county -- Cork
TAYLOR of 3 Laurel Villas Mardyke -- Cork
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
TAYLOR of Cork Hill Youghal county -- Cork
TAYLOR of Knockanemore Ovens -- Cork
TAYLOR of O?Neill Crovvley-street Youghal -- Cork
TAYLOR of Victoria House Blackrock-road -- Cork
THOMAS of 1 Trinity-chambers South-terrace -- Cork
THOMAS of 128 North Main-street Youghal -- County Cork
THOMAS of 128 North Main-street Youghal county -- Cork
THORLEY of Poulacurry North Glanmire county -- Cork
TIERNEY of L Abri Model Farm-road county -- Cork
TIERNEY of The Presbytery St Finbar s West -- Cork
TILS of 2 St Luke s-place -- Cork
TILS of 2 St Luke s-place Summerhill -- Cork
TOBIN of 7 Landscape-terrace Glasheen-road -- Cork
TOBIN of Ballyderown Kilworth -- County Cork
TOMES of The Chaplaincy Mitchels-town county -- Cork
TOPHAM of North Main-street Bandon -- Cork
TORPEY of 1 Wellington-road St Lukes county -- Cork
TORPEY of 164 North Main-street Youghal county -- Cork
TOWNSEND of St Annes Hill county -- Cork
TOWNSEND of Woodside Cobh -- County Cork
TRACY of Diamond Hill Blackrock-road -- Cork
TRAVERS of Timoleague House Timoleague -- Cork
TRINDER of Sunnyhill Ardbrack Kinsale -- County Cork
TRUST of Bantry -- Cork
TUCKEY of The Rectory Glanmire -- County Cork
TUOHY of 17 North Mall -- Cork
TURNER of Befctyville Newberry Mallon county -- Cork
TWOMEY of 1 Clarence-place St Lukes -- Cork
TWOMEY of 1 Clarence-place St Lukes -- Cork
TWOMEY of 21 Parnell-place -- Cork
TWOMEY of 58 North-street Skibbereen -- County Cork
TWOMEY of Bleak House Ballinbrittig Carrigtwohill county -- Cork
TWOMEY of Kylefinchin county -- Cork
TWOMEY of Main-street Macroom county -- Cork
TYRIE of 6 Fern Cliff Bellevue Park -- Cork
VERLIN of Ardrath Youghal -- Cork
VERLIN of Ardrath Youghal -- County Cork
VICKERY of New-street Bantry county -- Cork
VICKERY of Skibbereen county -- Cork
WAKEFIELD of 5 Frankfield View Old Youghal-road -- Cork
WAKEHAM of 22 Rosary-terrace Midleton -- Cork
WAKEHAM of 4 Prospect-villas Rushbrooke -- County Cork
WAKEHAM of Rosenburg Rushbrooke county -- Cork
WAKEHAM of Waterrock Midleton -- Cork
WAKEHAM of Waterrock Midleton -- Cork
WALKER of 3 Riviera-terrace Rushbrooke county Cork and 17 South Mall -- Cork
WALKER of 3 Toureen-terrace Passage West -- Cork
WALKER of 3 Toureen-terrace Passage West county -- Cork
WALKER of Bally-macuss Kinsale -- County Cork
WALKER of The Cottage Ballymaccus Kinsale -- County Cork
WALKER of Woodquest Crosshaven -- County Cork
WALL of Memberton Whitegate -- County Cork
WALSH of 1 Arundel-terrace Old Blackrock -- Cork
WALSH of 14 Main-street Middleton county -- Cork
WALSH of 14 Main-street Midleton county -- Cork
WALSH of 15 Cattle Market-avenue -- Cork
WALSH of 6 Gibraltar-terrace Youghal -- Cork
WALSH of 61 Main-street Mallow county -- Cork
WALSH of Beechvale Douglas -- Cork
WALSH of Castledodd -- Cork
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
WALSH of Gurteenomahon Bandon -- County Cork
WALSH of Killavullen Mallow -- County Cork
WALSH of Main-street Buttevant -- County Cork
WALSH of Main-street Mallow -- County Cork
WALSH of Mercy Hospital -- Cork
WALSH of Midleton -- Cork
WALSH of Monaneigue Knockraha Glanmire -- County Cork
WALSH of Park ni Veena Midleton -- Cork
WALSH of The Munster Hotel Coburg-street -- Cork
WALSH of Upper Cork-street Mitchelstown -- County Cork
WALSHE of 23 Richmond-hill -- Cork
WARNER of 5 Southern-road -- Cork
WARNER of Lavanagh Ballintemple county -- Cork
WARNER of Palace Anne Enniskeane -- County Cork
WARREN of 1 Fernhurst View Magazine-road -- Cork
WEBB of Glenmore Glanmire county -- Cork
WEBB of The Hydro St Annes county -- Cork
WEBB of Wilton Mallow -- County Cork
WEBB of Wilton Mallow county -- Cork
WEBSTER of Rosehill Ballinacurra county -- Cork
WELCH of Hazelville Fennell?s Bay Crosshaven -- Cork
WELPLY of The Bungalow Shippool Innishannon county -- Cork
WELSTEAD of Norwood Western-road -- Cork
WHITE of 10 Marine Villas Monkstown Cork
WHITE of Coomhoja Lodge Bantry Cork
WHITE of Kilbyme Doneraile county -- Cork
WHITLEY of The Rectory Caheragh Drimoleague -- Cork
WHITTINGHAM of 1 Strawberry Villas Wellington Bridge Lee-road -- Cork
WHITTY of Rerrin Bere Island Bantry Bay county -- Cork
WICKHAM of 9 Harbour-view Queenstown -- Cork
WIGMORE of Firville Mallow -- Cork
WIGMORE of Firville Mallow -- Cork
WILKINSON of Drombrow Bantry county -- Cork
WILLIAMS of 11 Knockrea Park Douglas-road -- Cork
WILLIAMS of Riverview Blackrock county -- Cork
WILLIAMSON of Deerpark Mitchelstown county -- Cork
WILLIS of Huddersfield Crosshaven Cork Harbour county -- Cork
WILSON of Bearforest Mallow county -- Cork
WILSON of Beausite Rushbrooke -- County Cork
WILSON of The Rectory Dummanway -- Cork
WOLFE of Jasminton Douglas -- Cork
WOLFE of Snugville Skiffereen -- County Cork
WOLFE of Vailinia Bishopstown county -- Cork
WOOD of Ballincollig county -- Cork
WOOD of Co ronella Glasheen-road -- Cork
WOOD of Coolcullitha Innishannon county -- Cork
WOOD of Elmhill Douglas -- County Cork
WOOD of The Bungalow Skibbereen -- County Cork
WOOD of Townshend-street Skibbereen county -- Cork
WOODLEY of Averleigh Upper Strand Youghal -- County Cork
WOODLEY of Victoria Hospital -- Cork
WOODS of 8 The Crescent Cobh -- County Cork
WOODWARD of 2 Mount Pleasant Gardeners Hill -- Cork
WORMALD of Riverstown House Glanmire -- County Cork
WREN of Killapear House Enniskeane -- County Cork
WRIGHT of Convent Hill Bandon -- County Cork
WRIXON of Bank-place Mallow county -- Cork
YOUNG of 1 St Josephs-terrace Blackrock-road -- Cork
YOUNG of 8 Adelaide-place -- Cork
ZIEROLD of Garravale Fountainstown -- Cork

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year

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ENGLAND COUNTIES (MORE) Cheshire  Cheshire (pt 1)  Cheshire (pt 2)  Cornwall (towns)  County Durham  County Durham (pt 1)  County Durham (pt 2)  Derbyshire  Derbyshire (pt 1)  Derbyshire (pt 2)  Devonshire  Devonshire (pt 1)  Devonshire (pt 2)  Essex  Essex (pt 1)  Essex (pt 2)  Essex (pt 3)  Hampshire  Hampshire (pt 1)  Hampshire (pt 2)  Hertfordshire  Hertfordshire (pt 1)  Hertfordshire (pt 2)  Kent  Kent (pt 1)  Kent (pt 2)  Lancashire  Lancashire (pt 1)  Lancashire (pt 2)  Lancashire (pt 3)  Lancashire (pt 4)  Lancashire (pt 5)  Lancashire (pt 6)  Lincolnshire (towns)  Middlesex  Middlesex (pt 1)  Middlesex (pt 2)  Middlesex (pt 3)  Somerset (towns)  Staffordshire  Staffordshire (pt 1)  Staffordshire (pt 2)  Surrey  Surrey (pt 1)  Surrey (pt 2)  Surrey (pt 3)  Sussex (pt 1)  Sussex (pt 2)  Yorkshire  Yorkshire (pt 1)  Yorkshire (pt 2)  Yorkshire (pt 3) 
ENGLAND TOWNS Accrington  Aylesbury  Bath  Bedford  Birkenhead  Birmingham  Blackburn  Blackpool  Blandford  Bodmin  Bournemouth  Bradford  Brighton  Bristol  Buckingham  Burnley  Burton-on-Trent  Bury St Edmunds  Buxton  Cambridge  Canterbury  Carlisle  Chatham  Chelmsford  Cheltenham  Chester  Chichester  Colchester  Coventry  Crewe  Darlington  Deal  Derby  Devonport  Doncaster  Dover  Durham (town)  Eastbourne  Ely  Exeter  Folkestone  Gateshead  Gloucester  Great Yarmouth  Greenpool  Guildford  Halifax  Harrogate  Hartlepool  Hastings  Haverfordwest  Hereford  Holland  Huddersfield  Huntingdon  Ipswich  Kidderminster  Kingston-on-Thames  Kingston-upon-Hull  Lancaster  Leamington Spa  Leeds  Leicester  Lewes  Lichfield  Lincoln  Liverpool  Lowestoft  Macclesfield  Maidstone  Manchester  Margate  Middlesbrough  Monmouth  Newcastle-upon-Tyne  North Shields  Northampton  Norwich  Nottingham  Oldham  Oxford  Penzance  Peterborough  Plymouth  Poole  Portsmouth  Ramsgate  Reading  Ripon  Rochdale  Rochester  Salford  Salisbury  Scarborough  Sheffield  Shrewsbury  South Shields  Southampton  Southsea  St Leonards on sea  Stockton-on-Tees  Stoke-on-Trent  Stratford-on-avon  Sunderland  Taunton  Tonbridge  Torquay  Truro  Tunbridge Wells  Wakefield  Warrington  Warwick  Wells (Somerset)  West Worthing  Weston-super-Mare  Whitby  Wigan  Winchester  Windsor  Wolverhampton  Worcester  Worthing  York 
ENGLAND TOWNS (MORE) Ashton-under-Lyne  Birmingham  Birmingham (pt 1)  Birmingham (pt 2)  Birmingham (pt 3)  Durham  Liverpool  Liverpool (pt 1)  Liverpool (pt 2)  Manchester  Manchester (pt 1)  Manchester (pt 2)  Altrincham (Cheshire)  Hyde (Cheshire)  Northwich (Cheshire)  Runcorn (Cheshire)  Sale (Cheshire)  Stockport (Cheshire)  Wallasey (Cheshire)  Wirral (Cheshire)  Exmouth (Devonshire)  Paignton (Devonshire)  Barking (Essex)  Ilford (Essex)  Leigh-on-sea (Essex)  Romford (Essex)  Southend-on-Sea (Essex)  Westcliff-on-sea (Essex)  Stroud (Gloucestershire)  Hertford (Hertfordshire)  Ashford (Kent)  Beckenham (Kent)  Bromley (Kent)  Dartford (Kent)  Gillingham (Kent)  Gravesend (Kent)  Herne Bay (Kent)  Orpington (Kent)  Plumstead (Kent)  Sevenoaks (Kent)  Sidcup (Kent)  Welling (Kent)  Whitstable (Kent)  Barrow-in-Furness (Lancashire)  Bolton (Lancashire)  Bury (Lancashire)  Chorley (Lancashire)  Darwen (Lancashire)  Morecambe (Lancashire)  Nelson (Lancashire)  Preston (Lancashire)  Prestwich (Lancashire)  Southport (Lancashire)  St Helens (Lancashire)  Grimsby (Lincs)  Gosforth (Northumberland)  Whitley Bay (Northumberland)  Mansfield (Notts)  Newcastle-under-Lyme (Staffs)  Stafford (Staffs)  Bexhill-on-Sea (Sussex)  Bognor Regis (Sussex)  Horsham (Sussex)  Hove (Sussex)  Rugby (Warwickshire)  Halesowen (West Midlands)  Smethwick (West Midlands)  Stourbridge (West Midlands)  Walsall (West Midlands)  West Bromwich (West Midlands)  Bromsgrove (Worcestershire)  Barnsley (Yorks)  Batley (Yorks)  Bingley (Yorks)  Bridlington (Yorks)  Brighouse (Yorks)  Dewsbury (Yorks)  Goole (Yorks)  Keighley (Yorks)  Pontefract (Yorks)  Redcar (Yorks)  Rotherham (Yorks)  Shipley (Yorks)  Skipton (Yorks)  Sowerby Bridge (Yorks)  Todmorden (Yorks) 
LONDON Croydon  London  London (E - pt 2)  London (E- pt 1)  London (EC)  London (N - pt 1)  London (N - pt 2)  London (NW - pt 1)  London (NW - pt 2)  London (other)  London (SE-inner)  London (SE-outer)  London (SW-inner)  London (SW-outer - pt 1)  London (SW-outer - pt 2)  London (SW-outer - pt 3)  London (W - pt 1)  London (W - pt 2)  London (WC) 
WALES COUNTIES Anglesey  Brecknockshire  Cardiganshire  Carmarthenshire  Carnarvonshire  Denbighshire  Flintshire  Glamorganshire  Glamorganshire  Glamorganshire (pt 1)  Glamorganshire (pt 2)  Merionethshire  Monmouthshire  Montgomeryshire  Pembrokeshire  Radnorshire 
WALES TOWNS Aberdare  Bangor  Barry  Bridgend  Builth Wells  Cardiff  Carmarthen  Carnarvon  Llandaff  Merthyr Tydfil  Neath  Penarth  Pontypridd  Port Talbot  Rhondda  St Asaph  Swansea 
SCOTLAND COUNTIES North Britain  Scotland  Scotland (pt 1)  Scotland (pt 2)  Aberdeenshire  Angus-shire  Argyllshire  Ayrshire  Banffshire  Berwickshire  Buteshire  Caithness  Clackmannanshire  Dumbartonshire  Dumfriesshire  Elginshire  Fifeshire  Forfarshire  Invernessshire  Kincardineshire  Kinrossshire  Kirkcudbrightshire  Lanarkshire  Lothian  Midlothian  Morayshire  Nairnshire  Peeblesshire  Perthshire  Renfrewshire  Ross-shire  Roxburghshire  Selkirkshire  Shetland  Stirlingshire  Sutherland  Wigtownshire 
SCOTLAND TOWNS small Scottish town  Aberdeen  Airdrie  Alloa  Angus  Arbroath  Arran  Ayr  Banff  Berwick  Berwick-on-Tweed  Blairgowrie  Brechin  Bridge of Allan  Broughty Ferry  Calston  Cambuslang  Campbeltown  Carnoustie  Coatbridge  Crieff  Dalbeattie  Douglas  Dumbarton  Dumfries  Dunblane  Dundee  Dunfermline  Dunoon  Edinburgh  Elgin  Falkirk  Forfar  Glasgow  Grangemouth  Greenock  Haddington  Hamilton  Hawick  Helensburgh  Inverness  Kelso  Kilbride  Kilmarnock  Kirkcaldy  Kirkcudbright  Lanark  Largs  Lockerbie  Montrose  Nairn  Orkney  Paisley  Peebles  Perth  Prestwick  Rothesay  Rutherglen  Saltcoats  Selkirk  St Andrews  Stevenston  Stirling  Stonehaven  Stranraer  Strathaven  Troon  Uddingston 
BRITAIN ELSEWHERE Britain elsewhere  Guernsey  Isle of Man  Jersey  Gibraltar  Falkland Islands  Channel Islands 
IRELAND & NORTHERN IRELAND COUNTIES County Antrim  County Armagh  County Carlow  County Cavan  County Clare  County Cork  County Derry  County Donegal  County Down  County Dublin  County Fermanagh  County Galway  County Kerry  County Kildare  County Kilkenny  County Kings county  County Leitrim  County Leix  County Limerick  County Longford  County Louth  County Mayo  County Meath  County Monaghan  County Offaly  County Queens county  County Roscommon  County Sligo  County Tipperary  County Tyrone  County Waterford  County Westmeath  County Wexford  County Wicklow 
IRELAND & NORTHERN IRELAND TOWNS Antrim (town)  Armagh (town)  Belfast  Carlow (town)  Cavan (town)  Cork (town)  Donegal (town)  Dublin (town)  Galway (town)  Kilkenny (town)  Leitrim (town)  Leix (town)  Londonderry  Longford (town)  Limerick (town)  Meath (town)  Monaghan (town)  Roscommon (town)  Sligo (town)  Tipperary (town)  Waterford (town)  Westmeath (town)  Wexford (town)  Wicklow (town) 
AFRICA Africa  Central Africa  East Africa  Egypt  Gold Coast Africa  Kenya  Nigeria Africa  North Africa  Northern Africa  Northern Rhodesia  Nyasaland Africa  Portuguese East Africa  Sierra Leone Africa  South Africa  Southern Rhodesia  West Africa 
ASIA Asia  Burma  Ceylon  China  Hong Kong  India  Indonesia  Japan  Malay States  Pakistan  Singapore  Straits Settlements  Turkey 
EUROPE & ATLANTIC ISLANDS Albania  Austria  Balearic Islands  Belgium  Bulgaria  Canary Islands  Cape Verde Islands  Czechoslovakia  Europe (E)  France  Germany  Greece  Hungary  Italy  Luxembourg  Madeira  Malta  Monaco  Netherlands  Poland  Portugal  Romania  Spain  Sweden  Switzerland  USSR  Yugoslavia 
MIDDLE EAST Arabia  Israel  Lebanon  Palestine  Syria  Transjordan 
OCEANIA, PACIFIC AND INDIAN ISLANDS Australia  New Zealand  East Indies  Fiji Islands  Friendly Islands  Mauritius  Philippine Islands  Seychelles Islands  Society Islands  South Pacific 
SCANDINAVIA Denmark  Estonia  Finland  Iceland  Latvia  Norway 
SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA South America  Argentina  Brazil  Buenos Aires (Argentina)  Central America  Chile  Columbia  Mexico 
WEST INDIES AND ATLANTIC Atlantic  West Indies  Bahama Islands  Bermuda Islands  Jamaica  Leeward Islands  Turks and Caicos Islands 
NORTH AMERICA USA  Canada  Alabama (USA)  Alaska (USA)  Arizona (USA)  Arkansas (USA)  California (USA)  Chicago (USA)  Colorado (USA)  Connecticut (USA)  Dallas (USA)  DC (USA)  Delaware (USA)  Detroit (USA)  Florida (USA)  Georgia (USA)  Hawaii (USA)  Idaho (USA)  Illinois (USA)  Indiana (USA)  Indianapolis (USA)  Iowa (USA)  Jersey City (USA)  Kansas (USA)  Kentucky (USA)  Los Angeles (USA)  Louisiana (USA)  Maine (USA)  Maryland (USA)  Massachusetts (USA)  Mexico (USA)  Michigan (USA)  Minnesota (USA)  Mississippi (USA)  Missouri (USA)  Montana (USA)  Nebraska (USA)  Nevada (USA)  New Hampshire (USA)  New Jersey (USA)  New Mexico (USA)  New York (USA)  New York City (USA)  Niagara (USA)  North Carolina (USA)  North Dakota (USA)  Ohio (USA)  Oklahoma (USA)  Oregon (USA)  Pennsylvania (USA)  Philadelphia (USA)  Rhode Island (USA)  Rochester (USA)  San Francisco (USA)  Somerville (USA)  South Carolina (USA)  South Dakota (USA)  St Louis (USA)  Tennessee (USA)  Texas (USA)  Utah (USA)  Vermont (USA)  Virgin Islands (USA)  Virginia (USA)  Washington (USA)  Wisconsin (USA)  Wiscousin (USA)  Wyoming (USA) 
MILITARY Military 

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