Josiah Jackson's diaries 1882-1904: index and snippets


Date Snippet
Thu 2 Jan 1896

Thrashing Machine Mr W Francis Sc able Sc thresh fbr week's .
able (28), fbr (94), Francis (162), Machine (183), thrashing (56), thresh (4), week (405)
Wed 26 Jan 1898

agreed Mr Read's thresh oats.
agreed (1355), oats (360), Read (279), thresh (4)
Wed 26 Jan 1898

Mr Read's promised thresh oats tomorrow.
oats (360), promised (658), Read (279), thresh (4), tomorrow (666)
Sat 24 Nov 1900

Called H. Jones promised send sks corn Thresh.
Called (1514), Corn (39), Jones (1185), promised (658), send (792), Sks (576), thresh (4)

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