Josiah Jackson's diaries 1882-1904: index and snippets


Date Snippet
Wed 28 Nov 1883

Mr Barnes lold cow mothers yesterday died morning; inside stuck .
Barnes (194), cow (461), died (153), inside (14), lold (1), morning; (4), mothers (26), stuck (4), yesterday (212)
Wed 11 Oct 1893

He (Mr Fudge) stuck Tom called Mr Weare promised bring Friday.
bring (79), Called (1514), Friday (128), Fudge (158), promised (658), stuck (4), Tom (2187), Weare (15)
Sat 28 Mar 1896

We agreed bills printed stuck Monday asking Parocial Electors Vote old nine Councilors.
agreed (1355), asking (671), bills (99), Councilors (1), Electors (6), Monday (364), nine (4), old (289), Parocial (6), printed (14), stuck (4), Vote (10)
Wed 1 Jun 1898

We agreed George James St stuck hurt ( matter wages, lump sum.
agreed (1355), George (265), hurt (33), James (591), lump (2), matter (47), stuck (4), sum (23), Wages (61)

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