Josiah Jackson's diaries 1882-1904: index and snippets


Date Snippet
Thu 30 Mar 1882

Went Chapel.
Chapel (342), Went (826)
Wed 5 Apr 1882

Sent tetters sent collecting Book Mr W. Humphries repairing Chapel c, cheque ? Mto Messrs Simpson Co Calf Meal cwt.
Book (150), calf (367), Chapel (342), cheque (1456), collecting (112), cwt (322), Humphries (8), meal (202), Messrs (1565), Mto (1), repairing (37), sent (4043), sent (4043), Simpson (17), tetters (4)
Mon 10 Apr 1882

paid Mrs Hilier coal Chapel today.
Chapel (342), coal (189), Hilier (1), Mrs (1554), paid (1944), today (1127)
Sun 23 Apr 1882

Service held Wesley Chapel afternoon continued instead morning Notice.
afternoon (245), Chapel (342), continued (5), held (146), instead (37), morning (1314), Notice (252), Service (131), Wesley (15)
Sun 23 Apr 1882

Mr Smith preach tomorrow, Monday evening North Bruham Chapel.
Bruham (767), Chapel (342), evening (828), Monday (364), North (146), preach (203), Smith (175), tomorrow (666)
Mon 1 May 1882

Mr Young preached B. Chapel .
Chapel (342), preached (1123), Young (43)
Tue 9 May 1882

met Mr P. Hill agreed B. John Mr Hill renovating repairing Baptish Chapel ?.
agreed (1355), Baptish (1), Chapel (342), Hill (955), Hill (955), John (2874), met (393), renovating (7), repairing (37)
Sun 14 May 1882

Mr P. Hill sent Chapel Wednesday.
Chapel (342), Hill (955), sent (4043), Wednesday (179)
Thu 18 May 1882

Talked having Sunday School Baptist Chapel.
Baptist (69), Chapel (342), having (103), school (673), Sunday (117), Talked (9)
Mon 12 Jun 1882

Mr P. Hill Bruton commenced repairing renovating Chapel today.
Bruton (758), Chapel (342), commenced (69), Hill (955), renovating (7), repairing (37), today (1127)
Wed 14 Jun 1882

Saw Mrs P. Hill Chapel.
Chapel (342), Hill (955), Mrs (1554), Saw (1040)
Sun 18 Jun 1882

Mr Payne preached Mr Lush held Service Village afternoon North Bruham Chapel preached.
afternoon (245), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), held (146), Lush (30), North (146), Payne (369), preached (1123), preached (1123), Service (131), Village (3)
Tue 20 Jun 1882

Finished Chapel ( renovating) looks .
Chapel (342), Finished (341), looks (2), renovating (7)
Sun 9 Jul 1882

Mr W. Hannam preached B. L. Commenced Sunday School Chapel.
Chapel (342), commenced (69), Hannam (150), preached (1123), school (673), Sunday (117)
Sat 15 Jul 1882

Collected Mrs Henry Hill (Hardway) pay renovating Chapel Mrs Jones.
Chapel (342), collected (25), Hardway (43), Henry (311), Hill (955), Jones (1185), Mrs (1554), Mrs (1554), pay (274), renovating (7)
Sun 23 Jul 1882

A. North Bruham Chapel Afternoon.
afternoon (245), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), North (146)
Sun 6 Aug 1882

toward Repair /c Chapel /- gave /-.
Chapel (342), Gave (523), Repair (31), toward (129)
Sun 20 Aug 1882

Mr Payne gave /- collected Chapel /c.
Chapel (342), collected (25), Gave (523), Payne (369)
Fri 25 Aug 1882

Paid Mis Coles Bill She gave A Chapel (fund repair).
Bill (484), Chapel (342), Coles (20), fund (80), Gave (523), Mis (98), paid (1944), Repair (31), She (77)
Sun 10 Sep 1882

A. North Bruham Chapel afternoon.
afternoon (245), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), North (146)
Tue 19 Sep 1882

Rev W, Burton Frome preached Chapel tonight wet Annie .
Annie (251), Burton (3), Chapel (342), Frome (614), preached (1123), Rev (123), tonight (250), wet (231)
Tue 24 Oct 1882

It Mrs Coles' House Mr Tyson's beside Chapel (Baptist) beside others higher known years.
Baptist (69), beside (18), beside (18), Chapel (342), Coles (20), Higher (28), House (1200), known (11), Mrs (1554), others (707), Tyson (190), years (118)
Thu 9 Nov 1882

Paid Dina Hughes looking Chapel ftc.
Chapel (342), Dina (5), ftc (833), Hughes (89), looking (63), paid (1944)
Sun 12 Nov 1882

Mr Hannam preached B. Lodge, Went N. Bruham Chapel heard Mr Hames preach.
Bruham (767), Chapel (342), Hames (53), Hannam (150), heard (404), Lodge (793), preach (203), preached (1123), Went (826)
Mon 13 Nov 1882

Went Bruton stone piping Chapel repaired Saw Mr Harrold sold hay coal.
Bruton (758), Chapel (342), coal (189), Harrold (171), hay (1122), piping (3), repaired (51), Saw (1040), Sold (374), Stone (98), Went (826)
Wed 22 Nov 1882

Saw Mr Beachamp Mr Coombs lamps Chapel.
Beachamp (2), Chapel (342), Coombs (210), lamps (21), Saw (1040)
Wed 6 Dec 1882

Brought Lamps ChapeL Snow .
brought (899), Chapel (342), lamps (21), Snow (46)
Thu 7 Dec 1882

Brought parts pump, helped Lamps Chapel.
brought (899), Chapel (342), helped (265), lamps (21), parts (11), pump (27)
Sun 17 Dec 1882

Stayed Mr Tyson Notice given tea meeting Wednesday Week Chapel.
Chapel (342), given (51), meeting (967), Notice (252), stayed (239), tea (270), Tyson (190), Wednesday (179), week (405)
Mon 18 Dec 1882

Went B. John's, Mr Jones Mr Tyson's horse North Bruham ChapeL Heard Mr Brice preach.
Brice (8), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), heard (404), horse (444), John (2874), Jones (1185), North (146), preach (203), Tyson (190), Went (826)
Tue 26 Dec 1882

BJohn Chapel Book B. John tea tickets.
BJohn (556), Book (150), Chapel (342), John (2874), tea (270), tickets (33)
Mon 1 Jan 1883

BJohn Mr Tyson gone Wincanton annual tea Baptist Chapel, Mrs Tyson Mrs Jones today Annie.
Annie (251), annual (23), Baptist (69), BJohn (556), Chapel (342), gone (139), Jones (1185), Mrs (1554), Mrs (1554), tea (270), today (1127), Tyson (190), Tyson (190), Wincanton (642)
Sun 21 Jan 1883

Annie Chapel fust .
Annie (251), Chapel (342), fust (8)
Mon 22 Jan 1883

Helped cows Mr Jones North Bruham Wesley Chapel Prayer Meeting.
Bruham (767), Chapel (342), cows (394), helped (265), Jones (1185), meeting (967), North (146), prayer (120), Wesley (15)
Wed 24 Jan 1883

Came B. Street Wesleyan Chapel temperance Meeting.
Came (596), Chapel (342), meeting (967), Street (121), Temperance (131), Wesleyan (212)
Wed 7 Feb 1883

Annie gone Wealeyan Chapel Tom Johnny Temperance Meeting.
Annie (251), Chapel (342), gone (139), Johnny (14), meeting (967), Temperance (131), Tom (2187), Wealeyan (1)
Sun 11 Feb 1883

Nellie Albert Chapel morning Ordinance, Mrs Shepherd Whitbome.
Albert (378), Chapel (342), morning (1314), Mrs (1554), Nellie (591), ordinance (25), Shepherd (30), Whitbome (1)
Wed 7 Mar 1883

Brought stove Cheese Room Chapel Saw Mr Walwin looked heifers Mr Walwins .
brought (899), Chapel (342), cheese (1666), heifers (325), looked (297), room (278), Saw (1040), Stove (31), Walwin (383), Walwins (7)
Wed 7 Mar 1883

Went Wesleyan Chapel Temperance meeting.
Chapel (342), meeting (967), Temperance (131), Went (826), Wesleyan (212)
Sun 1 Apr 1883

Petition signed against sale intoxicating drinks Sunday, Chapel.
against (67), Chapel (342), drinks (3), intoxicating (3), Petition (7), Sale (282), signed (131), Sunday (117)
Sun 8 Apr 1883

Gave Notice Temperance meeting Wesleyan Chapel N. B. A. B. H. Buck calved.
Buck (6), calved (127), Chapel (342), Gave (523), meeting (967), Notice (252), Temperance (131), Wesleyan (212)
Wed 11 Apr 1883

Joe Barley , A. B. House Temperance meeting North Bruham Wesley Chapel.
Barley (522), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), House (1200), Joe (27), meeting (967), North (146), Temperance (131), Wesley (15)
Wed 18 Apr 1883

Paid Mr Coambe Lamps chapel.
Chapel (342), Coambe (1), lamps (21), paid (1944)
Mon 21 May 1883

Annie Tom Johnie tea meeting North Bruham Chapel, Public meeting afterwards Messrs Harvey, Letheby, Vinning Frome Mr Rex Mr Lush addressed Tea.
Addressed (10), afterwards (39), Annie (251), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), Frome (614), Harvey (7), Johnie (13), Letheby (1), Lush (30), meeting (967), meeting (967), Messrs (1565), North (146), Public (11), Rex (2123), tea (270), tea (270), Tom (2187), Vinning (1)
Tue 19 Jun 1883

BJohn called going B. L Sent Frank grey mare Bruton Mr Buckley's mowing machine done c. Mr Hider ofWincanton Mr Hanson North Bradley, Wilts, gave addresses Chapel.
addresses (9), BJohn (556), Bradley (6), Bruton (758), Buckley (203), Called (1514), Chapel (342), done (281), Frank (462), Gave (523), going (163), Grey (123), Hanson (2), Hider (21), Machine (183), mare (385), Mowing (493), North (146), ofWincanton (1), sent (4043), Wilts (25)
Sun 8 Jul 1883

Mr Hannam preached B. L Mr Tyson brother Chapel 'ordinance*.
Brother (200), Chapel (342), Hannam (150), 'ordinance (1), preached (1123), Tyson (190)
Sun 8 Jul 1883

Went B. Lodge evening Chapel.
Chapel (342), evening (828), Lodge (793), Went (826)
Sun 22 Jul 1883

Annie Johnie North Bruham Wesleyan Chapel evening.
Annie (251), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), evening (828), Johnie (13), North (146), Wesleyan (212)
Sun 19 Aug 1883

Annie North Bruham ChapeL f met .
Annie (251), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), met (393), North (146)
Tue 25 Sep 1883

Nellie sent John Coles intends preaching North Bruhara Chapel tonight
Bruhara (2), Chapel (342), Coles (20), intends (18), John (2874), Nellie (591), North (146), preaching (21), sent (4043)
Thu 27 Sep 1883

Annie Albert John Coles preached Chapel evening, Tom John AI heard .
Albert (378), Annie (251), Chapel (342), Coles (20), evening (828), heard (404), John (2874), John (2874), preached (1123), Tom (2187)
Sun 28 Oct 1883

Annie B. House North Bwhsun Chapel.
Annie (251), Bwhsun (1), Chapel (342), House (1200), North (146)
Wed 31 Oct 1883

Paid Mr Dunford curd cooler Brought Stove Chapel @ A. If .
brought (899), Chapel (342), Cooler (5), curd (13), Dunford (2), paid (1944), Stove (31)
Thu 1 Nov 1883

Mr James Gulliford, overseer North Bruham overseer Eastrip, Wincanton Board Room audit Saw Mr W. Hannam Temperance meeting held Baptist Chapel Bruham.
Audit (28), Baptist (69), Board (142), Bruham (767), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), Eastrip (12), Gulliford (47), Hannam (150), held (146), James (591), meeting (967), North (146), overseer (7), overseer (7), room (278), Saw (1040), Temperance (131), Wincanton (642)
Thu 1 Nov 1883

BJohn Hedley brought Stove Chapel.
BJohn (556), brought (899), Chapel (342), Hedley (112), Stove (31)
Mon 12 Nov 1883

Made Chapel Book.
Book (150), Chapel (342), Made (79)
Fri 16 Nov 1883

Tom Elt BJohn, Willie Wincanton heard Jessica's First-Prayer service Reading Baptist Chapel.
Baptist (69), BJohn (556), Chapel (342), Elt (17), First-Prayer (1), heard (404), Jessica (1), Reading (50), Service (131), Tom (2187), Willie (383), Wincanton (642)
Sun 18 Nov 1883

He North Bruham Wesleyan Chapel afternoon B. House Tea.
afternoon (245), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), House (1200), North (146), tea (270), Wesleyan (212)
Thu 22 Nov 1883

Annie, Janny, Nellie, Frome musical Entertainment Wesley Chapel.
Annie (251), Chapel (342), Entertainment (25), Frome (614), Janny (11), musical (2), Nellie (591), Wesley (15)
Mon 26 Nov 1883

Tom, Johny temperance meeting Weslevan Chapel, signed.
Chapel (342), Johny (22), meeting (967), signed (131), Temperance (131), Tom (2187), Weslevan (1)
Sat 1 Dec 1883

Sent Mr Lush sing Song Temperance meeting held Baptist Chapel Dec .
Baptist (69), Chapel (342), Dec (78), held (146), Lush (30), meeting (967), sent (4043), sing (4), Song (5), Temperance (131)
Tue 4 Dec 1883

Went North Bruham Chapel Prayer meeting.
Bruham (767), Chapel (342), meeting (967), North (146), prayer (120), Went (826)
Thu 6 Dec 1883

Mr Hider preached Chapel.
Chapel (342), Hider (21), preached (1123)
Thu 13 Dec 1883

Went North Bmham Chapel heard Mr Brice preach.
Bmham (6), Brice (8), Chapel (342), heard (404), North (146), preach (203), Went (826)
Sun 16 Dec 1883

Heated Chapel Lamps today.
Chapel (342), heated (5), lamps (21), today (1127)
Wed 19 Dec 1883

B. John Mr Oborne Chapel Chimney.
Chapel (342), Chimney (9), John (2874), Oborne (15)
Fri 21 Dec 1883

B. Street We Chapel Stove Pipe top hole.
Chapel (342), hole (53), pipe (55), Stove (31), Street (121), top (281)
Mon 7 Jan 1884

Done serving St North Bruham Chapel heard Mr Smith preach.
Bruham (767), Chapel (342), done (281), heard (404), North (146), preach (203), serving (9), Smith (175)
Tue 15 Jan 1884

Went Hook Gate Butter St Temperance meeting Wesleyan Chapel.
butter (201), Chapel (342), Gate (403), Hook (319), meeting (967), Temperance (131), Went (826), Wesleyan (212)
Sun 27 Jan 1884

BJohn Dinner St B. Lodge St Chapel .
BJohn (556), Chapel (342), dinner (168), Lodge (793)
Thu 31 Jan 1884

Went John Keevil St George Hill Sc brought Table Chapel Mrs Gould /-.
brought (899), Chapel (342), George (265), Gould (103), Hill (955), John (2874), KeeviL (8), Mrs (1554), table (27), Went (826)
Tue 12 Feb 1884

Went Temperance meeting Baplish Chapel.
Baplish (1), Chapel (342), meeting (967), Temperance (131), Went (826)
Tue 19 Feb 1884

Went Wesleyan Chapel.
Chapel (342), Went (826), Wesleyan (212)
Wed 27 Feb 1884

Paid Mr Dunford Stove Chapel /-, Towel Horse Lantern.
Chapel (342), Dunford (2), horse (444), Lantern (14), paid (1944), Stove (31), Towel (1)
Sun 9 Mar 1884

Annie Chapel since confinement Nellie cheese.
Annie (251), Chapel (342), cheese (1666), confinement (1), Nellie (591), since (21)
Sun 9 Mar 1884

North Bruham Chapel heard Mr Pread preach afternoon.
afternoon (245), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), heard (404), North (146), preach (203), Pread (1)
Tue 11 Mar 1884

Came B. Lodge, Temprance meeting Wesleyan Chapel BJohn Chair.
BJohn (556), Came (596), Chair (51), Chapel (342), Lodge (793), meeting (967), Temprance (2), Wesleyan (212)
Thu 10 Apr 1884

Paid Dinah Hughes /- looking Chapel.
Chapel (342), Dinah (30), Hughes (89), looking (63), paid (1944)
Thu 17 Apr 1884

Nellie Chapel.
Chapel (342), Nellie (591)
Sun 15 Jun 1884

Annie North Bruham Chapel evening.
Annie (251), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), evening (828), North (146)
Tue 17 Jun 1884

North Bruham Chapel A heard Mr Brice preach.
Brice (8), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), heard (404), North (146), preach (203)
Sun 13 Jul 1884

Mr Hannam preached B. L Chapel evening Ordinance.
Chapel (342), evening (828), Hannam (150), ordinance (25), preached (1123)
Sat 16 Aug 1884

toward renovating Wesleyan Chapel ftc.
Chapel (342), ftc (833), renovating (7), toward (129), Wesleyan (212)
Wed 27 Aug 1884

Nellie circulars reopening Chapel ordered Large Bills, .
bills (99), Chapel (342), circulars (5), Large (4), Nellie (591), ordered (247), reopening (11)
Wed 27 Aug 1884

Promised Mr Walwin toward Chapel debt.
Chapel (342), debt (14), promised (658), toward (129), Walwin (383)
Tue 2 Sep 1884

Went heard Mr Varder Yeovil preach Baptist Chapel Let Nellie Basket Collecting Reopening Wesleyan Chapel.
Baptist (69), Basket (11), Chapel (342), Chapel (342), collecting (112), heard (404), Let (87), Nellie (591), preach (203), reopening (11), Varder (1), Went (826), Wesleyan (212), Yeovil (53)
Tue 2 Sep 1884

Went heard Mr Varder Yeovil preach Baptist Chapel Let Nellie Basket Collecting Reopening Wesleyan Chapel.
Baptist (69), Basket (11), Chapel (342), Chapel (342), collecting (112), heard (404), Let (87), Nellie (591), preach (203), reopening (11), Varder (1), Went (826), Wesleyan (212), Yeovil (53)
Sat 6 Sep 1884

Charles Smart gave /- toward Wesleyan Chapel.
Chapel (342), Charles (157), Gave (523), Smart (35), toward (129), Wesleyan (212)
Sun 7 Sep 1884

Reopening Wesleyan Chapel, North Bniham.
Bniham (132), Chapel (342), North (146), reopening (11), Wesleyan (212)
Sun 7 Sep 1884

No service Baptist Chapel evening.
Baptist (69), Chapel (342), evening (828), Service (131)
Tue 9 Sep 1884

Paid ? ? i promised towards Chapel self, / Mr Joseph Barnes, /- C. Smart gave Cheque ? * cash things bought Annie.
Annie (251), Barnes (194), bought (1410), cash (150), Chapel (342), cheque (1456), Gave (523), Joseph (333), paid (1944), promised (658), self (33), Smart (35), things (108), towards (18)
Thu 11 Sep 1884

Annie Tea meeting Mr James Gulliford Club Room regard Reopening Wesleyan Chapel Tea.
Annie (251), Chapel (342), Club (48), Gulliford (47), James (591), meeting (967), regard (10), reopening (11), room (278), tea (270), tea (270), Wesleyan (212)
Thu 11 Sep 1884

Service held Chapel afterwards.
afterwards (39), Chapel (342), held (146), Service (131)
Wed 17 Sep 1884

Prayer meeting Wesleyan Chapel Bruham House.
Bruham (767), Chapel (342), House (1200), meeting (967), prayer (120), Wesleyan (212)
Sun 25 Apr 1886

A. Wesleyan Chapel stayed B. House die .
Chapel (342), die (61), House (1200), stayed (239), Wesleyan (212)
Mon 3 May 1886

heard Mr Gregor preach Wesleyan Chapel.
Chapel (342), Gregor (2), heard (404), preach (203), Wesleyan (212)
Tue 11 May 1886

Saw Independent Chapel Came Stourton Inn .
Came (596), Chapel (342), Independent (20), Inn (26), Saw (1040), Stourton (178)
Sun 30 May 1886

Wesleyan Chapel heard Mr Hames preach, text Daniel C. verse.
Chapel (342), Daniel (17), Hames (53), heard (404), preach (203), text (953), verse (107), Wesleyan (212)
Mon 31 May 1886

B. John Organ Wesleyan Chapel.
Chapel (342), John (2874), Organ (12), Wesleyan (212)
Thu 3 Jun 1886

Called B. House Wesleyan Chapel Organ Baptist Chapel.
Baptist (69), Called (1514), Chapel (342), Chapel (342), House (1200), Organ (12), Wesleyan (212)
Thu 3 Jun 1886

Called B. House Wesleyan Chapel Organ Baptist Chapel.
Baptist (69), Called (1514), Chapel (342), Chapel (342), House (1200), Organ (12), Wesleyan (212)
Sun 20 Jun 1886

A. Wesleyan Chapel B. House.
Chapel (342), House (1200), Wesleyan (212)
Sun 20 Jun 1886

Mr Mrs Humphries Chapel today.
Chapel (342), Humphries (8), Mrs (1554), today (1127)
Mon 21 Jun 1886

Mr Moore ( Frome) done Organ Chapel.
Chapel (342), done (281), Frome (614), Moore (8), Organ (12)
Sun 18 Jul 1886

stayed Home Cheese A. Chapel Mr Payne preached.
Chapel (342), cheese (1666), Home (144), Payne (369), preached (1123), stayed (239)
Sun 25 Jul 1886

Chapel B. House morning.
Chapel (342), House (1200), morning (1314)
Mon 26 Jul 1886

Came B. House heard Mr Williams preach North Bruham Wesleyan Chapel.
Bruham (767), Came (596), Chapel (342), heard (404), House (1200), North (146), preach (203), Wesleyan (212), Williams (32)
Sun 19 Sep 1886

stayed Cheese Chapel.
Chapel (342), cheese (1666), stayed (239)
Thu 23 Sep 1886

Reed Cheque Mr Read Pigs Post card Frame respecting Harvest Thanksgiving Service held Wesley Chapel.
Card (153), Chapel (342), cheque (1456), Frame (46), Harvest (70), held (146), Pigs (1328), Post (174), Read (279), Reed (3327), respecting (19), Service (131), Thanksgiving (34), Wesley (15)
Thu 23 Sep 1886

Came Louie Tea meeting Wesleyan Chapel.
Came (596), Chapel (342), Louie (713), meeting (967), tea (270), Wesleyan (212)
Sun 26 Sep 1886

Miss Green Wesley Chapel B. House.
Chapel (342), Green (576), House (1200), Miss (918), Wesley (15)
Sun 17 Oct 1886

Louie Miss Suey Green B. House Wesleyan Chapel.
Chapel (342), Green (576), House (1200), Louie (713), Miss (918), Suey (1), Wesleyan (212)
Sun 5 Dec 1886

afternoon Wesleyan Chapel beard Mr Amor preach, text feet*.
afternoon (245), Amor (227), beard (8), Chapel (342), feet (50), preach (203), text (953), Wesleyan (212)
Mon 13 Dec 1886

Came , tea Wesleyan Chapel missionary meeting, BJoshua load things.
BJoshua (25), Came (596), Chapel (342), load (292), meeting (967), missionary (40), tea (270), things (108), Wesleyan (212)
Thu 29 Nov 1888

Went Mr Clarke's Bill meeting Chapel.
Bill (484), Chapel (342), Clarke (296), meeting (967), Went (826)
Fri 30 Nov 1888

Came Chapel.
Came (596), Chapel (342)
Sun 9 Dec 1888

Victor Bruham Baptist Chapel heard Mr Hannam preach text These things written ye believe Ac.
Baptist (69), believe (10), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), Hannam (150), heard (404), preach (203), text (953), These (8), things (108), Victor (1058), written (27)
Tue 25 Dec 1888

Some Children Chapel heard Mr Thomas preach.
Chapel (342), Children (136), heard (404), preach (203), Some (60), Thomas (223)
Mon 7 Jan 1889

Tom supper Chapel tonight (Wesleyan).
Chapel (342), supper (50), Tom (2187), tonight (250), Wesleyan (212)
Thu 17 Jan 1889

Tom Temperance meeting Bruham Baptist Chapel.
Baptist (69), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), meeting (967), Temperance (131), Tom (2187)
Thu 7 Feb 1889

changed Book Library heard Mr Lazenby preach Independent Chapel.
Book (150), changed (27), Chapel (342), heard (404), Independent (20), Lazenby (1), Library (4), preach (203)
Wed 27 Feb 1889

Wm oa Chapel heard Mr Thomas preach.
Chapel (342), heard (404), preach (203), Thomas (223)
Wed 20 Mar 1889

Nellie, Janey Albert heard Mr Thomas Lecture Books Readers'* Wesleyan Chapel.
Albert (378), books (77), Chapel (342), heard (404), Janey (244), lecture (136), Nellie (591), Readers (1), Thomas (223), Wesleyan (212)
Thu 11 Apr 1889

, Mr Amor, Mrs Amor, Louie, Miss Phelps North Cadbury Reopening Wesleyan Chapel .
Amor (227), Amor (227), Cadbury (10), Chapel (342), Louie (713), Miss (918), Mrs (1554), North (146), Phelps (62), reopening (11), Wesleyan (212)
Thu 23 May 1889

Miss Phelps, Tom, Louie Wincanton Baptizing Service Baptist Chapel.
Baptist (69), Baptizing (3), Chapel (342), Louie (713), Miss (918), Phelps (62), Service (131), Tom (2187), Wincanton (642)
Wed 29 May 1889

L A, Janey heard Rev Peter McKensie Lecture Wesleyan Chapel, Shepton Mallet
Chapel (342), heard (404), Janey (244), lecture (136), McKensie (1), Peter (28), Rev (123), Shepton (200), Wesleyan (212)
Sun 9 Jun 1889

Tom Baptist Chapel (Bruham) heard Mr W. Hannam preach text, Romans C. V. Took Truckle cheese Bazaar Baptist school Room.
Baptist (69), Baptist (69), Bazaar (23), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), cheese (1666), Hannam (150), heard (404), preach (203), Romans (11), room (278), school (673), text (953), Tom (2187), Took (139), truckle (109)
Sun 14 Jul 1889

Chapel Mrs Vigar.
Chapel (342), Mrs (1554), Vigar (14)
Thu 5 Sep 1889

Tea recognition services held Wesleyan Chapel welcome Mr Harryton.
Chapel (342), Harryton (1), held (146), recognition (3), services (43), tea (270), welcome (4), Wesleyan (212)
Thu 12 Sep 1889

Came Baptist Chapel, Bruham.
Baptist (69), Bruham (767), Came (596), Chapel (342)
Tue 15 Oct 1889

Mr Lockyers A balanced /c's, , Tom Louie Wesleyan Chapel missionary meeting B. John Truckle Vats.
balanced (2), Chapel (342), John (2874), Lockyers (3), Louie (713), meeting (967), missionary (40), Tom (2187), truckle (109), vats (37), Wesleyan (212)
Wed 13 Nov 1889

paid Mrs Harding rent / Chapel tonight Went Mr Hutchins measured suit clothes promised Next week.
Chapel (342), clothes (45), Harding (371), Hutchins (2), measured (67), Mrs (1554), Next (14), paid (1944), promised (658), rent (270), suit (40), tonight (250), week (405), Went (826)
Wed 27 Nov 1889

, A, Nellie missionary meeting Weslyan Chapel.
Chapel (342), meeting (967), missionary (40), Nellie (591), Weslyan (1)
Fri 6 Dec 1889

She buried Rudge Baptist ChapeL Cousins William Mary Ann, Mr Lawrence others .
Ann (26), Baptist (69), buried (67), Chapel (342), Cousins (6), Lawrence (44), Mary (198), others (707), Rudge (8), She (77), William (302)
Sun 8 Dec 1889

A, , Johney Stanley Baptist Chapel Bruham.
Baptist (69), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), Johney (105), Stanley (703)
Mon 9 Dec 1889

Went chapel heard Mr Turner.
Chapel (342), heard (404), Turner (30), Went (826)
Tue 10 Dec 1889

Chapel (342)
Tue 31 Dec 1889

Mr T. B. Lock called AI bought tons Waterloo feeding Cake Tom annual meeting Baptist Chapel (School Rooms).
annual (23), Baptist (69), bought (1410), cake (715), Called (1514), Chapel (342), Feeding (77), Lock (63), meeting (967), Rooms (66), school (673), Tom (2187), tons (300), Waterloo (31)
Sun 16 Feb 1890

Mr Hanley preached Wesleyan Chapel Text Evening, Remember Lot's Wife.
Chapel (342), evening (828), Hanley (48), lot (110), preached (1123), Remember (10), text (953), Wesleyan (212), Wife (151)
Tue 18 Feb 1890

Came evening Castle Cary Chapel Mr Amor Miss Polton.
Amor (227), Came (596), Cary (351), Castle (203), Chapel (342), evening (828), Miss (918), Polton (2)
Fri 4 Apr 1890

afterward heard service Song Simon Jasper Wesleyan Chapel.
afterward (211), Chapel (342), heard (404), Jasper (8), Service (131), Simon (11), Song (5), Wesleyan (212)
Sun 11 May 1890

Mr Hanley preached evening Wesleyan Chapel, text, am bread .
Bread (12), Chapel (342), evening (828), Hanley (48), preached (1123), text (953), Wesleyan (212)
Thu 22 May 1890

Association Services Baptist Chapel (Badcox Lane) Frome.
Association (71), Badcox (1), Baptist (69), Chapel (342), Frome (614), Lane (72), services (43)
Sun 29 Jun 1890

A, , J. heard Mr Clarice address Independent Chapel afternoon.
address (34), afternoon (245), Chapel (342), Clarice (41), heard (404), Independent (20)
Wed 9 Jul 1890

Janey St Nellie St Chapel St heard Mr Hanley preach.
Chapel (342), Hanley (48), heard (404), Janey (244), Nellie (591), preach (203)
Thu 14 Aug 1890

agreed Mr Veasey Bruham Baptist Chapel preach Aug .
agreed (1355), Aug (27), Baptist (69), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), preach (203), Veasey (25)
Sat 16 Aug 1890

Mr Veasey agreed Baptist Chapel preach Sunday inst mom.
agreed (1355), Baptist (69), Chapel (342), inst (35), mom (309), preach (203), Sunday (117), Veasey (25)
Sun 24 Aug 1890

Bruham evening Mr G. Amor Baptist Chapel preached.
Amor (227), Baptist (69), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), evening (828), preached (1123)
Sun 31 Aug 1890

Independent Chapel heard Mr W. Hannam preach, text, For am ashamed gospel Christ*.
ashamed (7), Chapel (342), Christ (89), For (29), Gospel (21), Hannam (150), heard (404), Independent (20), preach (203), text (953)
Tue 30 Sep 1890

Came North Bruham Wesleyan Chapel tea meeting.
Bruham (767), Came (596), Chapel (342), meeting (967), North (146), tea (270), Wesleyan (212)
Wed 1 Oct 1890

paid Mr Grosvenor bill Chapel heard Mr Hanley preach.
Bill (484), Chapel (342), Grosvenor (19), Hanley (48), heard (404), paid (1944), preach (203)
Mon 6 Oct 1890

heard Mr Hanly Lecture Martin Luther Wesleyan Chapel.
Chapel (342), Hanly (17), heard (404), lecture (136), Luther (2), Martin (137), Wesleyan (212)
Tue 21 Oct 1890

Ploughing turnip ground Wheat BJohn son St Chapel St heard Mr Piper.
BJohn (556), Chapel (342), Ground (382), heard (404), Piper (2), ploughing (510), son (269), turnip (19), wheat (475)
Fri 31 Oct 1890

Mr Gass St agreed ( ) Chair Temperance Independent Chapel Thursday .
agreed (1355), Chair (51), Chapel (342), Gass (77), Independent (20), Temperance (131), Thursday (210)
Sun 9 Nov 1890

Chapel heard Mr Hanly preach, text, 'Take yoke upon leant cM.
Chapel (342), Hanly (17), heard (404), leant (1), preach (203), 'Take (1), text (953), upon (64), yoke (2)
Sun 21 Dec 1890

Johney Chapel evening heard Mr Ingram Mr Charles Garretts sermons.
Chapel (342), Charles (157), evening (828), Garretts (1), heard (404), Ingram (49), Johney (105), Sermons (7)
Wed 24 Dec 1890

Mr Hanley asked Society Steardship Wesleyan Chapel, Bruton.
Asked (386), Bruton (758), Chapel (342), Hanley (48), society (95), Steardship (1), Wesleyan (212)
Sun 11 Jan 1891

, A, Johney, Victor Stanley Wesley Chapel heard Mr James Rex preach Mrs Padfield's funeral sermon text, Who Ac tribulations Ac.
Chapel (342), funeral (74), heard (404), James (591), Johney (105), Mrs (1554), Padfield (119), preach (203), Rex (2123), sermon (15), Stanley (703), text (953), tribulations (2), Victor (1058), Wesley (15), Who (11)
Thu 22 Jan 1891

Tom Tea Wesleyan Chapel preaant Benson's Commentary given Mr Watts leaving neighbourhood.
Benson (1), Chapel (342), Commentary (1), given (51), leaving (62), neighbourhood (5), preaant (1), tea (270), Tom (2187), Watts (60), Wesleyan (212)
Mon 2 Feb 1891

Town paid Mr Stroud Chapel Pew Rent On paid Mr J. H. Jones Taxes bill fo Huntley's Bill.
Bill (484), Bill (484), Chapel (342), Huntley (107), Jones (1185), paid (1944), paid (1944), Pew (4), rent (270), Stroud (1409), Taxes (48), Town (532)
Mon 23 Mar 1891

Reed Notice Missionary meeting Wincanton Baptist Chapel, Mr Gowing offering Bran.
Baptist (69), Bran (176), Chapel (342), Gowing (199), meeting (967), missionary (40), Notice (252), offering (91), Reed (3327), Wincanton (642)
Wed 8 Apr 1891

Reed P. C. committee meeting (Temperance) Independent Chapel.
Chapel (342), Committee (364), Independent (20), meeting (967), Reed (3327), Temperance (131)
Tue 2 Jun 1891

A children heard Mr Irving Smith lecture leaching Children (Wesleyan Chapel).
Chapel (342), Children (136), Children (136), heard (404), Irving (4), leaching (1), lecture (136), Smith (175), Wesleyan (212)
Sun 7 Jun 1891

Stayed Chapel bad .
bad (82), Chapel (342), stayed (239)
Sun 6 Sep 1891

Bruham Baptist Chapel morning heard Mr Edward Gilbert preach, text, The sufferings Christ glory , called B. House Gables.
Baptist (69), Bruham (767), Called (1514), Chapel (342), Christ (89), Edward (90), Gables (367), Gilbert (17), glory (12), heard (404), House (1200), morning (1314), preach (203), sufferings (1), text (953), The (347)
Thu 10 Sep 1891

Tom Wincanton Baptist Chapel Baptised Rev John Brown.
Baptised (3), Baptist (69), Brown (123), Chapel (342), John (2874), Rev (123), Tom (2187), Wincanton (642)
Sun 13 Sep 1891

Mr Brown (Baptist minister) Wincanton preached th Independent Chapel.
Baptist (69), Brown (123), Chapel (342), Independent (20), minister (17), preached (1123), Wincanton (642)
Tue 15 Sep 1891

Mr H. Coombs Mr Brown rode Bruham Harvest Thanksgiving service Baptist Chapel.
Baptist (69), Brown (123), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), Coombs (210), Harvest (70), Rode (216), Service (131), Thanksgiving (34)
Tue 29 Sep 1891

B. John brought peas Holland Miss Polton sent Wheat oats trim Chapel .
brought (899), Chapel (342), Holland (215), John (2874), Miss (918), oats (360), Peas (60), Polton (2), sent (4043), Trim (18), wheat (475)
Fri 6 Nov 1891

Chapel St heard Mr Shewery preach.
Chapel (342), heard (404), preach (203), Shewery (2)
Mon 9 Nov 1891

He agreed quart Cream lb Butter tea Wednesday evening Wesleyan Chapel.
agreed (1355), butter (201), Chapel (342), cream (17), evening (828), quart (7), tea (270), Wednesday (179), Wesleyan (212)
Wed 11 Nov 1891

, Tom St Louie tea Wesleyan Chapel stayed meeting.
Chapel (342), Louie (713), meeting (967), stayed (239), tea (270), Tom (2187), Wesleyan (212)
Mon 7 Dec 1891

, Mr G. Amor Mr Gass Bruham Temperance meeting Baptist Chapel evening.
Amor (227), Baptist (69), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), evening (828), Gass (77), meeting (967), Temperance (131)
Wed 16 Dec 1891

Temperance meeting Independent Chapel heard Mrs Jasper lecture How .
Chapel (342), heard (404), How (13), Independent (20), Jasper (8), lecture (136), meeting (967), Mrs (1554), Temperance (131)
Tue 5 Jan 1892

Tom, Louie, Stanley, Edgar Wesleyan Chapel.
Chapel (342), Edgar (357), Louie (713), Stanley (703), Tom (2187), Wesleyan (212)
Thu 14 Jan 1892

Tea Chapel respect opening mission Hall Pitcombe.
Chapel (342), Hall (56), mission (13), opening (20), Pitcombe (27), respect (35), tea (270)
Wed 20 Jan 1892

Came drove Wesleyan Chapel heard Mr Hanley preach.
Came (596), Chapel (342), drove (356), Hanley (48), heard (404), preach (203), Wesleyan (212)
Sun 6 Mar 1892

Stayed afternoon heard Mr James Rex preach Wesleyan Chapel, Text, Let die death rightous .
afternoon (245), Chapel (342), Death (53), die (61), heard (404), James (591), Let (87), preach (203), Rex (2123), rightous (12), stayed (239), text (953), Wesleyan (212)
Wed 27 Apr 1892

Chapel heard Mr Hanley preach, text, Search Scriptures.
Chapel (342), Hanley (48), heard (404), preach (203), Scriptures (3), Search (14), text (953)
Sun 8 May 1892

heard preach Congregational Chapel, text evening ( wem) By grace saved faith gift god, works least boast.
boast (2), Chapel (342), Congregational (18), evening (828), faith (34), gift (16), God (119), Grace (12), heard (404), least (17), preach (203), saved (13), text (953), wem (15), Works (62)
Sun 8 May 1892

Mr Turner Warminster preached Wesleyan Chapel today.
Chapel (342), preached (1123), today (1127), Turner (30), Warminster (30), Wesleyan (212)
Sun 31 Jul 1892

heard Mr W. Hannam preach si Independent Chapel, text, Examine yourselves whether ye Faith.
Chapel (342), examine (6), faith (34), Hannam (150), heard (404), Independent (20), preach (203), text (953), whether (32), yourselves (5)
Sun 18 Sep 1892

Went Wesleyan Chapel, Fleetwood heard Mr preach text morn, Thy gentleness hath .
Chapel (342), Fleetwood (34), gentleness (2), hath (34), heard (404), morn (137), preach (203), text (953), thy (85), Went (826), Wesleyan (212)
Sun 18 Sep 1892

Mr Veasey preached Wesleyan Chapel, Bruton, text, mom, press toward mark ftc.
Bruton (758), Chapel (342), ftc (833), Mark (34), mom (309), preached (1123), Press (21), text (953), toward (129), Veasey (25), Wesleyan (212)
Mon 31 Oct 1892

paid Mr Stroud rent siting Chapel Michaelmas .
Chapel (342), Michaelmas (40), paid (1944), rent (270), siting (1), Stroud (1409)
Thu 15 Dec 1892

fees remaining ?-- cash instalment Bruham Baptist Chapel Mr Martin Mr Parsons Castle Cary Temperance meeting.
Baptist (69), Bruham (767), Cary (351), cash (150), Castle (203), Chapel (342), fees (77), instalment (1), Martin (137), meeting (967), Parsons (146), remaining (3), Temperance (131)
Mon 19 Dec 1892

Louie Concert boys Wesleyan Chapel.
boys (105), Chapel (342), concert (49), Louie (713), Wesleyan (212)
Sat 31 Dec 1892

Mr Hendersons son piece pipe Engine paid done Root Pulper handle /, wem Relief Committee revised afterwards Mr Stroud Watch service Wesleyan Chapel.
afterwards (39), Chapel (342), Committee (364), done (281), Engine (99), handle (4), Hendersons (4), paid (1944), Piece (91), pipe (55), Pulper (15), Relief (15), revised (1), Root (38), Service (131), son (269), Stroud (1409), Watch (14), wem (15), Wesleyan (212)
Mon 2 Jan 1893

Nellie, Walter, Albert , A, Victor, Stanley , Edgar Louie New 's tea Wesleyan Chapel stayed Lantern Lecture given Mr Tipton voyage round .
Albert (378), Chapel (342), Edgar (357), given (51), Lantern (14), lecture (136), Louie (713), Nellie (591), New (159), round (264), Stanley (703), stayed (239), tea (270), Tipton (13), Victor (1058), Voyage (4), Walter (172), Wesleyan (212)
Thu 26 Jan 1893

Mr Gass lo Bruham Temperance meeting Baptist Chapel.
Baptist (69), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), Gass (77), meeting (967), Temperance (131)
Sun 29 Jan 1893

,'Victor Stanley Bruham Baptist Chapel heard Mr John Brown Wincanton preach, text, In thy presence fullness joy Thy pleasures evermore.
Baptist (69), Brown (123), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), evermore (2), fullness (1), heard (404), John (2874), joy (6), pleasures (1), preach (203), presence (6), Stanley (703), text (953), thy (85), thy (85), Victor (1058), Wincanton (642)
Sun 2 Apr 1893

Mr Harm am preached Congregational Chapel , text, Leaving , Tom Mr Hannam .
Chapel (342), Congregational (18), Hannam (150), Harm (10), leaving (62), preached (1123), text (953), Tom (2187)
Wed 19 Apr 1893

, A, Ac Missionary Meeting Wesleyan Chapel.
Chapel (342), meeting (967), missionary (40), Wesleyan (212)
Wed 26 Apr 1893

Bruton Wesleyan Chapel agreed committee meeting held Rev J. Clegg, Messrs Stroud, Martin, Barber, Ingram, Jones, H. Jones, Circuit Stewards money extra raised toward having preach report June Quarterly meeting.
agreed (1355), Barber (94), Bruton (758), Chapel (342), circuit (12), Clegg (78), Committee (364), extra (27), having (103), held (146), Ingram (49), Jones (1185), Jones (1185), June (42), Martin (137), meeting (967), meeting (967), Messrs (1565), money (230), preach (203), Quarterly (14), raised (10), report (32), Rev (123), Stewards (1), Stroud (1409), toward (129), Wesleyan (212)
Tue 13 Jun 1893

Chapel agreed Sunday school treat (Wesleyan) held Yonder Park Thursday Week, June .
agreed (1355), Chapel (342), held (146), June (42), Park (279), school (673), Sunday (117), Thursday (210), treat (22), week (405), Wesleyan (212), Yonder (61)
Wed 14 Jun 1893

meeting Renovating Sc doing Chapel (Wesleyan) Sc Mr W. Clarke's Tender accepted subject stipulation efficancy Sec.
accepted (19), Chapel (342), Clarke (296), doing (146), efficancy (1), meeting (967), renovating (7), sec (38), stipulation (1), subject (85), Tender (14), Wesleyan (212)
Sun 16 Jul 1893

Services held Chapel .
Chapel (342), held (146), services (43)
Tue 20 Jul 1893

It decided committee meeting held Vestry Wesleyan Chapel Mr Gifford engaged circuit ministerial , salary Rate ? - .
Chapel (342), circuit (12), Committee (364), decided (122), engaged (9), Gifford (57), held (146), meeting (967), ministerial (1), Rate (87), salary (10), Vestry (16), Wesleyan (212)
Wed 2 Aug 1893

Chapel Service .
Chapel (342), Service (131)
Wed 16 Aug 1893

B. Stroud Killed A, , Mr Hisgrove Chapel heard Mr Clegg preach text, Resist Devil flee.
Chapel (342), Clegg (78), Devil (2), flee (2), heard (404), Hisgrove (299), Killed (143), preach (203), Resist (1), Stroud (1409), text (953)
Wed 30 Aug 1893

, A, Louie Chapel.
Chapel (342), Louie (713)
Sun 3 Sep 1893

Chapel heard Mr Gifford preach.
Chapel (342), Gifford (57), heard (404), preach (203)
Thu 14 Sep 1893

Came Wesleyan chapel, .
Came (596), Chapel (342), Wesleyan (212)
Wed 20 Dec 1893

E asked A's wilt chapel.
A , Asked (386), Chapel (342), wilt (9)
Wed 20 Dec 1893

paid Mr F. E. Stroud /- toward chapel repair.
Chapel (342), paid (1944), Repair (31), Stroud (1409), toward (129)
Wed 17 Jan 1894

Chapel heard Mr Clegg preach.
Chapel (342), Clegg (78), heard (404), preach (203)
Thu 1 Feb 1894

A, Louie, Tom Concert Independent Chapel.
Chapel (342), concert (49), Independent (20), Louie (713), Tom (2187)
Mon 26 Feb 1894

Tom Ck Chapel gave Mr G. Amor senr Mr Gifford posted Letter Ck Messrs PamelL, Bristol
Amor (227), Chapel (342), Gave (523), Gifford (57), Letter (162), Messrs (1565), Pamell (5), Posted (12), Senr (37), Tom (2187)
Wed 14 Mar 1894

Chapel heard Mr Clegg preach.
Chapel (342), Clegg (78), heard (404), preach (203)
Sun 18 Mar 1894

Bruham Baptist Chapel St heard Rev John Brown ( Wincanton) preach, text mom Thessalonians C .
Baptist (69), Brown (123), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), heard (404), John (2874), mom (309), preach (203), Rev (123), text (953), Thessalonians (2), Wincanton (642)
Sun 18 Mar 1894

Mr Gifford preached Wesleyan Chapel Bruton, evening, text, Mark C. V .
Bruton (758), Chapel (342), evening (828), Gifford (57), Mark (34), preached (1123), text (953), Wesleyan (212)
Thu 5 Apr 1894

A, Victor, Stanley Entertainment Congregational Chapel.
Chapel (342), Congregational (18), Entertainment (25), Stanley (703), Victor (1058)
Wed 13 Jun 1894

, A. Louie Mrs G. Amor junr Gillingham Sc heard Mr Mark Guy Pearce Bible reading afternoon Lecture evening The Old Folks Home Wesleyan Chapel crowded congregations.
afternoon (245), Amor (227), Bible (18), Chapel (342), Congregations (3), crowded (1), evening (828), folks (18), Gillingham (86), Guy (28), heard (404), Home (144), Junr (96), lecture (136), Louie (713), Mark (34), Mrs (1554), old (289), Pearce (265), Reading (50), The (347), Wesleyan (212)
Thu 21 Jun 1894

Bank SL Sc heard Mr W. Tanner Hughes preach Congregational Chapel occasion repairing.
Bank (1010), Chapel (342), Congregational (18), heard (404), Hughes (89), occasion (6), preach (203), repairing (37), Tanner (10)
Wed 4 Jul 1894

round friends willing continue support Evangelest C. Cary circuit meeting Chapel.
Cary (351), Chapel (342), circuit (12), continue (17), Evangelest (1), friends (55), meeting (967), round (264), support (11), willing (26)
Thu 19 Jul 1894

Jones Mr Barber Vestry Wesleyan Chapel decided Mr Clegg arrange Mr Armitage Sussex month likes approved stay months Evangelist Wesleyan Circuit, Castle Cary, Sunday Sep.
approved (7), Armitage (42), arrange (18), Barber (94), Cary (351), Castle (203), Chapel (342), circuit (12), Clegg (78), decided (122), Evangelist (11), Jones (1185), likes (3), month (56), months (57), Sep (42), stay (57), Sunday (117), Sussex (3), Vestry (16), Wesleyan (212), Wesleyan (212)
Thu 26 Jul 1894

Reed John intended Baptized Baptist Chapel, Preston Sunday
Baptist (69), baptized (3), Chapel (342), intended (31), John (2874), Preston (12), Reed (3327)
Thu 30 Aug 1894

Circuit Tea Wesleyan Chapel.
Chapel (342), circuit (12), tea (270), Wesleyan (212)
Sat 1 Sep 1894

Victor jury List Redlynch Chapel Door.
Chapel (342), door (50), Jury (12), List (16), Redlynch (30), Victor (1058)
Wed 12 Sep 1894

Louie St Willie Chapel heard Mr Aimitage preach.
Aimitage (2), Chapel (342), heard (404), Louie (713), preach (203), Willie (383)
Mon 22 Oct 1894

, Louie, Victor Stanley Harvest Home Tea Wesleyan Chapel.
Chapel (342), Harvest (70), Home (144), Louie (713), Stanley (703), tea (270), Victor (1058), Wesleyan (212)
Mon 22 Oct 1894

We others musical service held afterward Chapel.
afterward (211), Chapel (342), held (146), musical (2), others (707), Service (131)
Thu 8 Nov 1894

Left horse Hook Gate, tea promised (DV) Bruham Friday week service held Baptist Chapel.
Baptist (69), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), Friday (128), Gate (403), held (146), Hook (319), horse (444), Left (30), promised (658), Service (131), tea (270), week (405)
Sat 24 Nov 1894

Victor Notice Chapel Redlynch.
Chapel (342), Notice (252), Redlynch (30), Victor (1058)
Thu 3 Jan 1895

Wesleyan Chapel Sc heard Mr Tipton Lantern Lecture Crucifixion.
Chapel (342), Crucifixion (1), heard (404), Lantern (14), lecture (136), Tipton (13), Wesleyan (212)
Fri 4 Jan 1895

Mr Tipton gave Lecture tonight Wesleyan Chapel.
Chapel (342), Gave (523), lecture (136), Tipton (13), tonight (250), Wesleyan (212)
Thu 31 Jan 1895

, A, Louie tea given Mr Mrs Stroud Wesleyan School Room attended meeting afterwards Messrs Hill's tender accepted heating Chapel.
accepted (19), afterwards (39), Attended (38), Chapel (342), given (51), heating (12), Hill (955), Louie (713), meeting (967), Messrs (1565), Mrs (1554), room (278), school (673), Stroud (1409), tea (270), Tender (14), Wesleyan (212)
Wed 6 Feb 1895

Children, Boys Chapel children service.
boys (105), Chapel (342), Children (136), Children (136), Service (131)
Sun 17 Feb 1895

Mr Stroud, L John, Mr Ben Jackson Castle Cary Wesleyan Chapel heard Mr Clegg preach heard organ played Mr Grant ( Frome).
Ben (144), Cary (351), Castle (203), Chapel (342), Clegg (78), Frome (614), Grant (12), heard (404), heard (404), Jackson (124), John (2874), Organ (12), played (20), preach (203), Stroud (1409), Wesleyan (212)
Wed 27 Feb 1895

Mr Butt promised send Horses Bruham Party Baptist Chapel Service Song.
Baptist (69), Bruham (767), Butt (7), Chapel (342), horses (243), Party (35), promised (658), send (792), Service (131), Song (5)
Tue 19 Mar 1895

wait Temperance Meeting Independent Chapel.
Chapel (342), Independent (20), meeting (967), Temperance (131), wait (26)
Sun 31 Mar 1895

Chapel evening.
Chapel (342), evening (828)
Sun 5 May 1895

Victor W. Chapel Sc envelopes Pews Evangelist Fund (Weekly subscriptions), Mr Martin.
Chapel (342), envelopes (8), Evangelist (11), fund (80), Martin (137), Pews (2), subscriptions) (1), Victor (1058), weekly (7)
Sun 5 May 1895

Mr Budden preached Wesleyan Chapel, text, It expedient .
Budden (7), Chapel (342), expedient (1), preached (1123), text (953), Wesleyan (212)
Sat 11 May 1895

Mr Armitage AI Mr Gass Independent Chapel Mark Guy Pearcc's visit June .
Armitage (42), Chapel (342), Gass (77), Guy (28), Independent (20), June (42), Mark (34), Pearcc (2), visit (35)
Sun 19 May 1895

Chapel evening.
Chapel (342), evening (828)
Wed 22 May 1895

Wesleyan Chapel agreed secure site Land opposite Mr H Jones view putting School Room (Sunday).
agreed (1355), Chapel (342), Jones (1185), Land (140), opposite (4), putting (152), room (278), school (673), secure (1), site (39), Sunday (117), view (36), Wesleyan (212)
Fri 24 May 1895

heard Mr Peter Mackensie preach lecture Wells Wesleyan Chapel Town HalL Mr Hoare holiday.
Chapel (342), Hall (56), heard (404), Hoare (155), Holiday (39), lecture (136), Mackensie (1), Peter (28), preach (203), Town (532), Wells (241), Wesleyan (212)
Sun 2 Jun 1895

Chapel ailday.
ailday (1), Chapel (342)
Wed 19 Jun 1895

Wesleyan Chapel Mr Stroud offered Draw cheque ? .
Chapel (342), cheque (1456), Draw (16), offered (174), Stroud (1409), Wesleyan (212)
Thu 20 Jun 1895

Mr Mark Guy Pearce gave Sermon Wesleyan Chape] Lecture Congregational Chapel Bruton congregations.
Bruton (758), Chape] (5), Chapel (342), Congregational (18), Congregations (3), Gave (523), Guy (28), lecture (136), Mark (34), Pearce (265), sermon (15), Wesleyan (212)
Wed 17 Jul 1895

Sc Louie Chapel.
Chapel (342), Louie (713)
Tue 3 Sep 1895

meeting Chapel circuit Fund re Messrs Gifford St Armitage St decided Gifford Fund St bring die Armitage Fund Quarterly meeting.
Armitage (42), Armitage (42), bring (79), Chapel (342), circuit (12), decided (122), die (61), fund (80), fund (80), fund (80), Gifford (57), Gifford (57), meeting (967), meeting (967), Messrs (1565), Quarterly (14)
Wed 18 Sep 1895

Brother Joseph married Miss Waiters today Wesleyan Chapel Shepton Mallet.
Brother (200), Chapel (342), Joseph (333), Mallet (73), married (50), Miss (918), Shepton (200), today (1127), Waiters (1), Wesleyan (212)
Wed 25 Sep 1895

Chapel Sc heard Mr Hadley preach, text, Give daily bread.
Bread (12), Chapel (342), daily (24), Give (4), Hadley (2), heard (404), preach (203), text (953)
Sun 29 Sep 1895

Mr Parker preached Wesleyan Chapel, Text, Even, Ezekiel C V .
Chapel (342), Even (208), Ezekiel (12), Parker (52), preached (1123), text (953), Wesleyan (212)
Thu 3 Oct 1895

, Boys, Louie Sc Miss Fifett Harvest Home Congregational chapel.
boys (105), Chapel (342), Congregational (18), Fifett (133), Harvest (70), Home (144), Louie (713), Miss (918)
Mon 14 Oct 1895

Changed Boots St Wesleyan Chapel Sc chair Organ Recital Sec.
Boots (32), Chair (51), changed (27), Chapel (342), Organ (12), Recital (2), sec (38), Wesleyan (212)
Mon 4 Nov 1895

Mr Hedley Mr Stroud tea Missionary meeting Wesleyan Chapel.
Chapel (342), Hedley (112), meeting (967), missionary (40), Stroud (1409), tea (270), Wesleyan (212)
Sun 10 Nov 1895

Stanley Bruham Baptist Chapel heard Mr Brown preach Text morning Restore unto joy thy salvation.
Baptist (69), Brown (123), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), heard (404), joy (6), morning (1314), preach (203), Restore (2), salvation (15), Stanley (703), text (953), thy (85), unto (115)
Fri 22 Nov 1895

Victor, Stanley, Edgar, Sc Willie Temperance meeting Wesleyan Chapel.
Chapel (342), Edgar (357), meeting (967), Stanley (703), Temperance (131), Victor (1058), Wesleyan (212), Willie (383)
Thu 12 Dec 1895

Mr Chapman agreed marble Head Stones, Stuarts grave feet high, tn high Franklyris feet high Dorothy's Bruton Churchyard tea meeting Wesleyan Chapel.
agreed (1355), Bruton (758), Chapel (342), Chapman (16), Churchyard (27), Dorothy (19), feet (50), feet (50), Franklyris (1), Grave (21), Head (53), High (34), High (34), High (34), marble (2), meeting (967), stones (170), Stuarts (3), tea (270), Wesleyan (212)
Mon 6 Jan 1896

Bruton Sc members Lighting Committee Sc agreed Lamp Chapel Barton.
agreed (1355), Barton (13), Bruton (758), Chapel (342), Committee (364), Lamp (23), lighting (36), members (47)
Fri 10 Jan 1896

Prayer meeting Ihdipendent Chapel.
Chapel (342), Ihdipendent (1), meeting (967), prayer (120)
Wed 25 Mar 1896

Came , met Mr Farthing (returned missionary), tea Bruham Baptist Chapel meeting .
Baptist (69), Bruham (767), Came (596), Chapel (342), Farthing (2), meeting (967), met (393), missionary) (1), returned (93), tea (270)
Wed 29 Jul 1896

Louie Sc Chapel.
Chapel (342), Louie (713)
Thu 10 Sep 1896

Tea Wesleyan Chapel.
Chapel (342), tea (270), Wesleyan (212)
Mon 21 Sep 1896

Rain , Victor Bruham Harvest thanksgiving service United Wesleyan Chapel.
Bruham (767), Chapel (342), Harvest (70), rain (360), Service (131), Thanksgiving (34), United (11), Victor (1058), Wesleyan (212)
Thu 1 Oct 1896

Harvest thanksgiving Service Congregational Chapel.
Chapel (342), Congregational (18), Harvest (70), Service (131), Thanksgiving (34)
Wed 7 Oct 1896

Chapel heard Mr Little preach afterward Indignation meeting National school Rooms against Armenian atrocities.
afterward (211), against (67), Armenian (3), Atrocities (3), Chapel (342), heard (404), Indignation (3), Little (124), meeting (967), National (43), preach (203), Rooms (66), school (673)
Sun 18 Oct 1896

Very Chapel, full folks evening.
Chapel (342), evening (828), folks (18), full (23), Very (143)
Thu 22 Oct 1896

Mother told sister PoUie Sc L. White going (DV) married Nov rd signed requesition Bniham Baptist Chapel used marrying folks.
Baptist (69), Bniham (132), Chapel (342), folks (18), going (163), married (50), marrying (1), Mother (176), Nov (43), PoUie (2), requesition (1), signed (131), Sister (177), told (1155), used (18), White (580)
Tue 17 Nov 1896

wrote Messrs W C. Went Bruham Lodge tea Sister Mary Sc husband Lu dwell White married Baptist Chapel Rev John Brown (Wincanton) Se Mr William Hannam P. M. Afterward Bible presented theirs marriage celebrated Chapel.
afterward (211), Baptist (69), Bible (18), Brown (123), Bruham (767), celebrated (1), Chapel (342), Chapel (342), dwell (5), Hannam (150), husband (27), John (2874), Lodge (793), marriage (9), married (50), Mary (198), Messrs (1565), presented (5), Rev (123), Sister (177), tea (270), theirs (13), Went (826), White (580), William (302), Wincanton (642), Wrote (2470)
Tue 17 Nov 1896

wrote Messrs W C. Went Bruham Lodge tea Sister Mary Sc husband Lu dwell White married Baptist Chapel Rev John Brown (Wincanton) Se Mr William Hannam P. M. Afterward Bible presented theirs marriage celebrated Chapel.
afterward (211), Baptist (69), Bible (18), Brown (123), Bruham (767), celebrated (1), Chapel (342), Chapel (342), dwell (5), Hannam (150), husband (27), John (2874), Lodge (793), marriage (9), married (50), Mary (198), Messrs (1565), presented (5), Rev (123), Sister (177), tea (270), theirs (13), Went (826), White (580), William (302), Wincanton (642), Wrote (2470)
Wed 18 Nov 1896

Wrote told Mr Snowdon missionary meeting Bruham W. C. Dec wrote John Boys Lantern Entertainment Wesleyan Chapel tonight Bank.
Bank (1010), boys (105), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), Dec (78), Entertainment (25), John (2874), Lantern (14), meeting (967), missionary (40), Snowdon (2), told (1155), tonight (250), Wesleyan (212), Wrote (2470), Wrote (2470)
Tue 15 Dec 1896

lo North Braliam miiotmy meeting Wesleyan Chapel.
Braliam (1), Chapel (342), meeting (967), miiotmy (1), North (146), Wesleyan (212)
Wed 24 Feb 1897

A Louie chapel.
Chapel (342), Louie (713)
Wed 24 Mar 1897

heard preach W. Chapel.
Chapel (342), heard (404), preach (203)
Thu 15 Apr 1897

Stanley won United Temperance Council Silver medals Recitation given Wesleyan Chapel (First Prize).
Chapel (342), Council (146), First (9), given (51), medals (1), Prize (82), Recitation (1), Silver (10), Stanley (703), Temperance (131), United (11), Wesleyan (212), won (16)
Sun 18 Apr 1897

Chapel (342)
Thu 22 Apr 1897

Mr Hames meeting Wesleyan Chapel.
Chapel (342), Hames (53), meeting (967), Wesleyan (212)
Mon 6 Sep 1897

meeting Chapel school Room decided Wesleyan Sunday School Room gas seats chairs Sc ( ) opening services Oct st.
Chairs (10), Chapel (342), decided (122), gas (99), meeting (967), Oct (46), opening (20), room (278), room (278), school (673), school (673), seatS (6), services (43), Sunday (117), Wesleyan (212)
Mon 4 Oct 1897

, A, Boys Harvest Tea Wesleyan Chapel.
boys (105), Chapel (342), Harvest (70), tea (270), Wesleyan (212)
Wed 20 Oct 1897

Bunhill fields City Road Chapel Wilds.
Bunhill (2), Chapel (342), City (5), fields (92), Road (219), Wilds (11)
Mon 17 Jan 1898

Sc Willie missionary meeting Wesleyan Chapel.
Chapel (342), meeting (967), missionary (40), Wesleyan (212), Willie (383)
Wed 26 Jan 1898

^ Station, met Louie Chapel heard Mr Little preach.
Chapel (342), heard (404), Little (124), Louie (713), met (393), preach (203), Station (860)
Thu 27 Jan 1898

Reed Victor, Mr Feltham cheque /, Hany Dix asking subscribe toward renovating inside ihe Baptist Chapel.
asking (671), Baptist (69), Chapel (342), cheque (1456), Dix (1), Feltham (32), Hany (3), ihe (5), inside (14), Reed (3327), renovating (7), subscribe (2), toward (129), Victor (1058)
Tue 15 Feb 1898

They married Baptist Chapel.
Baptist (69), Chapel (342), married (50), They (97)
Sun 27 Feb 1898

We Mrs Harding's chapel.
Chapel (342), Harding (371), Mrs (1554)
Fri 8 Apr 1898

Chapel morning.
Chapel (342), morning (1314)
Tue 12 Apr 1898

Miss Harding married Wesleyan Chapel, marriage ever held presented Bible.
Bible (18), Chapel (342), ever (15), Harding (371), held (146), marriage (9), married (50), Miss (918), presented (5), Wesleyan (212)
Tue 14 Jun 1898

promised toward Baptist Chapel fund, Wincanton.
Baptist (69), Chapel (342), fund (80), promised (658), toward (129), Wincanton (642)
Fri 17 Jun 1898

Reod P. C Mrs Lancaster owing receipt cheque toward Baptist Chapel Fund, Wincanton.
Baptist (69), Chapel (342), cheque (1456), fund (80), Lancaster (27), Mrs (1554), owing (27), receipt (518), Reod (182), toward (129), Wincanton (642)
Tue 6 Sep 1898

Miss Barns Cards Farm married today Baptist Chapel, Bruham.
Baptist (69), Barns (2), Bruham (767), cards (64), Chapel (342), Farm (548), married (50), Miss (918), today (1127)
Thu 22 Sep 1898

Mrs John Jones tonight promised lake chair Harvest Home W. Chapel month.
Chair (51), Chapel (342), Harvest (70), Home (144), John (2874), Jones (1185), lake (7), month (56), Mrs (1554), promised (658), tonight (250)
Mon 3 Oct 1898

Harvest thanksgiving Service Chapel.
Chapel (342), Harvest (70), Service (131), Thanksgiving (34)
Thu 20 Oct 1898

Reed Bill announcing Reopening Baptist Chapel, Wincanton.
announcing (4), Baptist (69), Bill (484), Chapel (342), Reed (3327), reopening (11), Wincanton (642)
Thu 27 Oct 1898

Wrote John Louie Wincanton reopening Baptist Chapel.
Baptist (69), Chapel (342), John (2874), Louie (713), reopening (11), Wincanton (642), Wrote (2470)
Tue 1 Nov 1898

Had Bill Reopening Wesleyan Chapel, North Bruham.
Bill (484), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), Had (431), North (146), reopening (11), Wesleyan (212)
Thu 3 Nov 1898

Louie, Stanley Flo Re-opening Wesleyan Chapel Bruham.
Bruham (767), Chapel (342), Flo (95), Louie (713), Re-opening (1), Stanley (703), Wesleyan (212)
Thu 1 Dec 1898

sale Congregational Chapel.
Chapel (342), Congregational (18), Sale (282)
Sun 8 Jan 1899

Back Ludgate Hill From Edgars Diary: Mr Coombs preached W. Chapel, text Mark C .
Back (90), Chapel (342), Coombs (210), Diary: (16), Edgars (4), From (73), Hill (955), Ludgate (23), Mark (34), preached (1123), text (953)
Wed 29 Mar 1899

gave Mr Hannam /- toward Baptist chapel debt Went Dial House Mr William Hiscock re milk coming season.
Baptist (69), Chapel (342), coming (271), debt (14), dial (3), Gave (523), Hannam (150), Hiscock (54), House (1200), Milk (1238), season (61), toward (129), Went (826), William (302)
Thu 1 Jun 1899

meeting Methodist Twentieth Century Fund Wesleyan Chapel guineas promised promised guineas,
Century (7), Chapel (342), fund (80), guineas (1), meeting (967), Methodist (6), promised (658), promised (658), Twentieth (1), Wesleyan (212)
Wed 9 Aug 1899

Louie Chapel.
Chapel (342), Louie (713)
Thu 10 Aug 1899

Reopening Wesley Chapel, Batcombe.
Batcombe (26), Chapel (342), reopening (11), Wesley (15)
Wed 23 Aug 1899

i, A, Louie chapel.
Chapel (342), Louie (713)
Wed 20 Sep 1899

decided Harvest thanksgiving service Wesleyan Chapel Oct .
Chapel (342), decided (122), Harvest (70), Oct (46), Service (131), Thanksgiving (34), Wesleyan (212)
Mon 9 Oct 1899

Harvest Thanksgiving Service Wesleyan Chapel.
Chapel (342), Harvest (70), Service (131), Thanksgiving (34), Wesleyan (212)
Thu 7 Dec 1899

After meeting service Congregational chapel school Room.
After (58), Chapel (342), Congregational (18), meeting (967), room (278), school (673), Service (131)
Sun 18 Feb 1900

Edgar Baptist Chapel Bruham.
Baptist (69), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), Edgar (357)
Thu 28 Jun 1900

promised /- toward debt W. Chapel Castle Cary onoe Christmas condition debt paid .
Cary (351), Castle (203), Chapel (342), Christmas (48), condition (21), debt (14), debt (14), onoe (1), paid (1944), promised (658), toward (129)
Wed 22 Aug 1900

heard Mr Workman W. Chapel.
Chapel (342), heard (404), workman (70)
Mon 1 Oct 1900

Came wrote Hugh Gould Mr C. B. Bartlett Harvest thanksgiving service chapel.
Bartlett (38), Came (596), Chapel (342), Gould (103), Harvest (70), Hugh (50), Service (131), Thanksgiving (34), Wrote (2470)
Thu 18 Oct 1900

settled Mr Pearce date inclusive Reaping Drilling Missionary meeting Wesleyan Chapel.
Chapel (342), date (100), Drilling (29), Inclusive (13), meeting (967), missionary (40), Pearce (265), reaping (15), settled (208), Wesleyan (212)
Thu 6 Dec 1900

sale Congregational Chapel.
Chapel (342), Congregational (18), Sale (282)
Sun 16 Dec 1900

Even, Daniel C. V. Mr Stroud chapel.
Chapel (342), Daniel (17), Even (208), Stroud (1409)
Tue 25 Dec 1900

Mr Little preached Wesleyan chapel morning.
Chapel (342), Little (124), morning (1314), preached (1123), Wesleyan (212)
Wed 6 Feb 1901

Chapel heard Mr Gass preach.
Chapel (342), Gass (77), heard (404), preach (203)
Thu 14 Feb 1901

Louie, Victor Edgar Frome Wesleyan Chapel concert .
Chapel (342), concert (49), Edgar (357), Frome (614), Louie (713), Victor (1058), Wesleyan (212)
Wed 17 Apr 1901

Mr Workman tea asked Chapel Stewardship declined.
Asked (386), Chapel (342), declined (16), Stewardship (1), tea (270), workman (70)
Sun 23 Jun 1901

We chapel evening, Text John, He shall The Baptist.
Baptist (69), Chapel (342), evening (828), John (2874), shall (123), text (953), The (347)
Thu 27 Jun 1901

Albert miss Coombs Louie heard Mr J. S Simon preach Wesleyan Chapel.
Albert (378), Chapel (342), Coombs (210), heard (404), Louie (713), Miss (918), preach (203), Simon (11), Wesleyan (212)
Wed 17 Jul 1901

Afterward River gardens, West End Saw Mr Stroud Chapel Mrs John Jones, Miss Lockyer Mr F. E. Stroud, Mr G. Amor (sub committee) decided organ behind Rostrum.
afterward (211), Amor (227), behind (7), Chapel (342), Committee (364), decided (122), End (13), gardens (16), John (2874), Jones (1185), Lockyer (140), Miss (918), Mrs (1554), Organ (12), River (13), Rostrum (1), Saw (1040), Stroud (1409), Stroud (1409), sub (24), West (94)
Tue 23 Jul 1901

Mr John Jones paid Bills coal mangel seed gave Cheque ? - - Mr W. Lockyer subscription toward Organ (Wesleyan Chapel).
bills (99), Chapel (342), cheque (1456), coal (189), Gave (523), John (2874), Jones (1185), Lockyer (140), mangel (528), Organ (12), paid (1944), seed (208), Subscription (80), toward (129), Wesleyan (212)
Thu 22 Aug 1901

We London p. m. The Organ opening reopening services Wesleyan Chapel held today.
Chapel (342), held (146), London (308), opening (20), Organ (12), reopening (11), services (43), The (347), today (1127), Wesleyan (212)
Fri 23 Aug 1901

Mrs Amor Senr going seat Chapel liked .
Amor (227), Chapel (342), going (163), liked (20), Mrs (1554), seat (21), Senr (37)
Mon 16 Sep 1901

Harvest Thanksgiving Service Wesleyan Chapel.
Chapel (342), Harvest (70), Service (131), Thanksgiving (34), Wesleyan (212)
Wed 23 Oct 1901

Bruham Baptist Chapel Mr Mrs Beaupre lecture early history Temperance movement.
Baptist (69), Beaupre (2), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), early (60), history (3), lecture (136), movement (9), Mrs (1554), Temperance (131)
Wed 25 Dec 1901

(Christmas Day) Mr Little preached Wesleyan Chapel.
Chapel (342), Christmas (48), Day (95), Little (124), preached (1123), Wesleyan (212)
Mon 6 Jan 1902

sent cheque ? - - Walter Lockyer, promise toward W. Chapel Renovation Fund.
Chapel (342), cheque (1456), fund (80), Lockyer (140), promise (15), Renovation (3), sent (4043), toward (129), Walter (172)
Mon 24 Feb 1902

heard Mr F. Hulme preach Lecture Venture adventure early methods Wesleyan Chapel.
adventure (1), Chapel (342), early (60), heard (404), Hulme (3), lecture (136), methods (1), preach (203), Venture (1), Wesleyan (212)
Thu 29 May 1902

Louie Willie Bruham Wesleyan Chapel.
Bruham (767), Chapel (342), Louie (713), Wesleyan (212), Willie (383)
Wed 2 Jul 1902

To Chapel.
Chapel (342)
Wed 23 Jul 1902

Came Chapel meeting re coronation Aug th.
Aug (27), Came (596), Chapel (342), coronation (18), meeting (967)
Thu 14 Aug 1902

Mrs Miss Jones lo Alhampton, Wesleyan Chapel stone laying.
Alhampton (22), Chapel (342), Jones (1185), Laying (20), Miss (918), Mrs (1554), Stone (98), Wesleyan (212)
Wed 8 Oct 1902

Chapel (342)
Wed 15 Oct 1902

D. F. A. Back, Chapel heard Mr Winter preach.
Back (90), Chapel (342), heard (404), preach (203), Winter (172)
Thu 16 Oct 1902

Louie Ditcheat reopening Chapel, Wesleyan.
Chapel (342), Ditcheat (8), Louie (713), reopening (11), Wesleyan (212)
Wed 5 Nov 1902

Wincanton Elected Mr Isaac Post Relieving Officer Milbome Port District Came chapel.
Came (596), Chapel (342), District (45), elected (36), Isaac (65), Milbome (8), officer (6), Port (17), Post (174), Relieving (4), Wincanton (642)
Thu 1 Jan 1903

Louie Willie North Bruham opening service New Organ Wesleyan Chapel.
Bruham (767), Chapel (342), Louie (713), New (159), North (146), opening (20), Organ (12), Service (131), Wesleyan (212), Willie (383)
Wed 11 Mar 1903

Wincanton Mr John Jones, afterward Chapel heard Mr Ermuson preach.
afterward (211), Chapel (342), Ermuson (4), heard (404), John (2874), Jones (1185), preach (203), Wincanton (642)
Sun 24 May 1903

Louie miss Clift Betty Chapel evening.
Betty (16), Chapel (342), Clift (95), evening (828), Louie (713), Miss (918)
Mon 21 Sep 1903

Parish Council meeting Harvest thanksgiving Service Wesleyan Chapel.
Chapel (342), Council (146), Harvest (70), meeting (967), Parish (189), Service (131), Thanksgiving (34), Wesleyan (212)
Fri 25 Sep 1903

J. Rex manure spreading c. Reed Mr Edward White asking o chair Lamyatt Harvest thanksgiving service Wesleyan Chapel.
asking (671), Chair (51), Chapel (342), Edward (90), Harvest (70), Lamyatt (19), manure (256), Reed (3327), Rex (2123), Service (131), spreading (5), Thanksgiving (34), Wesleyan (212), White (580)
Wed 21 Oct 1903

Home missionary meeting Wesleyan Chapel.
Chapel (342), Home (144), meeting (967), missionary (40), Wesleyan (212)
Thu 26 Nov 1903

Wesley Chapel heard President preach, taking subject names Apostles Mathew afterward heard address evening Went train.
address (34), afterward (211), apostles (2), Chapel (342), evening (828), heard (404), heard (404), Mathew (2), names (21), preach (203), President (5), subject (85), taking (35), Train (184), Went (826), Wesley (15)
Fri 25 Dec 1903

Christmas Day Chapel.
Chapel (342), Christmas (48), Day (95)
Thu 17 Mar 1904

E. Clift Bruham Lodge others Remains W. Clift Rudge Baptist Burying ground Mr S. Kong ( Warminster) conducted services Chapel grave.
Baptist (69), Bruham (767), Burying (4), Chapel (342), Clift (95), Clift (95), conducted (7), Grave (21), Ground (382), Kong (1), Lodge (793), others (707), Remains (1), Rudge (8), services (43), Warminster (30)
Wed 18 May 1904

On Chapel.
Chapel (342)
Thu 26 May 1904

In afternoon evening gave lecture Bible: Its conquest , force ftc Wesleyan chapel schoolroom.
afternoon (245), Bible: (1), Chapel (342), conquest (1), evening (828), force (1), ftc (833), Gave (523), Its (1), lecture (136), schoolroom (1), Wesleyan (212)
Sun 19 Jun 1904

Ethel baptist Chapel Bruham evening heard Mr H. Coombs preach memorial sermon Mother.
Baptist (69), Bruham (767), Chapel (342), Coombs (210), Ethel (37), evening (828), heard (404), Memorial (25), Mother (176), preach (203), sermon (15)

Index to all the entries
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