Josiah Jackson's diaries 1882-1904: index and snippets

Tue 17 Sep 1895

Bid (90), cheese (1666), Longman (143)
Auction (63), Called (1514), colt (297), horse (444), John (2874), Junction (118)
Auction (63), Cogley (324), colt (297), horse (444), Junction (118), Spray (30), supply (206), Water (89), wood (415)
A_S (1), east (69), Jones (1185), looked (297), Messrs (1565), Somerset (91), Subscription (80)
Best (77), Bmton (16), bought (1410), cake (715), carriage (187), Chards (7), cheese (1666), Jones (1185), paid (1944), paid (1944), Station (860), Stuart (59), Ton (184)
borrowed (86), Called (1514), fbr (94), horse (444), Stroud (1409), tomorrow (666)
Bennett (682), Called (1514), paid (1944), Poor (191), Rates (137), Thomas (223)
cheese (1666), cwt (322), evening (828), Longman (143), Per (696), Sold (374)
ploughing (510)
Bennett (682), Burial (9), fees (77), Franklyn (12), paid (1944), Thomas (223)

Index to all the entries